2013 Miss Hong Kong Pageant: List of 20 Official Contestants

The 20 official contestants competing for the 2013 Miss Hong Kong crown made their appearance at the press conference held on July 4.
Following a stringent preliminary selection process and a second round of interview, 17 local beauties and 3 overseas contestants were selected by judges. Media favorites, #9 Virginir Lau (劉溫馨) and #15 Sisley Choi (蔡思貝) made the final cut. The overseas contestants include #12 Karen Leung (梁家欣) from Scotland, #10 Michelle Liem (林伊麗) and #19 Natalie Sui (蕭穎詩) from the United States.
Following last year’s Miss Hong Kong pageant format, this year’s competition will also feature a reality TV show format, in which the winners will be determined by public votes.
Through the drawing of lots, the contestants drew out their numbers as well as the cities where they will travel to for their outdoor photography shoots. The scenic cities that were chosen are Paris, Seoul, Moscow, Beijing, Athens, Taipei, Bangkok and Chaozhou. The 20 beauties will leave for these cities next Sunday.
The list of the 20 contestants and the cities they will be heading to are as follows:
- Kendy Cheung (張敬仁) – Paris
- Whitney Law (羅紫君) – Seoul
- Tessy Yu (余思慧) – Moscow
- Iris Lee (李曉東) – Beijing
- Ashley Chu (朱智賢) – Athens
- Moon Lau (劉佩玥) – Taipei
- Acca Sum (沈桂澄) – Bangkok
- Susan Su (謝海珊) – Chaozhou
- Virginir Lau (劉溫馨) – Seoul
- Michelle Liem (林伊麗)– Beijing
- Summer Ng (吳瑋雯) – Paris
- Karen Leung (梁家欣)– Bangkok
- Au Yeung Hao Ying (歐陽巧瑩) – Moscow
- Sara Lam (林思韻) – Athens
- Sisley Choi (蔡思貝) – Taipei
- Peggy Tsui (徐韶蓓) – Chaozhou
- Grace Chan (陳凱琳) – Paris
- Cherry Cheung (張雪瑩) – Beijing
- Natalie Sui (蕭穎詩)– Seoul
- Vicky Chan (陳偉琪) – Taipei
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Source: ihktv.com
This article is written by Karen for JayneStars.com.
My favorites are #9 Virginir Lau, #2 Whitney Law, and #15 Sisley Choi. I think Virginir’s looks stand out the most, but need to watch video clips of them to see how they handle themselves before the media.
Based on the above photos, I agree with #9 Virginir Lau and #15 Sisley Choi. I can imagine them being cast by TVB.
#9 Virginir Lau looks like Raymond Lam’s BB Karena no? i dont understand how some of these girls made the cut. I think #17 is a mix right? She looks very elegant and approachable. I think she will probably score well . if she knows how to speak Cantonese fluently.
As per above photos, Contestants #8 Susan Su (謝海珊), #9 Virginir Lau (劉溫馨) , and # 16 Peggy Tsui (徐韶蓓) look pretty to me.
After watching the video clip, # 15 looks pretty too.
#9, #13, #16 aren’t bad.
surprised canadian contestants got shut out. especially considering the sub par quality of at least half of these girls.
Really?? These type of quality made the cut??? Talk about tasteless….
Number 11 looks like she came from a village (not from France.) Can’t believe she got in. She looks more like a farmer than a Miss Hong Kong contestant. OMG. Contestant before 2010 were all okay but starting 2011 9 out of 10 of them look horrible. It’s a beauty pageant. People are trying to choose the prettiest one. LOL they were called pork chops last year and they asked if they can eliminate all of the contestants. I wonder how these look without that ton of makeup. This is not mean. The truth always hurts.
calling them pork chops would be disrespecting the pigs… this pageant should be renamed 2013 Miss FOB Pageant…
Hahaaa!!! They should up the age to 40.. that’s how # 11 look to me.. I can find 40 year old hotties before than #11.
In some earlier photos, #11 looked like Maggie siu, but too bad she doesn’t resemble the young Maggie siu, but the 40 yr old Maggie siu.
Yeah i totally agree with you. they all look like pork chops except for a few such as no.9 and thats it!!
Maybe No.11 is indeed a farmer in a french village. Coming from France doesn’t necessary mean she is educated.
@devilzqt how can they be “Fresh off the boat” in hk if they already live in hk most of their life?
Okay I only found 17 to be elegant and has the charisma of a Ms HK. The others are just too girl next door
Agree, only 17 appears to make the cut
I think the Miss Korea 2013 contestants were prettier:
This is the winner:
This is a clearer picture of all the contestants, very pretty I have to admit:
they are all very pretty but they also all look the same lol
Yea, they are pretty but all have a similar face. I still remember when my family and I were watching the Korean series “Dong Yi”. My second brother usually does not comment on actresses’ looks, but he wondered why they all had the same face, even the older women. He joked that they all used the same mold or went to the same plastic surgeon or something. Even if they all look good in people’s eyes, they have lost their uniqueness which should come with natural looks. What is the point of looking the same as everyone else??
I don’t think it is fair to compare these 2 pageants since they are just different.
Wei Zifu It’s unfair to compare the two. First of all, majority of the Korean contestants have probably done some sort of cosmetic enhancement. Plastic surgery is no big deal over there. Even until this very day , many Hong Kong contestants don’t really go that way. Plus, for MISS HK, they’ve banned things like : bra padding, fake eyelashes, heavy makeup and of course circular lenses. However I do think that there are definitely more “prettier” and natural contestants out there than the selected 20. Half of these wouldn’t be considered beautiful. Then again, nowadays a lot of of pretty, SMART girls wouldn’t join these pageants. The title MISS HONG KONG is generally bought with money or some sort of benefit. It doesn’t truly possess the same kind of prestige and respect like its earlier days.
@Wei Zifu, isn’t that winner Miss Korea 2012?
Honestly, you can’t really compare Miss Korea and Miss Hong Kong. The culture is very different and the public acceptance or definition of “beauty” is different. Like others had stated, Korea is more acceptable with plastic surgery, therefore it is common to see most of the pageants gone through cosmetic procedures. In Hong Kong, plastic surgery is widely criticized. If someone discovered a pageant had something “fixed” then it will cause controversies. TVB is all about the marketing and rating. If plastic surgery is input in Miss Hong Kong, then it would be over.
Why can’t you compare them? Are you suggesting that the Hong Kong girls in these photos haven’t been made up? Both girls in both photo shoots are heavily made up. Just look at the link Nicole posted to see what the Miss Korean contestants looked like BEFORE the makeup.
If anything, I think it proves that they have far more talents makeups artists in Korea than the do Hong Kong!
*for more talented makeup artists in Korea than they do in Hong Kong.
Terrible spelling
And since I’m posting again.. also take a look at how the two different pageants dressed their ladies. Korea? elegance… Hong Kong? Like hostess bar hopefulls
TVBFanatic: Yes makeup and clothes can ultimately change how the contestants look like. But what you see in the MISS KOREA before and after isn’t based on makeup. It’s heavy photoshopping. Plus even when they take off makeup, it’s guarantee that they won’t look the same as the hong kong participants. Koreans emphasize on a different kind of beauty: pale skin, big eyes, slim v jawline and also TALL and small nose.
Yes, I’d agree with that. Some definite photoshop cleanups.
the makeup artist must be very good but can only produce one outcome!
I agree and really miss the good old days of the pageant. It has lost its prestige and glamour… The title of Ms. Hk does not seem to mean what it used to anymore.
Wei Zifu,
The majority of the contestants in Miss Korea 2013 resemble each other closely, perhaps due to plastic surgery making their features adhere to the same standards.
Did you look at Nicole’s link Jayne? I don’t think the plastic surgery is as prevalent as one might think. The before shots of those girls are all fairly plain. I say kudos to the makeup artists myself.
I had clicked on the after photos only. But looking at the before and after photos now, the differences are due to the same makeup technique and also lots of photoshop. Some of the women’s jawline even appear to be different in the after photos!
Ah, Korean beauties! Love and hate at the same time…
They all look so sweet aand cute and feminine… I don’t want to know how much plastic work went into making over them…
Besides make up, photoshopping really played a big role in it all…
Korea is just full of plastic surgery . All looks the same to me .
It was photoshop… not Plastic Surgery
Take a look at the before photos.. i doubt ALL those girls has Plastic Surgery weeks before the show!!
It’s number 17 for me.
yep yep i like #17 the most too !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Sophia,
Me too. I think she’s photogenic and looks like she could carry off a gown nicely.
Waste of money to send these below average girls to those destinations just for photoshoots. Spend so much money but eventually crowns an average winner. Some coutries just hold simple pageants and yet their winners are of international standard.
#17 most pretty.
#2, #9 and #17 here. Will be interesting to hear them speak etc… although, I am still disappointed it’s another reality show based pageant.
#9 CALLING IT!!! Wow this year quality is pretty damn good.
I dislike the outfits. Instead of radiating youthful attractiveness, the outfits have an unflattering cut that make these skinny women look fat and old.
Agreed. Terrible choice.
I think most of them look pretty nice and quite natural in beauty.
none of them look outstanding. the most stand out maybe only virginir
#1 & #17 are my pics!
#9 and #17 for me. How the heck did #11 get in?!
#17 for me too :3
Number 9 is cute, but the close up of her nose is kinda weird looking.
That #2 contestant in the pic looks like Lynn Hung from far away.
The clips of them introducing themselves are actually on the tvb website. I like 1 and 17 so far and 9 actually has a bit of a mainland accent, which isn’t a problem but since it’s a Hong Kong pageant, I’m not sure about that.
Mmmmm … This year contestants not bad out of 20 at least 8 to 9 are pretty and have pagent look..good luck. ..tough fight…
A lot of people are seems to be rooting for #9 and #17.
I reckon #9 looks like Karena Ng; girl next door type.
#17 is more elegant looking, but I’m rooting for #1 and #15 ^^
#15 reminds me of Jacklyn Wu who I think is extremely beautiful and #1 is by far the most prettiest even though she’s a little short >.<
yeah #17 is very pretty and elegant.
No.11 is stunningly beautiful
are u serious??? she looks like a pork chop!
Her hair is so wrong! Not doing any justice.
my vote goes to #17.. #15 just very plain to me.. #9 is ok…
#17 is the only remotely attractive one
Maybe #13, she looks like she has potential.
#15 looks too blokish. Most have wierd eyes.
IMO #1, #8, #9 and #13 are most photogenic out of all pics above. But if I see another set of photos of them, they may look better/worst…so can’t tell from this who (I think) should ‘win’ – looks wise anyways!
3 out the 4 I picked out now probably won’t make the pass round 1…
It’s like picking for the grand national right now…ANYTHING can happen! lol
Forgot to include #17! Also very photogenic
Right had another look at #15. Gosh she looks like a tranny. Sorry to #15 ‘fans’! Had to say it.