Dissatisfied With Ron Ng’s Inattentiveness, Viann Zhang Fires Bed Photo On Weibo

TVB actors have been embroiled in one bed scandal after another. Following Raymond Lam (林峯) and mainland actress, Mavis Pan’s (潘霜霜) bed photo scandal revealing their dating relationship, Ron Ng’s (吳卓羲) girlfriend, Viann Zhang (張馨予), posted a bed photo of herself on his Weibo blog. Viann wore makeup and a black leather jacket while laying upon the bed in the self-taken photo. After Viann’s photo appeared on Ron’s blog, the entry was reposted virally amongst Weibo users!
Numerous speculations abounded as to why Viann’s photo appeared on Ron’s blog, including the reason that Viann mistakenly posted her cell phone photo on her boyfriend’s blog. Another view was that it was a “trap” with Viann wishing to “stake her claim” on Ron as her boyfriend. After the photo was released, Ron did not attend a promotional event for Prominent Family <名媛望族> due to “sick leave.” TVB executive, Virginia Lok explained that Viann’s actions were due to her wish that Ron pay more attention to her. However, Viann’s manager said that it was technical mistake. Both sides of the party provided different reasons for the incident.
At 1 AM, Viann’s bed photo appeared on Ron’s blog. Viann wrote, “I’m very tired. After work, I do not want to do anything except sleep and sleep. My head is hurting!” Viann’s self-taken photo resembled Mavis Pan’s bed photo closely, except that Ron was missing in the picture. After Viann’s post, Weibo users reposted the entry almost 10,000 times with 7,000 comments. Several hours later, Viann’s bed photo post was deleted. However, netizens made a screen capture of her earlier entry, thus there was no denying the occurrence.
Ron Ng Hiding From Public Inquiry
Ron Ng was originally scheduled to appear at a promotional event for Prominent Family, but did not appear due to sudden “sick leave.” It was understood that Ron received Virginia Lok’s assistance on bed photo scandal. Ms. Lok explained that Ron was not hiding, but only fell sick coincidentally. Ms Lok said, “The truth is very simple. Miss Zhang (Viann Zhang) has the password to Ron’s Weibo account. His manager and assistant also have password access to help him maintain his blog. As to why Viann behaved in this manner, Ron said that she wished for him to pay more attention to her.”
Ms. Lok revealed that when Viann had posted the bed photo, Ron was not with her at the time. Viann was upset that Ron had attended Toby Leung’s wedding and the after-party with Raymond Lam, partying until dawn. Asked about the relationship between Ron and Viann, Ms. Lok dodged the question and said that dating matters should be addressed to Ron and Viann instead. Ms. Lok will not ask too much about the young people’s matters.
With the high-profile announcement of their relationship, will this affect Ron Ng’s image? Ms. Lok noted that the matter was not too serious. Since Viann had a cameo role in Shaw Brothers’ film, I Love Hong Kong 2 <我愛HK喜上加囍>, Ms. Lok smiled and said that Viann was assisting the film promotion.
Viann Zhang’s Manager: “It Was a Mistake”
Viann’s manager explained that Viann had mistakenly posted the photo on Ron’s blog, but did not wish to explain further to avoid misunderstanding. Viann was in yesterday for a film premiere. As to whether Viann was in Hong Kong when the bed photo was taken, the details remain unclear. Chin Kwok Wai, the director of I Love Hong Kong 2, was unaware of Viann’s whereabouts since she was not required onset yesterday. Next week, Viann will arrive in Hong Kong to film the movie.
Unwilling to Remain Behind the Scenes
Mainland actress, Viann Zhang, gained fame for her F-cup chest. While filming Pretty Maid <大丫鬟> in China in 2010, Ron met Viann and the couple started dating in a low-profile manner. However, Viann was unwilling to remain as Ron’s “invisible” girlfriend and her tendency to stake her claim on Ron had an online history. In November 2010, Viann posted a photo of herself taken in Ron’s apartment, with his couch visible in the background, thus exposing their relationship.
However, Ron did not publicly acknowledge his relationship with Viann and had numerous rumors with TVB actresses instead. In June 2010, Ron was photographed picking up Viann at the Hong Kong airport and driving back to his apartment together. Subsequently, Ron traveled to Beijing and was photographed by the paparazzi linking arms with Viann on a date. Although Ron and Viann never publicly acknowledged their dating status, Ron’s status as an attached man was a public secret.
Source: Ming Pao
Jayne: Ms. Lok was quite blunt in her explanation of Viann’s posting of her bed photo on Ron’s blog. Sharing passwords of various electronic accounts requires a lot of mutual trust and Viann violated that trust found in a relationship.
Yes 620 was quite blunt and as usual a PR disaster. If it was an acknowledged relationship, why call in sick? And yet 620 admitted the relationship on his behalf.
yah why call in sick? certainly have no reason to avoid the reporters if he’s really dating viann..nothing to hide rite?
So she was mad that 2R were out partying all
night… now I understand why she was jealous.
If Ron doesn’t break up w/ her on his own, ms. Lok will probably threaten to freeze him.
So it’s up to Ron to choose now..Sex or Job?
I wanna have sex with Ron…=X
Even if Ron dumps viann, he won’t be lonely for long. See, there’s already one volunteer signed up.
maybe that’s an imposter hahaahaha or Ron himself
@Veejay: Ron’s English isn’t that good.
U know i was joking
with Ron hiding from the Prominent Event, i doubt he will have time to surf around the internet and read what we wrote about him..I notice Ron doesn’t really care what netizens think of him.
Ron shouldn’t have hid since his answer to this is actually good and positive for him. Why hide during the PF event? Sick is just a typical excuse.
As predicted, Viann wanna control Ron.
Fox, how do you think Ron should handle Viann with her “irrational” action?
I’m not Ron, how can I know :P.
He should handle this not the way Raymond Lam did. LOLS.
If he dumps her, I don’t know what she will do.
Hand out all the pics and important stuff she did with Ron to reporters in HK or at least threaten she’ll do that. She’ll basically just do what PSS did.
Ron and Raymond are such good bros.
TVB just needs to pair them up more often!
“Viann was upset that Ron had attended Toby Leung’s wedding and the after-party with Raymond Lam, partying until dawn.”
Ron, be careful. Maybe next time, you will have to unfollow your male friends too.
and then later she might be jealous of Ron’s parents and family too ROFL
Don’t forget, Ron has a dog too! LOLS
Honestly, I find Viann’s antics amusing. I wonder what she will do next.
she will threathen him by throwing some chemicals in his face, LOL
Ha, you have an active imagination. Ron’s not a girl that a jealous lover will throw acid in his face.
After some time I bet Ron will break with her. Which guy want to be controlled by a control freak?
From Ron’s handling of bed photo scandal, he appears to be a patient and forgiving lover. He could have waived off the incident and dismissed it as an accident, as Viann’s manager had done so. But he apologized on Viann’s behalf (saying she regretted her actions) when she was still clearly defensive on her Weibo blog.
So Ron is protective of and loyal towards the people that he loves, willing to bear the brunt of things and readily apologize for no fault of his own.
Despite the fan backlash, Ron has been willing to put Viann ahead of himself, dealing with the press himself, pacifying the fans etc. From these actions, he appears to be an honorable person….
Some question Ron’s taste and choice of a girlfriend. He seems tolerant of Viann’s racy past and doesn’t come across as a jealous lover, as he doesn’t mind his girlfriend flaunting her assets to the world. Quite open-minded….
Some question why he doesn’t break up with Viann, as the negative publicity is doing nothing for his image. Viann might be the one with a controversial image, but through these incidents, Ron’s image in my mind has improved. He is a tolerant, patient, and protective lover, willing to put love ahead of his own self-interests.
Many men choose their girlfriends based on physical attraction first. Why so much bashing towards Ron in this aspect?
Yeah Jayne I agree w you.
These China mei mei … so pretty and soft spoken and eloquent, if I was a guy, I would be moved too.
But no mistaking those ‘claws’ when they come out. Meeooww!
To tell the truth, we have increasing numbers of China girls in my country working, in sales and waitressing and I am mindful not to irate them by my requests ‘cos I might get scolded by them.
The more soft spoken, sweet and pretty they are(probably artificially anyways), the more deadlier they are. Just like what Zhang Wu Ji’s mom told him, the prettier a girl is, the more likely she will deceive and hurt you…
I have a good feeling that their relationship will not last in the long run… Viann has violated Ron’s trust which is one of the most important things in a relationship…. I bet after Ron’s feelings for her fade, he will just leave her…
Any girls from China here? (meaning on this site) Be careful Canto! LOLS.
@ YanYanKong
Yes, thanks, I need to qualify my comments, ‘cos it’s difficult to type properly when you are on a phone.
I am not against Chinese girls. I think they have alot of good points. For e.g. I always admired their ability to speak Mandarin well. I love their accents. Guy’s and girl’s included. It sounds so cultured. My Mandarin sounds atrocious next to them. Why can’t I speak better Mandarin!?
I also admire them for being feminine but yet not pushovers. They may look pretty and feminine on the outside, but they are women of steel on the inside. Isn’t that the right way to be, rather than being rough and crass on the outside, bravado strength but insecure and weak and sensitive on the inside?
Anyway, I don’t like generalizations too. So yes…
I agree with Jayne, although depending on what Viann does next (and rest assured she will do something), Ron’s patience and tolerance will quickly just become blind, stupid love. No matter how much he puts up with, I sense that Viann won’t let anything rest for awhile. She is fundamentally insecure about the relationship and unfortunately nothing will change that except maybe if Ron quits the biz.
“I agree with Jayne, although depending on what Viann does next (and rest assured she will do something), Ron’s patience and tolerance will quickly just become blind, stupid love.”
Blind, stupid love is our judgment based on outsider perspective. It’s easy for us to say that “Viann is not worth it Ron, break up with her!” because we have no emotional involvement in the relationship.
Yes, Viann has an insecure and possessive side. However, was it also due to Ron’s fault? Perhaps he has a flaky side and never gave her that security? Perhaps he needs to communicate with Viann better and through his actions, win her trust? Whose fault is it? Is it Viann’s fault for lacking trust and flying into jealous rage over all of Ron’s female colleagues? Or it is Ron’s fault in disappearing for lengthy periods and not communicating with Viann his whereabouts, causing Viann to distrust him? I think a bit of fault from both sides.
Ron is loving with his heart. From his apologizing on Viann’s behalf, I sense that he is also assuming responsibility that perhaps it was a bit of his fault in not letting Viann know where he was on the night of Toby’s wedding and after party.
Some people see Viann’s bed photo posting as a publicity stunt, staking a claim on her man, etc. I see Viann’s posting of bed photo as a very public lover’s argument. She did it to hurt him intentionally, to send him off in a little panic. She likely tried to find him all night and was unable to get in touch with him. Did Ron get too drunk to respond? We don’t really know the circumstances of what occurred.
Canto’s interpretation was that Viann was flaunting her hotness in the photo. My interpretation (coupled with the actual message Viann posted along with the photo) is that she was very tired from working and having a lonely moment. She looked sad in the photo and thus wanted reassurance from Ron.
Whoever has been in a long distance relationship will understand the deep yearning that one has for a lover, especially after a long, hard day of work. Viann loves with a deep passion and Ron obviously does as well.
Viann’s actions have exposed their dating relationship, to the point where Ron cannot deny that he is dating her. Some argue that she is staking her claim, being possessive, or even generating publicity. To give her the benefit of a doubt, perhaps Viann is just someone who wants to love in an upfront manner, without hiding. Perhaps she believes that there is nothing to hide in love, that if you are serious in loving someone, then it is okay to acknowledge it publicly. If you do not acknowledge to how people that you are dating someone, how to demonstrate your sincerity?
For people who advocate that celebrities should make their love lives public and not lie to fans about their dating status, wouldn’t Viann’s straight-forward method of loving be a breath of fresh air? Is love worthy of courage in facing opposition?
There is a lot of fan pressure in Viann and Ron’s relationship (partially due to Viann’s attitude in “I don’t care what the public thinks”). However, when a celebrity couple goes public, there is so much fan backlash. While fans continually get upset at celebrities for hiding their dating status.
Ron is being accountable to Viann, stepping up for her in negative backlash. He is doing the best to be a sincere, loyal boyfriend. I’m sure she regrets hurting Ron (on some level) as similar to any lover’s spat.
I think we should give them a break and not judge so harshly.
Very insightful… And yes I agree w u again Jayne. Ron is no saint either, his fame and actions may have contributed to Viann’s insecurity.
It’s a game of love… Jayne. She loves him because he is hot, young, handsome and a celebrity, and he loves her because she is sexy and a good looker. But I won’t deny that they clicked as well, that’s why they are together.
Typing on my iPad, fingers are tired. Can’t type long msg…
Ron is sweet and tolerant lover, but now people are not bashing Ron but bashing Viann. She doesn’t deserve Ron with her silly and controlling antics.
I totally agree. Ron shouldn’t have dated her in the first place. Now if he does wanna break up, it won’t be easy cause who knows what she’s gonna do after the break up?
Haha, serves them right (Raymond and Ron), that is what you get for going out with fame wh-ores. Some men thinks with their d-cks rather than their heads, Raymond and Ron are idiots.
LOL Fake-Cups! these guys obvi don’t know how to pick girls. they all cause so much trouble and negative press
Such a good guy Ron deserve a better gf.
Viann sound like very jealous type, maybe she is using him.
She will kill his career
Ron, pls wake up lah. . .
She needs to get a life, and Ron needs to get back to dancing haha..you can’t act or sing m8.
Ray and Ron look like identical twins with christine ng in between. I have a feeling they have same taste, same hobbies and identical flirting fate too.hahahahaaa