Kevin Cheng and Tavia Yeung at Costume Fitting for “Eye in the Sky”

New TVB crime thriller, Eye in the Sky<天眼>, starring Kevin Cheng (鄭嘉穎), Tavia Yeung (楊怡), and Ruco Chan (陳展鵬) starts its filming early May. Yesterday, Kevin and Tavia attended the series’ costume fitting at TVB City. Portraying a police crime investigator, Kevin looked professional and polished with a suit and tie. On the other hand, Tavia was in a ponytail and donned a pair of geeky round black-rimmed glasses to match her role of an introverted woman.
Eye in the Sky features Kevin and Ruco as a pair of brothers, who eventually get caught in a love triangle with Tavia. Since it is a police serial, there will also be many intense action scenes involved. Having hurt his right knee earlier, Kevin will be unable to participate in the action sequences right away. Although he is in the midst of healing, his action scenes have been pushed back to a later date to avoid worsening his injury.
In a comfortable hoodie and a pair of glasses, Tavia laughed that she matches her upcoming character well. She expressed, “I’m a homebody in real life, and I rarely leave the house besides heading to work.” Tavia added she is glad to be working with Kevin once again, since the last time they have collaborated was in A Fistful of Stances <鐵馬尋橋> in 2009.
Recent rumors indicated a rich man has used a seven-digit sum to offer actress Samantha Ko (高海寧) to dinner. Asked to comment on the matter, Tavia laughed and joked, “Why did no one invite me? Maybe I’m not attractive enough. I should ask Samantha to introduce me. If anyone does call me, I’ll ask about the price, what we’re eating, and whether it’s going to be at a food stall in the streets.” However, all jokes aside, Tavia expressed she will not consider making that type of money since she has no need to do so.
Source: Oriental Daily
This article is written by Shirley for
How similar will this drama be to ROE? Again, two brothers fighting over same girl? But again, I’m not complaining since both Ruco and Kevin are in the drama. Can’t wait!
I totally agree! Once I read that– brothers! again! love triangle! again! Ruco! again! LOL
what ROE? what is that?
Ruse Of Engagement = ROE
I was hoping they would add another lead actress(Charmaine, Myolie, or Joey Meng) so both of the guys will end up with two ladies. Love Kevin, Tavia, and Ruco!!!
I would pick Joey Meng
to be second lead.
dont think joey matches kevin or ruco. tavia, kate, myolie, linda, charmaine…
林夏薇 will be in this drama too
Oh fudge!!! Please get LXW outta there.
Tavia looks so cute and young !!!!!!!
I think Ruco did not attend the costume fitting since he is in Malaysia to promote the event “Wellness on the go 2”, really anxious about his role & look. I heard that he will be a villain, don’t mind his role as a villain but please make it a good, challenging & memorable role.
I thought he left? And coming back later?
Please release more details about Ruco’s character…can’t wait
Lol Tavia is wearing Yeun heun (Sharon’s) glasses
Can’t recognise Travia in that picture ! Did she s/t to her nose again
Hey there, You have done a great job. I’ll definitely digg it and personally recommend to fgaekbedkeba
ruco involved in another brother love triangle!
first Brothers Keeper, then Ruse of Engagement, now this? Lets hope Louisee Lee isnt the mother again!
So excited for this series!
Hope details get released soon!
My most anticipated drama bc of the main leads. Kevin-tavia-ruco amazing combo!!
Also loving tavia’s look, such a cute image
鄭嘉穎 警察
楊 怡 私家偵探
Whatever, I certainly am looking forward to watching the series as I the 3 are among my favorite actors. Moreover, it’s some time since I heard Kevin speak in Cantonese in his own voice. Expectations for the series are running high and I hope it won’t be disappointing.
I prefer Tavia’s geeky look. Hopefully make up will match her character and will not be too heavy.
I was actually looking forward to her cooler assasin characteras promoted in the trailer…wasquite disappointed that her characer turns out to be a geeky-like girl. But nevertheless, looking forward to this series!
Not like the sound of two brothers falling for a girl…why cant it be friends after a girl instead. At LEAST, it’d be better imo,because now it just sounds like ROE all over again.
Hmmmm another police brother love triangle drama!!!!!! Are we not sick of the same plot again??? But since all 3 of them are my favorite so I will watch. Obviously Kevin will win Tavia because Ruco will never be the main lead if Kevin is in it.
Why? Ruco still in his mid 30 and Kelvin already 40! I think maybe not this year but few years later!!
I do hope Kevin win tavia
since I don’t like ruco lol. Guess this will be the drama I’m forced to watch and trying to shallow ruco >_>
Ruco can act much better than Kevin- Kevin always get the good, boring guy role whereas Ruco is flexible in portraying a good and evil role. However, Kevin is more popular so Ruco will be undermined and won’t end up with Tavia
Anyway, Tavia’s role has completely changed! I was anticipating her cool evil assassin but now she’s some boring nerd?
The brother plot is overused (I’m going to laugh if Louise is their mother again lol). But it should be fine as long as they deliver good performances!
I agree Kevin isn’t that awesome when it comes to acting. Can’t comment much about ruco since I don’t like his look, he’s too evil looking to be a good guy, and he doesn’t have any appeal to get me started. I’ve seen plenty of him as bad dude in various drama, but none of those are substance enough to interest me. Unlike joe ma lol, or Kenneth lol.
Some actors you find yourself ease into loving them, some feel forced feeding lol. And that’s the case for ruco, Aimee, especially Eliza :/ out of the three, ruco has best chance, however, he look gay and evil lol (I know he’s not, but he’s uncool in my eyes lol)
Anyhoo, I’ll probably give this series a go, but if it’s crap/annoying in any sense, I would drop it w.o a heartbeat lol. I like Kevin, but I don’t love him that much hahaha :p
Agree with you that there are some actors that can make you love them easily while some have to work hard to do so or can’t do it at all. Acting is subjective when bad acting and good acting are separated and then judged by the audience separately, which means I also believe acting is objective. So in this case, even a blind person can say: Ruco > Kevin in terms of acting. Both belong to the ‘bad acting’ category, though.
And since when looking gay = looking uncool? You mean Ruco looks feminine? Many gay actors in western countries do not really look gay, and they definitely are not uncool. You should say that to asian artists, especially those from K-pop and J-pop.
I’m not a fan of Ruco, and definitely not Kevin, but to be fair, you really have too many attacks on him. Well, free speech, right?
rooting for kevin and tavia as well! dont think they’ve ever gotten a happy ending from the few times they were paired up!
hope for tavia will choose ruco,never liked kevin before,lol
I prefer Kevin over Ruco too!!
Ruco’s a much better actor but kevin will get all the press coverage. Cant wait to see Ruco pawn Kevin.
Wow, wow finally Kevin is back.
he cant act,ruco is better actor haha.
They both have different style in acting…but I must say Ruco is more veratile.
I’m greatly looking forward this drama serie because of the excellent main casts and hopefully the script is well-written to match their awesome acting ability especially Ruco and Tavia!!
Kevin looks professional in that outfit. Tavia looks young, cute, and innocent in that image.
lol, Ruco is stuck with a bro who has the same love interest as him. Kinda gross now that it has been used over and over.
Ruco is forever stuck with roles of a brother and policeman.
Tavia is asked question A, she answers with answer B and effectively said nothing. Where is Ruco?
Yes so sick of the repeated roles he is getting! How to win best actor as a cop? It’s like never. Need a unique role. Might have to wait another 2 years!
Isn’t that how most smart responses are made by celebrity? They answered a awkward question with basically mean nothing answer or ask a question instead of answer.
yayy!! so exicted! kevin and tavia! <33
oh gosh another brotherly series from Ruco again?! how boring! as much as i like him.
Why is the storyline so completely different from the sales presentation, that’s what i want to know. And looks like Ruco’s role is going to be minor compared to Kevin’s. Anyway i’ve no doubt Ruco will shine again.
LOLthat’s what I was tihnking…why the hell is the plot line sooo different from the one they promoted at the sales presentation?! I mean, the reason why consumers buy the series story in the first place was because of the plotline that was presented in the trailer….dont understand why they completely flipped it.
Prefer the storyline in the sales pre., both Ruco and Tavia looked great. Disappointed with the new settings. Ruco’s repeating similar roles, boring. Maybe that’s tbb’s tactic to make him dull so as not to outshine KC. Tbb is going downhill due to bias and internal politics. They will regret for ignoring viewers’ comments.
so tired of the “two brothers love one girl” storyline… TVB ‘s overdoing this type of plot and so many others.
Sources says tavia will be playing a naughty/raunchy nerdy private investigator. None of that makes sense lol.!
anticipating how it fares out!
hopefully it will be a good storyline to go with the great leads !
and yes i do agree, brothers falling for the same girl is overused especially being played by ruco who can do it in his sleep
looking forward to kevins comeback! hope his chemistry with rico and tavia is great
Naughty/ raunchy nerdy private investigator?!?! Mindy, you’re right that just makes no sense at all. That outfit in the photo is so not naughty/ raunchy, nerdy yes.
I actually thought she is playing some sexy dangerous assassin? Where I got that impression?!
The sales presentation most probably!
Me too..what happened T___T I waas looking forward to a cool assasin. WHhere did the nerdy investigator character come from ?!?!
And I agree, it does not make sense…nerdy/geeky and naughty/rauchy o_O they dont even go together LOLOL
Perhaps she’s nerdy in the day, and naughty by night being investigator o_O??…So confusing. Which makes me want more information for this series and her character.
I see! Maybe and hopefully she is an assassin undercover!!
Oooo yes assassin undercover!!!!! Let’s cross our fingers! That would be a nice role hahah
Another police series? Is that all TVB is making these days? I wonder when they will ever make another ancient or historical series ever again?
Yes HTS, me too. TVB I’m missing good ancient, historical or wuxia series from TVB. They are remaking Double Fantasies, but based on the photos and reports, somehow I’m not very excited about that.
My dear Puff, we are truly twins with similar minds:). Although I really love and enjoy China productions, I still really miss some good old ancient, historical and wuxia series made by TVB or any other company from HK. I am also not too excited about the remake of Double Fantasies. Plus, knowing how remakes are today, you wonder how it will turn out???
Even with HKTV, they made only modern series. I guess modern series are just easier to make and are way cheaper. Why can’t they put out the money and effort like they did in the past to make some good ancient, historical and wuxia series?? I am sure the HK audience really misses the good old days where ancient series dominated the screen more.
hidden dragon cold mountain will come soon with kenneth ma hope it will be a good one.
For some odd reason, I have a kind of negative feeling towards that series… Strange….
I’m willing to give hidden dragon cold mountain a go because I’m craving tvb ancient wuxia series, too. Tvb need to seriously do wuxia series more! Less cops and modern drama please >_< I love their cop shows, best in the business, but we need more of other stuff lol
Indeed HTS. Great minds.
let me guess.. ruco will be undercover again.. they just need to coin a nice name to ruco.. there you go another laughing gor
wow>>>> awesome keep it up! and i hope
it is going to be a good tv film i hope @_@
Look at the TVB presentation trailer. Tavia looks difference than the plot. Exciting about Kevin & Ruco. Do like Samantha. Don’t like 林夏薇. Her voice is annoing!
No! NOT 林夏薇!! Why? WHY HER?!
WTF! Seriously??? They are copying Person of Interest. Why can’t TVB be more creative for ******** god’s sake? Whatever it is, no one can beat Finch’s awesomeness.
Can’t wait to watch this drama as I love Kevin, Ruco, and my most favourite tavia. Although tavia is not e most beautiful actress in TVB but I enjoy watching her acting.
Sales presentation isn’t the final deal. TVB usually change it up.
Understand, but it seems like tvb flipped this entire story around…so basically changing everything, what was the point of a sales presentation promo of this series then lol
Let’s not jump the gun here, After all TVB needs to expand on the story so they need to give Tavia some background. Probably same role but added more. like a ruse…of engagement!! Same thing BUT I do hope to see her as an assassin. She does look cool in the presentation and my feeling is it is still on track. But can we have more women? I am sick of 2 brothers after the same woman.
And too many who commented on same role for Ruco, just head an interview (2 days back) and one DJ actually did comment viewers have been seeing him in the same role for the past 4 series or so and begging the powers may be to give him some changes and Ruco acknowledged that fact. What a coincidence!
Is Ruco like the new Donnie Yen of TVB now? Except less botox and more expressive and hopefully won’t be frozen in future?
Tavia’s picture with the glasses accentuates her “oversized” nose. Definitely not good. As for the script, I can guess at a strong 1st episode but downhill after that as the series will drag on like previous shows unless they have better scriptwriters.
hi there
1. tavia looks great and can easily delivers the role she portraits.
2. with them in the same saga, should worth watching.
3. yes, ruco is very versatile while kevin has the character playing righteous.
Looking forward to Ruco new drama
love Ruco and Tavia.. they are great actors. Kevin is good looking but acting is just ok.