Bosco Wong Licks Soles and Does Not Seek to Become TV King

Bosco Wong’s (黃宗澤) performance as a gangster, Cripple Co, in TVB’s drama, Lives of Omission <潛行狙擊> was extremely convincing and into character. In the drama, Bosco’s character was crippled by a triad leader from the same organization and in order to rise up the ranks in the triad world, he was forced to lick someone’s shoe soles.
To save Cripple Co, girlfriend Paris (portrayed by Kate Tsui 徐子珊), even carried out an indecent proposal with her mentor. Bosco’s role was indeed full of bloodshed and tears and more outstanding to a degree than “Laughing Gor” Michael Tse (謝天華)! It’s no wonder Wayne Lai (黎耀祥) supported Bosco to be the dark horse contender for this year’s TV King award.
Did Not Resist Licking Soles
When brought up by the reporter, Bosco also had a deep impression of that particular shoe-sole-licking scene, “Firstly, I wish to thank the producer of Lives of Omission in casting me as Cripple Co. I know that the reception (of this role) from the outside world was not bad. The hit counter on TVB’s website showed that over a million people were chasing the drama. To speak the truth, I don’t feel that Cripple Co was more eye-catching than Laughing Gor. After all, Michael is the centralized character that is leading us. It’s just that Cripple Co had many twists and turns in character and had more elements in him. For example, the intense kiss with Kate Tsui’s Paris and the scene of him being forced to lick someone’s soles. However, without Laughing Gor’s battle of wits with him, the series wouldn’t be as interesting to watch.” (Reporter: You added the idea of licking someone’s soles on your own?) “It was written by the scriptwriter; I did not especially resist in acting that scene. When we were shooting it, I did feel terrible but that exact terrible feeling was sought to bring out that scene. Actually transparent adhesive tapes were stuck onto the soles before that licking scene so it’s actually quite clean.”
Didn’t Feel Awkward in Intense Kissing Scenes with Kate Tsui
In Lives of Omission, Bosco and Kate Tsui shared several intimate scenes which involved a lot of “skin rubbing against skin” movements. Almost every episode included an intense kiss with Kate too. It could indeed be said that Bosco had received rather generous treatment from TVB!
In reply to this, Bosco instead responded, “No, the producer wanted to give the audience a different feeling towards each of the two couples in the series. Kate and I are the more intense couple. When my character and Kate’s character meet, they kiss and pull each other’s hair. Michael’s and Fala Chen’s (陳法拉) characters are more subtle in comparison.” (Reporter: Do you and Kate act the same in real life too?) “Not as intensely romantic. We won’t kiss upon meeting each other and the more we wouldn’t pull each other’s hair!” (Did you ever exchange any form of “love electricity” with Kate?) “Never, in real life, Kate Tsui is like a guy. Thus, I didn’t feel embarrassed acting with her.” (Did rumored girlfriend Myolie Wu (胡杏兒) go on set to supervise you and Kate?) “No one supervised us. Furthermore, it’s not like I will notify in advance as kissing scenes are commonplace in TVB’s scripts.”
Might Not Be Involved in the Movie Version of Lives of Omission
Since Lives of Omission won glowing praises from the audience, did Bosco have the confidence to fight for the TV King award based on his role? In reply to this, Bosco responded, “Fight for what ah! See who the audience likes and will follow fate lahs! A good role is essential in order to win the award and not for anyone to interject and fight for it. I feel that good reviews are more important than receiving an award.” Bosco remarked that he hoped to hear everyone’s praises that he did a good job portraying Cripple Co or win the recognition of industry insiders.
Since the movie version of Lives of Omission will start filming in the end of September, will Cripple Co’s story be continued in the movie? Bosco replied, “The ending of the TV version is still unknown. I only know that an open ending was filmed. The rest is up to how the producer choose to edit it.” (Reporter: Did you take a break from filming to shoot the movie version of Lives of Omission?) “I currently have two movie projects on hand. I know that they have asked about my schedule. After all, the main lead is still Laughing Gor. It is still too early to tell until the TV finale is broadcasted.” Deciphering Bosco’s words, it probably meant that Laughing Gor surely won’t die while there was half the chance that Cripple Co might die.
This article was translated by Ah K, a Contributing Writer at
“See who the audience likes and will follow fate lahs!”
LOL WRONG! It’s supposed to be see who the TVB judges like! Fate on the hand of the hi level executives and producers! ROFL
Well now that Stephen Chan is not guilty, he is back in the game. Rebirth of Stephen Chan Party. Look out Mrs. Lok. Lol
He was never that powerful to begin with so frankly 620 is still you know, da woman.
Lol, you might be happy too soon. Rmb that their battle isn’t one day. Before SC is involved in the corruption, can he kicked out 620?
So the political struggle at TVB continues. At the same time, I believe Virginia Lok will continue to manage artist management, while Stephen may oversee general operations and perhaps development of variety programs. Hmmm…spheres of different influence.
I thought Fox said there’s rumour that 620 will leave TVB and move to Shaw Brothers. So that leaves SC in power
Right after that I read 620 denied.
620 is a lady who only promote her favs! I just read today news that other than 620’s four generals Stephen also want to blacklist Linda Chung, Myolie and Kate Tsui.
News also said that Tavia and Fala will be promoted.
SC isn’t better. He also wanna promote his fave. Amigo, if there isn’t Eli’s scandal, was pushed to be a singer. Patrick Tang, with no experience of being an MC, was fulled to do the MC job.
Catherine also has her own fave and she does a lot of thing to push her fave up.
So everybody are just the same.
SC will promote who and not promote who, let’s see. Someone jumped out of his ship when it’s sinked.
What? Stephen wants to blacklist Linda Chung, Myolie and Kate Tsui?!
Magazine reports said Stephen want to blacklist some people including 620, LF, Bosco, Michael Tse, Kevin, Linda, Myolie, Kate
This I do not believe. Those are some of the most famous ones and who else to replace them? And frankly SC was never and is never that powerful to dictate such rules.
Those reports are totally unbelievable.
Linda, Kate, Myolie, Raymond, Bosco, Kevin are all leading actors/actresses who already has big fanbase and are already bringing in the money.
SC will be stupid to blacklist them.
Dont think it’s true that Stephen would blacklist LF, Ron, Linda and whoever are in the 620 party. It would be a stupic act if he plans to do so though since all these young artists make huge return for tvb.
Btw, can someone here tell me who has higher ranking in the management? Stephen or 620??
SC’s position is higher but they has different field. SC controls the show system while 620 is in charge with artists and artists’ schedule. Mean 620 has more chances to promote artists than SC.
Thanks Fox. If SC has higher ranking than 620 in the management, SC will probably make things harder for 620 to promote her artists and artists like Wong he, Steven Ma etc will probably be given more opportunities in acting?
Do you see before the corruption case, can SC do such thing? SC also wanna promote his own kids (Patrick, Fala, Amigo, etc.) but his party is quite weak. Fala is definitely more famous after she changed ship.
Steven Ma is always mentioning that he is close with Catherine Tsang more SC.
Yeah, SC also promote his own favorite like 620. But problem is, most of his honeys doesn’t have talent nor look. At least 620 have decent looks.
Patrick Tang
Cannot sing, cannot act, annoying to watch onscreen. Not even borderline good looking to me.
Amigo Chui
Girlfriend beater, average MC. The biggest ‘huh’ to me when he won Most Improved Male Artist
Wong Hei
Exception, he can act. But I never liked his acting style and give me quite a negative/bitter vibe.
Bernice Liu
Excaption, have looks. Don’t say acting, Cantonese also cannot improve all these years
Fala Chen
The only actress I like in (ex) Stephen Chan camp. She got more variety of roles after jumping ship, and at least she made improvement in acting.
Wayne Lai
Can act, but nowadays he keep denying being favored by SC. Making comment ‘We’re actually not that close’ more than once and it made me laughed because he once state that SC is his son godfather. LMAO….
LOL, i think Steven is playing the safe game, better to say more close with Catherine than SC (to avoid War from SC and 620).
Has Fala confirmed changed ship?? I thought she said she belongs to no one party haha. Very classic answer.
@Veejay: Most of artists play safe game and say they are not in any party. Actually they also often jump ship.
@sehseh: I can see that in SC’s fave list, Steven, TY, Wayne are always make a line with SC and never really say they are belonging to SC’s party. TY now 100% jumped out of SC’s ship so not mentioning of her. Steven and Wayne are playing half half game. Steven said about Catherine Tsang while Wayne keeps his own way of no party.
But it’s funny to see Wayne stated himself that his son is SC’s godson :P. I wonder if the corruption happened before that, would Wayne stated so?
I completely agree with you on Patrick. I don’t have anything against him but his talents is a very big question. Even in MV, he is wooden, not talk about on screen.
Fala is an exception. When she is with SC’s party, she isn’t liked as now, after jump out of the ship. So can say that SC dun noe how to invest her.
Actually I dun think SC has good eyes on talents. His biological sons are average to low. I’m not talking about Wong Hei because he is a friend, not biological son of SC; Steven – who is close to Catherine Tsang more and Wayne, who isn’t really biological son of SC. SC’s own method to promote his kids isn’t good, too.
620 might be annoying, but she really knows how to make her kids popular. She also knows how to make her kids satisfy the audience’s tastes. I have never seen any 620’s fave that can’t capture and gain fans. Of course they all have haters, even a lot, but can’t deny a fact that 620’s fave have more fans than haters.
I never know Tavia was in SC ship to begin with.. Never heard of her being in SC ship before. I thought she was in Catherine ship.
@Kidd @Fox,
Now that Fox reminded me, yeah Tavia was once in Stephen camp. It was SC support that she landed a lead role in BTROC. I remember SC promoting/supporting TY in event(s) example car launch but TY forgot her lines/the car feature she is suppose to promote. That’s why I remember the incident, haha.
@Kidd, sehseh: Yes, TY was in SC’s ship during the 2008, 2009 time. She jumped out after the corruption happened.
Sehseh rmb rite, SC supported TY to have the role in BTROC but before that, during the MR time, TY had some close meetings with SC. I rmb that because this time she accidentally showed her underwear in front of SC and Face pointed that. They even enlarged the underwear and had a funny face of SC next to it. This face expression is very priceless.
I don’t know that she is in Catherine’s party. I think it’s kinda obvious now she is in 620’s party more.
Wtf, TY accidentally exposed her underwear at SC..?! lmao
is TV trying to make this guy straight there??
SC is a Bi, not a gay :P, Veejay. He still can be seduced by girls.
Oh i see, I always thought he’s gay since there are alot of rumours of him with male artists :p
BTW, I hope it was the way she crossed her legs that made her exposed her underwear and not intentionally as that would be a cheap way to get SC to promote her since TY already has name in TVB, everyone knows her already.
He admitted he is a Bisexual. I rmb he has rumour with a B or C list actress but it’s very long ago.
Not the first time :P. Only in YSSS promotion functions, she accidentally exposed twice (bra and underwear).
Lol, but dun blame her. Who tell the weather to be so hot then the actresses have to wear super short skirts.
Virginia lok is so fake.
樂易玲昨則在電話恭喜陳無罪,並說:「呢個係我個人最想見到嘅結果,大家都戥 Stephen開心。」
Virginia yesterday on the phone congratulated Mr.Chan and said ‘This is the verdict I personally most wish to see. Everyone is happy for Stephen.’
Lol, you expect she’ll come out and say: “he should stay in prison and never come back”? But the welcome SMS and “Everyone want that” are so fake.
Kidd, it is a diplomatic reply, like those Miss Hk complimenting each other, actors saying how great the others are. We all know how she feels inside. At least she can act better than most she chose to promote.
@ Funn
Yeah, but, still, it’s vomit inducing, because she’s the one who stab him most harshly in court.
Wayne’s comment is funny
黎耀祥︰戥佢開心,一向好欣賞佢搞電視嘅才華,希望佢投入番工作。暫時唔會主動聯絡,呢個時間扮 friend好似唔係幾啱。
Wayne: Happy for him. I’ve always admired his talent in making TV series (or running a TV station). I hope he concentrates on his work again. I have not contacted him yet. Acting all friendly at this moment doesn’t seem right.
Note: The chinese word use is ‘扮 friend’ (ban friend). Also can be translate as pretending to be friend.
I guess that’s how 620 and Stephen can hold on to their high ranked position with their fake performance, behaviour, mind etc.
I wonder if Wayne ever feel regret for not staying with Stephen during the hard time like Wong Hei did? He sounds like he’s kinda regretting it lol.
Here, a huge tong for your vomit, because there will be more!
“Wayne: Happy for him. I’ve always admired his talent in making TV series (or running a TV station). I hope he concentrates on his work again. I have not contacted him yet. Acting all friendly at this moment doesn’t seem right.”
Well at least he is honest. Frankly again I repeat I never thought SC as someone influential in TVB anyway.
Was he THAT good? Was he? To build up my expectations and then have it crushed!
With that hat he is beginning to look like Lee Seunggi
Who is Lee Seunggi
Korean actor
Uber famous in Korea, one of the co host in 2 days 1 night, singer, acted in some series, one of which is I believe My Girlfriend is a Gumiho, charmaine’s fans may know him as he presented her with an award or maybe was the host (can’t remember), witty, intelligent, smart, gentlemanly, patient, can cook, absolute darling, and loves to wear hats like Bosco in 2 days 1 night
Yeah, super famous in Korea, probably most well-known elsewhere for My Girlfriend is a Nine-Tailed Fox and Shining Inheritance. He’s a good actor and also a super funny host (current co-host of Strong Heart, which is a Korean variety show). Funn, never knew he can cook and all those personality traits!
“Funn, never knew he can cook and all those personality traits!”
YOU. MUST.WATCH.2 Days 1 Night!! KBS channel, every Friday 10.15pm. The funniest variety show right now, also thank god for subtitles! He really enjoyed cooking for the staff, and he is also rather smart. Acknowledged as the smartest of the guys.
Very funny time when they had to ask for directions, some guest actor quite well known went and was recognised. He went back to the bus and another co host I think Ho Dong said “you wanna see some real reaction?” and he told Seunggi “Seunggi, you go ask for direction” and we don’t see the visuals, we see the guys on the bus but the moment he stepped off the bus you can hear LOUD screams! It was very funny. Uber famous and very classy guy. if he was pretending then he must have infinite patience to pretend.
And the more I see Bosco picture above the more I think I see Seunggi!
” witty, intelligent, smart, gentlemanly, patient, can cook, absolute darling, and loves to wear hats like Bosco in 2 days 1 night”
Bosco can cook too.
And yes Bosco is better looking but really even the way the hair falls on the forehead is the same.
Bosco is natural in his depiction of “Cripple Co” in which he conveyed the character’s lust and angst quite well. As a mafia leader, his youthful looks make him appear unconvincing. Overall, his appearance does not seem imposing or intimidating at all.
yeah, i also think Bosco’s youthful looks that kill the convincing part.
@Funn I don’t think you should expect too much. He hold his ground against Laughing but he’s no way near Wayne Lai, Roger Kwok or Ruco Chan. He’s getting all the good words of mouth now because he sort of transform into the character and because it’s rare to see a younger generation act very good since Raymond Lam going the idol route.
At least I can say that he’s more convincing than Michael Miu in EU :P. I’m not even his fan lol
Remind me of a criticism to say that Michael is a cop like gangster in The Academy and a gangster like cop in E.U.
I keep thinking that he looks like a cop in EU. Handsome man who looks good for his age but lacking in acting. Not all veterans can act lol
Michael Miu never act naturally ROFL. He’s only eye candy but my mum love him ROFL
LOL! I agree. Bosco acts better than Michael Miu but Michael Miu is such an eyecandy at his age! <3
Yah eye candy and cool uncle but when it comes to acting my younger brothers gave him the acronym T.C.A = totally can’t act
Michael Miu not THAT bad. He’s ok, the younger ones aren’t that much better but yes he is a veteran only because of the no. of years he acted. His wife isn’t any better.
“His wife isn’t any better”
LOL agreed. She’s not any better despite the veteran status too.
Another veteran with the case is Idy Chan. She’s stiff.
Eh Idy Chan is like veteran of veteran, too famous! But she can act I suppose. Stiff yes, but more ermmm… emotion? If that is possible? But Jamie Chik is very beautiful. Even Angie Chiu isn’t that great. But naturally beautiful. Classy.
I don’t know, I don’t think he’s up to par yet judging from his performance in Growing Through Life.
Is it just me or did Bosco look like he forgot to take down the inflatable travel pillow from his neck? Lol! But it’s a unique outfit anyway lahs! I choose this over the skirt pants at any time!
Really sharp eyes, lol.
Ah K,
Aside from the “inflatable pillow,” he looks good and well-rested in the interview photos.
Between filming his upcoming 2 movies and the confirmed “Miss Koo” spin off series in November, Bosco will have a very hectic filming schedule ahead.
That just means no bai co in laughing gor movie. And yeah that inflatable pillow… His fashion sense is the the weirdest in tvb haha… And some tvb artistes actually follow his style lol
I’ve stumbled on a magazine scans that shows Bosco is in the middle of filming already. There’s also Sammy the host.
I wonder what Myolie’s schedule will be filled with since most of the TITS 2 cast are all filling up their schedule with movies and series. I hope Myo can film another ancient mainland series
Maybe he got tips from Liza Wang. Liza Wang adores him and Myolie and Liza Wang has always been very daring in her outfit, at least, on stage.
is it a fashion or something? i saw daniel chan xiu dong also wear that style on his interview. The interviewer was laughing that it looks like travel pillow haha. Wonder who is the genius who come out w/ that fashion.
Genius? The fashion design is weird! Normal citizens wont wear this!
lol yes is that an inflatable pillow? I hate those skirts too. Men don’t wear skirts
Cecilia wore the same inflatable pillow (fashion lar!) during her interview about those photos, remember?
After LOO, I think I’m going to miss Bosco’s mustache.
I used to dislike it before LOO. But really loving it now
I said, the mustache is cute.
I’m gonna miss the stash and the mafia man look (cry). Now he’s back to look like a kid.
He must be learning this humble responses from Myolie :). Myolie is always polite and humble. Both of their responses for the awards are humble. I think Myolie will win TV Queen but I think TV King will go to Kevin Cheng or Michael Tse. Bosco won’t get it before Raymond Lam.
Actually chance for Kevin to win this year isn’t too high at all.
Maybe higher chance for Raymond then? After Laughing Gor of course.
Guess so. GJ aired long ago and ppl might forget Kevin. Don’t like Myolie who has an upcoming series during the award time, Kevin doesn’t have any to remind the audience on him.
@ lol
“Actually transparent adhesive tapes were stuck onto the soles before that licking scene so it’s actually quite clean.””
Maybe that demon series will do really really well and so Raymond will have a fighting chance. We never can predict audience taste.
I always think that Raymond will be one of the front runners with that demon role. It looks like an interesting role and I myself is very interested
Yeah, Bosco’s chance this year isn’t high. There are several limiting factors. Although I love his potrayal of Bai Co in Lives of Omission, I personally don’t expect much for the awards too. It’s all about the right timing, role, series and backing.
But he sort of got what he wanted, a lot of viewers are pleased at how much he has grown and how much he utilized Bai Co
You want my guess? Based only on observation?
Fave actor (I refuse to call it Best actor)
Michael Tse
Fave actress
Tavia (what better way to promote her than to let her win?)
Most Fave Character
Will include Bosco, Linda and the likes
For sure Bowie not in the running since he is not in TVB. But since Charmaine is still halfway there and halfway not, she will get fave character, as will Moses.
Not sure. Don’t care.
Funn, Bai Co can’t possibly be a “Favorite Character”. Halfway into the drama, you’ll want to spit on his face(and Paris Yiu Ho Ho’s); in particular in a certain court trial
Villain then?
Can be fave also. Villain can be a fave.
I stopped caring much about tvb awards these years. There is a fave villian award? I dont think so
Funn, “Yiu Kam Ling” won Favorite Character award before and she was (without a doubt hehe :P) a villain, but as I mentioned, I understood that it was the timing, role, series and backing that allowed her to win
Why not Myolie, Funn?
Depends on who is their pegged favourite to replace the favourites. Myolie maybe but somehow I feel maybe Tavia. Not who is most deserving but just who they want win. Myolie has good chance but GJ is more like a revival for her dying career so to speak whilst Tavia is zooming up. Frankly I want neither to win if there is a better 3rd person. No not Linda. No chance.
Ehh not Myolie, Tavia nor Linda? Then who, Funn?
No idea.
But Myolie is also has the heavy promotion. Dun forget that her role in Queen of All is for an anni series. TY’s role in MWNS seems small and not special if you watch the trailers (but her nose is special).
Myolie shines the most from the nominees. If someone else for example Tavia or linda wins, something is rigged there
Forgot. If Fala wins, its ridiculous. She’s better just having the Fav Character
“Actually transparent adhesive tapes were stuck onto the soles before that licking scene so it’s actually quite clean.””
Haha, I didn’t think of that. I only thought they clean they shoe sole thoroughly before Bosco lick it. So, it’s clean.
Bosco is very gracious in his interview, giving the credit back to Laughing Gor.
He is very mature, thoughtful and sensible in this interview.
Lastly, I watch a couple of episodes of LOO, and Bosco indeed act very well in the role.
He’s getting more and mature along with his age. I like his gracious words too. Some readers might think he’s purposely rinsing his mouth with oil(well to some people out there whatever some actors did are wrong for them haha) but I believe it’s fairer to give him a benefit of doubt: there are some people who just have this talent of natural sweet talking.
Bosco did quite well in LOO but not sure if that is enough to win the TV King title! His performance has definitely improved and can see him winning in a few years time.
I like Bosco and thinks that his Cripple Co role really suits him. I just can’t think of anyone else in that role as it seems to be tailor made for him. Actually I guessed that TVB wouldn’t be so cruel as to ask him to lick a filhy shoe sole. I knew that they would put some sort of transparent paper on it or something. Just like in “Realm of Conscience” when Susanna Kwan hit Tavia Yeung with a small hard piece of wood or something, there was rubber on that end. It meant that Tavia was hit by rubber and thus not half as painful. I found this out during an interview with Susanna Kwan when she was talking about the making of that series.
At first I thought they get a brand new shoe for him to lick lol but I think he really feel awful based on how he look like during the scene lol
Hit by rubber is still quite painful if the hit is hard. I also notice that some slaps in TVB are quite hard too
I don’t know about the Hong Kong films but in American films I heard that a lot of the time the slapping scenes are done in such a way that the person doesn’t actually touch the person’s face and then they would put the sound on afterwards. Even some kissing scenes are false as the camera moves to a particular angle and that is why the man would finish kissing without lipstick on his face. Nowadays they have all sorts of new camera techniques that its so real.
I think in Tavia Yeung’s case, she said at the time that it wasn’t that painful for her.
Oh its also nice that Bosco gives credit to Michael Tse. Think they are pretty good friends now but I think they both deserve some kind of award this year.
They have been very good friends for quite a few years already, just never had the chance to act in a series together.
Yeah. They have been friends for many years and paparazzis have met them during one of their dinner meets too.
Michael is on really good terms with many of the younger generation
I didn’t think Bosco is that convincing as a gangster. He still has a touch of “properness” when he’s acting as a gangster. However, this properness actually suits the role, because Crippled Co was from a rich and proper family.
He can be mafia like gangster perhaps?
I missed the first 5 episodes and didn’t know that Cripple Co was from a rich family. Can someone tell me please whether at the start of the series he was NOT crippled and that they showed him being shot by someone. Or did he start the series being crippled. What happened to his family then?
I watch the first 2 episodes and watch some episode in the middle when my aunt was watching.
He was crippled from the start and his background was told through conversation and flashback.
Cripple Co came from a rich family and he was very educated, studied in international school. But, his family fell and became poor. So, he has to join the triad (actually he joined the triad to pay for Kate’s study fee). He did very well in the triad, in fact, too well that he offended his boss. So, his boss sent people to cripple him and also send him to jail I think. After he came out, no one want to take him in except his lousy current boss. He first appear in episode 2 when Laughing saw him selling K pills in a disco.
So I suppose and I hope he topples that lousy boss and be the boss?
I thought you strongly dislike ppl who tell the spoiler of those series you haven’t watch? lol.
I strongly dislike ppl who tell the spoiler of those series you WANT TO watch.
Thanks Kidd for putting me in the light. I hate missing episodes but was on holiday at the time and only came back when it showed episode 6.
I am really enjoying this series but would love it even more if Kate wasn’t in it. Unfortunately there area always people in dramas whom I dislike. Its difficult to find one with everyone I like in it nowadays.
I like Kate even more after watching this drama and having her in this “Cripple Co-Paris” fiasco. She and Bosco has this strangely unique temperament onscreen as a couple and strike me in a good way
Glad to know someone else feels the same about Kate and Bosco.
Chriselle, I don’t know how to explain but every scenes of Bai co and Paris in Lives has this “smouldering” feel. Some viewers might be tired of their non-stop passionate show, but I enjoy those.
For the note, I love the last scene of eps. 25 for some gangsta-suspense. Brilliantly acted by Michael T. and Bosco.
You guys make me wanna watch LOO.
me too
haha. I’ve been hesitant to watch any dramas w/ kate.
Watched the latest episode of LOO yesterday night and don’t really like how Fala’s character is going now..
ok ***Spoiler alert!!*** (for Funn lol)
The way Fala asks her superior during his time as undercover, did he ever like celebrate his wife or whoever’s birthday..was a bit imo hmm immature. Why immature? because Fala as a highed ranking police officer probably a superindent should have enough exposure, experiences and knowledges handling affairs such as undercover. Why did she asks silly Question like this to her superior? it makes her very naive as a superindent imo. I guess this only happen in TVB’s series, in real life, if a superindent acted such ways, she/he will probably be sent back to school until she/he is qualified enough to hold such high rank.