Huang Xiaoming and Angelababy Announce Marriage

After dating for five years, Huang Xiaoming (黃曉明) and Angelababy (楊穎) got married on May 27. The couple registered their marriage in Xiaoming’s hometown in Qingdao. Sharing the joyful news with fans, Xiaoming posted a photo of their marriage certificate on Sina Weibo.
In 2009, Xiaoming and Angelababy met through a mutual friend at a karaoke bar. Attracted by Angelababy’s playful personality, Xiaoming eventually dropped his guarded stance over their relationship and began to speak openly about their love in interviews. Despite their 11-year-age gap, the couple gets along very well. Xiaoming is often full of romantic surprises, lavishing Angelababy with a Lamborghini for her 25th birthday last year and a rose-studded party at a hotel for Angelababy’s 26th birthday this year.
For the past year, the couple has been bombarded with questions about their wedding date. Hoping to handle their marriage privately, the couple continued to dodge the issue even after they were spotted taking wedding photos in France last week. After registering their marriage in Qingdao today, Xiaoming finally announced that they had tied the knot.
Xiaoming’s godmother Tiffany Chan (陳嵐) revealed that she had already known about the couple’s marriage plans in advance, but was obliged to keep the secret. Tiffany said, “I’m very happy for them. I believe they can grow old and find happiness together.”
Xiaoming’s good friends, Vicki Zhao (趙薇), Zhang Ziyi (章子怡), Yang Mi (楊冪), and Li Bingbing (李冰冰) urged the couple to have a baby quickly. Angelababy’s ex-boyfriend William Chan (陳偉霆) commented, “Congratulations! Hope the newlyweds have a wonderful marriage!”
With a combined earnings of $150 million HKD last year, Xiaoming and Angelababy are a power couple with extensive social networks in China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. They will reportedly invite 3000 friends and family to their wedding banquet in Shanghai in October.
This article is written by Jayne for
Congratulations to Huang Xiaoming and Angelababy! Very happy for them! Expect a baby within 3 years before Xiaoming turns 40!
@jayne Not to spoil the party but I expect a divorce in 3 years. If they survive past that, congrats to them.
Anyway I think both are ready for children since she has been quite eager to announce this union. I wonder how the baby will look like.
Is that bright photo real wedding pictorial? Why so bright?
@funnlim I think if both slow down work output, their marriage will last.
Yes, the above photos are from Angelababy’s wedding pictorial. Perhaps the photo was shot with the bright light to create a dreamy effect.
@jayne Kinda too dreamy that obscured their faces. Too exposed. I actually thought it was fan made or something.
Neither can slow down work output since gotta feed themselves and family. However since they took awhile to reach this stage, perhaps. Not too long and not too soon which means it wasn’t rushed.
That is a good point that you made Jayne,but slowing down work output is easier said then done,especially in the circle where you must take every opportunity that you get. I remember one of my close friends getting engaged and then she broke the engagement after a year because her finance broke his promise about reducing his workload. He promised to reduce his workload after they get engaged but then he worked even more than before. It got to the point that their time spent together became less to the point that they became strangers. My friend did not want to live with a stranger husband so she broke off the engagement. Not to say that it will happen Xiaoming and Angelababy,but I guess my point is maintaining a marriage takes a lot of work from both people.
@hetieshou A marriage is definitely a tango of two. If only one side contributes and the other side is careless, it will be ruined, inside or outside. However the couple still needs some private moment. You cant expect your wife/husband to change 180 degree after the marriage. I know it is hard because normally, woman is more sensitive so the wife will hope the husband to change and contribute the marriage more. I went through that and I understand the feeling of the wife. If they can balance the workload and life style, it is perfect. If not, then the couple must choose to let go the hard feeling.
I think HXM and AB will be fine. Watching AB on Hurry Brother and she isnt the stay-home type. She is easy-going.
@hetieshou Some married couples have to work long hours to make ends meet, while others are more fortunate to be able to choose. But this may require changing their lifestyle and reducing expenses.
#Angelababy and #HuangXiaoming make millions in one year. Huang Xiaoming has already invested money in multiple restaurants and even has a stake in Huayi Brothers. Since he is approaching 40, it appears he has thought about eventually decreasing his onscreen appearances and diversifying his investments to earn more passive income. Huang Xiaoming and Angelababy seem genuinely in love, so hopefully they will be able to make things work although both have busy careers.
As for your friend’s case, it is not always under our control regarding work load and hours. If there is opportunity at work, does he turn away? This may end any promotional opportunities in near future. He may have also considered the expenses of the planned upcoming wedding as well.
@funnlim not to be mean or anything, but you always sound so negative and wish bad on every celebrities happiness or just in general in everything .
@spearmintx3 – all the celebrities have destroyed @funnlims life. I also noticed all her posts were so negative on any other articles.
@azndoraemon I have made many positive posts. Except some choose to focus on my negative ones since well.. being negative is I suppose attracts more attention.
@funnlim – why you always sound so pessimistic and wishing bad thing will happen to many celebrities?
whether they had plastic surgery or none – it’s not of our business and even if they did – so what? We do not have to wish them to soon divorce. Why you have to wonder how the baby will look? you should wonder your own baby/life. is not like they hurt you personally or took away your family. Sorry to be mean but i don’t think is nice to talk negatively about any person.
@azndoraemon Didn’t you know? HXM and Angelababy destroyed my life with their excruciating step by step reporting of their love life. They hurt me personally by pretending to be beautiful people when half is plastics and the other photoshop with harsh lightning. They murdered my fantasy and my annihilated my belief that beautiful people are beautiful people. That height should be as reported and fame should equal the talent not to publicity but talent to act. They are the villains who have robbed me of my ability to be and think positive.
Murderers! Dream crushers!
@funnlim lmfaoo you are too funnyxD
@funnlim – SIGH
@funnlim Maybe you are just kidding but it isnt funny to wish for a divorce, especially to a newly weds couple. Do you feel it is gross?
Btw, HXM was the one who is more eager to announce the marriage than AB. Check his weibo. They have not disclosed their wedding pictures so perhap it is why the picture is photoshoped brightly when posting by a third party.
Regarding their future baby, even if they are really plastic, it wont make them automatically bad parents. I have seen a 100% natural artist who dont give her milk to her son any day to keep the S shape body while another plastic artist chose to raise her daughter by her own milk despite the impact to her body. The later example is a good mother while the 100% natural artist is nothing but a cruel mother.
@alluka Did anyone say bad parents at all?
The so called plastic artist should be careful. Sometimes being kind can be cruel because who knows what sort of chemicals pumped into her body that might have gone into the milk. Better get checked first.
I agree with you there Funn because when you get any kind of surgery, you pump chemicals and god knows what into your body. I remember my cousin not getting any breast implants until she was done having kids and breast feeding. I think she knew that if her breasts were not natural,they can affect her baby in the long run.
@hetieshou AB is not claimed to have breast implants. If she had, she will have to remove the fake breast bags when she has breast feeding because the artificial bags give impact to her kid. The artist I mentioned above removed her breast bags due to that reason. However, AB is out of scenario because she is only claimed to have PS, not filler, not breast implants.
@funnlim Science has researches about the impact of the so-called plastic to the milk, dont be worried. Moreover the plastic surgeries applied to face (in the case of AB if she really did plastic surgeries) cannot leave impact to the milk of a mother.
Your comments give me the feeling that you think they shouldnt have a baby because they will divorce in 3 years, they are plastic and they announce their love to the public. So do you think they will not be bad parents? If you think they can be good parents, then why you predict a divorce for them, especially when their kid is only 2 years old if your prediction comes true.
@alluka your feeling is wrong. I will say what I mean and since I didn’t say it I didn’t mean what you say I mean. I do think blood travels everywhere carrying whatever chemicals? I don’t know. I am just saying better be careful.
@funnlim Which chemicals? She doesnt use the filler so there is no chemical on her blood. if she really had PS, she had it years ago so now she doesnt need to use medicine anymore. You can say it to someone who use filler to check for such thing, but it isnt for the case of AB. Same to HXM who is claimed to use PS but none signal of filler applied on any part of his body.
@funnlim – you sound like you know everything and an expert in love. Everytime someone announced their dating or getting married – you would say “wont last for longer than three years.
What a waste that you aren’t a reporter since you are psychic! You have the potential! I feel sorry for you/husband/kids.
@azndoraemon Actually she wont say “wont last for longer than three years.” when it comes to someone she likes, for example Nicky Wu and Liu Shi Shi couple. She protected them and their huge age-gap love pretty well. And when some of her other idols have love scandals, such wish didnt appear but something like “he is so good so he will find a wonderful lover soon” etc.
But HXM-AB is one of the couples she doesnt like so “wont last for longer than three years.”. Btw, it is merely a prediction. Last time she and some others predict a couple wont last for longer than three years and they last much longer than that. Perhaps it is a love bless in disguise.
@alluka – they are just celebrities and I don’t understand why she cares so much about their loves life. Whether she likes or doesnt like them she still should not wish them breakup or divorce.
I don’t like my sis in law but she has talked to me about divorcing my bro 10 years ago but i encouraged her not to. Now, they been together for 18 years now. Is just not nice to wish someone to have bad life just bc u don’t like them.
Honestly whether anyone divorces of whatever,only time will tell. Don’t we all want to find the right one and spend the rest of our lives? But sadly,in many cases you have to marry 2 times or more. However,there are of course some lucky couples who marry only once and are happy until death,but that is getting more rare these days. I guess you learn to enjoy each relationship/marriage while it lasts instead of worrying about when it will end.
But anyways,wish them the best and congrats! By the way,I do not think Xiaoming is that plastic since I have seen him since the beginning of his career and he still looks a lot like himself. I cannot say the same about Angelababy though. I am also curious about how their baby will look too.
you’re being debby downer. Most expected Da S’s lighting marriage to last no more than a year, but they’re still married.
I’m interested in seeing their babies if they ever gonna have any, if you get what I mean.
@tess I get what you mean and we all say it with tongue in cheek as opposed to some PC nonsense that is written in here.
@funnlim I’m definitely with you in this matter. Some people have no sense of humor at all. And I don’t like fake ppl. This couple is all wax to me! Ugh!
are they anymore plastic and fake than Korean idols whom Chinese fans idoliz?
@msxie0714 sorry, I don’t know and I don’t care about who are the Korean celebs or what the Chinese idolize. I only know these two fakers.
there are bigger fakers out there.
If their baby looks pretty, I really feel eager to see the comments of some people here.
@alluka I personally believe there is no ugly babies. That being said, what may be different is not beauty but rather baby looking different from his or her parents. That is what I meant.
@funnlim A baby of parents with sans plastic surgeries still can look different to her/his parents. When a baby grows up, s/he also can look different to her/his kid time.
By the way, for the pure curious, if the baby looks like HXM and AB, what you will say?
@funnlim – you seem to like reading articles that you hate which I don’t get.
You sound so immature! If you are married I hope your marriage last forever. I don’t understand how a person would wish someone to have a bad life/marriage. Only unhappy person can think like this or bad mouthing others.
Xiaoming is not that plastic so if the baby looks like him,then you will all know that he did not get that much done as opposed to his wife. Many children do not always look like their parents but like their grandparents,aunts,uncle’s or any close relative or even distant relative. Genes truly work in strange ways.
I can tell you in my family,my 2 oldest brothers look nothing like the rest of my other siblings or my parents. I later found out that my oldest brother looks like my paternal grandfather whom I have never met since he passed away way before I was born. My 2nd oldest brother looks like my maternal grandma whom I did meet so I did see the resemblance. Basically, children do not always necessarily look like the parents.
@hetieshou Actually I think AB only has her chin and eyes done. The other things are pretty much the same to her childhood pictures. She is pretty at born except a too big mouth. Since she fixed it, she looks almost different but seeing her childhood pictures clearly, her face still can keep the childhood look. Two parts in the face, I dont think it is too much.
On the other hand, if you see her face without makeup, you will see the original features in her. HXM also said the same thing. Moreover, her brother looks pretty much similar to her current look so cant say that she has her whole face done.
Yue Lao has put them together so it is not in our power to say anything bad. No one knows the future and I guess we have all seen marriages that can last a lifetime, marriages that seem happy but end abruptly,etc.. Life and the future is truly unpredictable.
Oh come on, 14 year old angelababy was a pretty girl. Nowhere near the ‘got her whole face done’ as most people seem to suggest. Their kid, if they choose to have any, will look fine.
@peanutbutterjelly Her large mouth is the only problem in her face. Probably the surgery to make the chin becomes V-line also help the mouth to be smaller. And then, she looks much better.
Moreover, makeup makes a contribution to her good look. There are pictures of AB with minimum makeup and she looks quite similar to herself in those so-called before surgery pictures.
@alluka – this is my first time posting comments on these couples bc of funlims. I honestly don’t follow much of their news, mainly skim through some.
Faces can changed overtime. I actually never realized about my face from childhood until so many of my moms friends complimented my look when I was 17. They never said I was pretty when I was younger. I looked back at old pics and my face looked longer and chin/mouth were different. I think bc of my teeth back then. Overbite can affect the shape of your chin.
@peanutbutterjelly – wow that’s pretty
@alluka @azndoraemon thank you!
Finally, I thought I was the only one that couldn’t understand why @funnlim comments / reviews are so pointless and biased. Maybe now Jayne will realize what her audience think of all the @funnlim postings
@aidenchan I’ve seen alot of @funnlim post but never replied to them until now.
Btw I love your name and will name my baby aiden if its a boy
@azndoraemon .. Hey my daughter name is Aidan and she is 6. Aidan means little fire and it’s a name for both girl or boy .. I really hope you have a child soon be it girl or boy Aiden or Aidan it’s just awesome!!
@ajlim Aidan or Aiden are nice name. Thank you for your best wishes. I’m due this year but don’t know the gender yet, I’m not too interested in finding out. My husband likes Ava for girl.
I’m literally laughing at some of the above comments. There’s no point bashing on someone’s opinion just because they dont share the same pov. You guys are so childish. Even mentioned about feeling bad for their loved ones…hmmm… I just don’t get it.
@tess you don’t get it bc you are childish and have too much sense of humor that tends to enjoy laughing at people.
@azndoraemon and btw your “I love your name and will name my baby aiden if its a boy” sounds really mature! LMAO!!
@tess thank you! Complimenting with lmao sound so childish and fake!
Whatever, however much//little PS they both had.
As long as they’re really happy, and did not have to step on anyone to get together (as in 3rd party etc), no gold digging motives in the name of love etc etc etc …
Congratz to the couple. They look sweet together.
Also agree on genetic chemistry being a mystery.
– Kids sometimes looking completely different fr parents (skipping a generation)
– Or having the best/worst combinations of mom and dad’s features.
Some kids look gorgeous even at 4, with beautiful features and good bone structure, but you wonder where it was from when you see the parents.
Then on closer look you can see the dad’s best feature (nose and cheekbones for eg) and mom’s doe eyes in an otherwise insipid face combined and accentuated in the kid. Likewise, some beautiful looking parents with kids whose features looking like they were created from dough.
Some kids look gorgeous at 8 … then growth and development sets in … that perfect egg face elongates, the jawline becomes wider etc … and that beautiful or cute face with the same features look way different when they’re 19. Same features, but much less good looking than at 8.
Same for less good looking plain kids at 8 turning into drop-dead swans by 19.
The important question is, when Angelababy has a baby, will she drop the baby from her name as a sign of maturity?
@msxie0714 No I don’t think so, she would probably call her Angelababy jr.