2012 Miss Hong Kong Pageant: Carat Cheung Wins Crown!

The 2012 Miss Hong Kong Pageant took place on Sunday evening, August 26th in Hong Kong. Carat Cheung (張名雅) has been announced as the 2012 Miss Hong Kong winner! Jacqueline Wong (黃心穎) was selected as the first runner-up, while Tracy Chu (朱千雪) was the second runner-up.
Carat Cheung is the niece of director Alfred Cheung (張堅庭). As an early favorite in the pageant, Carat also won the Miss International Goodwill Award and Aviation Ambassador Award. With interests in singing and dancing, the 24-year-old student has indicated her aspiration in becoming an outstanding actress.
First runner-up, Jacqueline Wong, is a 23-year-old masters student, whose aspiration is to live a full and exciting life without any regrets.
Second runner-up, Tracy Chung, is a 24-year-old Administrative Assistant with an undergraduate degree. Tracy was a semi-popular candidate at the beginning of the pageant. However, she continued to lose weight and put forth a good performance on the evening of the pageant.
Jennifer Shum (岑杏賢) won the Miss Photogenic Award. The 23-year-old Masters student has expressed the desire to become a clinical psychologist.
TVB Servers Unable to Handle Large Volume of Live Votes
Due to the revised format of this year’s pageant, the judging panel selected the top 3 candidates, while live audience’s votes were to determine the actual winner. However, TVB experienced a technical glitch and was unable to handle the large volume of live votes, resulting in its servers crashing. Many frustrated voters were unable to place their votes.
As a result, the judges’ votes determined the outcome of the final pageant results. Online Hong Kong forums have since been flooded with disappointed remarks that they were unable to select the final winner.
This year’s Miss Hong Kong judging panel consisted of notable superstars, Andy Lau (劉德華), Carina Lau (劉嘉玲), and Angie Chiu (趙雅芝). Carina wore an eye-catching green gown with a plunging neckline, revealing her ample cleavage.
Hot Favorite Roxanne Tong Unable to Be Placed
Kent Tong’s (湯鎮業) niece, Roxanne Tong (湯洛雯), was the hot favorite to win the crown since the official candidates were announced. Along with Amy Cheung (張鈞美), and Jennifer Shum (岑杏賢), Roxanne Tong had survived numerous elimination rounds to remain as the final 6 candidates. However, the women were unable to advance further in the last hour of the pageant.
In the pageant finals, Roxanne had a question-and-answer exchange with Kay Tse. When Roxanne indicated that she enjoys listening to Kay’s music, Kay asked Roxanne to sing one of her songs. Roxanne sang one line to Kay’s signature song, Wedding Invitation Street <囍帖街> and was unable to continue.
Furthermore, it was uncertain whether Roxanne’s rumors throughout the pageant had affected her inability to place within the top 3 winners. Possessing flagrant negative rumors, Roxanne allegedly had colorful nightlife habits and also “bullied” another pageant contestant, Melanie McAndrew (李渼琦), while filming together in London.
Overseas Candidates’ Cantonese Weak
Overseas candidates, Amy Cheung and Melanie McAndrew’s (李渼琦) weak Cantonese may have undermined their performance on the pageant finals night. New York native, Amy Cheung, spoke in heavily accented Cantonese. Hailing from Australia, Melanie McAndrew was asked in the interview segment how many times she had dated in the past. She replied, “Three months.” Seeing the audience reaction and realizing that her response did not make any sense, Melanie asked the questions to be repeated and finally answered that she has not dated in the past.
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i liked Tracy more for some odd reason Carat gives me an impression that she will be a person that will hogged up the spotlight……….
If it wasnt that glitch that TVB had I’ll bet the 1st runner up will be Tracy!!!
Well, yes what a glitch!!The recent TVB Miss HK has raised some interesting issues.
1.Was there a binding contract between TVB & Hongkong citizens on the placing of position of the 3 top candidates
2.When TVB offered Hongkong citizens the right to vote for placing the top 3 positions , acceptance would be given when such HK citizens tune in the programme & consideration given via their watching the programme .
The benefits rec’d by TVB is obvious via advertising revenue as advertisers would be influenced to advertise on a programme with high viewership.
If there exists a binding contract then TVB is not entitled to unilaterally change the rules by using the judges determination of the top 3 positions.Well, the better way would be for TVB to announce that the placing of the top 3 positions will be postponed to another date with another publicity exercise. Thus, is HK citizens entitle to a class action??
Just a few thoughts from “ Little Tubs of Wisdom”.
I thought many times that Tracy Chu looks like someone and finally find out. She looks like Pan Shuang Shuang a lot, especially from 45 degree angle.
MHK seems to be a joke this year. Firstly, the so-called reality TV segment looked completely scripted and boring. The Q&A part was unfair when two contestants were asked the same question, but one had to answer first while the other stood there listening and had time to think about how they wanted to answer. And finally, the server failure, at the very least, I wanted to see each judge’s selection.
I just want to watch this show to see Andy and Carina.. the contestant are just background to the guest judge! eheheheh
The whole MHK is turning into a huge joke. This competition has no integrity. They emphasized throughout the show that the new MHK would be elected by popular vote. Then the server mysteriously crashed. What a bunch of BS, I’ve lost all respect for TVB (not that I had much to begin with).
i TOTALLY agree with you! The whole voting component was fake all along.
Yup, I doubt there was even a “server.”
i just don’t understand the 3 winners… so much contestants is better than then…
the winner is just look made in china, i don,t see any elegence on her…
OMG! YOU’RE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT about the made in china part! At first, I thought she reminded me of someone and then it came to me that she reminds me of a Chinese actress in china…
That’s why a lot of citizens from mainland China are now residing in HK. Rabecca Chu is one of them. If you realized there are a lot of mainland Chinese girls were interviewing for the MHK spot.
There is one news that mention netizens complain that the winner doesn’t have HK feel.
what i really think is Carat Cheung is the neice of Albert Cheung one of tvb directors that why she the champion winner… Honeslty for me I think Tracy is better she should be the champion
Yup I was thinking the same thing. Well to be honest, she also had previous pageant experience which gave her an unfair advantage. She’s like the classic “pageant contestant.”
Lolz, the link is even further than Roxanne. Why Roxanne dun win any main award?
Tracy didn’t show that she has the smartness in her answer like Carat. Carat answered any question with better intelligence and well-educated manner. Look at her answer in the dinner part. Having a Miss with brain is better than a Miss with just look. Whoever did as good as Kaiyi Cheung in Miss World (or Universal I don’t rmb well) among the MHK? And Kaiyi was criticized a lot for her look. Look doesn’t mean all.
How does 2 hours of answering 5 questions throughout and speaking for less than 10 minutes overall show how “brainy,” you are? I highly doubt any of these contestants are mensa! The fact is anyone could memorize these types of typical responses to questions that are asked in these pageants, especially if you have previous pageant experience. If they had asked a question about organic chemistry or quantum physics, you think these contestants would know the answer?
That is completely ridiculous to think that pageants really care about “brains,” and that you can evaluate intelligence in 2 hours of LOOKING at the contestant. You may as well be studying phrenology. Also have you actually watched Miss World? This last chinese winner, her english was so poor, I couldn’t understand a quarter of what she was saying.
I watched Miss World last time and the winner, I don’t think she is well deserved, ok?
The smartness, elegance and confidence can be shown by the answer. Maybe if you ask them about organic chemistry or quantum physics, they won’t know but some normal communications can show that they can react suitable to the situation or not. You are too concerning with the book smart :).
Don’t say of them, I’ll give you an example for you to understand. Assuming that you are learning about organic chemistry, and then a person asks you about Russian cultural for example, can you answer (providing that you don’t know anything else other than organic chemistry)? But when asking you about organic chemistry, you will be able to answer properly. It doesn’t mean that you are not smart, just that it isn’t your field. However, if asking you about your points of a happy life, you will have your own answer as it is a very general matter that everybody have own view on it, no matter what you are learning organic chemistry or Russian culture.
I respectfully disagree with the points that you’ve raised.
1.) Organic Chemistry vs. Russian Culture
I referenced organic chemistry because a big part of intelligence is NOT knowing just general things that everyone knows “facts about life etc,” it is actually about being able to converse about abstract topics you have little to no knowledge about. As a matter of fact, if I was to talk about Russian Culture, of course I wouldn’t be able to talk extensively about it’s history, but I could easily speak about how Sochi is hosting the next Olympics and the ideaology of Karl Marx. It is NOT about being exceptionally well versed about one topic (e.g. organic chemistry), it is about having diverse knowledge about a number of topics be it history, science, education, economics, languages, fine arts etc.
2.) One thing I would like to point out in rebuttal to your point about “normal topics, and general happy points in your life,” is that this topic is not only also a narrow form of intelligence (just like organic chemistry and russian culture), but it is completely irrelevant to the image that the MHK should be a Hong Kong ambassador. Wouldn’t it be more suitable for the contestants to be asked questions pertaining to significant aspects of Hong Kong culture and not about “what is a bad quality about another contestant?” How is describing your personal qualities or the lack of in other contestants going to help you to be a Hong Kong ambassador? Beyond that, real insight, flexibility and intelligence in a broader sense could be established by connecting Hong Kong with broader issues like the global financial crisis or world hunger. Instead, contestants were tested on topics that could have been easily rehearsed with scripted answers (e.g. describe a good/bad quality about myself). These questions do NOT show real insight/intelligence about HK/global issues, nor do they test flexibility and quick thinking/articulation on the spot.
I also have gut feeling Carat is hungry for the spot light to be aiming at her in the coming future when TVB signs her up
Carat Cheung said in an interview that “I think I still would have won,” if everyone got to cast their vote. DENIAL much? There’s no way in hell she would have won if the Miss Hong Kong was elected by popular vote. All I can say is BOOOOOOOOOO
She might win, don’t know yet.
Well actually so far netizens set up a facebook page and so far 1500 have voted over the past day. I know this isn’t reflective of the 500000 people that would have voted, but so far it’s 7:1 in favor of tracy chu, which is a pretty overwhelming trend!
Totally agree with you. Carat ‘thinks’ which means she do not have the confidence. My opinion is if the one person one vote system really works then she will definitely not be Miss hk! What a joke
Maybe because the voting crash, all fans of Tracy come together and created a special poll and so all you see are her fans. Because Carat’s fans are happy and so not voting in the fans voting poll?
Hmm, although many regulars on this site spoke about their dislike for Roxanne, she actually seems quite popular, as she’s currently leading in the poll on jaynestars, I think she’s someone you either love or hate?
But really, the make up, hair do and outfits really helped Tracy in the final night. If she has Amy’s stupid conical ponytail, doubt she will look as good. Jacqueline was also sabotaged by her hairdo, if she had Tracy’s hairstyle with the side fringe, she will look much better.
agree with you, Roxanne outfit did not outstanding at all for the night
ex: the evening grow, why all the girl have a oe color dress and not her…
her black dress was horrible…
i like her, that i feel bad for her.
Agree that Roxanne’s black dress was horrible.
Then when EVERY GIRL had a neutral coloured dress, suddenly Tracy has a YELLOW dress which makes her stand out? It’s so unfair.
There are holy f****** many news about Tracy Chu today! Ms Lok is already taking her as a favourite!
Ms Lok said Tracy has a jade personality like Linda Chung. Holy cow another obedient girl.
Ms. Lok already took her as her “favorite” during Miss HK . Many ppl liked her , of course she would be part of liking her too . She don’t have her own opinion , following other ppl .
Another “naive” girl. Lolz, now I have another reason to dislike Tracy.
And Carat isn’t? She’s the biggest robot of them all! Did you HEAR her answers? They were lines out of a “how to win a pageant script.”
Lolz, tell me that the answer for “which book do you like to read” and “English version of 3 Kingdoms” is from this book. I hear her answer and that’s why I prefer Carat. Tracy didn’t answer well and she can’t show her confidence as well as the well educated manner.
Carat leaded the conversation with Jason Chan while Tracy was leaded by her judge. Among the girls who can speak Cantonese, I think the worst speaking manner belongs to Christy, second is Tracy. They were all leaded and basically only can answer, not an conversation. The purpose of the dinner part is to show their communication skill and Tracy failed. Being in top 3 is all because of her look (which I find not very bright). In the dancing part, you also can see that Carat did try her best to do the dancing with energy. Tracy did not bad but she gave me the feeling that she didn’t try to give out all of herself.
I agree with Fox
How is her answer scripted ? Talking about books wasn’t scripted. Is not like she knows what Jason is going to say next.. && plus she can really continue the convo but Tracy can’t .
Well as a matter of fact, that segment was the MOST scripted of them all. Didn’t you hear the MC’s actually say that the contestants “predetermined” their question that they were going to “converse” with their partners about? They had plenty of time to figure out which question they would ask to make them appear “most educated.” How is that spontaneous and NOT scripted? Also from her response, yes you can say that Carat “led her conversation,” but from another standpoint you can say that she purposely monopolized the conversation so she could speak the scripted lines she rehearsed for her question piece before hand. Conversations are two way streets, not just one person speaking!
Jason also led the convo on with Carat. Jason said “no” he didn’t read the 3 kingdom the english version . But what if he say yes he did read it ? You never know what others is going to say . She successfully continued on her convo without the judges helping her, but Tracy needed the judges going on with the convo for her . && also even if predetermined their question , I guess you r suppose to do that , otherwise how r they going to present themselves ? i believe Tracy did the same and others too not just Carat .
&& plus the judges picked the winner . The viewers just pick the one with the pretty, innocent face , but not their intelligence and the way they communicated and responded. I bet youre just one of the viewer picking pretty out of the 3 .
If you notice in the dinner part, when Carat said about 3 Kingdoms book, LF next to her said something about knowing it because he acted Zhuge Liang and naturally, Carat continues the conversation with both of him and Jason nicely, like they are in a friendly talk, not an interview. Do you see how bad Christy did before Carat? She was totally led by LF.
If the question is determinated to them before, then why Christy is that confused when replying? Same to Tracy, she let her judge said more than her and basically, answer the question, not joining an convo.
I think LF said Zhuge Liang .. haha.
Going back full circle, having a pre-determined questions and rehearsing an answer to it DOES NOT show articulation, spontaneity, or insight, all qualities that apparently the MHK stands for!
What would have been better is if they all had to pick random topics from a hat to converse with their partner about – preferrably topics that showcase HK culture and HK’s impact in the global stage in global issues, I mean doesn’t this show tout that the MHK is going to be a “Hong Kong ambassador?”
Also I find it incredibly insulting and degrading that you are generalizing all viewers as shallow and only able to judge the pageant based on looks, without taking into account “intelligence.” Let me ask you, do you really think that intelligence can be gauged in a 2 hour show LOOKING at the contestants and the contestants speaking for less than 10 minutes about trivial topics (not related to HK ambassador work)? As a matter of fact, I myself have an MD/PhD degree, but obviously I have no idea what intelligence is and I just magically became a doctor and professor based on my looks.
I will agree with you completely that Christy was terrible! There is one major point that I’d like to address here as to why Christy it’s possile she performed so badly and got so confused and flustered – it’s simple, which is that LF flipped the script on her and asked her a question (about acting) outside of her “scripted response.” She was totally caught off guard because this was not an answer she rehearsed and her gut response was to try and be all cutesy about it and say “I’m not going to tell you.”
When you watch Jason and Carat’s conversation, Jason never deviated off the topic or tried to pull a fast one on Carat, which is why she was able to “carry on this 60 second conversation.”
Also let me remind you, the contestants all have only 60 seconds, you can only say that Tracy was not as aggressive and did not interrupt the MC’s in order to make full use of her time. In fact, it would have been rude and reflected poorly on her to cut off the MC’s so she could speak – unfortunately because of this, the MC’s probably filled 10-15 seconds of her time to speak. However, I thought her “scripted reponse,” was as good as Carat’s if not better.
Also in response to your previous dancing comment, “Carat having the most energy and giving her best effort,” is pretty subjective, especially if you’re not a dancing instructor. So if one of the contestants suddenly did a backflip into the worm, then wouldn’t they be perceived to have put in the best effort and had the most energy?
Rigged ,
Lets not fight (: This is the internet . We’re not cool for fighting over this . Lets chill and calm our tits. Yepp just like how beautiful your beautiful boobies look like . I am stating my opinion and if you don’t like ittt , good ! I didn’t ask you too like ittt eitherrr . I don’t understand why r yu arguing over this ? Is not like Tracy is your relative.. && Im just here supporting Carat . so you leave my “supporting” alone and Ill leave yours . && how do you know that Raymond Lam flipped the question around ? Idk , so you don’t know either . So stop acting like youre so sure , when you dont see it with your damn two beautiful eyes . && alrighttt have a beautiful, sexy lifeee . & lets end this . && one more time fighting in the internet doesn’t make us cool , it makes us like a fool (:
I’d like to make a few points clear.
1.) You’ve entirely miscontrued the concept of fighting and arguing here. I never once personally attacked you, berated you, or degraded you, whereas you personally attacked me and implied I was a shallow and stupid imbecile and judged the pageant purely on looks. This is a false accusation, and frankly inappropriate – I did not appreciate this and felt the need to defend myself.
2.) You said it yourself, the internet is a free forum where we are free to express our thoughts and opinions. I disagreed with your points and provided my rebuttal to them. I am entitled to do this again, there is no malicious intent here (fighting), I am simply disagreeing with your points. You’ve also stated that everyone is entitled to express their opinion and you respect that the internet is an open forum to do so, so therefore I also don’t appreciate you bullying me to stop expressing my points (or in your words arguing and fighting with you, which is false). If you or anyone says anything I disagree with, I will continue to reply and make a rebuttal to those points.
3.) As a matter of fact, from what I saw and heard during the pageant, one of the MC’s actually said during Christy and LF’s “conversation,” whoa you flipped the question back at her. And yes, I am absolutely 100% “sure” and confident the MC did say this and LF flipped the script on Christy, millions of viewers including yourself can also corroborate this.
Finally and I must reiterate, I NEVER once disrespected your opinion and support of Carat or personally attacked you. However it was YOU that denigrated my personal character by implying I was an ignorant viewer that judged the pageant according to looks. You can re-read your previous post if you do not believe you said this. That seems quite hypocritical that you believe that everyone is free to express their own opinion and support, while you do not extend that same courtesy to others.
I 100% respect that you have the right to express your opinion and support of Carat and will continue to do so, all I ask is that you extend the same courtesy to me (again, my rebuttals to your points are in no way shape or form a personal attack but simply my own opinion).
Cheers and happy posting.
I’m watching the dinner part now. I agree that Carat has it easy. Jason just let her talk. I don’t find her especially impressive during this talk. She sounds like reading from a script. When near the end, Nat asked her about Water Margin, she didn’t know already. If Jason has done like Raymond and pull fast one on her and talk about Water Margin, I don’t think she can do that well.
Some other participants converse more naturally. Wingto might have glance at her cheat sheet once or twice, but, when she was speaking to her partner, she was very expressive like she really mean what she says.
Of all the dinner talk, beside Melanie who has language barrier, Cythia did the worst. She has an easy topic. Just talk about packing. She still can’t talk. Just ask how long Edwin take to pack up.
Welcome to the entertainment world Carat and Tracy. You already have supporters and haters
Isn’t that all that matters at the end of the day in the entertainment industry? How much people like you?
Every entertainers have their share of fans and haters. There’s a saying that goes “The more Red(famous) you are, the more haters you have.” Based on what the comments, Carat and Tracy already collected their shares from both sides
Did anyone else think it was horrible that the contestants wasted all that food – especially coming from a 5 star Michelin Chef! Most of the Siu Sangs commented on how they hadn’t eaten anything.
I think they should be evaluated on how much they eat since they’re portraying a negative concept for girls thinking they can’t eat just so they can look good in a bikini!
Uhm I did notice this thing, too. While the men ate, the girls only ate a little. The favourited Tracy Chu even wasted the whole disc.
What a waste of food ;o i would have eat it . They should have share some with me
lol .
Lolz me 2. Wasting these precious food should be a point to reduce their marks.
How to eat the whole dish while they were in competition? those cameras were all over you.. and you can’t gallow the whole plate like usual lol… Men ate their dishes probably knowing they were not the main attraction at that night.
Well I didn’t say scarf the whole dish, I just commented on how it appeared many didn’t even touch it. Besides the portion was quite small, even if they only ate one bite, it would appear like they ate quite a bit!
Although I didn’t watch this contest on tv. But I feel that Carat Cheung deserve the winner. For me, Tracy Chu looks very ugly with her hanging out teeth. Maybe there are many people out there who are jealous because Carat Cheung’s uncle is one of the judging panel. I can’t believed that most of Malaysian eyes are like so pah lia. Those kind of hanging out teeth like Tracy, you considered as beautiful…my god. I think I myself is very very much prettier than her.
Eh did you watch the show? It’s not just about the beauty… What about Carat? her nose is not very attractive, her nostril was huge and figure wasn’t as porportion as Tracy etc etc
I just re read the start of your comment, you didn’t watch the show “sigh” you can’t judge on something just by the photos. Some people doesn’t look good in photos but are really pretty on camera or in real life.
Tracy wasn’t pretty at all , I watched the entire show . I can tell you what happened from the beginning to the end . So don’t be here telling me that I didn’t watch the show . So lets get back to what i said in the first sentence . Tracy wasn’t pretty at all . Her smile omgggggg , her gum show wayy too much , looks like a pig . I dont like the way she show her teeth and ugly gum . I admit she does have the sweet look but her teeth and her gum gave it away .
You said “Although I didn’t watch this contest on tv” and then you tell me not to tell you that I you didn’t watch the show….. em looks like someone is trying to start a pointless fight….. oh well if you’ve watched the show now… I guess everyone has different eyes and opinion… no need to put other girls down like that though cause she is human in the end (I think I did say somewhere Carat had a big nostril though but not ugly)
To be frank, I donno this Carat or Tracy but I feel that tracy is like a piece of ****. When I looked at her mouth and teeth, I totally dont have the appetite to eat.I think you all who vote for Tracy should wear spectacles. Hey, did you all left your spec at home? Jacqueline?…even worse, with flat face and short chin.
Carat looks a lot like Kelly Chen. Don’t you guys think?
What an insult to Kelly Chen
What an insult to your mother ;o
Kelly Chen is not that pretty to me. Her eyes are funny.
I take Lori is a very young teen…. aw the good old days
Sandcherry: hmm so I guess your stating the winner is not so pretty either
Albeit a disrespectful young teenybopper. I’m sure Carat Cheung would be exceptionally proud to have fans like her!
Carat like Kelly Chen? No. Not at all.
Thank you
Finally watched the show, so can FINALLY comment! LOL
I think Carat (hearing her name made me giggle, until I saw how it was spelt =P) answered the questions the best in all the rounds and out of the top 3. So I think her crown is deserved based on that and she is not bad looking. Tracy didn’t answer that well – she kept giggling in a really goofy way which made her look a little retarded and not elegant at all. So don’t know why she’s a favourite…
My personal favourite was Jacqueline Wong! I thought she answered the questions well and looks cute. She’s just a little short…
How did that Eurasian Melanie McAndrew get in the top 10?? How are you supposed to represent Hong Kong when you don’t even understand or speak Cantonese?? Thank god she didn’t make top 6. She wasn’t that pretty for a Eurasian too…
Does anyone else think that Jacqueline Wong looks a bit like Sheren Tang? So glad she was in top 3!
What on earth? Jacqueline Wong doesn’t bear any resemblance to Sheren Tang AT ALL.
I’m watch the show now. Last time, I only base my opinion on pictures. Now, seeing them onscreen, the one that most capture my attention is Jessica Shum. I can’t explain why. I just like her smile. Cynthia has the most elegant look. Carat is beautiful except for her nose. Tracy has a very sunshine look. The way she dance makes her seem like a fun person.
Sorry, I mean Jennifer Shum.
Agree. Carat’s only not-too-pretty feature was her nose. It was too pointed. On the whole, she was still the prettiest one among the top 3. She deserved the crown.
Watching the interview part with the TVB actresses. Carat did very well in this part. I like her answer and the way she talks. Her answer is witty and the way she talks is very pleasant.
Finish watching this segment. I candidates that did the best in this segment in Carat, Roxanne and Jacqueline Wong. The content of Amy Cheung’s answer is also pretty good. Too bad she has an accent and this make her speech not very pleasant to the ear.
It was not her accented Chinese, Amy Cheung did not look pretty at all in her swimsuit. She was too thin, and her figure was not proportionate at all.
Moreover, she did not look good with her weird hairdo. It was too sophisticated for a young female.
Carat and Roxanne were my best choices. Unfortunately, Roxanne did not get to the top 3.
After watching the whole show, I think Carat Cheung is a deserving winner.
NowTV is having a vote for Miss Hong Kong winner. Go and vote now !
I just finished watching the show. Carat was definitely the best among the top 3. Tracy was not pretty at all. Her mouth was a bit crooked, her front teeth and gum were terrible. Her right eye was slightly bigger than her left one. She just had a good smile. Jacqueline was not pretty either. The hairstylist made her uglier with her hairdo. Her hairdo showed off her forehead more.
In fact, I think Roxanne did pretty well in every section, though I never liked her much before tonight’s show because of all those rumours. She was prettier than the 1st and 2nd runners up, and she talked better. Her only drawback was her boring black evening gown which did not make her stand out among the contestants.
Amy Cheung did not look good in the finale. First I did not like her weird hairdo. Secondly, she did not have a nice figure in swimsuit. Her upper body was too long, and her waistline was very low and it looked funny. However, she looked amazingly pretty in her white T-shirt photo, but she did not look pretty in the finale.
My theory of why many audience root for Tracy
– mad at TVB for the server crash
– Tracy has a commoner’s sweet smile and friendly face while Carat has a more proportioned face and pageantry smile but look less friendly
-Tracy was an underdog who suddenly look ‘pretty’ on the final night.
Carat has a more proportioned face and pageantry smile but look less friendly.
Agree. She was the prettiest one among the top 6. She answered all her questions very well. She was very confident in herself. She deserved the Crown. Hong Kong people should be proud to have her represent Hong Kong in future pageant shows.
Strange …… the failure of TVB’s voting system was not mentioned in the show broadcast tonight. Probably it had already been cut off in the show before it was sent overseas.
Personally I think the winners of Miss Hong Kong 2011 were prettier than the ones in this year. They were prettier and more elegant.
All contestants looked different live on stage (at Finale). Most of them looked less pretty as they looked in their big-head photos. Also they looked different if they smiled. Some showed their ugly teeth and gum, and some had big mouths and lips.
Don’t let them mislead you to think everyone is as pretty as she looks in their big-head photos. Eventually I found out more about them at the Finale.
The top three was well deserved. I didn’t think Carat Cheung had a chance but she outperformed others. So did Tracy Chu and Jacqueline Wong. I was so disappointed with the 40th Miss Hong Kong Anniversary. Nothing special like the ones I remembered from 1992 and 2002. At least there were some theme to the show. This anniversary seems as if TVB had not put any effort to make the real meaning of MISS HK. Also having past winners and contestants and Miss Hong Kong doesn’t make it special. Just so disappointed about the quality of the show. The rating for this pageant every year has gone down. I even think Miss Chinese International Pageant has better show performance than Miss Hong Kong. Also every anniversary there would be a special crown. This year it’s nothing but the regular MHK crown. I guess TVB doesn’t want spend that much money this show event then.