Brother’s Keeper: The Quandary of Sam

Note: This critical commentary for episode 28 of “Brother’s Keeper” is written by Funn Lim. Certain dialogue is reproduced with some creative license adopted.
Major major stuff.
I know at the end of episode 28 I am supposed to dislike Sam (which I do) and feel sympathy for Rachel for having such a bad person as a boyfriend and for Soon for having such a terrible brother (which I don’t). I feel episode 28 fails in all aspects; either in garnering pity, getting support, questioning why and all that matters in the eventual spectacular downfall of Sam. I mean from day 1 Sam is a stubborn guy who sticks to his principle. But in episode 28 it is supposed to be the very 1st sign of him going Vader, that is selling Lo Soon Kei’s franchising right in Fushan, China without telling Soon and causing Lo Soon Kei’s reputation to suffer due to substandard products AND pocketing some a whole lot of millions I think for himself to pay for his apartments since economy is bad instead of giving to Soon or selling his own condos. Soon angrily shouted at his brother and they had a shouting match and Sam nearly beat Soon when Soon screamed “You’re such a bastard, you betray me, you betray Rachel and you betray yourself by being a gigolo for money and broke Rachel’s heart”. Mom came into the picture and suffered a heart attack. I mean all these are such dramatic stuff right? Wrong! Because questions start popping up;
1. How can Sam ever sell the franchise since he doesn’t have power of attorney or signatory right or whatever the legal stuff to having the right to sell something not yours to someone else?
2. Soon did mention how the franchise will ruin his business but seriously, the thing about franchise is he can always terminate the contract if the franchise is not up to standards so Soon was such a drama queen. He can later publish a huge ad in papers to deny any ties with that shop in China apart from the things he planned to do.
3. Sam pocketing the millions is akin to fraud so how come no one threaten to contact the police?
4. Why is Soon bundling Rachel into the argument with Sam?
For no. 4, I will tell you why.
This series doesn’t say so but I can surmise that Soon is innately jealous of Sam because Rachel loved Sam and not Soon. Therefore he blamed Sam for hurting Rachel and so bundling Rachel into the argument to me is incredibly spiteful of Soon and to call Sam a gigolo is incredibly irresponsible for Soon. For me Soon is like faking his love and admiration for Sam ever since he knew Sam cheated on Rachel and I find Soon such a douchebag of a brother. But then Sam is also a douchebag of a brother for cheating Soon because I do believe if Sam were to tell Soon about his financial problems, Soon would have sold a shop to help him. And then Rachel is also a douchebag; she heard the brothers’ arguing and immediately she thought the worst of Sam and giving him a lecture about changing into this hopeless beyond redemption bad guy and left him, again. Get what I mean? Everyone is being so judgmental of poor Sam, although Sam was wrong, you will feel for Sam. Yes Sam is bad. Yes he did wrong. Yes he didn’t and refused to acknowledge he did Soon wrong as he proclaimed Soon should help him now since he helped Soon often in the past, 2 different things mind you. So yes, we are supposed to have like “Sam you douchebag!!” reaction. And frankly I do have that reaction. BUT I was very disgusted with Soon when he brought up Rachel when arguing with Sam. As if he knew all the facts, as if he is the guardian protector of fragile poor little pretty Rachel. What right has he to say what he said to Sam? So Sam was justified in being angry with Soon. What right does Rachel have to jump to conclusions and proclaim Sam as hopeless? What did he do to have her have the preformed misconception that he is hopeless? Yes he cheated on her, ONCE and that is because he wanted to have money to buy her a shop. Rachel’s mom proclaimed to Sam to leave her daughter alone, since Rachel suffers when Sam is near her. I beg to differ madam! It is Rachel who causes Sam’s downfall, even if she doesn’t realise it. Rachel IS an expensive girlfriend to maintain, and Rachel does not understand Sam’s pressure in trying to get on her family’s good side, she doesn’t even bother to see it from Sam’s point of view. Which is why outside the hospital Sam pleaded with Rachel “Please don’t see me from Soon’s point of view”. Well, Rachel is too judgmental to see beyond her own rainbows, unicorns, apple pie and whatever beautiful things she wants to see.
What I am trying to say is basically, everyone is a douchebag. Rachel is one for being too quick to judge and frankly this woman doesn’t know how to love. Soon is a douchebag because even if he is right to be so drama queen about his shop (I mean he is right, of course but he can cut the drama please), he was such a mean spirited brother when it comes to Rachel. He innately hates Sam, that’s how I see him, therefore making him a pretentious little git. Sam is a douchebag for what he did to Soon. I don’t see his actions against Rachel as douchebag-ish since he already did enough to atone for his sins so to speak but his “it is my god given right” actions against Soon to me makes him a douchebag.
And yet I can find it in my heart to forgive Sam for one simple reason; this episode did not do enough to make me hate him. In fact I blame Soon and I blame Rachel and I feel Sam is in a desperate situation but not a villainous situation. At the hospital we see Sam crying by his mother’s side. Sam is not a bad person, he is not even a mean or evil person, he is just pushed into a corner, in desperation he did what he did. If the writer wanted to make us dislike him, then he failed miserably. Sam is still not that terrible a person. Instead any dislike is towards Soon and Rachel and to me that is not the writer’s intention, which kinda backfired in my humble opinion. Because if you can’t hate the supposed villain, then everyone else who sees him as a villain is being too quick to judge and therefore unreasonable and unforgiving.
To me, these 3 jokers are all equally accountable. I don’t like any of these 3 except I feel at least Sam isn’t too quick to judge and isn’t pretentious which is why I feel for him.
The writer should just kill off these 3 and concentrate on a pair that I like immensely; Ying and Lung Fei. How Fei stood up for Ying in front of his parents, how Ying wanted to sacrifice her career for Fei, all very very touching and to me is one of those rare moments in this series where I don’t go face palming myself at the idiocy and hypocrisy I see in this episode. But however good these 2 did for this episode, the damage by those 3 is complete.
There was a way to salvage all that; if only the writer isn’t too obsessed to jump to the meaty stuff, instead of just build up on the tension. Episode 27 we see Rachel and Sam tearfully reconciled but in episode 28 we discovered Rachel hasn’t reconciled with Sam. What is the problem with Rachel and her “reconcile? not reconcile? I don’t trust him? I love him?” confusion? I tell you what is the problem. It frustrates the hell out of me. I am tired of her will she or won’t she reconcile with Sam. Either she does or she doesn’t. This episode takes away the tenderness of episode 27, it doesn’t show the effort done by Sam for Rachel, it doesn’t show Rachel being grateful, it just jumped to perhaps weeks or months later where both recovered. It is so frustrating to watch a series where development of the characters is 2nd place to dramatic bursts of … drama. So that is why I do not buy the fact that Sam has changed and everyone is now wary of him, disappointed in him. The development is terrible and the pacing is terrible and the emphasis is terrible. A potentially good storyline about 2 brothers is wasted on love relationships, on the indecision of Rachel and the fact that the brothers’ are mostly apart than together. The only saving grace is Ying and Lung Fei who both demonstrated the steadfastness and loyalty and sincerity of friends, lovers and family. I can’t stand Rachel. I can’t stand everyone feeling for Rachel, even the bastard father of Soon. I can’t stand everyone standing by Rachel when everyone abandons poor Sam (except his mom). Was his cheating on Rachel that terrible? Perhaps it is Rachel herself who can’t see reality, who can’t stand reality and therefore fails to appreciate reality. Did what he do to Soon terrible? Yes but Soon had no right to accuse Sam of other things so unfairly. Again Soon was too quick to blame Sam for everything. That’s the trouble of this episode and this series. I feel nothing for the main 3 characters now, I feel something for one character but that is a misguided affection because clearly the writer doesn’t intend it that way. And I feel the supporting characters are more worthy of my affection than those 3 main ones.
How terribly misguided this series is. Episode 30 will probably explain why Sam is driven to a life of crime, or maybe not. What I am sure is this series had potential but the direction is terrible. It is one of the better series this year but compared to better ones, this series has a long way to do. I pity the actors though; they were good but the characters they were saddled with were not.
Which brings me to Rachel’s famous quote that is how I feel at the end of episode 28:
“You make me wanna puke!”
By the way, what will it take to have one bloody wedding in this series? Decades have passed, a baby is coming and no wedding in sight.
Again, to quote Rachel
“You make me wanna puke!”
So frustrated!!
This commentary is written by Funn Lim, a Contributing Writer at, and was originally posted at
Haha @ “You make me wanna puke.”
I have a feeling it will be an open ending for Shun and Rachel because of what will happen to Sam.
Anyway, I gave up on BK. Waiting for THC2 now.
Don’t give up yet! Wait for sam’s great redemption. Frankly I don’t think there is ever gonna be anything between soon and Rachel. Nor do I think Rachel will lift a finger to help Sam, she will however roll her eyes and point at Sam and lecture him and of course he favourite sentence of all minus the projectile vomit.
Funn, are you a full time writer or editor? I notice you have the great ability to spend time to write lengthy analytical comments sometimes with good jargons.
i hate this show
Haha…I haven’t watched ep 28 yet but in the preview from ep 27 was already weird.
I mean all along SAM is actually NOT a bad guy, but he does seem a bit greedy and ambitious for money but basically still a savagable character IMO. So his sudden change of even more selfishness is so out of character. That’s why i totally like any of the characters except for Ying, she has always been tough and admirable and she never changed. Edwin, I also didn’t u/s how all of a sudden he became rich and getting to open one store after another. I mean, is it that profitable right after those loan shacks attacking him n then in a little twist and turn he made tons of millions, perhaps i missed some clips here and there but I found that plots on that flaw too. Totally had great potential in the beginning w/Sam’s cop action moves but then it became more n more boring. And now basically alot of stuff does NOT seem to make sense.
I think in the old days…legal issues were not as strict as now. Plus, Sam invested in Soon’s business…so director expects us to assume we know that Sam’s name is in the legal document. That is why Soon always tells his brother. You are part of the business. I do agree about Soon always bringing Rachel in the picture. Soon does have a crush on Rachel so the director wants us to or assumes we know that Soon’s action is due to his crush for Rachel. Nowadays, director does not write too much detail info otherwise it will make the drama slow and dull. SO, they jump the gun making viewers assume or guess. If the viewers are confused, they will complain and scrutinize the small issues and magnify it. For me, I just care about the acting and storyline. So far, this drama’s acting skills is pretty good. The storyline is a little slow but so far so good. Sam draws my attention. Although, I don’t like this actor in real life. But, he portrays Sam in an excellent skilled manner.
It doesn’t make sense. It has to make sense if not the story has no credibility. Businesses since time immemorial is done in certain ways, signing of contracts etc more so in early 2000 which really wasn’t like long long ago. Just for drama sake.
Contracts between family members are very basic/simple (unlike for corporations where law firms are involved).
Also, Sam provided the financial support in order for Shun to even start the business. So, Sam is very much a partner.
“Also, Sam provided the financial support in order for Shun to even start the business. So, Sam is very much a partner.”
Pumping in money does not make him equal partner with sole rights to sell off a franchise. Even if he is partner, something as decisive as that will require the consent of at least the main or 2 partners, an agreement and consensus of the main shop/company.It doesn’t happen that way unless it is all our clear fraud case.
I don’t agree with all of Sam’s methods but Sam is the type of character who is very headstrong/stubborn and decisive (even at a young age). When Sam decides that he wants to do something, he’s going to find a way to do it, especially when desperate. Sam “did” suggest/discuss franchising with Shun but went ahead anyways (without Shun’s knowledge) when Shun disagreed. Even if Sam did something wrong, Shun is not the type of character who will press charges against Sam (due to brotherhood). And, Shun did suggest to Sam to sell the properties but Sam wants to be the “big” brother that the little brother listens to (not the other way around). I just picture young Sam and the story makes sense that way.
Mw good observation and I agree. I wished more is shown of the two bros together that does not concern Rachel
Well if TVB dramas make you wanna puke, may i humbly suggest that you turn off your TV or watch only Oscar-nominated or Oscar award winning movies or documentaries. Your time will be better spent watching those than reaching for a barf bag after a particularly “bad” episode of BK and writing this long piece of literature just to tell us that this episode makes you “wanna puke”. You know what, I “wanna puke” every time i see a super critical long article written by you, bashing everything in sight for what it’s worth. I think maybe you should apply to TVB for an executive post to oversee all the scripts so that in future you can spare yourself the ordeal of having to reach for the barf bag every so often.
Pssst you can choose not to read anything I write. I am not forcing you. I don’t live for your liking me and I don’t need to like you too. So if what I write is not agreeable with you take your own advice, skip this one.
Ever heard of the saying “画公仔画出肠"?When you’re watching dramas you often need to assume the little details cos it’s just impossible to cover them all without boring the viewers to tears. Be less harsh and stop adopting this “I’m smarter than thou” cynical attitude and you’ll be a more likeable person.
“You make me wanna pssst!”
what’s that supposed to mean?
I found Sam very pitiful. His love for Rachel made him betrayed himself. He was fine until Rachel come along. I dont think Rachel deserve Sam. She doesnt understand him. As soon, I found him very despicable, 10 years ying pok sam pok meng, at the end just one word sorry and offer Ying the share of his company.
I agree on the curse of Rachel.
Is it just me, or does anyone else feel like the story is a bit confusing. It seems like everything just happened all of a sudden.
I don’t understand why did Ah Sheun date Ah Ying if he has never liked her? When they first start dating it appears that Ah Shen does care for Ah Ying a lot. But after Rachel broke up with Sam all of a sudden Ah Sheun started to drift away from Ah ying.
Because the series is about to end so it is jam packed. Kinda like an avalanche.
I suppose at first we thought he liked Ying but later ying revealed he never touched her. I think he likes her but doesn’t love her or desire her. He always sees Rachel as his goddess, the perfect woman.
They should have paced it better, at the beginning it was kinda slow… or they could have 35 episodes instead of 32 episodes.
although i feel pity for yin,its her own decision to break with soon. and i think if ying have had more trust in soon and gave him more space then the outcome could be different.
and for sam,his fate is to tragic for words.
I don’t think Wai Sheun had ever loved Ying right from the beginning. He fell in love with Rachel at first sight (when he first started selling peanut candies). It is rather funny that he fell in love with Rachel before he really knew her.
Therefore, I think Ying did the right thing to break up with Wai Sheun. She should have done it long time ago, not after 10 whole years.
Great break up scene too. How sad it is to have dedicated a decade of your life to a guy who never loved you. He appreciated you, am grateful to you but never loved you. Never touched you. Just little kisses like friends, partners, siblings. I feel for her. Which is why I look at Soon and I feel annoyed. What a douchebag.
i think in the beginning soon had wanted to give this relationship a chance to develope,but unfortunately for ying,soon have never got that feeling for ying that he have for rachel.
To add to the confusion wait for ep 30! Suddenly all characters that disappeared for a decade came back in full force.
In case you didn’t notice, the title of this drama is “Brother’s Keeper” and not “Police Crime Drama”. Why on earth would the police characters appear when the middle episodes don’t require them to? If they did, the drama will probably stretch to 2x its length. Anyway, duhling, it’s not a decade, it’s 8 years if you must know. Besides, haven’t you heard of the saying “The long arm of the Law”? Even in real life, crimes which go unsolved for years do get cracked much later on, so what more in TV land? Don’t expect film to be like real life. If that were the case, might as well not go to the movies or watch dramas cos in real life do we get Spiderman, Superman, Mission Impossible, James Bond, Star Wars etc? You need to suspend your disbelief for the duration of the film if you want to enjoy it; otherwise save your $ and time for something more worthy.
I think the first episode was very good and action-packed, but I also don’t think that should have been the first episode. To me, it already sets up Ruco as the bad guy who kidnaps his ex and his brother and that’s why I just can never like Sam. When episode 28 happened, I disliked Sam already, I was mad at Edwin’s character for how he treated Ying, and I didn’t know anything outside of Rachel’s relationship with Sam to really care about her.
I don’t think Soon was jealous of Sam. I think he always saw his older brother as this saint who can do no wrong. When he cheated on Rachel, it was less about her and more how much Sam disappointed him and how his world was crushed because Sam was not the brother he thought he was. Soon got more mad at Sam in eps 28 because Sam was wrong, but he also totally ruined Soon’s image of him even more.
I thought I would enjoy the Ruco and Linda scenes more since I generally like them more as actors, but I actually enjoy the Macau part a lot more, especially because of Kristal’s character. I kinda wish they cut out all the HK parts and this was just a 20 episode series of them in Macau.
I agree with all your Points. They are reasonably illustrated, especially the one on Sam’s authority to sell the licensing right of Law Sheun Kee. I had the same question when I watched Ep. # 28.
Even if Sam is one of the partners, legally would it be a requirement to have the agreements of all 3 partners (Wai Sheun, Ying, and Sam) to sell the licensing rights of Law Sheun Kee?
I think Sam’s father is to blame for Sam’s downfall.
Rachel is Sam’s downfall
I agree with this report. I don’t hate fact…i feel so sorry for him…I don’t think Sam is so bad in the drama..yea..he might make some mistake…but it is not unforgiven
I stop watch at eps 14, dont know why i stop lol
Just stop watching the drama and stop complaining. Holly! What a long review and a waste of time to read it. If every character disgust u and u want to vomit watching it then stop. I love every character in this drama and no they are not a douchebag.
But, you still read.
I really honestly don’t get why some of you guys have problem with Funn’s article. It’s a well thought out article with valid points that generates discussion.
A discussion forum will be a dull place without one or two comments like this.
This is not complaining. This is critical review.
If you love every character and love the drama very very much and disagree with Funn, just write back to her in the comment area stating why you like the series and why you don’t think the characters are douchebag.
It more productive this way than complaining about funn complaining.
then you should not be reading.
Funn Lim, are you a full time writer or editor? I notice you have the great ability to spend time to write lengthy analytical comments sometimes with good jargons.
Hahahehe Funn Lim never give up. Spend hours watching TVB dramas, writing down all the bits and pieces then religiously trash them in a long drawn out review. Frankly I feel sorry for you, wanna puke every 15 mins in an hour show must be …. want me to mail you more puke bags to soften your pain??
How can you hate a TV drama which you choose not to watch? And how can you hate it which you make yourself watch it? Either you have nothing better to do or you luv torturing yourself for 1 hour. Very confusing!
@Mockinggenius @Pssst
Funn is a long-time TVB lover and her criticism of the developing plot of “Brother’s Keeper” echoes other viewers’ complaints that the scriptwriting had many loopholes, which is characteristic of recent TVB dramas. Her opinions, however strongly worded, are not baseless. It is a matter of whether readers agree with this perspective and thus doesn’t warrant such strong reactions.
Btw, Funn also posted episodic thoughts on earlier episodes of “Brother’s Keeper” on her blog (which were not published on JayneStars), in which she enjoyed the earlier episodes and acting performances. She obviously cares about the drama and the stars to devote time and share her opinions with the rest of us. Otherwise it would simply be a no watch. While the series held promise in early episodes and losing steam in the recent ones, it’s not too far from the finale. Her commentary is also only for episode 29 and does not represent her collective comments for the entire series.
She has spent much of her time writing down her notes and contributing on our site. It’s rather offensive and rude that her efforts are misunderstood or when others make judgments about her personality.
Jayne, I understand where you’re coming from. TVB scripts have plenty of loopholes not only in BK but my point is that we have to be more forgiving if we want to enjoy the dramas; like i say, suspend our disbeliefs and cynicism for 45 mins, give our minds a break and just enjoy the story and acting. Giving thoughts and comments is one thing but being endlessly cynical is another. Anyway, thanks for letting us air our views.
” Giving thoughts and comments is one thing but being endlessly cynical is another. “
But, you are also being endlessly critical and cynical about Funn’s article. How many comments (including those deleted by Jayne) have you written under this article alone shooting back at funn? Why you couldn’t extending your forgivingness toward TVB’s script’s loopholes to Funn’s criticism of the series?
This is Funn’s way of watching series. She likes to watch in details and give thoughts in details, be it criticism or praise. Nothings wrong with it.
Kidd, since when was i endlessly cynical and critical? I don’t go around criticising or shooting down every other post here or elsewhere. I’m merely saying that watching dramas requires one to sometimes leave your rationale at the door. Dramas are not real life so dont expect all the characters to act in a perfectly rational manner or judge them according to your standards. Just becos they don’t react to situations the way you would does not make the drama unwatchable or unrealistic nor does it warrant a long and i mean reallllllly loooong article essentially emphasing the same point. Just as people come in all shapes and sizes, so too do their characters and personalities. say it self “thanks for letting us air our views” may funn also air her critical views? its your choice to agree or disagree her views.
i am the same as you,thats watching a drama without too much looking at the details,just having fun 45 min.therefor i enjoy funn’s review in detail,just different kind of perspective.
kolo, it’s ok if you still don’t understand what i’m trying to drive at. Anyway, i’d like to say that i agree with one of the posters, Ribb, who said ” Regardless of your comment, drama doesn’t have to be very realistic. It’s for our enjoyment”. With that in mind, hopefully everyone will enjoy this drama or whatever dramas more. Watching dramas is a form of relaxation; it should not stress anyone up from having to puzzle over or gripe about litle details or inaccuracies or cause anyone so much angst and grief over how the characters ought to react or not to react in a given situation, over-reaction or not. Take everything with a pinch of salt (though sometimes a large dose is necessary), don’t expect 100% accuracy or realism and i guarantee you will find watching TV dramas more enjoyable. After all they don’t call television the idiot box for nothing. So just chill and enjoy while you’re at it.
“Kidd, since when was i endlessly cynical and critical? I don’t go around criticising or shooting down every other post here”
Yes, you did here, on Funn’s article and Funn’s comments.
“kolo, it’s ok if you still don’t understand what i’m trying to drive at.”
Kolo understand what you are trying to say. You are the one who don’t understand what we are trying to say. You thank Jayne “for letting us air our views”, but, you are not ok with Funn airing her views. That’s what Kolo was trying to point out.
Just because Funn doesn’t watch series the way you do, and criticise the series you enjoy, you are all frustrated about it. You cannot be chill about Funn not ‘chilling and enjoying’ the series while she’s at it.
Everyone has something they cannot be chilled about. Funn can’t chill and enjoy a sloppy series, while you can chill and enjoy Funn’s critical article.
Kidd, stop behaving like a minion to Funn. I thought you were speaking for yourself, instead you’re behaving like a sycophant who’s always jumping to her defense; for that i totally despise you. I suggest you take her advice not to read anything i write if it upsets you so much. You’re taking sides and not letting me air my views just as you’ve accused me of not letting Funn air her views. Aren’t you just as guilty of doing something which you’ve just accused me of doing? Read through all the comments here and tell who’s the hypercritical one. The answer will surprise you.
another irony, Kidd behaving like her name, hahaha.
@ pssat
” You’re taking sides
Yes, I am. I’m taking Funn’s side, because when I first read your comments, I thought to myself ‘does this pssst has something personal against funn?’ That’s how your tone appear to me. That’s why I come up to defend Funn. Funn was just writing out her thoughts. There’s no need for personal attack (Don’t tell me your “I wanna puke every time i see a super critical long article written by you” is not meant to ‘give funn a dose of her own medicine’).
and not letting me air my views
No I didn’t.
just as you’ve accused me of not letting Funn air her views. Aren’t you just as guilty of doing something which you’ve just accused me of doing? “
Nope, not guilty. I didn’t forbid you to air your views. I’m just trying to point out to you that yourself cannot be chilled about something, but, you expect funn to be. And since I didn’t use the word hypocritical, but, you are able to come up with it. That shows you do realised that you are being hypocritical, but, refuse admit it. So, you choose to call me names (sycophant) and despise me. That’s certainly an easier thing to do than admitting to yourself the truth.
Lastly, Funn might be opinionated, but, she never shut people up for having opinions different from hers regarding a series. I’ve never seen her call anyone to turn off his tv.
“Kid = Funn”
You really think so? My writing style and Funn’s writing style is so different. You really couldn’t differentiate?
I’m honoured that you think I’m as eloquent as Funn in writing.
Kidd, to be honest, though i tried to understand what you’re trying to crap about,i gave up half way cos you just don’t sound coherent. Btw, i don’t see the word “hypocritical” in any of my comments. So by your reasoning, since you thought it out, maybe you’re the one? Stop behaving like a kid. You’re working yourself up into knots up for nothing that concerns you.
” Btw, i don’t see the word “hypocritical” in any of my comments. “
Let me help you.
“Read through all the comments here and tell who’s the hypercritical one.”
Your own words. I just copy and paste.
Kidd, my dear, i think you need to take reading lessons, i said “hypercritical” not “hypocritical”, lmao!!
Whoa..just read the synopsis for Ep 30. Seriously hate Rachel and Soon. The reason Sam got entangled with this whole thing murder case because of Soon. Because of him, Sam contacted the triad to help out him in macau. Both of them contribute to his downfall. Not looking forward Sam with Rachel at the end. This drama make me dislike Linda for some reason. O well, I think I’m too into this drama…
No no, he didn’t get entangled because of Soon. It was his own undoing years and years before. Sam contacted a guy named Frog to help him escape as police wants to arrest him (Crazy Kim wants him dead or arrested, preferably dead) and the blond gangster gave like HKD1 million price tag on Sam’s head. Soon tried to help but Sam thought Soon betrayed him which isn’t the case. And all that in one episode, including the sudden appearance of a clear taping of Sam taking the bracelet from the pipes.
Yes!! Someone who sees the annoyingness of Shun. I hate him for his overdramatic-ness and unnecessary stubbornness. Like you’re gonna go buy a gun and shoot the bad guys down, risking your life and your store, WHY NOT JUST PAY THE MONEY?!?!?! And you’re yelling at Sam for being a bad boyfriend to Rachel. I’ll say you’re even worst for being with Ying for ten years when all along your heart was elsewhere. Yes, Shun makes me wanna puke!!
Ha! Ha! Let us all have that projectile puking ala Exorcist!
After ep 29 I PUKE Lung Fei BIG TIME
Really pity Ah Ying, is it true Iron Lady always fail in relationship ?
Understandable for Lung Fei to be upset. But I really really really wanna puke Kim Sir. That guy has issues.
” Iron Lady”
Margaret Thatcher married the same man and remained with him till his death.
“After ep 29 I PUKE Lung Fei BIG TIME.”
Me too. He treats Ying like a baby-making machine.
“I really really really wanna puke Kim Sir.”
Sam’s father is to blame for letting Kim Sir develop hatred toward Sam to begin with. To Kim Sir, I guess “what comes around goes around” (meaning hate for hate), which can also apply for Shun (meaning love for love).
Whoa! Ep29 had some really good acting, especially among the three (3) brothers.
It just doesn’t make sense at all. Poor storyline! Lung Fei has waited for Ah Ying for over 10 years. Now she has agreed to marry him and he chooses to break up with her because of her miscarriage. Ah Ying is still young. She can conceive many more babies in future. Stupid developments!!!
Because TVB hates weddings.
LOL – all these “puking” are so funny. But i understand why, this show can makes my blood boil !
I dont like Sam – yet i feel totally sorry for him. I hate his stepbrother, not Shun but the other guy. I hope he met with some nasty downfall.
I like Edwin, but i totally dislike Shun. He has no rights whatsoever to comment about Rachel.
And i totally dislike Linda and Rachel. I have no word to describe a person like her – only that she can stay with you during good times but not the bad times, but yet always being the over righteous person.
Seriously if you are as independent as you claim to be, dont accept any gift from your bf.
How u guys blame soon and Rachel for his downfall??? He made his bad choices himself! No one forced him to cheat on Rachel, no one forced him get info from gangster to help his promotions, and no one forced him to buy so many apartments and lose money on it! No one forced him to betray his brother. What drama u guys watching???? Same one? Yes Sam is not a evil guy but what happen to him he caused all because of his selfishness and too greedy. Don’t blame Soon and Rachel.
Yes he made bad decisions but the way the story goes, it is as if he didn’t get the support system he requires from Rachel and Soon. Soon will help but not before a lecture. Rachel doesn’t help, at all. She just gives up. You don’t give up on people you love, when they’re not that hopeless. I suppose the blame is on the fact that the series does not want to make Sam more of a villain and by making him sympathetic you tend to take his side and so everyone else is those you want to projectile puke at.
That is a typical ending of TVB drama series with too many things happened in the last 2 or 3 episodes, which would make the storyline unreasonable.
I still have no idea why Rachel is to blame. Anyways u think what u want. U have to know that Sam lied to Rachel all the time to cover up his bad mistakes. Rachel have no clue what Sam have done or if he is in financial problem all the years they broke up. She’s just disappointed in him but don’t mean she give up on him! Rachel loves Sam all the way to 2013! It’s only 2004 this episode for god sakes. Watch the whole drama before u think what kind of person Rachel is.
“She’s just disappointed in him but don’t mean she give up on him!”
Yes let’s wait for last episode where Rachel with Soon runs after Sam and crying “Sammmm! Don’t run!! Let me help youuuuuu!!!”
I am thinking it won’t happen. Rachel is also to be blamed because there are time when someone who did nothing also contributed to something.
Maybe I am just annoyed everyone flocked to Rachel to help on the beach when the one drowning is Sam and no one bothers.
Can u just leave my goddess alone :p Go pick on someone else
I’ll save Rachel first any day!
Lucky Rachel. In case you can’t find her, follow the rose petals. And find the glow of a halo. But beware. She may lecture you for trying to save her.
I would say that none of the 3 are perfect or blameless. It all depends on your point of view. But on the surface, Sam’s wrongs are more obvious compared to the other 2.
I totally 100% agree!!!
The more I watch this series, the more I hate Rachel!!
I don’t understand why Sam want to stuck with her!! Michelle is so gorgeous and rich, Sam should be with her instead!!
The only character that I really like is Yiu Man Ying. She is the most generous, sincere, genuine, forgiving and strong person in “Brother’s Keeper”. The other three, Sam, Sheun and Rachel, all have flaws. Even Sam’s mother, Mui Jea, has flaws for being too weak and let her husband do silly things (such as not sending Sheun to school)
And Kristal Tin did a great job in portraying such a lovable person
Neither Sam, Shun nor Rachael are perfect. They all have their own flaws.
Sam’s downfall is entirely due to his character – a risk taker and inability to resist temptation for a quick gain. For him, the end justifies the means. And because that is how he thinks, he has done no wrong.
I feel that Shun should at least have offered to help Sam out with his debts instead of acting as if things will just straightened themselves out. Shun was either stupid and/or selfish in this way.
Rachael is just oblivious to the world. But she got that way because that was how it was in her world – mother and sister and later on Sam piling on this cotton wool to please her and protect her. Everything is about her. Why would she need to look at things from another person’s perspective – it’s never been required of her. Just sigh and mop around and things will somehow appear magically…
But neither of them forced Sam into doing wrong. He made those choices himself – consciously.
Rachel is spoiled with her rich family background in the first place. She never really thinks of other people, not even her Mom and sister sometimes. All she cares is to get her freedom and do things that she likes. When she runs into difficulty, Sam is there to help her. She does not know how to care about others and see things in other people’s perspective. She is just a spoiled and immature child.
Three words. Bad. Script. Writing. I’m just looking forward to a fresh new drama that’ll take away this bad taste.
Its one of the better dramas in tvb. I don’t find Ruco to be the villain at all, but a very very very symphathetic character. Ah Shun is very dramatic, for that i agree. The franchise thing could be solved so easily… Man Ying bought back the franchise rights in the next episode. So, Ah Shun’s ” YOU SOLD LO SUN KEI, YOU SOLD IT, MY EFFOT!!!!!”its uncalled for…. which indirectly led to his mother’s stroke. I’m not saying its not Sam’s fault, but Ah Shun played a part in it as well. As for Rachel… if she had helped him, persuaded him to change for the better, and not drop the cactus and ran away, saying that she would not accept such a person, perhaps Sam would change. But its tvb, all these drama is necessary in the tvb world.
“The franchise thing could be solved so easily… Man Ying bought back the franchise rights in the next episode.”
This shows who is the brain in the company.
They should have a cross over episode with Will Power where the Fushan company sues Macau company for terminating the contract, etc etc. Or cross over with The Other Truth and voila, twin brother syndrome!!
@ Kidd – You’re right hahaha, i wonder if Ying still loves Shun in present time 2013, saw previews that she has scenes with long fei
@Funn – Twin brother syndrome, typical tvb world
“So, Ah Shun’s ” YOU SOLD LO SUN KEI, YOU SOLD IT, MY EFFOT!!!!!”its uncalled for…”
Actually that was justified. What Sam committed is really fraud even with the best intentions. He never returned the money, remember? What I don’t like is when he was screaming all that, he bundled in Rachel and called his bro a gigolo. And THAT is uncalled for. Even if he redeemed himself in episode 29, I still dislike Soon. This series has a lot of moments where each character says very wrong and mean things to the other party which I feel there is no way to turn back to the way it was but of course the writers see those moments as drama. I mean all those things said to Sam like (Rachel) You are hopeless!! Beyond redemption!! (Soon) You’re like a gigolo!! You sold yourself for a price!!! (Lung Fei) You didn’t care, you cared more for the shop than our baby!!!
In real life is there a way to reconcile later after such hurtful words were uttered?
Which is why I like the less dramatic moments in ep 29 when Sam told Soon not to worry about him, he has always taken care of himself when he was younger, that he feels more assured with Soon taking care of their mom and Soon looks at him with I suppose a furrowed understanding. Really like that scene. And Sam is that way. He takes care of himself and he and a rough childhood. Soon had a difficult childhood too but at least he had his mom to cushion his fall so to speak.
I feel for Sam. Which is why this series is wrong. Because to make you feel so much for one character, it will mean you will dislike all the others who are against him. I don’t think that was the intention of the writer or the director.
True, that was a personal insult to Sam, and which clearly was none of Shun’s business..
And its not like Shun is a good boyfriend himself, he let Ah Ying to sit in the cell for hours…
I wonder if the writer wrote this in intention of Ruco to be truly a villain , or a part-villanous hero for us to feel sorry for.
well said
I find this drama to be depressingly good. To me, every character has its flaws. Funn, I’m waiting for your general review on this.
I LOVE this series. I think it’s the most outstanding story in 2013. Sam is such a good actor. Regardless of your comment, drama doesn’t have to be very realistic. It’s for our enjoyment. I like the bonds the brothers have for each other.
hi, missed some key episodes, did Sam really helped the gangster? [spoiler] the video did not show what he picked up,
but some after scene, just show he picked up a bracelet or something, was it relevant? thanks
Yes he did but he did not participate in the murder of Dino. He just removed the bracelet.
thank you, thank you MW
Sam committed “obstruction of justice” when he interfered with the crime/murder investigation by concealing evidence (the bracelet that fell into the sink pipe).
After ep. 30 I wanna BARF BARF BARF at Shun and Rachel!!!
Ha ha. Miriamfanz I gotta agree with you but for the same reasons? Come on, you know who to quote.
“You make me wanna puke!!”
URGH I dislike Shun so much now altho I don’t know why I already dislike him since the middle of the series for some unknown reasons LOL
And altho I like Sam and Rachel pairing in the beginning (when they still seemed so sweet and stuffs), I started to dislike Rachel now and I’m not really sure that would I still want them to be together in the end or not.
Also, I feel like Sam dying in the end would be better than him living if his situation does not improve. :/ As shown in ep 1, he seemed to involved in kidnapping Rachel and his brother, which I think if he didn’t die then he will have to spend his time in the jail again. IF that happen when I will puke my dinner from last year out. ._.
Man, I think I just feel too much for Sam till I just want to kill everyone whose against him ^_^¦¦¦
I have to agree that this is one of the better series from TVB. I agree with @pssst and some others who take the stance that watching is for enjoyment. As for the critical reviews-perhaps some of us were too involved in watching the series, our emotions overwhelmed us as we watch how the characters unfolds from young to old, how they evolved from chasing their ideals in the beginning and eventually how the brothers chase after their dreams to make it big in life and swayed by the society and the economy of that time. The fact that some of us developed hatred for the 3 main leads proves that they are good actors and convincing in their roles. It is not the actors fault if the script requires them to act as bad guy or as being insensitive individual. Krystal’s character stands out easily and everybody liked her is because her role as Ying is meant to be likable throughout the series. However, I have to agree that the scriptwriting could have been miles better and some actors are a better fit to the roles given to them than others. Krystal fits the chan kaiying
Daisy, you should be the reviewer. Much better and intelligent that Funn’s vomit fest above. Well balanced and certainly not peppered with bias and prejudice.
Salute to you!
agree with both of you lol
With all due respect, I find your analysis rather simplistic and shallow. A reader commented above about not revealing every minute detail about who did what and why. I completely agree, and that the appreciation of a storyline involves some of your own imagination. Besides, many scenes have been cut to remain in their 43 minute slot and even with highly acclaimed shows, the cohesiveness of a storyline would be compromised somewhat.
Psychology also plays a part. I don’t get your frustration about the younger brother mentioning Rachel in their fight, and I don’t agree that viewers are being led to think that the younger brother is jealous because of Rachel. If you were unfortunate to have been in a fight within family before, then you will know that when there is resentment and a fight is triggered, some people will dredge up old stories of when you slipped up, and say anything, relevant or not, to prove they are right and you’re wrong. In the brothers’ case, what little time they spent together was mostly brotherly and loving. So adding the part about Rachel merely helps him to score points in the argument. So while that fight was major (and well-acted out I might add), I don’t think the point was about Rachel more than the fact that you would never have thought they’d have such a big fight, if during the first episode what you saw was the younger brother searching for the older one.
“If you were unfortunate to have been in a fight within family before, then you will know that when there is resentment and a fight is triggered, some people will dredge up old stories of when you slipped up, and say anything, relevant or not, to prove they are right and you’re wrong.”
I completely agree with your analysis.
Agree with you! Yet another intelligent reviewer!
What a stoopppid story. Very bad script….very bad lady director……very bad editing…….very bad TV Station……sum of it all . An ok storyline but written in a bad way. TVB has a long way to go. Bring back HKTV….ARF, ARF
Ruco wasn’t as good as a actor as Edwin Siu in this series.
Ruco Chan was very good in the last four episodes of “Brother’s Keeper”, and Edwin Siu was good in the first 1/2 of the storyline.
Can I say Ruco is good throughout and Edwin is still too OTT throughout? His style is rather old style but I do find him much better towards the middle of the series.
I enjoyed every second of this show. I really like Linda Chung from her looks and then I like Rucco Chan because we’re from the same family. But I like Edwin and Krystal. Wait Angkor is beautiful and that cool gangster just looks cool.