Kibby Lau and Yuri Chan Heat Up Summer with Swimsuit Pictorials

Model Yuri Chan (蕊蕊) and TVB artiste Kibby Lau (劉俐) may be friends on the variety show, Boom Boom Ba <耳分高下>, but they exhibited strong rivalry in their latest photo shoot.
In recent year, pseudo-models have been heating up the Hong Kong Book fair with the summer release of their tantalizing pictorials. The competition is due to be fierce, due to the entry of numerous younger models, however, Yuri boldly takes on the challenge. Possessing a 34E bust, Yuri changed into revealing bikinis and lingerie for her new photo spread, hoping to produce this year’s bestseller.
Because Yuri and Kibby both possess killer bodies and worked together on Boom Boom Ba, comparison is inevitable. Despite being more known of the two due to her relationship with King Kong (金剛), Yuri denies to openly challenging Kibby. Yet, Yuri does not hesitate to implicitly put down Kibby. “I’m confident with my body, E-Cup is not that ridiculous. On the flip side, [Kibby] is too thin, but I’ll still support her photo album.”
In response to Yuri’s jab, Kibby replied, “Yuri may be bustier, but it’s not just about having a bigger size! I’m rather tall, so everything is balanced. Besides, we all have different selling points.” Another reason why the Triumph in the Skies 2 <衝上雲霄II> starlet decided to release a pictorial was because it gave her a lot of positive energy after having suffered from depression. Due to work and family pressure, she became depressive and lost a lot of weight. Before picture day, Kibby admitted that she had to regain her strength and weight in order to increase her bust size.
This article is written by Su for
Bikini babes woo!
kibby looks fine
A competiton over who has bigger chests? Oh dear… We are so grown up
All assets are fake to begin with. What’s the point in competing with each other?
I think Kibby lau is very pretty, but why do I always feel like her type of beauty is so unreal? Does anyone else thinks her features are too “beautiful to be true?” I mean, she is wayyy prettier than many main actresses when she stands next to them, even as a kelefe.
Its obvious she’s got a lot of cosmestic surgery done…… I dont know why people thnk she’s attractive. Her face is so messed up from the botox.
She is only 24, what made you think she had botox?
She looks the same as when I started noticing her in tv series. Unless she did something prior to that.
You know whats funny. Before reading the comments I knew someone would bring up the topic of Plastic Surgery. Every time there is an article about an attractive person, there will always be discussion what he/she done with the face.
before (most of) her surgery –
gosh, i thought i was looking at Tracy Yip.
plastic to the max
Which one is which? The one on the right has the typical doll like PS look.
@ Vel: It’s not that every SINGLE time there is an attractive person that appears on here must be scrutinized for their beauty. It is because many of the artists these days have gone under the knife, and most people feel like they are being lied to, when the artists deny it. You are saying as though people here are jealous of them or something. And plus, I did comment on her beauty, but it just does not look very real to me…almost too beautiful, if you know what I mean? But thanks to Adam’s links, we can somewhat “confirm” the fact that she indeed has gone under the knife.
Kibby Lau (left photo) was in TITS2, I think. Sizzle-sizzle.
Thanks and I thought that she was the one on the right.
I am just going to say that, while most celebrities do have plastic surgeries, quite obviously, I must say that photoshopping, tasteful clothing that fits well the person in question and proper posing and make up works wonders.
Kibby is attractive until she starts talking. Reminds me a little of Michelle Reiss
Is this what tvb looks for these days? -.-
Sadly, yes. Applies to most people in general, too. Sad, sad, sad…
So they’ve been reduced to gravure… at one point I thought TVB was going to give Kibby a shot, but she did seem kind of stiff. And Yuri was dating King Kong?! I had no idea….
Also, interesting the article references “Boom Boom Ba”… yes, they were on that show, but I thought they made a greater impression on Beautiful Cooking 2. I can remember that Yuri was a pretty good dancer compared to the rest of the Angels.
they should have made it big in TITS. i like juicy