Linda Chung Admits She is Married; Husband is Chiropractor

After reports surfaced that Linda Chung (鍾嘉欣) may have a shotgun wedding due to an unplanned pregnancy, the 31-year-old announced that she has been in fact married since fall 2015. The wedding banquet will take place on February 27 in Vancouver. While Linda remained silent on her pregnancy rumors, many speculate she is already five months pregnant as she is beginning to show a belly bulge.
Linda’s husband is TVB Chairman Norman Leung‘s (梁乃鵬) nephew, a Canadian-Chinese chiropractor known as Jeremy Leung. Linda met Jeremy through her elder sister who knows him through his chiropractic practice. Employing seven staff members, the 41-year-old chiropractor earns close to $1 million USD per year.
Jeremy and Linda dated for about a year before he proposed to her. He is a very tolerant boyfriend who often gives in to Linda, and has successfully won the approval of Linda’s parents.
Broke Up with Philip Ng
Apart from rejecting Raymond Lam‘s (林峯) pursuit in her early career, Linda has only been involved with one other celebrity, martial arts star Philip Ng (伍允龍). Linda dated Philip for seven years but the relationship ended last year when Linda wanted to get married, but Philip had no such plans. Linda was so heartbroken that she flew back to Canada to recover from the breakup. That was when she subsequently met Jeremy.
Wedding Announcement
Making her wedding announcement today, Linda wrote:
“Today, I wish to announce that I’m getting married! Thank you, all my friends in the media who have always shown me a lot of concern. But those who know me well would know that I tend to keep my personal life low-profile. I have always wanted to protect my family members, who don’t belong in the entertainment industry, as best as I can. Just like all of you, I have also always wanted to set up my own family and lead a simple but content life.
“Thank you God, as I finally met him at the beginning of last year – my husband, Jeremy from Vancouver. We got to know each other and discovered that we both share the same [Christian] faith and similar values, and never run out of things to talk about. He is mature and loving, a devout man of God, and is also gentle and sweet to me.
“We fell in love and also received the support of our parents. Their hope is for us to settle down and start a family. I too wish to start a simple but blissful family with Jeremy.
“Finally, sometime in Autumn last year, Jeremy proposed to me. I said, ‘Yes’. I am certain that he is Mr. Right for me. At the end of last year, we had a simple but formal ceremony to register our marriage, witnessed by both sets of parents. With their blessings, we have also selected an auspicious date and will be holding a wedding banquet on February 27. We hope to celebrate our marriage with family and friends.
“I hope that in the future, I will be a good wife and good mother, and look after my husband and family well. As for other rumors, I will not be responding to them. Please allow me to preserve some space. At the appropriate time, I will be sure to share any good news I have with everyone.
“I must also thank all my good friends, Leanne, Eliza, Grace and Christine! It’s been tough on you girls for having kept my secret for so long! Thanks also to Ms. Virginia Lok (乐易玲) and the entire artiste management team at TVB for all their help in coordinating the logistics necessary for keeping my relationship under wraps. I would also like to thank all my friends who care for me, as well as friends in the media. Thank you for giving me so much love. I hope that you all will extend this love to Jeremy and help me protect him, as well as forgive him as he may not be well-versed in dealing with the media.
“Finally, I would like to thank God for allowing me to meet Jeremy. May God bless our marriage and bless each and every one of you with lots of joy and peace!”
This article is written by Jingles for
What a sweet message. Wishing her and her hubby happiness and many babies!!!!
Wow, that’s so unexpected. Congrats to her!
Good luck Linda. Will send you a personal congrats soon.
Woah she has seriously married into the TVB family now. This is so sudden and unexpected. She’s kept it so tight under wraps.
Congrats Linda! She’s been wanting to start a family, but her career was on the rise. I wonder if she’s planning to move back to Canada to be closer to her family and husband. There’s really nothing else at TVB, which may explain her lackluster acting as of lately.
Congrats to LINDA.
She kept this under wraps very well.
She obviously is pregnant but I think not past the 3 month stage yet, so won’t announce anything yet. Also been missing from K-9 Cop promotions lately.
Marriage announcement was forced out due to her pregnancy I suspect.
@mulder99 she sure can keep secrets. she went to US in february with ruco chan and some others…several linda-ruco fans were still hoping they will get together.
she got registered last year and if indeed pregnant, then it’s not a shotgun.
Congratulations to Linda and her Mr. Right, Jeremy!
Kudos to her for keeping it under wraps for so long. Also to her girls: Leanne, Grace, Eliza and Christine for keeping tight lips about the whole process. Not to mention her colleagues and friends … which is a testament to who Linda is as a person.
Aside from the dramas she’s already filmed, she has nothing lined up in the next few months and I see that is an indication of the pregnancy she has yet to confirm. But either way, it means we will see less of her, if even, on our screens, which I find as a pity as K9 is quite enjoyable. Her chemistry with Bosco is great!
I just hope that she will keep updating her social media or act in a series every now and then. Hope that it will be a semi-retired married life instead of a permanent one.
Wishing them all the happiness in the world!
“I just hope that she will keep updating her social media or act in a series every now and then.”
I won’t bank on that. I am not sure about her official public FB page (if she even has one for that matter), but her personal FB page (where she connects with her family and friends) is mostly shared links. She never updates about her personal life, so even I was a bit surprised about news of her marriage and pregnancy.
Curious: Why did she call him fiance and not husband in the message? They’re already married by law and ceremonially. Feb 27 is just a banquet…
@jjwong Actually, in the original message (written in Chinese), she did in fact refer to him as “husband”. This article must have translated it incorrectly.
@linvin8 Oh I see. Huge incorrect translation indeed xD
Her official FB page is just updates which is handled by her fan club I believe, but she updates her Instagram every now and then. I don’t follow her on Weibo but she makes posts here and there. What I meant to say was just that I just hope she doesn’t cease all activities. I’ll take whatever updates, posts, whether she updates them herself …
Don’t believe one bit about the love at first sight spin. She got knocked up by this man she hardly knows and was forced into shotgun marriage. Not the other way around. Good job PR peeps at damage control to protect her image and save her the embarrassment since she was one of those female celebs who went around proclaiming “I’m a good Catholic girl, i won’t have sex before marriage” which she obviously had, given that she’s at least 4 months preg now. Better for such female celebs to keep quiet about such things than to be caught flat footed one day. Anyways Linda is the last person i expected to be caught in such a situation since her showbiz career is still on the rise. Too bad she wasn’t careful enough. I’m thoroughly shocked to say the least.
@isay Linda chung’s unexpected marriage really surprised many. She wanted to preserve that ‘no sex before marriage’ image but I find it unbelievable since she was in a long term relationship with that ex.
Ruco or even Raymond looks better than her Mr Right.
Next one who will ‘surprise’ us could well be Grace Chan/KC.
I do not believe any of that no sex before marriage stuff by those devout Christians, especially with people who are in long term relationships. You really think they did not have sex in all of those years of dating? Yea right,.. Unless the guy is gay or something.
@hetieshou of course i won’t believe they are just boyfriend and girlfriend without any sex involved…8 years together? highly impossible.
a lot of actresses “moonlight” with rich clients overseas…wonder if that’s how she got pregnant and her “john” agreed to tie the knot.
@jackiel yes I’m aware of that but i think it’s those starlets, not established stars like linda
@isay True are right.
congrats to Linda!!!
wow i did not expect her to get married before Tavia did. They both had marriage and pregnancy rumors circling around in the news around same time and i was so sure the rumors regarding Linda were fake.
But anyways…..happy she found her Mr. Right! <3
Wow..this is such a shocking news. I always thought she would end up with Ruco Chan and I always thought they make a cute couple but too bad she’s now married. Her husband seems older then his age and I have to admit Ruco are way much better looking then her husband. This also a confusing news because last time it was saying she’s back with her ex boyfriend Philip that they planned a wedding and this and that now this? It seems like she’s the same page with Myolie dated a man for about a year then got married already but when they both dated their ex boyfriend for so long time their marriage was never happen. Anyway congrats and hope her baby will be healthy and pretty as her too.
@asian2015 her husband is some tvb chairman’s nephew…definitely well to do compared to philip ng.
he looks like he is in his late 40s. if she claims to have registered in the fall, that would be around august last year. if registered already, then considered her husband.
@janet72 He does look pretty old, doesn’t he? Apparently he’s older than Linda by 10 years, which makes him 41. Ruco Chan, at 39, looks way better
@asian2015: Yes, Ruco is way too much better looking than this guy. But they share the same faith, beliefs, values so I think those are some of the main reasons for their union. I thought Ruco and Linda make a great pair too…but too bad. I sincerely thought love will conquer all and overcome their religious difference. Anyway, I hope Ruco finds someone really nice soon.
@janet72: This Jeremy proposed to her in the fall and they solemnized their union in a simple ceremony end of last year. And yes, he looks so much older than his real age. Looks-wise not compatible with Linda but I suppose beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.
@asian2015 Look is everything to a love and marriage? How about responsibilities, characters and talents?
Moreover, her husband is not an artist so he does not use cosmetic or keep the image. He is good looking enough. I think they look compatible.
@alluka No look is not everything but I’m just saying he looks older then his age that’s all. Hey at least I don’t say he’s ugly right?
@asian2015 you got to admit though, who in this world ever look like their age? I’ve seen 30-year old women looking like 16-year-old; 18-year old men that looks 30-year old and so on. lol yea at least you didnt pull the ugly card!
“With their blessings, we have also selected an auspicious date and will be holding a wedding banquet on February 27. We hope to celebrate our marriage with family and friends.”
What so special about Feb 27 in the Christian faith that it is considered to be “an auspicious date” for this to marrying Christians?
Bam! Done. I’m shocked.
If she was honest about how her husband is, then congrats to her. They always said, date the young and good looking guys but marry the old and rich and…not quite as good looking (or at least not as good looking as yourself) then you’ll have a happy life. Maybe that’s true.
Raymond, Philip, Ruco. Damn! But now this. Life is always unpredictable.
Oh man, Jeremy buddy, rocking the mullet for your wedding. That’s bold. You’d think with $1M USD income, he’d be able to afford a decent barber to cut that crappy hair ha ha.
Maybe he’s trying to bring back the Adam Sandler Wedding Singer look lol.
@theyenman: LOL. You crack me up. At first glance, I thought the hair resembled Donald Trump’s. But now that you mentioned Adam Sandler in Wedding Singer, yes yes !!!
@theyenman That’s a good catch on the mullet!
Maybe at 41 the dude was trying to look young but got mixed up in time; he forgot that this is no longer the 80s. LOL!
How credible is making US$1 million a year as a chiropractor (not an MD) in a socialized health care country like Canada? I wonder? Besides, how does the media knows this? Did he disclose his tax returns to pap?
All public MD’s have their salaries disclosed in Canada.
@anon But Chiropractors are not MD’s. Are they in Canada? Like they can prescribe medicines or perform surgery?
I know, that was my first thought. No clue on what chiropractors actually do but wow that can make that much? I know, most doctors in the US or anywhere w/asians any sort of doctors; eye doc, dentist, pcp, specialists whatever whatever they do make $$$$$ where-ever you can find asians. I guess we can say the same about American docs as well but i have been working part time during the one summer break at dental office n eye doc office. Let me tell you even if they are not such great docs, they make $$$$$$$$ b/c they get all kinds of asian patients well some non-asians too they just have lots and lots of patients coming in from everywhere so i guess that’s why ppl became doctors??? hhaha LOL…IF they suck, they have tons of patients as people have Healthcare everywhere. So i don’t know if chiropractors are the same league as those other docs, if they are i guess they will make that 1MIL as they claimed.
Lucky her, no wonder it’s 8 years BYE BYE and come on NEW GUY!! haha lol…
Chiropractors can make a lot of money. Americans with back pain love going to the chiropractor and some of them don’t accept insurance, so the patients pay in cash. It looks like Jeremy is pretty well reviewed too, so I’m sure he has a lot of patients. Especially since the article states that his clinic employs 7 people. If it’s that big, his business is doing pretty well.
Yes they do and my cousin does the same thing and makes quite a bit. However, I doubt that he makes as much as Jeremy.
@kiki To many, especially those in the medical profession, chiropractors are nothing but gloried masseuses and the practice is quackery. Chiropractors believe they can cure illnesses by manipulation of the body instead of by applying medication or performing surgery. In the States, most insurers would not cover chiropractor visits, as they are deemed not to be “legitimate” medical professionals.
So, to make the kind of money this Jeremy guy purported has made, he must be “cracking” many spinal sublixation a day. LOL!
We sound kind of mean but it is true. If you have that much money, OMG that haircut even if you love it normally wouldn’t you want to be sharp on your big day. But to be fair, Linda Chung looks extra ordinary on her big day too. What is that? Oh well, some people let me tell you even if they are RICH, if they are not stylish no amount of money can help them.
I remember one of my colleagues, she is a young 25 year old and super $$$$$$$ cuz her daddy is rich. If you didn’t that you would have thought she goes to 99c store to get her outfits b/c she looks horrible every damn day but in reality they might be BRAND name outfits and you didn’t even know b/c they looks so horrific on her. hahaha LOL….If you have no taste, no amount of $$ can help unless they have a stylist living w/them and advising what to wear before heading anywhere? hahah lol
Congrats to Linda for her double happiness on her new chapter of life and …another congrats on her K9-cop which she has done her very best performance so far…and she really shocked the entire world about her marriage and pregnancy. A bundle of joy to her unborn baby.
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@freedalas Why do you insist on linking them together? Ruco had already said that the rumours are false and he and Linda are only colleagues.
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@freedalas You don’t insist on anything? You insist on bashing Wong Cho lam in every single chance you get.
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@freedalas You hypocrite don’t have the right to tell me where to post. You also did the same thing with Wong Cho Lam. You dragged his name through the mud and post it on a completely unrelated article.
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@freedalas I’m new to this forum so can you educate me on what is wrong with WCL? I thought he was well liked in most circles. I have never read anything negative about his behaviors? Or maybe I missed some articles? He seems to me to be a real role model. Started out with nothing, no background/connections, no wealth, and lack of god-given looks… but the man made something of himself all on his own will and hard work, He married a goddess and is earning a handsome living without breaking any laws or hurting anyone. Not a lot of people with the aforementioned handicaps could accomplish 1% of his success especially in ultra competitive Asia. I would put Linda’s new hubby in a similar category although he might have had better background than WCL…but an older man with average looks sporting a mullet can marry a famous pageant winner is pretty inspirational. He can technically brag that he beat out rich and famous Raymond Lam…that’s funny.
You use the word Goddess and I don’t think she deserves that accolade you have given her. Also how can he brag he beat out the rich and famous Raymond Lam. Love is not a competition also they met Linda at different times of her life. Do you want to award him a trophy or something?
I advise you to ignore this hater because you are just wasting your time.
I still wonder why are you still here?
That is not true that most rumours are true. It depends on which rumour and what context they are. I have noticed through the years that in many cases a lot of rumours turned out to be false too,especially those extremely ridiculous ones.
@freedalas: How about Ruco-Chrissie Chau 周秀娜 pairing? Chrissie is pretty, sexy and is a smart woman. She has her own line of lingerie too. I think Chrissie is still single. It’s a pity they don’t know each other.
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@freedalas i TOTALLY agree with you. i was kinda worried she would end up with Ruco especially after she ended the relationship with her ex and was all lovey dovey in US with Ruco.
Congrats to Linda. At least, as a celebrity, she knows how to keep her private life at low key and doesn’t want the paparazzi to disturb her family members. Not like that snob Grace, keeps yapping away about her relationship and her family members to everyone every time.
@whitney66 snobbish Grace can’t wait to tell the whole world about her relationship with KC, his mother and her family. irritating!
Yeh, the couple promotes the relationship the more it hurts if a break up occurs because people will keep on mentioning it in every interview. Example Bosco.
@jimmyszeto I don’t think Kevin will give up on this chick…even though she is irritating.
@janet72 according to some gossip mag it’s Kevin who has the prized catch since grace’s dad is filthy rich. That could explain why he’s still with her despite her constant flaunting of their relationship.
@isay if her father is super rich, then KC has to hold on to his talkative girlfriend. Furthermore she is so young…rich + young, how many men can resist? I really hope he gets her pregnant and keeps her at home.
This is love, congrats and all good wishes to Linda n hubby
This is excellent news. Very happy for Linda and her new Chinese husband. Especially pleased that this jook sing did not marry a white guy and instead picked another jook sing. As you know, 75% female jook sings go for non-asian relationships. Kudos to Linda for not selling out!
@jackiel sorry but what is jook sing?
@jackiel thx!
@isay American born Chinese or aka ABC.
Can you speak English please?
Sorry but that sounds a bit racist. You should marry who you love and not base it on race/nationality. As long as you are happy,then that is what is important. Many people who are in interracial relationships are very happy.
Famous Singaporean singer Stefanie Sun married a Dutch Indonesian husband and many criticized her choice saying that she could have done better, but many are also happy for her as well as her husband seems like a great guy. Who said you had to marry Chinese to be happy?
@hetieshou Oops, I’m very sorry you feel this was racist. I just think its important to be prideful of one’s heritage. I know so many foreign born Asians who wish they went to sleep and wake up with blond hair and blue eyes.
You are right, what is important is they are happy. Who cares the difficulties this will bring to their children growing up confused and discriminated with no identifiable heritage. In the case of Stefanie, its a real sad story but its not her fault. Her family and their lack of values should be the ones held accountable. Anyways, my apologies for dragging this off topic. Once again, big congrats to Linda, her lucky husband and their soon to be pure bred baby. This kid is gonna have a great future with such amazing parents.
Sorry but your message is very offensive. Who said that just because you marry someone of a different ethnicity/race that you do not take pride in your own? Who the hell said that children will grow up discriminated and confused? That is a load of BS. I see many mixed children and they are so happy that they are more open because they have 2 or more cultures in their blood and not just one.
You are truly lost if you that you think Stefenie’s story is sad. She is beyond blissful and happy in her marriage. On her wedding day, I can see that she is the happiest bride that I have ever seen. She has always been happy after she got married. Her parents love her husband as well as they keep complimenting him which shows what a great guy he is. They even considered him their son. It is great that Stefenie’s parents are open minded and I wish more people are like that. My parents luckily are as well. I feel sorry for close minded people who are missing out on such great people who are potential son amd daughter in laws just because they are close minded and must marry their own race/ ethnicity.
Just because someone is soul called pure bred does not mean they will have a great future. That is once again BS.
@hetieshou i think you missed my point and satire but clearly I offended you with my comments. That was not my intention so please don’t be upset and I’m very sorry.
@jackiel You just sound bitter. Are white boys taking all your Asian women? Why don’t you crap on Bruce Lee who’s practically the symbol of Chinese pride for ‘selling out’? I’m not ‘confused and discriminated with no identifiable heritage’ thank you very much a-hole. Go troll somewhere else.
Yikes, sucks to be you as it sounds like you are mixed like your ID. In Bruce Lee’s case, it was Linda Lee who sold out. Not you get the logic being proposed here?
Ever heard of the term “Suzie Wong”…ask your mom as i think she might fall in that category if you are mixed.
Boy you sound like a bitter sore loser who is jealous of mixed people. Bruce Lee himself was mixed too and I am sure he was proud of it so in your face!
@ Ok, I get it. It’s not heritage pride. It’s male pride. I see many instances of it through out the ages. White, black, asians all have this pride. The men of a certain ethnicity will be angry and disapproving when the women of the ethnicity/race married outside of the race. Men marry someone outside the race is ok.
This shows the unequal status of women in society. I see no reason for the double standard other than women being viewed as subservient and a belonging.
“Our women can only marry back to our own race”.
Well said and this troll probably got sacked by a wai Guo ren and is all bitter now. Bruce Lee was mixed as well and many did not know that at first. I remember some racists like this troll discriminating against him just because he was. However, he truly showed them by becoming a martial arts legend and marrying a white lady and showing everyone that race/ethnicity should not matter at all.
@hetieshou I get you point. I understand why you support mix and inter-racial relationships but we are all entitled to have different views. I expressed mine in an offensive way which I regret.
@ @hetieshou @peanutbutterjelly @kidd
I see to both sides of the argument and think you all should just depart from this. While I understand why @ said what he/she said, i do have to disagree and say that people shouldnt automatically assume the worse based on a different individual based on “skin color and labels”
however, growing up in a traditional family, i understand the argument. personally, i say, everyone is entitled to their own choices and we should all just pipe down on who chooses who to marry and carry one with our lives. before worrying ourselves over other people’s choice in partner, why not worry about yourself first?
@ Boy, this is such a taboo subject and the firework that ensues is not unexpected.
I think Jackiel’s views is based primarily on the fact that a proportionally high percentage of Asian females in North America tend to marry outside of their race, to Caucasians more specifically and exclusively. Many conspiracy theories came about as the result. The most popular two are 1) the women did that to gain social respectability in a white oriented society in order to gain the coattail benefits of “white supremacy” and 2) it is another way to marginalize the Asian males into the realm of insignificance,noting the other way “AMWF” is neither common nor widely accepted.
This taboo has not gone unnoticed in Hollywood. In one of those “teen sexploitation movie” whose title escapes me for the moment, there was a scene in which a couple of teenage boys lamenting to one another how they had no luck with girls. Then one of them had a eureka affect and proclaimed that he knew there is one group with whom they should try their luck: Asian girls. He claimed that they would be loved by them just becuase they were white and despite the fact they were unattractive losers.
You sound like an Asian pensioner who wants his/her children to keep the oriental culture in the family. It’s old fashioned, behind the times and racist.
This is a very smart move and shows that Linda is very intelligent when planning her career and life. Like other actresses, she could have easily continued to pursue career interests such as fame and awards. The end result will be missing the chance to marry and have children which could be a big regret. Linda has timed it perfectly and stepped away at the right time at the age of 31.There is a chance that this ‘k9 brother’ will be her last role as a main actress and its a very good performance. We can always re-watch her best dramas such as moonlight resonance, brothers keeper, a journey called life and forensic heroes!
Congrats to Linda! Although it is out of the blue,but hey this is not the first time we hear such unexpected news so we should not be too shocked.
@hetieshou it’s unexpected to hear of her marriage to some canadian guy out of the blue…maybe it was to tell people she is married and the baby is not shotgun.
i hope she stays out of the entertainment circle.
@janet72 It says a lot for Linda’s likeability that no one used that “S” word on her but lapped up the story her (and tvb’s?) spin doctors spun. See how carefully they elaborated on the timeline so that her pregnancy seems to be after she was married in a simple but formal (whatever does that mean) ceremony? Presumably this is so that no one can say she reneged on her no premarital sex stance and protect her image. I would have respected her more if she had just made a simple statement such as “ive finally met the man i love and we’re expecting our baby in xx . We’ll be solemnising our wedding on 27th Feb”. Instead her “too much info” official statement released the other day had me snorting and rolling my eyes and thinking “yeah sure, i wasn’t born yesterday”.
@isay She has hinted about being married in a concert before this announcement. So, maybe she is telling the truth. She even said in the concert “even if I’m married I can’t tell anyone due to my identity (as a celeb)”. This is part of a long speech she gave, so, people didn’t thing much of it at the time.
@kidd she said that at the recent concerts I’m aware of that. It’s called the big cover up.
@isay the story spun is so unbelievable…it attempts to make readers feel they were just born yesterday.
@janet72 too much info makes you think they’re desperately trying to cover up something
Congrats Linda on her pregnancy…Cheers!
Makes me wonder if she only got married because she was pregnant. I know she’s human, but so much for Christian values.