Samantha Ko Goes Topless for “Friendly Fire” Rape Scene

One of TVB’s first generation of goddesses, Samantha Ko (高海寧), hassacrificed much for her upcoming rape scene in the TVB legal drama, Friendly Fire <法網狙擊>.
It was reported that the rape scene would last for at least 30 seconds, unlike Kate Tsui’s (徐子珊) overhyped 1-second rape scene in last year’s Highs and Lows <雷霆掃毒>.
Samantha portrays law intern Kiki, who was raised single-handedly by her poor mother. To get her family out of poverty, Kiki worked many odd jobs to pay for university and obtain a law degree. One night, during a party, Kiki was drugged while trying to save her friend from getting raped. The drunken Pong Sai Bong, portrayed by newcomer Ronan Pak (白健恩), brought her to a motel and raped her.
The brutal scene, which will air next Wednesday, had Ronan beating and grabbing Samantha violently, which resulted in red marks appearing on her back, arms, and lips. Samantha went almost full nude for the scene, wearing nothing else but a vest to cover her front private parts and a pair of tight workout shorts.
TVB spokesperson, Tsang Sing Ming (曾醒明), assured that the rape scene complied with Hong Kong’s television regulations. The editors have scanned through the rape scene repeatedly to insure that every second of the scene would not violate Hong Kong’s broadcasting laws.
Samantha explained that she has done many revealing scenes in the past, but Friendly Fire’s rape scene was her most explicit. When reports of her rape scene were published, Samantha admitted that she felt terrible, “The reports described me like I was very passionate and bold, but I was just following the director’s orders. Don’t make the reports sound so negative. I reached my limits filming this scene.”
Reports of her rape scene have also frightened her family. “I had some reporters coming to my home and showing the pictures to my parents. I don’t want to frighten them. We want to keep our privacy, and besides, the rape scene isn’t even the main focus of the drama!”
Friendly Fire producer, Man Wai Hung (文偉鴻), insisted that the rape scene was not meant to be erotic, and said, “We really don’t want to emphasize the rape scene. What we do want to emphasize is how someone courageously faces the incident after it happens.”
Ronan Pak joined TVB after trying out for the 2010 Mr. Hong Kong Pageant competition. Portraying the younger brother of Alice Chan’s (陳煒) character, Pong Tit Sam, Ronan’s role in Friendly Fire is his first significant role since his debut.
In a brief interview, Ronan admitted that he was very embarrassed and anxious throughout the rape sequence. He praised Samantha’s professionalism and expressed that he was not afraid that his role in Friendly Fire would leave a bad impression on the audience. “As a newcomer, I’m not afraid for getting stereotyped.”
Asked if Samantha was embarrassed by the scene, she said, “I am not embarrassed. I wore a taped down vest in the front. It was very safe. On the bottom, I wore several pairs of underwear, including a pair of workout shorts. I was quite nervous about it, but Ronan was terrified!”
Were there any outtakes? “We had to redo some takes, like the scenes where he had to beat me. Ronan was a gentleman and went easy on me. There was one time he slapped me really hard, and he couldn’t stop apologizing afterwards. It wasn’t painful; I just wanted to complete the scene as quickly as possible.”
This article is written by Addy for
Ronan Pak looks like a mix of Max Cheung (Come home love ) and Him Law.
Wow! Really a challenge for Samantha I must say. I loved her acting in The Last Steep Ascent. She is a potential uprising star like Mandy!
I love her in the last steep ascent too!!! She and Joel were hilarious and the main reason why I finished that drama.
Me too. I love her and Joel in the Last Steep Ascent. They were both cute and hilarious.
Liked her in that too. But not in this series.
Yeah, I didn’t expect her to be likeable but in the last steep ascent, she was very entertaining! Glad she’s getting more role cuz before that series, she comes across as a bimbo to me, lol.
Now every series in TVB has to have a rape scene
Yeah, the “rape” trend continues… Gosh! Very unhealthy!
Why does TVB think they need to keep pushign the envelope. makes me not want to watch the new series.
The fact that there is a rape scene in every TVB show means they are NOT pushing the envelope.
pervert TVB
They either have rape scenes or very passionate love scenes nowadays! No longer family friendly dramas if you ask me XD
The new boss Charles Chan has many love rumours himself.
I’m starting to like Samantha Ko. Before she starts getting bigger roles I thought she was just a wannabe model who can’t act but now I think she’s quite good.
maybe she is good but i dont like how she is dressed to show her pair boobs like she want to sell them with 50% discount every time lol.
I wonder how Ronan did with the scene. Eric Li once said that the actors are more pressured in such scenes and need to be very careful. Thorough communication is need between the actress and actor before acting out the scene so that everyone is clear what need to do and what are the boundaries.
I think Ronan was rumored to be gay when he participated in the Mr. Hong Kong contest. Maybe Samantha may feel a bit more comfortable if he is not interested in women ?
Really? I didn’t know that.
I wonder how much screentime he has in the series. I’m interested to see his acting.
I was reading through Ronan’s Baidu profile earlier, and this guy has serious credentials. He studied contemporary dance, ballet, received professional vocal training, graduated from the HKAPA, attended a professional musical training program in the states…
Wow, I feel that they’re overstepping their boundaries by disturbing her parents.
why are tvb ******* glamourising rape? did they ever hear about the news of the indian woman ganged raped on a bus then bashed to death with a iron rod? you all that glamourous? get one of the artists to do a scene like that and i bet they are gonna cry their little LV’s off.
TVB is catering to the HK male audience which has rape fantasies who are getting their perverted jollies on television. It’s only a matter of time until the brutal serial rapes in India is repeated in HK.
Young gals must start to be cautious and be really careful when going out with guys in HK.
If not cautious, they.may be ended up as victims as guys in HK are getting increasingly & exaggeratively pervert with increased exposure to these rape scenes.
how is this ‘glamourizing’ rape? just because rape is a topic or shown in a film doesn’t mean that its glamourized. not once has anyt tvb film (or really any film i recall) given the audience the message that rape is ‘okay’. in fact, its avoiding talking that about that would be damaging.
What is it with rape scenes? Why not be bold? Show a man raped and how the prosecution goes about prosecuting another man for it!
Because politics, that’s why. TVB doesn’t want to offend those easily offended families in Hong Kong who has nothing else to do, particularly house wives.
maybe housewives secretly have rape fantasies, so tvb is just trying to accommodate to their prime viewers’ taste. j/k….
They actually did mention a man getting raped in jail in one of the episodes.
Scenes with handsome actors getting raped would stir the public into outcries about lack of morality, a far different reaction when actresses’ characters get raped.
Both are rapes. Why is one less moral than the other. Both happen in real life. :shrugs:
Instead of accusing it of being less moral, the audience should see it as bring awareness to little discussed issue.
@ Kidd
It is not used for bringing awareness when it’s just gratuitous a plot point in every single TVB drama. In fact, they are far likely helping sensitising the audience against sexual violence.
@ advo
What I mean is audience shouldn’t make distinction between the two that female rape is ok to be depicted in a series while a male rape is considered immoral. Both happen in real life and both are deplorable act. There should not be such thing as one is less moral than the other.
I concur, Funn!
Let me guess what will happen with Samantha Ko’s rape story. No one (or at least not that snotty high flier colleague)will believe her since she has a great body and therefore everyone assumes she is also a wanton woman. She has to fight through her teeth, maybe a whole lot of dramatic cries and hiding, etc before testifying and finally everyone will agree that even a beautiful woman with a devil’s body do not want to have sex with some handsome dude after a drunk night out.
Why not up the game a little? Why not the guy has that now often pleased sexomania or whatever the name is so called illness? You know, the one where he sleep walks, sleep rape and etc? That would make a good legal moot point.
The obsession of TVB to film rape scenes may cultivate a culture whereby housewives are increasingly being influenced and pervertly being motivated to sexxuallly fantasize of being RAPED !!!!!
Ronan is quite a good looking guy
Samantha Ko is one hot actress. She has so much potential, loving her in Friendly Fire. I thought she did excellent in The Last Steep Ascent, outshining every other actress in that series along with Joel Chan. She’s definitely eye candy, but also has huge potential. Looking forward to the day she gets Most Improved!
Second to you!
Looks, body and talent. This girl is someone to look out for and give those MHK a run for their money. Really TVB, please do promote her more (and also the rest of the newbies that acted as lawyers in FF).
Honey, Samantha Ko is also from MHK.
My bad ;p didn’t know she was from MHK but the very least, she is the very few MHK contestants that know how to act (like Mandy Wong :D). Please stop rubbing those MHK and MCI winners to our face. Of late, most of them can’t act at all :S
Stopping the parody that MHK and MCI can’t act. Many of them can act. They dun have acting background so they need sometimes to improve. Even the old girls from acting classes (closed long ago but there are some still act) did badly in the first series. So why need to criticize the MHKs and MCIs if they are bad only in the beginning and better later. It’s up to who can improve, who stay and who is simply favoured too much.
yes. Samantha shall be given unlimiyed opportunities to be promoted to become TVB’s new b****b queen!
She’s the old queen, part of the ‘first generation goddesses’ lol. Never took her seriously until the last steep ascent. Samantha and Joel were absolutely perect
Wonder would TVB show the pictures of Samantha taped down vest, at least protect Samantha not being naked during filming ?
Since Tavia and Kate won awards doing rape scenes, will she get award for her effort ?
>Rape scene
Alrighty then
Why does it seem like there are rape in all the recent TVB dramas? Its going to make perverted guys think rape is a norm and start doing it. This must stop.
Hollywood movies are much more violent and explicit when it comes to rape scenes. I don’t think watching TVB dramas will make people act out these kind of stuff. There would be other reasons why they do it. Just ask their lawyers. They will come up with some excuses like ‘my client comes from a broken family or he was under the influence of drug or alcohol or he played violent computer games etc etc…’
that and the fact that every single tvb drama that has shown rap has shown it in a very negative light. i don’t know what the problem is. it’s like saying that showing drug use is making young people want to use drugs – well its not when they’re also showing that people can and will die from it.
Wow more rape scenes from good old TVB! Obsessions of theirs or educational for d ppl huh!
Not exactly find her attractive or charismatic she’s very u know always ready to show off her b@@bs in most pix though!
There are more rape and sex scenes in old tvb drama The Man the Ghost and the Fox which start by Hugo Ng and Jimmy Aun back in early 1990an which TVB version of category 3 ,no big deal about this .
So why was Chan Ka Pik’s rape scene more ‘hyped up’ and glorified without end before it was aired and this one’s not? Stupid media and their act. They made Kate’s acting like it was so super because of that one scene, whereas we have Samantha doing the same (prolly better) and I don’t see media going ballistic over it.
Btw, I agree – what the hell is wrong with TVB these days with rapes? It’s a bad influence indirectly to many people, cease it already!
why did the actors agree to act in rape/nude scenes? although they are wearing underwear etc but it still looks like they are not, what a bad image, who do they think are going to watch those scenes? little children or perverts
Because they’re nobody, they have no say to say no I can’t do it, etc and also because this is their one shot at gaining popularity and playing a character going through something so traumatic is a sure way, as sure as winning an oscar.
Did she cast on “Lan Kwai Fong”??
some people are so ignorant. there’s nothing wrong with showing rape and talking about rape in a drama. its just like showing homosexuality, drug use, self abuse or even kidnapping. they’re not telling the audience that its ‘okay’, they’re showing it in a negative light and, in the case of a lot of it, encouraging people to stand up against it and showing people who have stood up and picked their lives up after experiencing something so tragic.
for asian countries, there isn’t enough education in these kind of topics. its even worse than in western countries where people are trying to blame victims for ‘asking for’ rape just because of how they’re dressed. i’m glad that tvb isn’t scared to approach these topics and educate a younger audience on things beyond rainbows and butterflies. and my props to all actors who are unafraid to take on these roles!
I totally agree with you. Although I do not fancy what TVB does normally but they are not doing it wrong for showing those acts as they are not condoning it. In almost all the cases of rape, the person doing it end up dying horribly, getting karma, locked up and etc.
I am also in the opinion that because TVB has no other route to go since being labelled as ‘making dramas of same issues over and over again’ that they now take a step further to film all these scenes (besides rivaling CTI). Further, all these raping get awards thingy…all fueled by tabloids and readers/viewers like us.