Cecilia Cheung Does Not Mind Being Called Worst Actress

At the age of 23, Cecilia Cheung (張栢芝) won the Hong Kong Film Awards Best Actress honor. At the age of 32, she is named Worst Actress. Surprisingly, this drastic change does not bother Cecilia. In a variety show hosted by Aya Liu (阿雅) called Happy Couples <爱呀,幸福男女>, Cecilia expressed, “It is what I had wanted to hear most.”

This comment sent confusion amongst netizens. Even Aya, who is Cecilia’s good friend, did not understand what she meant. Cecilia explained that failure represented a new beginning. “I think within failure, we can learn how to be grateful, because I believe God provides us with the best. He also has the right to give us the bad, but I can learn how to accept both the good and bad.”

Better Education for Sons

Since Cecilia gave birth to Quintus Tse (謝振南) and Lucas Tse (謝振軒), the two little boys have always been in the spotlight of the media. Reporters followed them out on the streets, to school, and even on field trips and family vacations.

Lucas is almost ready to attend primary school. Cecilia said, “If Hong Kong reporters will not let go of my sons and in turn provide them with a poor learning environment, I will send them away from this city to a quiet place for better education.” Although Cecilia and Nicolas Tse’s (謝霆鋒) marriage ended in divorce, they maintain an amiable relationship. Cecilia earlier thanked Nicolas for his support in her decision to educate their sons overseas.

Asked if she is eagerly awaiting a new partner, Cecilia revealed, “Not looking forward to it as much anymore.” However, she added that if someone of real fate comes along, she would not show rejection. Cecilia continues to believe she will be able to live together happily with a future Mr. Right and that everything is just up to timing.

Sources: Apple Daily, Apple Daily

This article is written by Shirley for JayneStars.com.

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  1. she’s weird. maybe i dont know her but my impression is that she tries to save her fame all the time so she comes up with backup plans and excuses.

  2. She’s NOT a bad actress. The only problem is after she released her photobook back in 2008, her film career effectively ended, and now she’s just taking up any movie role that comes her way (which is a bad idea). This is supplemented by the decline of the quality of HK films. No major directors will sign her anymore because she’s box office poison and it’s just bad rep. to be associated with her.

    Which, personality aside, is a shame because she’s a damn good actress.

    1. Oh, right.
      It’s all Edison’s fault.

      (I know y’all were waiting for it)

      1. we must thank edison for that photobook, it kept many guys busy at night

      2. I guess Ekin does not do it for you anymore. LOL!!

  3. Ever since her nude photos leaked out online, her image is never the same. Whenever I see news of hers, it automatically reminds me of her nude photos. She does not look attractive at all in nude. Breasts too small and too hairy down there, overall, it looks dirty. Wonder if she has STD since edison had so many sex partners.

    1. don’t think so about the std cos poor nic would be infected!

  4. I think she is an OK actress. She has the skills but she doesn’t suit every role. She’s too old for the innocent roles now. Sexy villian roles like that Dangerous Liaisons might work but she needs to focus more on her acting than looking good.

    She needs to choose and further analyse her roles before she acts.

  5. She’s def not a bad actress I enjoyed a lot of her earlier work haven’t really watched much of her latest work but she prob just need more diverse roles to play. I think it’s just shallow for ppl to label her as a bad actress just for the photo scandal. Honestly no one cares about it anymore, ppl need to move on seriously nude photos are not that big of a deal. More an half of the population takes those kind of photos, it’s the scumbag that released them on,one should be at fault. Honestly she’s a grown women and everyone involved were all consenting adults there is nothing wrong with taking intimate photos, ppl are being too hypocritical judging her or anyone else involved for it.

    1. It’s not the photos — it’s how she reacted. She victimized herself and gave these interviews where she started crying and blamed Edison for everything. Which you know, it takes two to tango.

      1. I guess so, ironically she was being a hypocrite when she called Edison a hypocrite when he ended up taking the responsibility which he shouldn’t have. She blamed him as if he released those photos. Still everyone made mistakes, doesn’t mean we should ignore her talent due to personal decisions.

  6. She’s not that wonderful an actress and when first separated from Nic she was so confident she could make it big on the screen and of course many producers/directors also lost out because the public see her true colour. That Edison scandal may have died down but I feel sorry for Lucas and Quintus when they’re old enough to find out.

    To send the boys overseas to study at this stage is just another excuse of hers so she can be free and make it harder for Nic to see the boys. She’s selfish and calculative as usual by using the children. There are many HKG celebrities’ children also growing up in HKG. Naturally when they’re old enough for High School or University, they go abroad, which is fair enough. But let’s not forget that teenagers at that stage also need a lot of attention and guidance. I hope Nic will step in.

    1. Feel sorry for yourself. I don’t think she or her children need your worthless sympathy. For a ‘not that wonderful an actress’, she still did pretty well for herself. And her true colour?? I think you mean the public’s and the producers/directors true colours, no? Her scandal and divorce just brought out the worst in all those who judge and criticize her when she fails (these are probably the same people who kiss her feet when she’s popular). And just a reminder, she may have mentioned sending her sons overseas, they’re still with her in HK at the moment so hold up on the selfish and calculative as usual by using her children comment for when it actually happens…jumping the gun a bit in the judgments there.

  7. C is definitely not a top notch actress. Even before her scandal, her acting was mediocre at best. She is temperamental and demanding thinking that she is “holier than thou”. She is trying to save face rationalizing her infamy as a bad actress instead of apologizing for her past insolence and attitude. Like other viewers have stated, using her children as pawns in her feeble attempt to revive her career or stature is despicable.

  8. She wasn’t the best actress even back then. I mostly have problems with her inability to change her speaking voice. But she has screen presence and I did find her acting to be good in some scenes. But most of her old roles were innocent characters and she can’t play those anymore. Her age is one reason but it’s mostly because I get the impression that she can’t separate her personal life from her acting nowadays. It almost becomes a bit uncomfortable to watch her on screen.

    That being said, I think most people are being too judgemental about her. She has her faults but she’s not a bad person.

    1. I agree with Jack. Her speaking voice does bug me. I can say though that she apparently was a genuinely nice and sweet person who went through true hardships. My friend used to work with her in the same Chinese restaurant in Melbourne, just before she was discovered.

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