Joel Chan Forfeits TVB Career for Wealthy Heiress

Joel Chan’s (陳山聰)flamboyant relationship with Macau casino, Stanley Ho’s (何鴻燊) daughter, Florinda Ho (何超雲), may have angered TVB. Joel took long vacation requests from work, spending all his time with Florinda. TVB executive, Virginia Lok (樂易玲) blasted Joel, “As everyone knows, he is not interested in working!”
Rumors abounded that TVB has “frozen” Joel’s acting opportunities for an indefinite amount of time. The 35-year-old even forfeited his first marriage for Florinda Ho. He took multiple vacation requests from TVB, citing “family issues” and the wish to start his own business. He has not filmed with TVB for 6 months.
Meanwhile, Joel frequently flaunted the travel photos he took with Florinda. This added to the public perception that he wished to lead a “soft life,” prioritized personal pleasures over his career.
In reaction to Ms. Lok’s criticism that he lacked interest in work, Joel wrote on his Weibo blog, “I wonder whether a high level executive is selling herself or selling the products beneath her?” Joel’s message was widely regarded as an angry attack towards Ms. Lok!
Joel Chan Ousted from Ms. Lok’s Favor?
Regarding Joel’s cryptic message, Ms. Lok indicated that she did not understand what he intended to say. Ms. Lok said that Joel will not be appearing in TVB dramas for a period of time. “Joel has already taken a leave of absence. He notified TVB that he will not be acting for now. He hopes to start a business. I do not find it to be a problem, as he does not owe any show appearances.”
A telling sign of which artists were favored by Ms. Lok was the guests she invited to her annual birthday party. At her 53rd birthday celebration yesterday, Joel was noticeably absent. Many TVB artists crowded the celebration, including Samantha Ko (高海寧), Linda Chung (鍾嘉欣), Pierre Ngo (敖嘉年), Rebecca Zhu (朱晨麗), Ruco Chan (陳展鵬), Candy Cheung (張慧雯), Koni Lui (呂慧儀), Nancy Wu (胡定欣), Eric Tsang, (曾志偉), Mr. and Mrs. Michael Miu (苗僑偉), Wilson Chin (錢國偉), and Tracy Ip (葉翠翠) even came in crutches!
Joel Chan Has Secret Plans He is Unable to Share
Despite his brazen words online, Joel did not dare criticize Ms. Lok openly. Asked whether his message was directed at Ms. Lok, Joel said, “Why would that be the case? I understand them. I tolerate their concern and care. As a subordinate, I will tolerate and understand. I thank her for taking care of me all these years!” Rather than issuing grateful remarks, Joel’s message may be full of hidden meaning and sarcasm!
As to the direction of his career, Joel said, “I have regular work, which involves my personal interests. However, I cannot reveal the details.” Asked whether his contract with TVB is already over, Joel said that he could not offer any comment. However, he said that he has a good relationship with the company.
Florinda Ho Dispels “Soft Rice” Rumors
Florinda Ho appeared at a retail store promotional event with Joel Chan. Dying her hair platinum blonde, the 23-year-old heiress wore a Gucci ring on her finger, which was rumored to be an engagement ring from Joel.
With the latest round of her wedding rumors with Joel dominating tabloids, Florinda laughed that they were young and that marriage can wait. She attempted to explain the origins of her Gucci ring, “While dating, we try to complement each other in our accessories choice! It is not time to get engaged yet!”
Florinda also denied that her father, Stanley Ho, gave Joel money to establish an apparel manufacturing business. The lovers maintained independent financial management of their assets. Joel said that he did not have any intention to start a fashion business at this point.
Source: Oriental Daily via
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Jayne: Joel allegedly only acted at TVB for interest and not money, as he was born in a wealthy family. However, his interest in acting was obviously replaced by his interest in Florinda. Presumably, Florinda does not have a job either, so he may need to quit his job in order to spend more time with her.
Joel has been blasted for leaving his ex-wife for Florinda. His friends, Christine Ng and Sharon Chan, also criticized that he abandoned their friendship after dating Florinda. Joel was criticized for leaving his “old circle” in order to date her.
How much should a person change in order to date someone of greater social status?
Joel has a great potential to be a lead actor in a TVB series, oh well…he has money to buy these ugly outfits….
He most likely charges everything on florinda’s credit cards, including his ugly outfits and their Gucci rings.
He’s a b*tch alright.
I agree! He did well in COTRH, and he was one of the reasons why I continued watching it. It’s a shame, really.
How much should a person change in order to date someone of greater social status?
I think the question should be how much they will get for dating someone of greater social status?
Good question Missy and you really wonder how many benefits do they get for dating someone of a higher status???
Florinda can make a series or movie for him to act from her money if he wants to return to acting LOL
620’s birthday party? No news about that? LOL
nevermind Jayne I found the 620 party chinese news ROFL
There’s a lot of potential in Joel. I thought he nailed his performance in CORH.
Joel doesn’t have anything to lose though. If it doesn’t work out with Florinda, then he can revert back to his old lifestyle. He’s rich himself. Acting was only an interest, not for a living.
From what I read, Florinda and Joel planned to start apparel fashion company. Shouldn’t be difficult for Joel in terms of experience, he used to be Raymond Lam personal shopper and his family also owned boutiques.
i wonder if he and raymond lam are still close. i mean, he was right opposite the venue where lok’s bday party was and raymond attended the party.
Judging f/ their fashion taste, I’m not sure how successful their clothing company will be.
And thank goodness Joel isn’t styling for LF anymore.
Florinda learned fashion and Joel learned it in the past. It’s quite reasonable for them to plan a fashion company.
I think Joel has taste but when he puts his taste on his old gang (because I don’t know if they are still getting along or not), nobody look good, ie. LF, Oscar, Derek.
If a woman can marry into money and be a socialite (and be called a golddigger) why can’t a man marry into more money and be a socialite (and be called eating soft rice)? It is sometimes a career choice.
“Tracy Ip (葉翠翠) even came in crutches!”
On crutches still have to appear. Can see how powerful Miss Lok is in TVB.
Power of 620. Linda gives her jewelry gifts. LF give her some gift. Fala’s husband also attend. also amazing that 3Gor can be loyal to her LOL
LF dun give her gift but did charity on her behalf. Not bad to a present.
3 Gor and TVB always have good relationship.
Tracy ip came even though she can’t really walk.
Linda dropped her filming/ad committments and flew in from mainland (According to the article).
Raymond Lam took time off from his busy schedule of filming and recording to attend. He doesn’t even usually have time to sleep. Yet he still turns up.
And why would CEO’s even bother coming to a crappy party. Fala’s bf, Ng Yu (not ceo but still quite senior), bother coming to a crappy party with small names B-listers attending most of the A-listers have more better things to do?
Obviously a big change to her prior bday parties. It’s not as star-studded.
These are just some of her ‘slaves’ that want to kiss her feet. Drop work and everything to attend coz its just such an IMPORTANT function. omg. seriously. These artists just want ‘security’ that they won’t suffer a job cut in the coming year.
Power of 620 that can dictate even veteran 3Gor, busy LF and powerful Fala’s bf to her party. This is crazy.
Tracy Ip look sickly and pale at the party. She should’ve just rested at home.
Damn Ruco and Kristal also attended 620’s party :(. She’s too powerful.
So u don’t consider LF and Linda to be A-listers? And u think Eric tsang, 3 gor, ng yu, and neway heir have to kiss ms. Lok’s feet too?
I wonder if your tune would change if tavia had attended the party.
Raymond Lam took time off from his busy schedule of filming and recording to attend.
Correct a bit: He dun film anything at this moment. He is only recording his album :).
Ng Yu (not ceo but still quite senior), bother coming to a crappy party
Correct a bit again: Ng Yu is actually EEG’s CEO :D, not a random Senior :D. If it’s Mani Fok to attend, then she is a senior, but Ng Yu is the CEO :D.
Lolz, B-listers? I saw most of them are in A-list instead. Perhaps they are not “A” in your eyes? Kiss 620’s feet?
Then whoever came to Toby Leung’s wedding party (which was more crowded than the TVB award in the previous day) are Tommy Leung’s feet kissers? LMAO~.
@josie: “She is forced! She is forced! Bad 620 forced her! She doesn’t want to go! She is forced!”
Slaves need to serve their master, LOL.
Joel is released bc he found his new master which is even more powerful than 620 since she reached super-saiyan level 3, hahaha…
I actually think Joel is very simple lol
He just wants to be with the person he wants to be with. Perhaps he is the type that just wants to do what he wants to do. I envy him…most of us don’t have that privilege :T
@ iampheng, that is a very interesting and refreshing viewpoint. One of the few positive things I have heard about Joel. I agree though!
That’s b/c most of us live in the real world, where u can’t just walk out on your job. It’s called responsibility.
I agree. Joel is lucky that he can leave his job and pursue his interest easily. Not many of us can easily walk out of a job like this and pursue own interest.
wow i’m kind of shocked that she’s only 23, she looks a lot older in my opinion haha. i always thought that joel was with her because of her money, didn’t know that he came from a wealthy family as well. maybe it really is love that brought them together and not money.
But Florinda Ho daddy are more richer than Joel daddy maybe 100 times richer ,is money that count ,anyways this guy have no future in TVB and majority of his role are kelefe and now he have more money ,why cares about TVB ?even Raymond Lam act in TVB for fun now .
Like his attitude, do whatever he likes & not be a slave to TVB.
He has a choice, sadly not everyone can afford to do that.
Still it’s a pity. Was looking forward to seeing him in a leading role.
I don’t think Joel came from a rich family. I read that he borrowed someone’s money to purchase a plane ticket.
Joel was slowly gaining success in TVB until he left everything for Florinda…
what a waste.
Florinda has a WEIRD dress sense. oh her hair is awful too. what’s this? super sayan power dragonball? LOL
What is Florinda wearing? The hair is sorta OK and the dres underneath actually looks nice, but the vest? Looks like a straitjacket.
I think Joel needs to get his priorities straight and start planning for the future. He has to think about what he is to do if Florinda ever dumps him? He has no career in TVB and half of his business will be owned by his ex. Hee needs to be independent if he ever wants to stand next to the Ho family with his head held high.
Both of them have very bad fashion sense.
I think he will be sorry to leave his career to be with Florinda and just depending on her and her family. He is a good actor. Even he goes into business, he will be using her family’s money and will always need to look up on them. Cant see this relationship can stand up to the pressure
Agree. Just look at Bobby Au Yeung. His wife is the granddaughter and co-heiress of the Fu family, who dominated the Macau gambling industry before Stanley Ho entered the picture.
No one sees Bobby as sponging off his rich wife because he has a successful and independent career and does not flaunt his relationship everywhere he goes. People respect him a lot. Same thing with Raymond Wong.
Joel on the other hand, even if he is quite well off himself, will never be seen as independent from the massively wealthy Ho family. Regardless of whether he and Florinda will get married, he will be forever remembered by HK audience as a golddigger because he forsaked his own career for his rich GF.
Uhm, Bobby was criticized very hard by HK media in the past (in first years when they got married) for “Eating soft rice” but after years together without any problem, they let him go. However, sometimes the reporters still say about Bobby like this.
If Joel can be successful with his fashion store, maybe it would help him. His acting and singing career seems not blossom.
“I tolerate their concern and care.” Whoa. I reckon he’s going to try and cancel his contract with TVB soon. He is probably thinking even if it doesn’t work out with Florinda, he’ll still have his business.
PS. Heard his family isn’t actually rich, but that his brother is a successful banker and Joel just sponges off him a bit.
His family is actually rich. His family owns a kungfu school and a team of Lun. Joel himself has a 1000ft2 gym in Macau. He earned from this store much more than his salary with Txb.
And he dun have a successful career with Txb, or as a singer since he first started. Maybe he found that the chance with Florinda is better for him.
Thanks for the info Fox. I did not know all that about Joel. If his family is that well off then he was acting at TVB more for interest which is sort of like Raymond Lam. I still feel it is a big waste that Joel would just give up his budding acting career for Florinda. He had so potential and I can imagine him playing leading roles in TVB and then going to China and acting in grand productions. I guess that may be all gone now.
Many ppl dun noe that Joel was born rich, so don’t need to feel any bad for not knowing it, HTS.
I think the choice of letting go might be a wise decision of Joel. His singing career actually ended years ago. His acting career (he said that he likes to sing more than act) also dun go to anywhere. He is nearly 40 but still supporting, even no second lead. So finding a new path to go isn’t bad at all.
Despite all the backlash, I like the fact he’s just going for what he wants. Some might say he’s throwing all his pride in the name of money (A LOT of money), but I think it takes courage for him to pursue this type of this relationship. It’s not exactly flattering being called “eating soft rice.”
Anyway, it’s such a shame because I rather enjoyed watching Joel. I was waiting for bigger things to happen, which was simply a case of when, not if. I guess that’s gone down the drain now.
Another note:
Nancy Wu –> invited to 602’s party –> “favoured”? They’ve sure got a good way of showing it…
joel is hmself rich… maybe its really love for thm…cnsdrng thy both do nt need work if thy dont wan to.
In due time Joel will realize that Ms. Ho is fickled and will stay with him until she finds someone else more appealing. Ms. Ho may be along the same line as Kim Kardashian. Meanwhile, Joel may have burnt his bridges and probably take menial TVB roles to pay back his “TVB debt” when he finds out that Ms. Ho has dumped him for someone else.
can’t really tell there’s a 12 year gap between the two. they look nice together.
Joel will never be the lead in any TVB series if Ms Lok is still around. Might you there are new people to promote everyday/every year… it will be hard to put Joel in the lead. I think he knows that and there’s nothing wrong to find another avenue of interest.
His acting is good/ natural… no pressure gets better result. I find since Myolie Wu won the best female artist award, her acting is a bit forceful.
Myolie has just won last year and she only has GJ2 as Txb series filmed after winning. Since GJ2 isn’t aired, how can you know that her acting is forceful?
Myolie have HHOV series have been aired. Even though I dun feel her acting was forcefull but quite bland. Whenever she wan to show innocent feel cringe. I prefer her to play arrogant character instead.
haha 620 got attack by Joel on weibo.
Joel has potential and his acting is pretty good but too bad he’s a gold digger.
This is saddening… I was still looking forward to him having more shows… since this year… i have been seeing him on starhub more than any other actors and i initially though tvb is perhaps over promoting him =/
Seen him on Face to Fate, Relic of an Emissary, Curse of the Royal Harem and Bottled passion… thus far from last to this year… Yeah, but its saddening if he cant win any awards since his acting was good.