Michael Bay Attacked on the Set of “Transformers 4” in Hong Kong

While filming by the Quarry Bay in Hong Kong today, Hollywood director Michael Bay was attacked by a pair of brothers who demanded the Transformers: Age of Extinction director to pay up $100,000 HKD. The elder brother, aged 28, assaulted the director when Bay refused to pay up the fee.
Due to the large scope of Transformer 4 filming, Bay and his crew paid a public inconvenience fee to store vendors and businesses for temporary occupation of the streets. Two brothers, which sources say worked at a nearby hardware store, was unhappy with the price and demanded Bay to pay up $100,000 HKD, four times the original offer. When Bay refused, the elder brother attacked Bay with an air conditioner unit. The brothers then attacked fifteen police officers who tried to intervene. They were finally arrested on the suspicion of blackmailing and assault.
A third man related to the brothers, aged 26, was also arrested today, for an assault case that occurred on October 8. Their cases are currently being handled by Hong Kong’s Organized Crime and Triad Bureau.
It was reported that Bay sustained injuries on the right side of his face after his altercation with the two men, but he declined to seek treatment. Paramount later issued an official statement clarifying that Bay was not injured, and that production peacefully resumed after the incident. Paramount also stated that the man who attacked Bay was “allegedly under the influence of a narcotic substance.”
Filming resumed in a restricted manner. Around 5 p.m., Bay greeted the press and accepted questions. Asked if he had sustained any injuries during the attack this morning, Bay briefly said that he was not hurt, but another person was. Despite the attack, Bay said he still finds Hong Kong to be a great place and that filming has been going smoothly.
Transformers: Age of Extinction stars that were at the scene, including Mark Wahlberg and Nicola Peltz, were also safe and not injured.
Sources: On.cc; Chicagotribune.com; Sina.com
This article is written by Addy for JayneStars.com.
Now reports say he was assaulted, etc.
Confusing. Whatever it is, security is lax and bad publicity for HK. Not to mention a huge dent to his ego.
If Bay had boasted, acted all macho and started a fight, and then got his butt kicked, then his ego would, be or should be dented. he did nothing to deserve these cowards ganging up o him with an attack.
They deserve to go to jail. Now the greedy pigs have to pay a layer many times the amount they demanded, plus they will have a criminal record, will lose face with other business owners and their neighbours.
Really really dumb, It was unwarranted attack. This is not good for Hong Kong for welcoming more foreign film makers.
they’re druggies, what can you expect? there’s a man in the US biting off the face of another under the influence of drugs. thats why hallucinogenic drugs are banned or regulated across soceities. there are rogues in every nation, this time it rears its ugly head in HK.
Sad bc most HKers are peaceful, kind, and nonviolent. Their government takes advantage of this and offered no extra security. This lets two crazed druggies an opportunity to wreck havoc on an otherwise nonviolent society. Poor HK regular folks will take a hit from the international bad press cuz the action of their dumb government again. Objectively, higher authority is supposed to be in charge and make sure no one gets near them.
@Asa, are you for real. Don’t hurt yourself trying to make HK people out to be spotless angels from Dreamland. Your comments are incredulous, almost surreal.
lol! HKers are peaceful, kind & nonviolent? my ass..u r under influence of drugs & alcohol…please wake up…
embarrasing but i dont think that deter any other foreign tourist from visiting…definitely not me!
This is embarrassing!!
yup is is. shame.
So is that little golf cart camera to blame for his horrible action scenes?
I can’t imagine that was a creative choice to film a bunch of flashes of color and metal and call it a fight scene. Surely no one is that stupid.
I always thought he just employed coked up camera men.
well, look like us film maker won’t go back to hk anymore….
probably not. i wouldn’t if that happened, don’t you have to apply for permit to film there? how come they didn’t provide them more security? maybe no “protection fees” reached the government for them to give a hoots? who knows for sure. nothing left of HK as of late, let alone go there to film anything.
public safety in HK lacking that day? the commerce sector authority didn’t send/accomodate extra security for these overseas ppl coming over for filming? im not surprised, government screw over their own citizens daily with poor decisons, they dont mind burying whats left of tv n film industry as usual, ensuring bad press for themselves. not surprised one bit. poor filmmaker, idiotic government never care about anything but own selves.
Exactly, wouldn’t police officers or whoever else be there for public safety in case of any chaos? That was weird and also kind of embarassing for asians.
If anyone should be embarassed, its the government officials that overlook tourism and commerce. No one else nor the other innocent HK folks should have to take responsibility for something they had no control over, the government is supposed to provide protection for them and anyone else who comes over.
if you are updated on what their government officials are up to recently, you would know why they failed their job once again to do anything good for the ppl.
Damn this is embarrassing. They are just making hong kong look bad ><
nah if one bad action represents hk then what does all the good deeds represent?
Unfortunately, it’s usually the bad deeds that get noticed….you can do 100 great things, but the minute a bad thing happens that generates the kind of publicity that this issue undoubtedly did, those 100 great things don’t matter anymore. Unfortunately for us, that’s life….
what the…attacked 15 police officers?!
are there no laws in HK?
that’s crazy!
there’s laws but druggies aren’t gonna follow them, or else they wouldn’t be taking hallucinogens. yeah they’re not gonna be in the right frame of mind. there needs to be a big task force for safety when filming and alot of ppl is involved.
I hope HK does not sentence lighter for diminished capacity due to druggedness because then organized criminals would simply inject themselves with drugs before police tested their blood and urine for drugs to get away with intentionally committing violent crimes.
Whatever Michael is a sleaze bag. All actresses who want to work with him have to sleep with him. Everyone in Hollywood knows that. Rumour has it he keeps a file that contains the list of actresses who will sleep for jobs. What goes around comes around.
Better a file then a laptop full of photos. Edison take note how it’s done!