2012 Best of TVB Awards: Star of Tomorrow
Which TVB artist deserves the 2012 Star of Tomorrow Award for being the most promising star of the future? Cast your vote!
1. Press VOTE for the candidate you wish to vote for.
2. Each person will only be allowed to vote once every 24 hours.
Deadline to submit all votes is Friday, December 21, 2012 at midnight Eastern Standard Time. The winner and all results will be announced after the poll ends.
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The “2012 Best of TVB Awards” at JayneStars.com include ten awards in the following categories:
1. Best Series
2. Best Actor
3. Best Actress
4. Best Supporting Actor
5. Best Supporting Actress
6. Best Onscreen Couple
7. Best Villain
8. Most Improved Artist
9. Star of Tomorrow
10. Best Theme Song
I Would say Benjamin Yuen, Rebecca Zhu, and Nathan Ngai would be leading series in the next 4-5 years.
Unfortunately, Eliza might be leading before then cause TVB is adamant on stuffing her down our throats
I vote for Parko. Little actor as Tongzhi in Confident
I picked the kid, cos the adult annoy me lol! Benjamin is not bad, not amazing, but only him versus the kids, the rest of the adult is pretty annoying
My vote is for this kid too… Haha
The kid was awesome
Voted Pako.
That’s great that Suki Lam was included in this list as my husband teared up every time she cried in L’Escargot. He thinks she’s brilliant for her age.
She’s awesome in her acting, more natural than all those newcomers-so-called-goddess put together!
She always put tears in my eyes….she is realllllly good…n yes better then those goddess!!!!!
If the little girl wins this, I’ll be speechless (period)
Benjamin’s acting is improving since “Hippocratic Crush”
but other than that, benjamin hardly plays any significant role =.=
Nathan Ngai’s acting was great in THc.
Second that! With so many dramas each year, it is really hard to leave an impression on the audience with just one or two dramas, but he did exactly that, and he was only utilizing half his body!
I will be alternating between the 2 kids. They were awesome!
No support for Sammy Shum?
Sammy has my support for being standout eye-candy, but his acting may need more improvement.
But, Funn said he’s good in King Maker. (^.^).
Good but of course there are others better. However give him time, I am sure he will improve. He already has that special quality. Somehow I just notice him.
Kidd remember AFOS and the guy who can’t act for the life of him? BUt he was memorable, right?
Same concept but Sammy can act much better!
Of course I remember Jacky Heung.
Really miss him. When is he coming back onscreen?
I am voting for Sammy. He is too handsome. And he does not beat woman up like Him.
Support! lol somehow I like to see him in drama series
Will vote for Benjamin Yuen, Pako Au and Sammy Shum
No support for Eliza Sam? I kinda like her in Divas in Distress….
I will vote for the two kids