Elaine Ng Arrested for Alleged Child Abuse

Jackie Chan‘s ex-lover ( 成龍) 42-year-old Elaine Ng (吴绮莉) was arrested on March 11 for suspected child abuse.
Elaine gave birth to daughter Etta Ng (吳卓琳) in 1999 after having an affair with Jackie, who initially denied he was the father. Raising Etta as a single mother in Beijing, Elaine returned to Hong Kong three years ago to resume work as an actress.
School Calls Police
Etta had confided in school staff that she often witnessed her mother drinking alcohol at home. Concerned about Elaine’s well-being, Etta turned to her school teacher and social worker for help. Etta mentioned Elaine had hit her on the shoulders in their dispute.
The school reported the incident to the police due to concern over Etta’s safety. Etta does not have any observable injuries, but her case will be followed up by the Social Work Department.
Elaine Suspected of Marijuana Possession
During the investigation, police also found a small amount of what is suspected to be marijuana in Elaine’s home. The substance was sent to the laboratory for additional testing.
Released on bail yesterday, Elaine will need to report to the police station in May.
Elaine has resumed filming for a variety program at i-Cable. Speaking with colleagues, Elaine revealed that Etta was very concerned about her when the police arrived at their home. At the time, Etta told the police, “Mom did not hit me!” As the incident has escalated into a child abuse case, Elaine was initially upset at Etta but came to realize her daughter’s perspective.
Source: Oriental Daily
This article is written by Huynh for JayneStars.com.
the entire family….whether blood related or not….is one hot mess….maybe jackie was right, they all need a turn in going to jail for 6 months, it’ll be good for them.
Etta looks so much like Jackie. Indeed, Jackie needs to be put in jail too so he can be less selfish
azndoraemo…Well said. Jackie is not only selfish, he’s cold blooded n heartless! What goes around comes around, I’m glad his son is a drug addict..Lol
… they all have talents, but morale and ethic r so doomed, jacky chan, justin bieber, rihanna, lady gaga, korean artist wear provocative dress … no wonder teens these days this generation go downwards. save our children …
What is morale in this generations? ???? College and even secondary shool girls are openly having sugar daddies. Even send resume f or potential sugar daddies. The entertaiment world is full of provocative dress and dances….. and it is targeted for teenagers. And it had become so normal.
Yep, tons of “perrrrverts” show up at schools thinking they’re at a br0thel. It has nothing to do with provocative clothing.
Elaine’s ”accidental” pregnancy all those years ago was perceived by JC as ”entrapment” of some sort. He denied Etta then probably to protect his own popularity, image & family. It’s been almost 16yrs and I’m sure Etta knows who her bilogical father is. In this day and age, I think the public and his fans will not take too unkindly to this mistake. JC should let bygones be bygones and show a little responsibility towards Etta. That poor child is innocent….she’s already a teenager and further rejection/denial will only make this person more bitter as she grows older.
If only Jackie was there to support them, everything wouldn’t be this ugly… this dude seriously has some issue, ignore and neglected her daughter what a piece of trash he is.
I will blame on Jackie the jerk
While I agree Jackie Chan is not the good guy in all of this, Elaine being an alcoholic is all on her. At some point everyone has to take responsibility for their own actions.
Elaine Ng look so much like Linda chung.
This is so sad, instead of being a good role model to her daughter she chose to abuse her. Etta had already lost a father figure she should not be raised in such a way.
why she assumed guilty before evidence is shown? Maybe Elaine didn’t buy Etta that new LV bag she wanted so she made up a story about abuse based on her durg habits.
Well, my opinion is based on the news above but your assumptions is far more baseless than mine when you accused her daughter for framing her mother up. Hmm…
“Etta does not have any observable injuries” .
All the claims against Elaine are simply Hearsay…
so who’s making the “baseless assumptions”
And yeah, please crack her brain to see if she has any mental abuse?! Having a drug addict mom is form of mental torture. We need not only to see physical torture as abuse. Mental abuse may not leave visible scars, but the kid’s childhood would surely be affected.
Please show me where it says Elaine is a “drug addict”, or the evidence of her being one.
Please show me the evidence of her having suffered “mental abuse”. Since you apparently have this evidence you should submit it to child services.
So much for being against “baseless assumptions”.
Please go and read the latest news of her admitting of mistreating her daughter. Even she didn’t admit she uses drug but she did admit she’s snd alcoholic and frequently hit Etta. I DID NOT ASSUME this time.
The only thing Elaine Ng admitted to is not making Etta “feel more secure” due to the alcohol (not drug) abuse. There’s no proof of abuse of “any” kind to Etta Ng.
Come on you guys! Can’t you see the reality here? Do you think Elaine will some how admit “yeah I did abuse my daughter mentally coz I’m a drunkard and I didn’t take good care of her and please send me to rehab!”
The bottom line is the daughter did try to kill herself and that’s the ultimate sign that the girl is not happy with her life! That’s because of the constant mental torture she has to endure from her alcoholic mother.
Why must it always be the ungrateful, horrid daughter who doesn’t appreciate the single mother? Mental abuse is far worse than physical abuse- it may not leave any physical scars but they last much longer. Asian society typically sees the daughter as wrong and the mother as right.
True, too often the mother is mistakenly assumed to be in the “right” but, in cases where the child is still a teenager, mothers are often taken for granted and not appreciated enough, which does not mean that the mother is without fault. Also, the article indicates no mental abuse. I think that the most significant abuse (is emotional) from the biological father, Jackie Chan.
Hope Elaine Ng gets some help for both herself (for alcohol abuse) and her daughter (for psychological health).
MW, eventhough the news didn’t mention anything about mental abuse, but it did say Etta has tried committing suicide, but doesn’t this justify that the poor girl has perhaps gone thru some psychological trauma?
Psychological trauma (since Etta wanted to commit suicide) does not necessarily equal “mental abuse”. Right now, nobody knows why Etta Ng wanted to commit suicide, which could be a combination of many reasons. Why conclude “mental abuse” before professionals have even had a chance to?
I’m gonna play the devil’s advocate here: I agree you shouldn’t hit your kids, however, ‘abuse’ is a strong word. Especially when there are no physical wounds to be found on her. My asian parents weren’t shy from hitting me when I was little when I did something wrong, I’m not justifying it but they were not ‘abusive’ just old fashioned and ignorant.
The Most sensible and common sense comment. Agree. Abuse is a strong word.
You guys are a bunch of pathetic Asian raised kids! Haven’t you heard of mental abuse? Sensible and comment sensed comment?! I think it’s the most laughable comment of all! You guys said sll these because you take it for granted that abuse only come in a physical form, you guys are too shallow minded!
Yep, single moms sure have it tough and the spoiled brats don’t even realize it.
Actually physical abuse is not the only form of abuse. Seeing her mom drink and took drug, depress or crying all the time has an effect on child psychology too. It is another form of abuse. I think if she didnt come out and flaunt her daughter all the time and live quite life she might live better. I remember she also HV sexy photos all over magazine not long ago. I think in away she bring this on herself.
Having a drug addict mom is an emotional abuse, and that’s even worse than physical abuse!
Seems like Elaine Ng is not happy with her life so she turns to drugs and alcohol? She is not old at all, only around Joey Man’s and Elena Kong’s age. She should find a boyfriend or husband and start a new family life.
However, I think she talks and acts very “C Lai”. She looks older than her age compared to Joey and Elena.
Her daughter now strongly resembles Jackie Chan’s son Khalil Fong. Feel sorry for Etta if this story is true. It’s tough growing up in a single parent household, even more so when you have a superstar dad like Jackie Chan – she will forever be under the media limelight whether she wants to or not. Everytime when the media talks or writes about her, it’s like opening up an old wound, reminding her and her mother that she never had a father figure to parent her. I think Elaine must’ve felt guilty.
It wouldn’t surprise me though if Elaine turns into an alcoholic and dabbles in drugs because I suppose the stress and pressure gets to you and people deal with these hardships differently. Some turn to alcohol and drugs as an outlet from reality, whereas some are able to stay headstrong and lead a positive life.
Jaycee Fong, not Khalil Fong!
Suing the mother won’t help Etta. It will only further traumatise her and cause her to keep quiet on future incident. When Etta confided in her teacher,she was obviously concern about her mother. She was asking for help for herself and her mother. She wouldn’t want her mother to be sued.
sigh i hope the daughter will be strong and tough enough to face her complicated r/ship with her mom & dad. The idiot father should step out and be responsible to them..
failed father as he is!