2012 Best of TVB Awards: Best Villain
Which TVB artist deserves the 2012 Best Villain Award? Cast your vote for the coolest villain performance in TVB series!
1. Press VOTE for the candidate you wish to vote for.
2. Each person will only be allowed to vote once every 24 hours.
Deadline to submit all votes is Friday, December 21, 2012 at midnight Eastern Standard Time. The winner and all results will be announced after the poll ends.
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The “2012 Best of TVB Awards” at JayneStars.com include ten awards in the following categories:
1. Best Series
2. Best Actor
3. Best Actress
4. Best Supporting Actor
5. Best Supporting Actress
6. Best Onscreen Couple
7. Best Villain
8. Most Improved Artist
9. Star of Tomorrow
10. Best Theme Song
RON NG IS THE VILLIAN!? oh great! i havent watch SILVER SPOON YET! and i already got myself spoiled!! T__T
I can’t picture him as the villian though which makes me so excited!
Umm…Kenneth in Tiger club, he was indeed the villian but he was so loveable to his wife! so to me, i dont really count that as a villian…
Moses role in MOP was just plain strange…he is like, really really stoned, dunno if thats his role or he’s just too chill…
Power role as a villian always been very very annoying, so i think he is okay at his acting.
Ben was a major d### in Highs and Lows, like real major and all his other series he acted in as the villian was quite….GRRR…! (I’m having a feeling that he would be chosen!)
Anyway, This one is a tough one! I didn’t vote because im unsure. I would see the result of this instead!
Ron is not the villain. He is the annoying prick.
He’s lovely to 1 person, and cruel and heartless to the rest, I don’t like Kenneth much as Villain, but he’s convinced me
kenneth!!! tiger cubs was amazing with his guest role!
Great beginning & end to the series, and he totally rocked that badass role!! XD
Definitely Ben you have no idea how many times I wanted to stab him every time he appeared on screen!
Ben is the villainous villain ever! The guy never gets a good guy role, does he?
He was the nicest guy in Kindred Spirit
Was he? I hardly remember that show. I know he got famous from that.
Kenneth i suppose
Edwin is a bit of a joke as a villian! I didn’t believe him at all…
Raymond Cho is not really villain in TC… he should falls under Best Supporting Actor >.<
Agree but at the point of drawing up this list didn’t realise it.
Kenneth on this one. He even looks badass with the tattoo on his head
For some weird reason, I just don’t find Ben a good actor at all. His facial expressions are so stiff and sometimes plain. Maybe he looks like a vilian, but acting wise, I would not pick him.
Support Ron
Ron is annoying in SSSS. He’s always mad, angry, pissed off in every frames. U can’t act.
What is SSSS???
Ron’s not really a Villian in SSSS but a very angry person – he & Rebecca spoilt the whole show tho – can’t stand watching the 2 of them. I like Edwin Siu as the Villian, Ben is good too.
I love Ron
Yeahhh Kenneth!!