Kevin Cheng and Christine Kuo Dating?

Currently in the peak of his acting career, Kevin Cheng’s (鄭嘉穎) love life has been more eventful than usual. After being linked with mainland actresses, Jenny Xu (徐靖雯) and Ying Er (颖儿), Bu Bu Jing Xin <步步惊心> costar Annie Liu (劉心悠), and going through recycled rumors with former TVB actress Charmaine Sheh (佘詩曼), tabloids are now claiming that Kevin has been dating Christine Kuo (苟芸慧) since working together on the set of Ghetto Justice 2 <怒火街頭2 >!
According to 3 Weekly Magazine, 42-year-old Kevin Cheng has been pursuing 29-year-old Christine Kuo since working together on the set of Ghetto Justice 2 last year. Portraying Kevin’s ex-wife in the TVB drama, Christine had no qualms when she filmed intimate kissing scenes with him. Insiders revealed that Kevin took great care of Christine and often drove her home after work.
Unlike many of Kevin’s costars claiming that he is cold and quiet, Christine never had that complaint of him. She had once told the press that she found Kevin humorous and attentive. It appears that Kevin was very quick in warming up to Christine!
On July 30th, 2012, Myolie Wu (胡杏兒) treated the cast and crew of Ghetto Justice 2 to an abalone dinner in Tsim Sha Tsui. Throughout the dinner, Kevin was seen standing by Christine’s side like an attentive boyfriend. When their Ghetto Justice 2 costars tried to get Christine to drink, Kevin stepped in and helped her out.
After the dinner, Kevin allegedly wanted to take Christine home, but upon seeing the press standing by the exit, Kevin decided to leave by himself. Christine closely followed behind and left with a colleague, who dropped her off at a taxi stop in Kowloon Tong. Aware that she was being closely followed by the paparazzi, Christine did not return to her home in Tseung Kwan O, and spent the night in her female friend’s home in Sai Wan.
Source: 3 Weekly via
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Don;t believe this! His one true love is Charmaine!!
i think only charmaine desperate and throw herself at him.
She can throw herself at many men, not him only. I believe he will be lucky to have charmaine because she gives me an impression she is decisive and wise in the issue of money and he seems rather lacking at that. Too soft.
Charmaine is rich & famous, smart and pretty. She doesn’t need to throw herself at anybody. Do u consider all women “desperate” except for your idol myolie?
If Kevin was smart, he would ask Charm to star in the first series he produces. It would get tons of publicity and she would probably be willing to take a “friendship price”. But Kevin might be too principled to use rumors for his production company.
Which will make Kevin a bad producer. He must do all he can to ensure his 1st production is a success.
think 2 smart acting minds wont make a good couple/get a long. whats passed has passed… cant turn back the time for charm and kevin..
Yep and some men are crying for why Charmaine is desperate towards KC (if yes).
I’m not surprised if Charmaine threw herself at Kevin. She has affair rumours with so many men and fighting rumours with many actresses and was famous as the Queen of rumours during her time at TVB. She’s quiet down now after leaving TVB. Maybe she’s become the past.
Leaving HK means less doggies who are too nosey on the love life.
Did u ever think that maybe tvb created the rumors for promotion?
And how come u are quick to believe the worst of others but when myolie has the same negative rumors, u quickly scold the media for lying.
What’s the problem of Charmaine throwing herself at Kevin? Maybe Kevin also throw himself at her. Both good at throwing against one another. That is true love. Kevin is a good looking guy, and now rather well paid. Charmaine is a good looking girl, and now very well paid. Why not since if both are single? Aiyah.. all these talks of throwing and all that, makes me want to throw myself at Kevin or Kenneth or Wallace. Problem is none of them will want to catch me. Ouch! But Charmaine, I bet one of them will want to catch her. Like I said, either is a good catch. So go, play catch catch. Let the throwlympics begin!
Oh first Gwinglympics, now Throwlympics… I laugh at my own jokes.
Seriously though, the idea of Kevin and Christine is also good. Except she is twice his size. He needs to bulk up, if not how to carry her and all that. I do like Christine’s appearance because she is pretty, she is feminine looking and she looks like she eats 3 full meals a day and not stick thin. I welcome that. But acting… why these pretty actresses suffer from the Bernice Liu symptom huh? All pretty, nice body but acting seriously sucks.
What u are describing is mutual attraction btwn Kevin and charmaine, not “throwing” which has a cheap connotation. Even chasing is a better term.
totally agree! ;D
Charmaine is his only true love! <3
i’m going to be delusional and agree with you LOL. out of all the rumored girlfriends, i want kevin to end up with charmaine the most
Although Kevin did mention before that he prefer smart woman but i doubt any man will prefer a woman smarter than him lol.
A truly smart woman knows when and when not to show her intelligence.
@ josie: You say it out.
He should consider Myolie. Myolie is a very smart woman who knows what she wants and work hard for it with all her might.
@lol: You are really making Myolie a desperate woman who have to run here and there, ask any man to consider her. Please…
this is an old rumour
don’t believe this. christine is too bimbo for kevin who like smart girls. kevin can do better.
Yes in agreement. Christine doesn’t deserve Kevin. Kevin can find better girls.
how is she a bimbo, Christine actually has a 4 yr degree, which i cant even say for linda chung and other MCIs. stop hating on Christine, you dont sound intelligent yourself.
Having a degree doesn’t mean she’s not a bimbo. since half the population have a degree. What’s her degree in? She did a correspondence course?
agreed. LOL Degree is everywhere now
It may be everywhere but it is still not easy to get. If hers is a general degree then yes she is a bimbo. Even 3rd class is a bimbo. But anything above 3rd class isn’t easy to get. I got mine through so called correspondence course but actually more like external program and my entire year of study and results depend on 3 days of exams. The fact that I did my assignments, attended classes were not taken into account. That isn’t easy and I had one rather high ranking guy telling me so.
Exam-centric degrees are mostly based on cramming. If one are good at rote learning (like people from asian countries), it’s easy to do well with exams.
Assignments, projects, research papers should better demonstrate a student’s abilities.
Agreed but not many have the luxury of going to that university which is often overseas. Much too expensive. It depends on which degree as well but just imagine all these cramming, etc of all facts, issues and you only get to prove your abilities in 1 exam in that paper you have to write and write whilst if you study overseas, your attendance is taken into account, the assignments which you have time to refer to references are taken into account, etc. Overseas course is not easy. Have seen some who just sat there looking blank, because total blackout. Never happened to me because I do well under pressure even if I had to remember long quotations, etc. But it ain’t easy. Until we know her degree course, what she got, etc even if it is a correspondence course, one shouldn’t take it lightly.
There are always local universities. Unless the person can’t get in, which is why people may have the assumption that some who do correspondent courses are not smart, which brings us back to the reason for Christine to be classified as a bimbo despite having a four year degree.
Of course, there are many who are bimbos and went overseas and study and make a mess of themselves yet come back with a degree, or those hardworking ones that have a degree, and went on to study part time through distance learning for something else that interest them.
I wouldn’t judge those who did external programs or private courses as dumb since not everyone can get in local U due to many many reasons other than lacking in the brains dept. A lot of reasons.
Again it depends on what course she took, how long she did, the type of degree she got.
Of course it doesn’t but it’s necessary to consider the assumptions people may get. I understand from my friend from Malaysia that for Chinese there to get into the top universities, it’s very hard, because they have to fulfill the race quota.
I’m from one of those top Malaysian local Universities and I have many Chinese course-mates.
It depends on the course you want to take. Popular courses are of course harder to get in.
On what criteria are you basing your “bimbo” comment on? What has she done to deserve the title?
Or is this just another case of “haters going to hate?”
The above was to be addressed to Fiona and Nicole….
How is she a bimbo?
Hmm, maybe bc of the role she plays, LOL
Anyway her acting is very bad and her cantonese is hell annoying. Look wise nothing special either.
Conclusion: overrated however 620 likes her i.e she will reach fadan status, LOL
@exoidus: You are repeating exactly what ppl said about Linda when she first started. Now she is liked. Then Christine stands for a chance.
When linda started she was 21 years old?
Christine is older than Linda even now, and her acting and cantonese still suck.
Because Christine was not promoted right after she had the MCI title like Linda. She has to wait several years to have roles.
Maybe it’s because of how she rise so fast without having credibility as an actress. It might be those handbags she gave 620 and those parties with wealthy tycoon sons.
Then lol, by your logic, anyone who attended 620’s birthday party are bimbo. Txb is full of bimbo.
I don’t think any of you know what the term “bimbo” means tbh…
How bimbo she can be? If she is one, maybe most of the girls in Txb can be called this way?
Oh and you are the biggest one.
This is just a rumour to promote Christine. Kevin is being used by TVB.
YOU’RE TOTALLY RIGHT! TVB want to promote Christine so they link her with Kevin
I have predict this since I saw Christine getting big roles in Tiger Cubs and GJ
LMAO~, it means all the love rumour of a MCI/MHK and an actor that more famous that them are just for one purpose: Promote the girls.
In this case, Christine isn’t the only one and definitely not the first one.
It’s too obvious with Christine. The rumour suddenly start during GJ2.
Even it’s true, only think can be pointed: Christine isn’t the only one or the first one who is promoted this way.
After all the scandals with the guys, they have no choice but to promote the girls
Looks-wise, I believe Christine matches Kevin’s taste in women. He seems to prefer women with milky, translucent skin (Linda Wong, Niki Chow, Jenny Tsui and Charmaine Sheh).
Last year, when they were filming “Ghetto Justice 2,” rumors already started that Kevin is interested in Christine, by taking photos with her on cell phone etc.
Kevin stated that he will not give women the wrong idea if he is not interested. He appears to not be the type to flirt unnecessarily. Best way is to watch them in TV interviews and judge their level of familiarity with each other.
All these intimate scenes and not one rumor with Myolie, who is now instead linked with Kenneth instead!
Because KC and Myolie intimate scenes made me laugh. Someone said before that it look like theyre wrestling instead of intimate and I agreed LOL
Christine is very pretty, in my opinion.
She resembles Aimee but Aimee is cutish, she is more bona fide pretty.
She reminds me of a young Cecilia, a little princessy in looks.
She looks fair and pristine but her figure is tall, slim and curvy.
She looks kind of sweet and innocent, in contrast to her great figure.
I think she is very pretty ah! But she can’t act for nuts…
But never mind, acting takes practice, she may improve in future.
She is young and will improve over time.
She is better than Lin Chiling. Chiling has to go plastic/pneumatic to act in Sweet Chocolate and 101 Marriage Proposal.
Whereas in Switch, the movie is not based on true acting talent but on 3D effects.
Acting taking practice only makes a bad actress mediocre. Acting takes talent and the power of observation. I personally feel she is ok when she is calm or when she is silently crying. She is just bad when she goes nuclear but again that like you said is because she lacks practice. Personally she is pretty but not stiff. Can improve but still bad since she is new.
If her hair is blond, she looks like dumb blond
She just needs to improve herself despite all the criticisms. It worked in the past for many actresses.
Even if she improved, she will just be mediocre at best like Charmaine and Linda. The better ones start with talent first.
If having some talents but then stop the improvement, the end result will be as bad as or even worse than someone who dun have talents. The important is the improvement.
She needs both talent and improvement. If she starts good but don’t improve, she will be a boring actress one day.
Some actress also stop improving once they get to first line leading roles and become a boring and uncharismatic lead actress while they did much better during their younger years. I don’t need to name anyone
I agree that Christine does look like Kevin’s type
i find that Christine’s built is kind of big for Kevin and she seems to be either same height with kevin or maybe even taller!!!
Damn how come Christine look pretty in that pic!
christine kuo crying scene in GJ2 made me cringe. Half watching the scene i have to skip her crying part. Her crying literally like , huaaaa, how come you are so yan sam,,huaa,,,huaa,,,
btw, i don’t find her pretty, even though her look resemblance aimee chan and kelly lin i think.
Maybe she can be gwing junior LOL
What do you mean by gwing junior? Don’t drag Myolie into this.
Why not? U had no problem dragging charmaine and Linda into your comments above.
Funny. Myolie has at last passed the Gwing mantle to Christine is that it? Cue the national anthem please, this is the Olympics or rather Gwinglympics gold medal?
ita u r funny!! her crying was terrible. she couldn’t speak clearly. can anyone tell me what is she good at??
^ Got a good look at Christine. She does resemble Kelly Lin!
Anyway, Christine’s built is a little big.
Doesn’t Christine already have a boyfriend though?
Christine Kuo had dated her godmother’s son, Joey Law (former Mr. Hong Kong participant). They allegedly broke up, but who knows whether it may be underground relationship?
I also think Christine has the physical appearance that is Kevin’s “type”. Their looks are matching. I find Christine very VERY pretty.
I am just so frustrated that she ruins the series that she participates in. Looks really aren’t everything.
I think pretty girls are all men’s type!
But judging by Christine’s young ex-bf joey, is Kevin her type?
Anyway, if Kevin can’t get back together w/ charm, my second choice for him is Annie Liu. She seems like a lovley lady.
I also love Annie Liu! She doesn’t seem particularly interested in Kevin though lol
Anyone but Christine…she can ruin the series she is in, please please please not ruin Kevin.
If the rumor is true….then he’s statement about looking for a woman who has intellectual is ********* because CK doesn’t looks like a woman with the intellectual. if anything, she looks like an airhead to me….!!! If it is her, then Kevin is only going for her looks, contradicting his own statements.
This seems like a rumor push Christine’s status up.
Anyways, I am not the only one who thinks that Christine and Aimee Chan look alike!
Top 2- Christine/ Bottom 2- Aimee
wow they look like Twin.
i find both are very pretty but i don’t like either
Yeah, Aimee looks a bit like Christine in her long hair, but not when she wears short hair.
moses don’t pick the wrong when you are not sober
i dont think kevin will let others easily associate with him if he did not like them, he has interest or is dating christine. he has openly praised her as being smart in his past interview. i think there is definitely alot of interest on his side if they arent already together, like he said, if he didnt like the woman, he will not give her any signals like the ones mentioned here and before as well.
I wouldn’t want him to be with Charmaine because she’s too old for him now. I would like Kevin to have children. Charmaine is old and a smoker. Chances for her to conceive would be very low.
She can quit smoking. And she is only 37, can still conceive. If younger is better then perhaps all men should learn from Raymond Lam’s book on marriageable partner? 18 is nice eh?
I know she still can but the chances are not high. They need to start right now though, time flies
Of course not 18 LOL. I would say around late 20’s or early 30’s are good match for him right now.
Man…look at Andy Lau….how old is his wife and they had a kid. Now, a days a lot of families start late. Not that I would recommend it, but there are a lot of career minded woman out there that don’t have kids that early anymore!
Andy Lau will be a grand-dad’s age – 71 years when his daughter is 21 years old.
Actually it is sad for a kid if his/her dad have kid late in life.
There is a wide generation gap.
No need to cry for her. She will have the best in life. Even if Andy had her in his thirties there is still generation gap these days.
I think she can still have kids easily. And there’s always IVF. Look at all the celebs that have done it.
I don’t have good opinion on woman who smokes.
Men and women smoke, what is the difference? Why men who are smoking is less bad than women?
I thought he was a smoker too??? NO???
I think he must be. Most chinese actors smoke like a chimney.
He was caught smoking on set before. During BF3
He is.
Yes he is. He smokes to stay thin.
Wait so did kevin date niki chow or charmaine sheh? im confused
he use to date both, Nicki 1st and then Charmaine
rumor. never confirmed with Charm.
Definitely dated with Niki before. heh
Christine and Aimee look alike but Christine is prettier and looks more feminine.
Christine is a newbie so hopefully by time, her acting will be improved.
“Christine and Aimee look alike but Christine is prettier and looks more feminine” ………… Agree, if both of them have shoulder-length hair.
Aimee looks prettier with short hair.
In terms of acting, Aimee is so much better than Christine. Moreover, Aimee’s Cantonese is acceptable to Hong Kong audience, but not Christine’s.
Both acting sucks
Both are crap at acting. And Aimee and Moses are more disgusting than Christine alone.
I totally agree. Tvb try to portray Moses as the perfect bf. When reporters ask him about recent scandals of siu sang’s and mainland girls, he pretends to be so innocent. I can’t stand his fake “I only love coffee” response. It would be funny if he was the next guy to get busted cheating.
I agree too. Moses and Aimee are disgusting. Moses is setting a bad example for his younger peers! He’s a fake gentleman.
Have you realise that moses and aimee have the same surname chan???????……….sounds like in___t!!!
I hate it when Moses tries to act gentlemanly in interviews/events when he is far from being one and the media has to stop classifing him as a “suen poon”……arhhhhh…..
Both him and Aimee make me sick, I would be happy if they dropped off the face of this earth.
totally agree….. Moses is totally fake… He doesn’t look like the cheating type though… I really wonder why TVB has been heavily promoting him… he is not that good anyway… I guess it’s TVB’s style to keep promoting their favorites and throwing them in our faces to make us accustomed to them.
Same. Moses is super fake. He keep acting like a gentleman but what he did to Bernice wasn’t gentleman at all. It must be hurting for Bernice to be accused of cheating on Moses to get riches while she can’t fend for herself, and only Moses is out and being interviewed for his feelings and fooled the world.
And a short while later, he announced a high profile relationship with Aimeeeee. Hola!
the one that is disgusting and hateful here is Nicole, where does your unjustified and vile hate come from? why dont you just shutup now and stop being an ass.
Did he date Charmaine or is that just rumors? it was never really confirmed? Look wise he can do better than Charmaine, she never strike me as pretty.
They were just rumours.. apparently Charmaine has been throwing herself at a lot of TVB actors, but of course I do not know how true that is… Charmaine has never struck me as pretty either.. I was surprised when she was a finalist in Miss HK…She’s starting to look much more mature these days…
Charmaine like many actresses look better after being in the entertainment circle for 5+ years. Their looks mature and they learn how to apply makeup to enhance their features. I personally think she’s pretty but she didn’t look that way when she first entered the MHK pageant. She was very plain looking at that time but has become prettier later on.
Kevin indeed can do better than Charmaine. Why did he break up with Niki? Niki is better
Yes I agree with ita! I felt the crying scene when she first saw him with Myolie is badly done! It kinda come as a surprise to me with the sudden shriek tearing.
I agree. I laughed when she cried
No, no ,no, no and thousand nos!!! Could not be true!!1
During an interview where Kevin was with the director, Joe, the former said that he had to befriend Christine as she was new and rather tense while acting. So, what he was doing for her was just to make her feel more at ease with him and the rest of the cast. I had always wished for Kevin to be with Charmaine but now I am not so sure as she seems to be the so-hard-to -get type. Myolie seems to suit him more now, I think.
How do you know what he likes or not? You are NOT him!!
I don’ t like her. She can’t act and her Cantonese and English are horrible
That was me
Exactly! How is that possible, LOL. I mean she’s from oversea right, understood her Cantonese is weak but her English? The enunciation is just a mere so-so.
She must be a slow learner. I think this is why she’s called bimbo too.
Hello, it can make her a bad actress but can’t make her a bimbo! Bad at acting doesn’t mean she is a bimbo at all.
Her weak language and acting skills implied that she’s just a pretty face who parties in rich guy’s boat and having rumours with first line TVB big brother. That actually quite bimbo-ish.
I always think bimbo means girls who uses more of sex appeals but not intelligent.
Bimbo = girls use look/sex appeal to attract more than 1 man.
Most of Txb girls have bad acting at first start. All of Txb girls joined a party with rich guys and rumour with an actor. Alright, you said it.
She can’t be classified as a bimbo for having beautiful looks. We can’t judge her when we don’t even know her strengths. The only thing that I can say for certain is that she cannot be a successful actress as she lacks in acting skills and as an actress she needs to speak clearly and fluently in the language required IMO. So just be calling her a bimbo because of her inadequate acting skills is not being fair to her at all, she’s just in the wrong field and should pursue another career path.
I thought MCI contestants must have some smarts in them. So I don’t think she is bimbo.
Weak language skill just mean she’s weak in this area, doesn’t show she’s a bimbo. My housemate is a chemical engineer and she’s has weak language skill.
Weak acting only shows that she inexperience. Does not show she’s a bimbo either.
Actually… Bimbo’s true meaning is a woman who is sexually promiscuous. I don’t see that at all.
I say give her time. languages and accents are something that can be taught and learned as can acting. Personally, I don’t find her all that bad tbh…
She immigrated to the overseas from Taiwan.
Bimbo usually refers to a good-looking but dumb person. Sexually promiscuous is called slut. The term bimbo is much milder in comparison.
Me 2
watching episode 7 now and CK is really irritating!!! her cantonese is already incomprehensible, but it got really worst when she got angry and spoke quickly!! Could only made out 1 to 2 words of her entire sentence
Totally agree with you SY,
Her cantonese is as crap as english!! can’t understand a words …really make me lost plot!!
totally agree!!! especially the scene where she ran up the hill after a patient died at her clinic, its BAD…………..
Ya that was really mind blogging why the heck she ran up to the hill. And I think she pronounced the clinic in cantonese wrongly. I heard ‘chin soh’. it should be ‘chan soh’
i stop watching because of her. She look so elegant but once when she is acting mad and angry the way she talks and look so odd and i just can’t watch it.
Does anyone notice that Myolie pronounces Lynette as “Ler-ness”?
No. Like everybody else, Le-nett
Yes, I also noticed that. They called her Lennet but i thought her name is Lynnet right??
I think Christine is raw and has a lot to improve on, but does she deserve this much contempt? From what I watched, my favourite in GJ2 are Sam Lee and Jazz Lam. I’m sorry but Kevin and Myolie are exaggerating their acting. They’re trying too hard. I prefer Sam and Jazz’s relaxed and natural acting.
The cases aren’t that interesting. I think I won’t continue.
i think this hateful comments come from people who are very jealous of her beauty and her opportunities. they are afraid of the attention going to those that arent their favorite artists. some ppl favs are even ******* than the ppl they hate here. lol. there are actresses uglier and more exagerrrating and WAYY more annoying than christine. put the spotlight back on your own crappy stars as well who still cant act for a damn decade and some MCIs cough cough Linda Chung who is mediocre in looks and at everything despite first class promotion to lead.
i would love for kc n charm to be tgether.. itght n r happen though.. i cnstand christine is she keeps her mouth shut… her canto horrible cmng frm me whos mum is an indonesian n dad chinese… i rarely use cnto.. thts sayng alot.. shes cute though
Christine learned Cantonese at church. She was born in Taiwan and she’s smart because at MCI, she had the best interview and education.
Here is her pageant profile:
Leila Tong comes from an Indonesian family and speaks great Cantonese.
I pasted the url into my name.
So is Natalie Tong.
A lot of Malaysian and Singapore Chinese or maybe even Australian Chinese speak better Cantonese than her!
Not fair! She’s Taiwanese!
Sorry meant to write this somewhere else. Don’t reply here.
King Kong is Taiwanese, hasn’t he improved?!?!?!? She is by far the prettiest on TVB, no comparison to Aimee who looks like a teenage sister to her. I think Kevin is too much of an extrovert for Kuo and seeing him spank Myolie was the funniest thing I’ve seen in a while, even funnier when Myolie reacted like, “Did you really do that?” A billionaire will sway Kuo.
I think Christine is really pretty BUT she is really killing me in GJ2. Her acting is the worse for a new leading actress (compared to say Linda, Shirley, Fala, or even Charmaine back then) and her Cantonese is horrible. It really baffles me why they put her in a leading role. As much as I do not think JJ Jia is good, she is so much better than Christine! I think she should be given keh leh feh roles until she improves! Putting an actress in a lead role when she cannot act will just ruin just about everything!
Omg how many times can they play Adele in the show. At this moment my sister and I are laughing and out of breathe over Christine Kuos acting. How is the rest of the cast not laughing when she speaks?
Episode 9 – christine kuo and king kong matching
Christine acting is terrible especially eps 9 when she with king kong.
The way she run mk us all laugh. . so horrible