Kenneth Ma Will Only Choose Girlfriend Who Gets Along With His Family

According to Kenneth Ma (馬國明), the media has only overhyped him as the ascending Diamond Bachelor because of his relative lack of gossip material. Though it was reported that Kenneth has caught many beautiful women’s hearts, including reigning Miss Hong Kong, Carat Cheung (張名雅), the clean-imaged 39-year-old only has eyes for a woman who has no vices and gets along well with his family.

Despite numerous attempts to brush off the Diamond Bachelor label he was appointed with, even to the extent of admitting he spouts vulgarities and visits pornographic websites, Kenneth holds the reigning title after Moses Chan (陳豪) was taken by Aimee Chan (陳茵媺). Even with his lack of vices such as smoking and partying, the humble Kenneth still thinks other bachelors at TVB, such as Ron Ng (吳卓羲), Bosco Wong (黃宗澤) and Ruco Chan (陳展鵬) deserve the title more. Kenneth said, “Of course a Diamond Bachelor must be single. On top of that, he must have a successful career and I still have not shown any results in that area.”

His Ideal Woman

With TVB beauties such as Rebecca Zhu (朱晨麗), Selena Li (李詩韻), Natalie Tong (唐詩詠), Eliza Sum (岑麗香) and even Margie Tsang (曾華倩) singing praises for him, and Carat Cheung’s confession of her admiration, Kenneth definitely deserves the title of Diamond Bachelor. In past interviews with the press, Kenneth has revealed snippets of his requirements in choosing a romantic partner. With the public’s binocular eyes on his love life now, Kenneth finally revealed the kind of woman he wants.

“I am a person who loves my family a lot. For that reason, I’m still staying with my family. So the most important characteristic for my girlfriend is not her beauty, but her ability to live and get along well with my family. My parents are well-known to be nice people. If a woman cannot get along with them, then the problem must definitely lie within the woman. I don’t smoke nor drink because I hate the smell of smoke and alcohol, so my girlfriend cannot possess these habits either,” Kenneth said.

The self-confessed introvert would also prefer his girlfriend to be more proactive and chattier than him. Kenneth admitted though he has dated a few women before, nothing has come to fruition. Likening finding a girlfriend to buying a house or car, Kenneth felt it all depends on fate and should not be rushed.

Step by Step Success

The youngest of three children, Kenneth learnt how to care for his family when his father had to toggle between Canada and Hong Kong often for his work. After graduating from University of British Columbia, Kenneth originally wanted to follow his father’s footsteps and become a mechanical engineer. When he returned to Hong Kong, Kenneth sent out more than 70 resumes, and he only received one in return – an interview notice for TVB’s Artist Training Class. Joining TVB changed the course of his life.

Last year alone, Kenneth not only clinched the My Favorite Male Character award for his role in The Hippocratic Crush < On Call 36小時>, he also walked away with the Best Actor award at Malaysia’s Astro On Demand awards. He also received the Outstanding Television Performing Actor award voted by The Federation of Hong Kong Film Makers.

However, the road to stardom has not been an easy one for Kenneth. In the first 3 years of his career, he was only given cameo roles. He recalled that his most memorable role was acting as a cockroach in Dayo Wong’s (黃子華) music video, “Blue Sky” <藍天>. Though it had been hard on his pride, the strong-minded Kenneth pressed on and treated the role as a way to hone his skills. It was only after he signed a TVB management contract did he begin to get meatier roles, such as appearing in Triumph in the Skies <衝上雲霄>. Kenneth said sentimentally, “I have moved up step by step these 13 years. Though it has been a struggle, there were happy times too.”

Fine with Supporting Roles

Although Kenneth has ascended to become one of TVB’s top siu sangs, he does not mind taking supporting roles as well. “Even though I may be deemed as good, my result still falls short of the best. So if you ask me to be the male lead, I’ll be happy but if you cast me in a supporting role, I’ll also be willing to take it. Supporting roles will allow a lot of opportunity to explore my characters, yet at the same time, I don’t have to worry about the ratings of the series.” Kenneth emphasized that the success of a good series not only depends on its lead cast, and he often encourages newcomers not to be discouraged when they are given minor roles.

Although Kenneth also wished to take on more villainous roles, the role of Dr. Cheung Yat Kin in The Hippocratic Crush is his favorite role to-date. Not only did the role help garner more fans for Kenneth, it was also indirectly his money tree. He said, “I used to only have a promotional event once a month. Now, I have an event every week!” Kenneth added, “Perhaps the viewers really like my doctor image thus I’m really looking forward to resuming my role in The Hippocratic Crush 2.”

Source: Apple Daily via

This article is written by Karen for

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  1. he can have any girls from tvb, i just want christian kuo 😀

  2. is mm trying to make ron sound good hear cos we all know mm has a more successful career than ron already

    1. maybe more successful and loved at tvb, but Ron makes more money since he also films in China so that’s probably what he’s referring to.

      1. yeh ron has been filming alot in china and his doing really and getting good roles as well

    2. Even with his lack of vices such as smoking and partying, the humble Kenneth still thinks other bachelors at TVB, such as Ron Ng (吳卓羲), Bosco Wong (黃宗澤) and Ruco Chan (陳展鵬) deserve the title more. Kenneth said, “Of course a Diamond Bachelor must be single. On top of that, he must have a successful career and I still have not shown any results in that area.”

      Well he certainly knows how to name them – notice that he omitted to name the one TVB actor who is CLEARLY way more successful than him – Kevin Cheng.

  3. We used to have news articles about Raymond Lam two or three times a day, but now Kenneth Ma has taken it over. There are just too many IDOL fans here!

  4. “The self-confessed introvert would also prefer his girlfriend to be more proactive and chattier than him.”

    Too bad Sharon Chan has a bf because I think this describes her pretty well and she even helps Kenneth buy clothes!

    1. he’s going to live with his family forever.. being a bachelor and a very simple minded person

  5. He really has come a long way. I remember my first time seeing him acting in femme desperado as one of the sushi masters.

  6. sometimes I feel sorry for him. I mean, he’s dedicated almost 1/2 his lifetime to TVB and the result? emptyhanded.

    1. nahhh. i dont think it’s empty handed. in his years of being a kelefe to a well established actor, he has learnt and improved alot. coupled with his recent success ie his awards, recognition by the public and professionals in the industry of his acting skills, his diamond bachelor image, how could it be empty handed?

    2. It’s not empty now. this is his year. in the past tvb keep promoting the wrong people and poor kenneth have to struggle in kelefe roles! now hipppcratic opens everyone’s eyes and changed kenneth’s life. he got great recognition already from the filmmaker’s federation which tvb CAN’T RIG and he got his precious ‘diamond bachelor’ image. he’s too humble. he’s a lot more popular than those people e mentioned!

  7. Lol..Love is Blind
    Also talk is cheap
    He been acting in drama I think he knows the meaning of The Univesal Problem -The Fight of Mother in Law and Daughter in Law

  8. What is a filial son! I wish you all the best and get what you want!!

  9. I think he’ll probably date someone outside the industry.

  10. I really wonder if his future wife will be willing to live with his parents?? Many would not want to live with their in laws unless they had no choice.

    1. From all his interviews, it sound like he put his parents ahead of any potential date/wife, their view aka his mom approval is the most important. It’s nice to be filial but why anyone women would want to date/marry a man like that. I’m sorry but the husband priority should be his wife (beside any kid)

  11. I’m so sick reading about his love life. I mean he is 39 years old go find a nice gal and settle down, he sound like such a mama boy. I really don’t understand his appeal!

  12. My parents are well-known to be nice people. If a woman cannot get along with them, then the problem must definitely lie within the woman.

    I have a problem with that statement.
    They are your parents, of course you said they are nice. And also, define “Nice”. Let put it this way, people cannot be nice all the time. There is this thing call “mood”. Living together with anyone is a difficult things to do. All I can say to him is GOOD LUCK.

    Frankly 9 out of 10 women don’t want to live with in laws. Like a saying, You cannot have two tigers in one mountain.

    At first when I read about this type of news very impress with him. But after a while, same topic and news over and over again. And I notice he like to pretend to be humble. He said Ron is more popular than him?? Is he kidding me? He leads more drama than Ron. So far Ron only 2nd lead and hardly 1st lead. Anyway, I think He humble himself to look good, not so much of anything.

    1. Agreed 100% Nancy Wu recent interview state she was crucified by the press when they broke up because Kenneth image is so “clean”. I was a fan before but he seem really pretentious now. Andy Lau is very well know as a filial son but he never overly state he is in his interview he is one.

    2. I think of 10/10 women. Most of women wanna get married with the guy she loves, not getting married with the whole family.

      Asking back, why man only wants woman to live with his family but very small amount of them want to live with her family. And whoever live with her family shall be joked? It’s unfair.

      Better, the couple lives by their own unless the parents need them to take care.

      1. Personally I don’t think it is a good idea to live with in-laws. It is very hard to put up with each other every day unless the young couple cannot afford to have their own place. This won’t happen to Kenneth Ma at all. If his parents need someone to take care of them, they should live close to the parents ………. in the same building perhaps.

      2. If the parents are sick, they might need the care 24/7, so same building won’t help. I’m saying of these cases in general.

        Actually I dun think the old ppl love to live with their kids that much, but it’s like a part of culture in Asia so they want to live with children, or the eldest son.

        But many men are so selfish to request the girl to live with his family, love his family, being a slave for his family (while he dun care for her family much) under the name of “a filial son”.

      3. If the parents are sick, hire a nurse of live-in to take care of them. It is no good to live with in-laws. It usually creates more problems than “goodwill”. Moreover, a daughter-in-law is not a unpaid live-in. If she does it willingly, it is good. Otherwise, she will hate her in-laws more. You are right. The woman marries her husband and not his families.

      4. In Asia, hire a nurse doesn’t mean the daughter-in-law dun have the responsibility. Sad that.

        Btw, the parents here I dun mean the parents of the guy only, but also the parents of the girl. If my parents are sick, I’ll take care of them with/without the acceptance of my husbie. And if he dun care for my parents, I won’t care for him.

        It’s really sad that there are guys who always think it’s the sole responsibility of the women to care for their parent-in-laws. I think these guys deserve to be FA.

      5. You must be a filial daughter. Taking care of the parents when they are sick is not the same as a person living with the in-laws all her life.

        It makes sense to take care of our parents when they are sick, but not every day when they are healthy. There is too much conflict in personality and culture.

      6. Yah, I agreed. I think the couple should only live with the parents when they need them to care or they can’t afford their life. This is why I can’t love Mama boy as they live under the love of Mama too long. In most of cases I know, the Mama boys don’t treat the wife well.

        Personally I think it’s quite stupid for some mothers to treat the daughter-in-laws terribly. It won’t bring anything good to anyone.

      7. Women are a strange bunch aren’t they? Before marriage they love a filial boyfriend. After marriage, they hate a filial husband.

        Living under one roof is not cultural in Asia, it is an expected and important aspect, more than cultural. Everybody wants 3 generations under one roof. Dinners are supposed to be noisy and chatty. You are supposed to have close ties with your uncles and aunties and nieces and nephews and cousins. Reality is some don’t get along. And perhaps if really can’t get along, then stay apart but not too far. Come back for dinners.

        But kenneth is filial and that is an attractive feature. And if you marry a filial son, you can’t expect him to not be filial. You expect he side with you but a few years of marital life can’t be compared to decades of love and attention by the 2 parents he knows. If he respect your parents the same way, what more to ask for? Be tolerant I suppose or don’t marry him in the first place.

      8. And what’s the saying? In the past people see daughters as water poured away when married. But truth is you gain a son. It depends on the relationship. I don’t agree with sayyyy what the old men do in the Reality Check series, but I also don’t agree with how stubborn the wife is. If anyone needs therapy it is the husband for being the one stuck in the middle.

      9. Genuine filial is different to someone who use “filial” as a method to make the wives the family’s slave. I respect the filial guys who really care for the family, but not the guys who use this term to force the wives to live with his family. If the wife wanna live with the guy’s family, it’s her choice. The old culture of treating woman like you stated should be ended soon, in order to give the women freedom. It’s an ugly truth of a world where men rule. The modern world should be fairer.

        But it’s saying in general, discussing about the aspect of life when wives are forced to live with the husbands’ family.

        As for MM, I don’t care for him nor be attracted by him, so I don’t care if he is a genuine filial guy or not. It’s you the one who wanna get married with him, so I guess you would care for his view on how to treat wife (in case you can get married with him). We can’t discuss on that issue and of course, I don’t want to discuss about him.

      10. P/S: I don’t watch Txb series for a long while, so I have no idea wat happened in Reality Check. It’s a series, isn’t it?

      11. @fox you don’t care for mm but I see you always have something nasty to say about him in every single article he’s been in, you know the word hypocrite?

      12. It isn’t the first time you don’t read the whole post of mine before replying. I don’t care for him as a candidate for husband like Funn Lim, not that I don’t judge him as an artist like anyone else. Two different things. The fake “filial son” I mentioned, can be anyone who do so. I don’t care if your beloved MM is one, or not. Again, I have to echo that I did comment about the selfish guys in general who wanna have a female slave in house under the name of “wife of a filial son”.

        Of course I know the word hypocrite, because I know many hypocrite fans here, who always bash others but then whenever their idols are touched, they will jump high and act like nobody can touch him/her. Do you know this word?

        Btw, I can’t comment about your male god? You really think he is a male god that nobody can touch?

      13. I’ve read your post over and over again and your words still came across to me (and all other english speaking person) as “you dont care for mm”. so next time, speak with more clarity yeah?

        Yes of course you can comment about him. but more often than not, you comment/hate without basis. you jump on anything regardless if it’s good news or bad news. and nope, I never consider Kenneth as in the ranks of a ‘God’

      14. You just read word by word and dun read the whole sentence or paragraph? Aiyoh. Ok, next time I’ll say clearer for you to understand easily.

        The last part of your post, I have no idea what you are talking about. Which basis you want in this case? A research of how many men who want wives to live with his family?

        If MM isn’t your God, why you have to jump up that high when I don’t talk about him but about men in general?

      15. you don’t like kenneth that’s why everything he said or did is wrong to you. wake up fox.

      16. When I even dun bother to comment about Mr. Ma, his fans are still troublesome. Really annoying.

      17. Hahah, nope. I’ve read everything but still think the same. Not just in this case, i’m speaking in general ie misquotes, pinpointing his flaws (however microscopic it is), and turning a good value into a bad one etc. “jump that high”? lol what a term. i wasnt even defending him in this matter, but was just stating that you were being a hypocrite by saying that “you dont care about mm” but went on to bash him in every single of his article.

      18. I can “pinpoint” MM in some articles (not all because sometimes I dun read MM’s articles but only reply to some interesting comments, for example this one), but this time, I definitely dun want to comment about him nor caring for him to be a genuine or fake filial guy. I only commented and have a chat with sandcherry on the men who want wife to live with his family under the name of “filial guy”. It was Funn Lim the one who drag MM in my argument and I told her that I dun care for him as a candidate of husband so I don’t care if he is genuinely or fake filial guy. Then you suddenly jump in and talk like I had commented about your MM and I have to explain for you. But you still go with it and wrongly accuse me, even when I explained. Sorry, but I think you owe me a sorry.

        Until when you can understand that there are different views with yours?

      19. Apparently, MM fans are getting closer to the fans of TY who give them the right to bash anyone they dun like but nobody can bash their idol. Is it necessary?

      20. “It was Funn Lim the one who drag MM in my argument ”

        Excuse me Fox, please don’t shift blame. Is every comment that you disagree with and when people reply directly at you is always somebody else’s fault in starting a topic? Because you started a topic in this article and my reply is in accordance to the contents of this article. You stated your opinion, own up to it.

      21. you’re so funny because i’ve never bashed anyone of ur idols or any actor/actress unless that particular person has done something wrong ie Justin Lee. yeah exactly. it’s your lack of clarity in words which caused this hoo-ha. If i’ve been constantly commenting on Raymond’s thread and then said in another comment that “i dont care for Raymond”, raymond’s fans and everyone else would say that i’m a big hypocrite. and again, i wasn’t defending kenneth at all in my previous comments if read back, just that your lack your clarity in words made me and olive think that you’re a hypocrite.

      22. Excuse me, 939393, you may have short memories of wat you’ve posted.

        However after I explained for you, you are still stubborn to go with your own thinking. So what? Should I call you by name? If you don’t like that fact, then please take your responsibilities.

      23. Btw, in many cases, you don’t think your comments are bashes, but you think others’ comments are. Vice versa, others can think of your comments as bashes and you can’t help with it.

  13. an almost 40 yr old dude playing roles mean’t for guys in their 20’s is just poor casting by TVB in every way…

  14. If Kenneth Ma’s mother is super nice, why does he have to worry about getting a girlfriend who can get along with his mom? Any girl will do.

    1. Man: My mom is super nice
      Woman: Because she is your mom! I’m a stranger to her and she treats me like stranger as well.
      Man: You badmouth my mother

      And it ended up with a slap on face of the woman.

      There are many mothers who only treat well their sons nice, but not the daughter-in-laws. However, their sons don’t know or pretend to be blind on that, as long as they are loved by mothers.

      1. It is quite true. It is very hard to treat a stranger or newcomer as part of our family unless he or she is very nice to you. Right?! I agree.

      2. What about daddy’s girl?

        Girl : Dad this is my boyfriend
        Boyfriend : Hi sir
        Dad : Don’t you dare to even touch my daughter!!!!!

        What then? There are always mama’s boy, daddy’s girl. Question is to what degree?

        Of course they are strangers so it takes effort to get to know the old ones, the in laws, and it takes BOTH sides, not just the girl to the guy but guy to the girl. If you don’t even bother with such effort, then don’t marry! If you marry, you can take away other person’s son or daughter on the basis that is my husband and wife. Such a selfish git to do that. If you feel you can’t tolerate, share and compromise, don’t get married. Because here’s the truth; marriage life sucks if you think of me me me.

      3. ” If you marry, you can take away other person’s son or daughter on the basis that is my husband and wife.”


      4. How many girls can live with their parents after a marriage? It’s the problem.

        However, the daddy’s girl, is like Mama boy, have the selfish parents who are overprotect to their kids. They can’t open their hearts to the wife/husband of their kids, so what make them think that the girls/guys can respect and love them?

        The love, must come from both party. You get married with a girl/guy, doesn’t mean you have to become her/his slave or her/his family’s slave. Can’t require some to be given up themselves when you don’t do so.

  15. I think Kenneth Ma is stupid to insist on living with his parents after marriage. He has already scared many girls who may be interested in dating him.

    1. i agree its just like louis koo as well wants a gf that will live with him and his whole family

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