Liza Wang’s House is Robbed for the Third Time

Liza Wang’s (汪明荃) house on Silver Lake Road, Tseung Kwan O was robbed on July 22 at approximately 9 p.m. Liza’s total losses from the theft amounted to $3 million HKD, which included her wedding ring. The theft occurred while Liza was away on a trip and no one was hurt.
Thief Grabbed Safe and Jewelry
The break in occurred when Liza’s home caretaker took her dog out for a walk. The thief had a clear layout of the area, noticing nearby construction work and took those routes to avoid security cameras. Although Liza had cameras installed in her house, there were many blind spots which prevented the capture of the robber on tape.
The thief took Liza’s safe, which contained some cash and most of her expensive jewelry While most items are replaceable, the memories from her stolen wedding ring and gifts from her late mother and sister are irreplaceable. “My mom left me a brooch that I usually wear to promotion functions. I also had two pearl necklaces from my sister. They weren’t worth a lot but they’re the only tokens I have left of them; I’m very heartbroken!”
Three Robberies in Two Decades
Surprisingly, this was actually Liza’s third robbery in the last twelve years. The first two robberies occurred in 1991 and 1999 where $1 million HKD and $700,000 HKD worth of goods were stolen respectively. Liza’s second robbery resulted due to the lack of security measures around her apartment building. When her neighbor was robbed, Liza expressed that security in the area should be heightened in the area, but her voice was not heard. In fact, when the security guard was doing routine check ups, he left the front gates wide open, thus allowing the thief to enter freely.
Increase in Theft
The area where Liza currently resides is a popular destination for many actors as well, so it is not a surprise when thieves specifically target that part of town. In 2000 alone, both the advisor of ex-President of the Executive Council of Hong Kong, Tung Chee Hwa (董建華), and Eric Tsang (曾志偉) were robbed. Since Eric’s place was rented out, the losses were minimal.
In 2006, Eileen Yeow (姚瑩瑩) was sleeping at home when a burglar entered her house and stole $2,000 HKD in cash. Luckily, Eileen was not attacked and called the police immediately.
A leading cause with the increase in theft is speculated to be the rising number of illegal immigrants coming into Hong Kong. They would target the wealthy residential areas and then proceed to escape by climbing past the tall hillsides or by sea.
This article is written by Su for
Liza Wang should have kept most of her valuables in a (or few) safe deposit box(es) in a bank, instead of keeping them in her safe at home.
Perhaps people in Hong Kong like to keep their valuables in their safes at home.
It sounds as if Liza lost primarily her jewelry, which she likes to wear at different functions. Keeping the jewelry at a bank safe would make them less accessible if she wished to wear them.
Liza posted photos of some of the lost jewelry items on her Weibo in hopes of someone spotting them and recovering them.
wow, is she also offering a dai fong reward if the robbers would like to make more money than if they sold the trinkets on the blackmarket?
We actually have NO jewelry not even of sentimental value – that must be rare in Chinese circles but my mother has nothing and neither do I.
I wonder if she suspects her maid.
Maybe she didn’t put her money adn belongings in a bank coz she wanted to avoid tax returns???
it’s liza’s own stupidity to keep her money at home and not at the bank especially when she has bren robbed twice before.
dislike how liza uses her weibo to get attention and announcing all the items that she’d lost. as if the robber will be that stupid to sell the items this quick when the robbery investigation still hot.
I have to agree with Sel this time.
My house got broken in once and gone my gold jewelleries. Ever since, we have a safe deposit in bank for our gold jewelleries.
I mean nowadays, we only wear it on certain occasions =.=!! (Weddings, dinners, new year)
That is the reason why I often just get enough to wear. All of my real gold jewelry is on me. All of the other few jewelry pieces that I have are all fashion jewelry that is not worth much.

hahas, cuz I’m still the old-fashion minded person, buy gold not just to wear but also for investment. As gold is always at high value
I’m not sure with other countries but here in Malaysia, you will get snatched or robbed even by throwing rubbish OUTSIDE/INFRONT of your house =.=||
Thus, normally nowadays we can only wear so for special occasions. Else, it will be in our safe in bank.
Safe in house is useless. Even ATM machines got carried away FEW TIMES in a month =.=||
I almost forgot that you live in Malaysia. In the US, that can happen as well but it depends on where you are at. I wear gold all the time, but no one eyeballs it. I think people eyeball diamonds more which is something I don’t wear at all. In the US, a lot of the traditional Asians would keep money in the house so they often get robbed. However, Americans put their money in the bank since they know it is not safe to have money in the house. My brothers and I put all of our money into the bank because we are more Americanized but the older generation like my uncles and aunts would hide money in the house because they do not trust the banks and they also charge fees as well.
That’s so good!
Nowadays, the crime rates here just got ridiciously scary till we do not know what country we are living in anymore!
Car-hijacked, snatches, robberies happened almost EVERYWHERE, ANYTIME =.=|| , Not even high-end malls and neighborhoods are safe.
Ppls got robbed, abducted at parking lots at so-called high-end shopping malls =.=!!
Just last month, our sport minister house got broken in. And also the house of our Deputy PM, sister.
It depends on where you are at. My aunt was in Oakland’s Chinatown and almost got pick pocketed by this one lady which is why my aunts do not dare to carry purses/bags when shopping anymore. That particular aunt used to always carry bags everywhere she went, but she does not anymore. That is the main reason why my mom does not like to carry bags at all. It is not safe anymore. We got a car stolen awhile ago too,but luckily we got it back in one piece. The only thing missing was the change in the car which is ok. Therefore, all of our cars now have a club on it.
even if I were Myolie rich, I wouldn’t own jewelry – you have to clean it and it doesn’t actually beautify you and I don’t want some poor busboy to choke at the sight of me, the dim sum gobbler, wearing enough to pay his rent and education, etc.
You need to watch your words. Even though I agree that Liza should have learned from her experiences after getting robbed twice, but you should not use the word “stupidity”. If this happened to Myolie or an artist that you liked, then I bet you would not use that word.
it’s the truth. liza is not a little kid. she also had experiences of being robbed twice. why she still taking the high risks of no return keeping all the valuables in the house? better to just get enough to wear
Agreed, no one would like their home to get rob. May be Liza already increased the security of her home but still get rob, that is not stupidity but is only an incident might happen to everyone one.
Even if it is the truth, you should not say it in that way.
well, if this happened to Sammi who I do like, I would still feel that you shouldn’t have valuables and cash in the house nor should you have a maid but that’s just me across the board. I’m not in a position to afford anything valuable in the house and now that put all the episodes up on line, we wouldn’t even walk out of a burning home with our 8 hour South Park tapes. there’s really … NOTHING to steal in my house.
Liza is in the entertainment business. I’m assuming the amount and variety of jewelry she needs to wear to match her outfits will make visiting the bank safe deposit box a tedious chore. It’s HK – as a public figure, she’d be all dressed up to go to the supermarket or people would be accusing her of letting herself go (refer comments about Miriam being haggard! sheesh…).
Perhaps she should invest in a home safe deposit box that cannot be taken away so easily…
I’ve seen the elderly villainesses from TVB at malls and they are prettier and look more well rested in real life without being dressed ostentatiously. I think everyone is surprised that Miriam living in comfort looks like a typical Overseas Chinese.
Must b an inside job as shes robbed 3X! Suppose to screen ur maids, gardeners cooks, helpers etcetc from time to time Liza Wang.
Definitely an inside job as the housekeeper happened to take the dog for a walk when the robbery took place. For a casual burglar, he would have to know which floor Liza lives on, when she goes in and out, what time the housekeeper goes out to buy groceries or walk the dog which takes at least some time to do good recon. To go in and know where the safe is located requires time. Carry out a safe unnoticed is difficult as you will need a helper or a vehicle to it cart off. The housekeeper must have went on a “long” walk so her share of the loot would have been sizable so she can retire on. Hopefully, the HKPD will continue to monitor the housekeeper for a few years to see if she had suspicious income coming in.
But thankfully the dog in not hurt or injured.
as a litle kid in hk, my house was also burgled twice. Unlike some of the commentors above, I dont think these are inside jobs, but more of a crime syndication, as there have been many robberies around that area. Besides the two occasions i experienced, there were also attempted burglaries, such as when the fuse box was tampered with etc.
The more interesting incident would be the second one, when the burglar entered my room, and i woke up and blearily thought he was my dad and, followed him downstairs, through the sliding doors, then he kinda disappeared. My maid said she found me crying up a storm at the bottom of the stairs because my dad disappeared. lol, 100% true story.
Nicole, that was a close call!! He could have kidnapped you!
I would think he didnt kidnap me, because a kidnapping would be potentially more messy than a burglary???
What are the respective sentences for kidnapping of little kids and burglaries?
In Malaysia, kidnapping for ransom is death.
Burglary, no death. But burglary with guns, death.
well, my dad’s no li ka shing. Not worth your life to kidnap some little kid otherwise.
It is advisable to screw a home safe to the ground so that burglars cannot take it away. I guess it is not easy (or allowed) to do it in condos.
In the original article, it states that liza wang stays in a detached house. She probably had it bolted to the floor, they just brought their tools along.
You’d think she’d hire a full time security guard to protect her house……
then THEIR mainland cousins would rob her … it’s just not good.
sorry if that sounded Racist but I think that HKers aren’t as free as visitors like Filipinos, Vietnamese and Mainlanders in that HKers would mind more getting a criminal record because this is their home base.
Liza has several options; Option #1 – wear high quality clone jewelry substituting cubic zirconia for diamonds, 14K gold for 24K gold etc.; Option #2 – have a built in wall safe with 24 hr monitoring with security company; Option #3 – secure her jewelry in a safe deposit box at her bank; Option #4 – use a combination of the above three options. Of course, for all we know, she can be doing an insurance scam as she is getting old and not getting those lucrative appearance or TV contracts but her spending habit is still astronomical.