Charmaine Sheh Leads 48th TVB Anniversary Celebrations

Over 100 artistes celebrated the 48th TVB Anniversary on November 19. The station’s biggest stars Charmaine Sheh (余詩曼), Myolie Wu (胡杏兒), Moses Chan (陳豪), Kenneth Ma (馬國明), Wayne Lai (黎耀祥), Roger Kwok (郭晉安), Bosco Wong (黃宗澤), and Linda Chung (鍾嘉欣) participated in the evening’s festivities.
Due to her recent popularity, Charmaine Sheh was featured in a drama skit crossover between Line Walker <使徒行者> and Tiger Cubs 2 <飛虎II>. Nat Chan (陳百祥) drove a car onto the stage and joined Charmaine, Sharon Chan (陳敏之), Sammy Sum (沈震軒). When it was pointed out that TVB appears to highly value her position within the company, Charmaine said, “I’m grateful for TVB’s arrangement!” but stated that many artistes shone in their respective performances.
The cast of Come On, Cousin <老表,你好hea!> performed a dance segment, in which onscreen couple Bob Lam (林盛斌) and May Chan (陳嘉佳) had close bodily contact. Suspended by wires, Bob inverted himself while balancing on May’s face.
Former 1990s singers Ram Chiang (蔣志光) and Rita Carpio (韋綺姍) performed their popular hit “You Needn’t Be Acquaintances to Meet with Each Other” <相逢何必曾相識> to thunderous applause. Fred Cheng (鄭俊弘), Alfred Hui (許廷鏗), Hacken Lee (李克勤), and Kristal Tin (田蕊妮) also showcased their musical talents during the segment.
The most memorable moment of the evening occurred when Wong Cho Lam, joined by the Come On, Cousin cast, knelt on stage and proposed to girlfriend Leanne Li. Taken completely by surprise, Leanne was speechless but happily accepted the proposal. “I’m getting married!” Cho Lam shouted victoriously.
Edwin Siu’s Turn to Propose Next?
Wayne Lai (黎耀祥) expressed his congratulations to Cho Lam and Leanne, but said he personally lacked the courage for such a public marriage proposal. Raymond Cho (曹永廉) said, “Let’s see if Edwin Siu (蕭正楠) will have this courage [to propose to Priscilla Wong (黃翠如)]!” Wayne replied, “No problem, let’s help him out at next year’s [Anniversary]!”
Eric Tsang and Nat Chan Lead Games
Eric Tsang (曾志偉) led the M-Club ladies of Never Dance Alone <女人俱樂部> in their hula-hooping talents, and later joined Nat Chan in giving out prizes all night. Over $3.8 million HKD worth of prizes were given away to lucky artistes during the games segment, with recently married Lai Lok Yi (黎諾懿) winning $1 million HKD.
Ex-TVB Couples in Limelight
Kenneth Ma and Moses Chan provoked laughter when they attempted to ride children’s tricycles, which left their long legs dangling off the pedals. Speaking with the press after the festivities, Kenneth was asked about ex-girlfriend Nancy Wu‘s (胡定欣) recent breakup with her marketing executive boyfriend. Will he take the opportunity to pursue Nancy again? Kenneth said, “There is more to life than just love relationships. I don’t focus only on love. I can’t pursue her again just because she broke up. I think about playing soccer more than women! It’s best that we remain friends!”
Another ex-couple, Myolie Wu and Bosco Wong, were arranged to appear in different parts of the program. Myolie said she was not embarrassed to attend the same event as Bosco. Responding to questions over her soon-to-expire TVB contract, Myolie said, “TVB gave me many choices. We’re still discussing the details. There is still time left before my contract expires.”
Bosco was asked if he had tried to persuade Myolie in staying with TVB. “This is the job of TVB executives; I don’t have any powers of persuasion!” Although absent from Hong Kong recently due to his filming commitments in Mainland China, Bosco promised that he will attend the upcoming TVB Anniversary Awards ceremony.
This article is written by Jayne for
Tavia is missing again?
She could stay at home and enjoyed watching the gala show with Him Law. Lol
Yes, she kept missing all the big shows and anniversaries. Wonder what’s wrong
it’s ok, I don’t miss her.
Don’t notice Tavia missing at all until reading this.
Tavia Yeung was always absent during anniversary shows. I think that she only showed up the year that she won TV Queen award.
This is the 3rd consecutive year that Tavia Yeung was absent (2012, 2013, 2014). Even the year she won the tv queen award 2012.
Before 2012, she attended regularly.
One can safely conclude that Charmaine Sheh is pretty much back to the TVB fold.
No more gold to be dug up north.
Charmaine Sheh is not back at TVB, she had only agreed to screen one drama per year for TVB, everybody knew on this arrangement. She’s a movie star.
She has no future in China. She tried it out but it didnt work. Why else would she come back to TVB otherwise?
Jayne – Please do a post about the dresses and tuxes for the show!
The fashion review will likely be posted tomorrow.
Looking forward to it. I hope Natalie Tong will be in worst dressed list!
I like Charmaines dress This time Tvb 48th anniversery not bad to watch at all
Yeah. Very nice to watch. Charmaine still the best. Surprisingly didnt see Kate Tsui at all.
Kate Tsui was there, but for her solo part (light matches) she went to the toilet and missed it, LOL!
Yes, wasn’t boring and very funny
I wonder if the current fadans are mad. Charmaine is back as the #1 big sis, lol
I dont think the rest of the fadan will mind..They are pretty sure at where they stand but Kate on the other hand well idk…
Btw when is the TVB Anniversary Awards ceremony?
As usual, the media is ignoring him again. He is a hot favourite in msia recently won the BA award n another e- award in spore yet his name has deliberately left out!
He left Moses eating his dust in the game segment and his name wasn’t even mentioned. Hk media never good to him. That’s obvious.
with Raymond out, upcoming stars like ruco should be more prominent. no offence to Charmaine, but why is she given so much attention coming back to tvb when ruco is hardly mentioned?
I agree. I thought they said Ruco is replacing Raymond. Why he’s left out by the media like this!
The Anniversary was hastily put together. Unless the artistes were featured in the drama skits, they didn’t have much to say. Even Moses Chan, Kenneth Ma, and Bosco Wong appeared only briefly on the program. The press only interviewed the artistes with current romantic rumors and Ruco seems to be a clean slate now.
@Janet: it is evident that Charmaine is always has the spotlight with TVB even before her leave. Now she comes back and TVB of course will use all chances to convince her to stay. So it is very reasonable for TVB to put the attention on Charmaine. I dont understand why you feel surprised at that fact.
And comparing an actress to the position of actors, is it kinda irrelevant?
Ruco was there being one of the sporting guys on the silly game! As usual of the media to ignore Ruco!
I’m so happy that Charmaine is back as No.1 big sis fadan. She’s the most deserving, seriously the best actress TVB’s got (out of the current fadans). Also she looks good for her age.
Agree totally.
Kristal was horrible wih her singing. I can’t beleive she released or will he releasing CD. Who the heck signed her? Lol. Her dress looked drabby too. It was like a curtain. It just hung on her. SMH wardrobe ppl..
Yup her singing is really jarring. And her outfit would make Wonder Woman green with envy. Her hair looked like some kind of puff pastry stuck on her head.
I’ve listen to her CD. Her voice is beautiful.
Singing live is different from studio recording. Studio recording will be edited to make it near perfect. Live singing shows the singer’s real skill or lack of.
jj was saying “I can’t beleive she released or will he releasing CD. Who the heck signed her?”.
My post was in reply to jj, saying that Krystal’s CD was good.
Krystal she has sang live before. She sang live in ‘The Voice 2’ and she sang well there. She joined the industry through a singing competition where she won. If she can’t sing live, she wouldn’t have won.
I have not seen the anniversary show, so, I don’t know how bad her performance in the show was. But, she’s usually good.
Kidd, you seem offended by a simple statement i made which happens to be true and unfortunately applies to Kristal as well. She’s not good at singing live. Have you heard her sing at the Starhub awards recently? Or in the genting concert?
“Kidd, you seem offended by a simple statement i made which happens to be true “
I don’t like to be misunderstood. Of course I know your statement is generally to be true. That’s a no brainer. I’m just explaining why I replied to jj the way I did.
I’m not as stupid or gullible as not to know about autotune. So, you pointing it out to me kinda makes me look stupid. Sorry, I’m being sensitive today.
I’m still surprised at negative comments about Krystal’s singing. I’ve heard her sing since she’s in ATV and always found her good. I guess I need to see more recent performance.
Kidd, you ought to take a chill pill
jj wasn’t just referring to who wld actually sign her up for a record but also referred to her live singing hence my comment. Yeah she was bad at those 2 events i mentioned.
I thought she was ok. She was nervous to begin with, but recovered towards the end. It wasn’t that bad.
Yup, looks like there’s going to be some dramas i’ll have to skip. Btw the grand prize is hkd 1 million won by Lai Lok Yi, not hkd 10,000.
Yes, Jayne, Lai Lok Yi won 1m HKD! Very happy for him!
The amount has been corrected. Thanks!
C’mon TVBBBBBBBBB plz start a series with big sis Charmaine+Myolie+Tavia+Linda:)
Sammy ‘Kobe’ has potential.
Wow!!!!! Watch it last night it was so awesome and good!! I’m really glad that Charmaine Sheh the lead of TVB anniversary celebration 2014!!!!
Wow!! Such a nice show last night that I watched on tv!!!!! So glad that Charmaine Sheh is leading for the “TVB 48th year Anniversary celebration 2014′!!!!!
and grace looks so gorgeous last night!!!
love the ram chiang segment
yes! I was totally glued to the tv when he started singing!
I love Ram’s segment too…was so happy to see everyone stood up when he and Rita were singing — they got a well-deserved standing ovation!
Hacken and the Voice singers segment was ok, but something seemed off tonight — even though they sang quite a few of Hacken’s hits from the 80s and 90s, it felt kind of bland. I can definitely see why Dodo and Liza decided to give more points to the Come on Cousin team rather than to the Voice team.
cant wait to watch it tonight!
Where is Tavia? Did not see Him too… Quite weird, since Him is being heavily promoted? The artist too have quite little screen time. Kate only appeared in the opening, and missing for the rest of the show? I thought maybe Kenneth would be involved in more games. Happy for Lai Lok Yi that he won the 1 million prize.
I was actually kind of wishing ben or the new guy won it cos Lai Lok Yi is so rich now.
If you read the article on Lai Lok Yi wedding
Lai Lok Yi said ” There’s not much that can be done. As long as my wife and in-laws understand, I can only work harder to close the gap between our financial disparity.”
The hkd1 million isnt going to help much in closing the gap which is a gulf to be exact. He shld know what he’s in for that people will always comment on their wealth disparity. I’m sure he’s well prepared mentally.
True… But I’m happy for him as he just Wed and got the 1 million prize. Although its not going to help much but at least he won and have more money =) Personal opinion.
Maybe tavia doesn’t have many dramas this year that’s why she didn’t turn up.
Oh, and where is Niki? Didn’t heard much about her this year?
Where’s Joey Meng I thought she would be in the TVB 48th anniversery?????? I see all the cast member in Come on cousin except her
Him Him and Tavia isn’t here
I miss them.
I didn’t watch the show but can fully understand why there was a standing ovation for Ram n Rita when they sang. Artistes like the two of them with real substance will always be appreciated, whereas it won’t be long before the current crop of TVB so-called up and coming artistes will be forgotten. Examples include Linda Chung, Kate Tsui, Oscar Leung and Wong Cho Lam.
Gone for years, come back and reassume the #1 spot. They see her rollin’, they hatin’ xD