Angelababy and Huang Xiaoming Plan Special Wedding Favors

In the days leading up to the highly anticipated October 8 wedding between Huang Xiaoming (黃曉明) and Angelababy, there has been fervent buzz about the details of the wedding. The latest scoop revolves around the couple’s wedding invitations and favors for the big day.
In the cutely designed pink boxes, there were autographed pictures of the couple in both contemporary Western-style and traditional Chinese wedding outfits, the traditional Chinese wedding pastries, as well as some pastries not conventionally given in the context of weddings.
Upon closer examination of the photographs, one would notice a note on the box, which explained that the cookies were baked by people who were disabled, who had received training at a charitable organization in Nanjing and were ready to integrate into society. The note then encouraged recipients of the wedding favors to stand with Xiaoming and Angelababy in providing support to people who are disabled.
This pleasantly surprised netizens, who had expected the couple’s high-profile wedding to be commercialized by corporate sponsors wanting to leverage on the publicity. Contrary to everyone’s expectations, Angelababy and Xiaoming decided to use their wedding as an opportunity to support a charitable cause and advocate for support from their close friends and family.
Apart from the wedding invitation and favor being revealed, there have also been rumors that Xiaoming will be giving Angelababy a big surprise on the wedding day itself. This led to even greater anticipation of the wedding, and fans of the couple are now speculating that perhaps the surprise will also be tied together with support for a charitable cause.
This article is written by Jingles for
COOL!!! How refreshing that they are using this event so meaningfully instead of spending tons of wasteful mone to scream: “Look at how important I am, and how lavishly special my wedding is” (Coco Lee and Jay Chou jump to mind).
I agree and it is great that they are using their wedding day for such a charitable cause. More celebs should do the same instead of spend wastefully on things that are not that necessary.
Precisely. While I get that weddings are a once in life time deal, anything more than what is reasonable for a gong-show is just wastefully foolish.
1) these people don’t need any more publicity nor money so why not use their $ more wisely? (tai tai like Cathy Tsui is yet another – charity is for show really. FB brag fest among all of them Gigi Lai included for what limited editions they have. For what they pay in one Hermes bag, it could feed 3 needy families for a yr)
2) use celeb status, publicity and fan attention/manipulation for a good cause benefitting the more needy (Jackie Cheung and his request for bags of rice donations instead of fan service wasteful flowers + gifts
I’m just waiting for that one person to bring Wong Cho Lam and Leanne Li and bash on them.
Oh dear…. I think we all need to be prepared.
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Dude, you’ve got No chill
OH dear, you need a life big time. I am just waiting for you to get banned.
I think you are a big fan of Leanne and dreamed of marrying her but sadly WCL already did,so you are angry and jealous and must blast him at every chance you get. Get back to reality before you go crazy if you have not already.
@freedalas and here my friends, i present you a prime example of someone who enjoys bashing on others to receive attention.
although im not a big fan of either person, im glad they are doing something useful to the community. I grew up being conservative and cant for the life of me handle people who uses money like water, hence why im not a fan of WCL buying so much expensive things for his wifey Leanne. im not going to rip on him for his looks *cough, cough* but i will rip on his spending habits.
Yes and I agree with you that WCL should not just spend and spoil Leanne and should use his money for my more meaningful things. But of course,it is not only him since many celebs spend wastefully since they just have more money. We have seen that with Raymond and Karena but maybe people do not complain as much since Raymond is really rich and Karena is more decent looking. Anyways, WCL should also save up in case he has kids in the future because it is very expensive to raise kids. I think American celebs are the more wasteful spenders because they make way way more money than Asian celebs but yet many of them lose it all within just a few years. Basically, they spend like there is no tomorrow. I guess when money comes more easily for some than others, they tend to spend it a lot more easily as well.
@hetieshou i agree, people who like get money off trees and spends wastefully kinda pisses me off. Oh believe me, I live in the states and it’s never a first when i hear that a celeb is like bankrupt or something.
I live in the US too and live in California where a lot of the rich celebs live so I hear about it all the time. Going bankrupt is one thing, but I even heard of some going on welfare and one even living in their car. I was thinking if it was truly that bad,however,it truly was due to their wasteful spending. My family always talk about how we can live our whole lives if we had even a bit of that amount,but my brother said that Americans spend differently. It is good to be thrifty,however,we should not be too frugal that we become selfish too. That is also not a good thing.
I am not a fan of these two but I’m glad they put their wedding to good use and not be wasteful.
I am going to ignore that crazy person from now on. No sense talking senses into her. and yes, it’s def. a her!
@happybi lol dont, people like “it” is someone you should not try to talk senses into
I agree and will ignore that psychopath from now too. They will get tired hopefully and put a sock in it eventually if they have a life.
Congratulations to both of them! They look really in love and happy with each other! I am not a fan of either HXM or AB but I admire them for not forgetting about the people who really need help! I wish them lots of wedding bliss and hopefully some pitter-patter of little footsteps around their home soon!
Yes congrats to them and this one of the first times that I have seen a couple use their wedding day for a good cause. That is really nice and admirable of them. I actually have like XM for a long time and am glad he finally found his happiness. I was never a fan of AB but she seems like a decent person with a good heart. Wish them a lifetime of happiness together.