Christine Kuo Still a Virgin at 29?

It was recently revealed that 2009 Miss Chinese International winner, Christine Kuo (苟芸慧), is reportedly still a virgin at 29-years-old.
It took a little less than two years for Christine Kuo to earn the title as “goddess” and receive special promotional treatment at TVB. A rising star, Christine has starred in many of TVB’s popular television dramas and films in the last two years. She won a spot to appear in TVB’s forthcoming epic drama, Beauty at War <金枝慾孽 (貳)>, and is a major supporting character in the upcoming A Great Way to Care 2 <仁心解碼II> as well.
Since debut, Christine has only acknowledged one relationship, and that was with the Come Home Love <愛·回家> star, Joey Law (羅天宇), which ended earlier this year. Various media reports indicated that it was TVB who pressured Christine to end her relationship with Joey, as he would most likely impede Christine’s career.
Christine was frequently caught spending time at a restaurant owned by Joey’s mother in Sai Kung. Since Christine and Joey’s parents have been long-time friends, Joey’s mother is also Christine’s godmother.
Recent tabloids, however, revealed that Christine and Joey are actually still together. Some tabloids also claimed that Christine is now living in with Joey, as she was caught going in and out of Joey’s apartment in Tseung Kwan O in the last few weeks.
On Monday, Joey admitted to the press that he and Christine had lived in together. He said, “Did we have sex? It’s a very private question. I will not answer it. Both Christine and I are Christians. We are pretty well-behaved. The things we did together were usually just shopping, eating, and watching movies!”
Source: Face Magazine #283 via
This article is written by Addy for
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wait so they ARE still together??
Yeah right……..she’s a virgin probably for the last few months and only if she doesn’t count the number of sexual encounters with boyfriends before TVB…..what a joke, claiming to be a virgin at 29. She’s probably had more sex than most of the other TVB fadans……..ahhahaaha…..
Uh? I thought that Joey Law guy was caught dating with Angel Chiang his sister in Come Home Love? They were holding hands and stuff.
i thought he was going out with angel too. there were articles of them in the magazine a few weeks back
how old is joey law o.O he looks so young
I believe Joey is around 25? He’s definitely younger than Christine.
Maybe she’ll be a better actor if she gets laid. I’m not joking. People who are so tight down there tends to be tight emotionally and physically.
Either that or save it for the highest bidding millionaire and become a rich lady.
ahh judging from your sexperience – you must be very loose ..
Oh, you are so right and just hit it on the spot. Woman like her needs to get laid………seriously.
Believing this story is like Paris Hilton only ever had 2 sexual partners.
Totally agree!! Who truly believes it?? Celebs lie just like politicians.
Yeah, we readers should just take everything like a pinch of salt. Whatever they say, it doesn’t concern us personally unless we intend to marry her ourself. Then, we have to ask ourselves whether her virginity is an important factor.
Did Christine Kuo admit herself that she is still a virgin now (at the age of 29)? Unless she said that herself, it is very hard for readers to believe it. Pretty girls can remain as virgins at the age of 29?!
What does her being a virgin or not have anything to do with anyone?
my thought exactly.
Reporter really have nothing to write
Tavia is surely not a virgin! Well, at least her mouth isn’t…
How does this even come into the picture…
Is oral sex forbidden in christanity?
bringing tavia into the picture again when she’s not even related to this article at all..
No wonder her mom was upset about all those rumours with who was it? Kevin? This is like the ultimate jade goddess, whether true or not.
But in the article did she actually say she’s still a virgin?!
She didn’t say it directly, but implied.
Keep herself safe. In case it’s later publicised that she’s not, she can just say she didn’t say she’s a virgin, just against pre-marital sex.
I thought there were rumors of her with Michael Tse in the car acting intimately while they were shooting for some series and she later cried afterwards. It was something about having too much skin exposed???
not surprised, she aint that hot
Yet another virgin…backdoor?!
I remember there was this article saying “Michael Tse got aroused by Christine’s daring performance inside a car”.. I thought Christine gained it from her experience and that was how she was able to delivered such bold scene?
Because she’s a natural
She’s a ‘good’ actor….
Not exactly something to be publicised.
Good on Christine for telling them not to ask such questions. It’s a private issue. But i see no difference if she is a virgin or not- she’s still gonna be an actress and take whatever roles she wants. I think it’s a hong kong thing being so concerned whether someone has kept their virginity or not. In the ‘western’ world, no one gives a rats ass abt your virginity, or at least no one would make ‘news’ out of it.
I think it’s an Asian thing in general rather than a Hong Kong thing as virginity tends to be a more sensitive topic for Asians compared to Westerners.
It’s interesting how the five girls are from western country too. Linda, Eliza, Christine, Leanne are canadian, grace(?)
Grace is actually from the US so like the other girls, should be more westernized.
Wouldn’t be surprised if didn’t want a relationship with Joey Law to come out – I think she’s just waiting to reel in a bigger fish. As for the virginity thing, no comment.
Ha, ha, ha… that’s what i thought too. Since they want to publicise such a private matter, might as well go all the way.
Then again, if the report is shown, the reporter may question its authenticity so that they have more things to write. So she should’ve just said no comment or it’s a private matter when asked such awkward questions.
Christine Kuo does not know how to present herself at interviews. Eliza Sam is a lot better as a newbie.
they did not choose to publicize it. they refused to answer to such personal question. It was the paps who asked this insensitive question first. read properly before you start condemning
Living together but no sex? Well do they sleep in two different rooms then? And it can’t be much cuddling, but then again who ask people questions like that? Haha
Agreed..staying in same hse..temptation every single day
Hmm. She didn’t answer directly. So, the readers may believe whatever.
Only a sick mind would come up with this f@#king article.
What’s next, an article on how many anal warts does Kevin Cheng have on his middle-aged butt?
And how is this anyone’s business but hers?
Joey still lives with his mother.
Bosco still lives with his mother too, despite having 3 houses of his own. So?
For Asians, living with parents is not shameful.
I was just pointing that out.
He is still young.
For Asians, living with a parents is the unspoken rule, more so if only son.
yeah it’s so common for asians to live with their families. especially if you are the eldest son and have to take care of your parents. these days, some people do move out when they need privacy/independence though.
One thing for sure is Christine Kuo needs a PR person to teach her how to respond, instead of answering in unflattering ways. Simple, just respond with smiles and don’t answer, or just say, “I’m a loving person, who doesn’t want to be loved,” or “Me and Joey always have fun, we are never tired.” Just play with the media, or they play you, right now they are playing her.
just another way TVB wants people to like her more for their rating..
what’s wrong with being a virgin? why can’t we take christine’s word to be the truth? i don’t understand why this is news worthy, it’s each person’s own personal business