Eugina Lau and Peter Cheung Put Son’s Death Behind Them

Former actress Eugina Lau (劉美娟) and her husband, singer Peter Cheung (張崇德), lived in the dark about their newborn son’s death for nine years. Due to red tape in the processing of medical malpractice cases, Eugina and Peter had to wait nine years before the Medical Council of Hong Kong finally came to a decision over the case on May 25. The couple had spent a seven-figure sum and most of their savings on legal proceedings.
Nine years ago, Eugina and Peter’s first-born son Tin Lam passed away 25 hours after his birth on February 19, 2005. Devastated, Eugina wrote in a letter, “I was never able to take care of you. I don’t know if I am still considered a competent mother, but I still love you.”
The doctor who delivered the baby, Christine Choy (蔡明欣), was found guilty of four allegations of professional misconduct and had her name suspended from the medical register for two years. One of the charges included her improper induced labor on Eugina and the failure of giving effective resuscitation on the infant.
However, the Medical Council did not find private pediatrician Wan Kam Ming (尹錦明), who failed to transfer the baby to intensive care, guilty of professional misconduct, ruling that it was just an error in judgment.
“It was like hearing a case of manslaughter, like our baby was killed,” Eugina said tearfully. “It’s a terrible feeling… but no matter what the sentence is, our baby will not come back to us.”
Both Eugina and Peter expressed that they felt the sentence was too light. “Doctors get their licenses permanently suspended if they’re involved in sexual offenses, but not when a life is lost. So it turns out that our doctor’s professional level is far lower than the standard level. The sentence is too light.” Nonetheless, Peter acknowledged that after nine years, they have finally found “some truth” to the death of their first-born. “I believe this is the ending.”
He also added, “A lot of money and time was spent to get these results today. I believe that there are many other people whose requests are also ignored. Because of these loopholes in the medical system, our case was dragged on for nine years. I hope this incident can allow people to become more aware of our health and medical administration and its guarantees, to see if there will still be people who trust Hong Kong’s medical system.”
Eugina Puts Son’s Death Behind Her
Eugina did not have the courage to look at photos of her infant son over the last nine years, as the memories were too painful. With the case hearing, she finally took out the photos once again. “My heart hurts a lot. It is as if it had happened only yesterday, and it’s very painful.” Fortunately, Peter was very supportive towards Eugina and the couple grieved over their son’s death together. Eugina said, “As long as he is by my side, I’m a lot more relaxed. By crying, praying, and supporting each other, we were able to deal with it.”
Peter said, “There are many unpleasant things in life. Sometimes it will rain and there are stormy clouds, but the sun is only obscured.”
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Source: East Week
This article is written by Addy for
“had her name removed from the medical register for two years”
You mean “suspended”? If her name is removed it means struck off and when struck off it means forever.
Should be suspended.
terrible story, they should have the decision very early… but for 9 years?
Larry 3,
That’s what Peter Cheung complained about, the inefficiencies from the Medical Council made the legal proceedings and suffering drag on. Because the case had no closure for 9 years, Eugina and Peter were constantly tormented. They also spent a 7-figure sum on legal fees, since the case dragged on for so long.
Yup, 9 years to point the finger. A no-win situation to the victim but to move on. A death of a child is a mother’s worst nightmare.
They look broken…I hope they can recove from this horrible loss…
Eugina looks like an older version of GEM Tang.
The Medical Council of Hong Kong fails on so many levels.
Eugina looks so much like Jaccqueline Law Wai Kuen (羅慧娟)
Poor Eugina and Peter. Their hearts will hurt for the rest of their lives. It must have been so hard on these two waiting for a medical report to finally put some closure to their son’s death. Poor little baby is in heaven
Very incompetent and unprofessional behavior on the part of the delivery medical staff. I am upset it took nine years and a seven figure monetary spending on the parents part to finally come to a decision in the death of their baby. This is like adding insult to injury.
I pray they have strength to move on. They need the support of their fans and loved ones.
The HK Medical Council is indeed incompetent and corrupt — they fail in protecting public interests, which is truly sad. I had read that when Eugina and Peter initially tried to lodge a complaint with the Medical Council about their son’s death, they were rejected because the Council claimed that “infant deaths are common”. They had to try several times before they were even able to get their complaint acknowledged! And the Council is notorious for issuing lenient sentences — if Eugina and Peter weren’t a celebrity couple and hadn’t persisted in keeping the attention on this case at a high level, the doctor would have gotten off scott-free. The worst part is that the Medical Council has no intentions of fixing any of its problems or incompetencies…sad and pathetic!
Though I’m glad that Eugina and Peter can finally have closure after 9 years of torment, it’s a bittersweet victory knowing that nothing is going to change in terms of the way the council handles complaints…and it irks me to no end that the doctor only got ‘suspended’ and will be able to practice medicine again after 2 years….
i always tear up when i read about their long and weary fight for justice. i can’t imagine how it feels to carry a baby for nine months, to hold him for a moment before he is cruelly snatched away forever. the worse thing is no one admitting responsibility. i’m so happy they went on to have two more healthy children. rip, baby boy
SUCH A HORRIBLE DOCTOR! I think her sentence is too light! She should do some time! Not only was she negligent and unprofessional, the stupid doctor knew the risks of breaking the water early by force and yet still did it, just so she could go on time for her holiday.
I am happy that Eugenia and Peter have moved on and God has given them some more children and letting them grow closer to each other during this tragedy.