Lynn Hung’s Cold Behavior Hints At Breakup With Aaron Kwok

Supermodel, Lynn Hung (熊黛林), appeared at a watch promotional event. Asked whether rumored boyfriend, Aaron Kwok (郭富城), had given her a diamond pendant in the past, Lynn replied awkwardly that she did not wish to respond to the question. Indicating that she needed to work hard, Lynn said that she and Aaron were different individuals and the press’ questions should be addressed to them separately. When pointed out that Lynn’s reaction suggested that the pair had broken up, Lynn responded, “We never admitted that we had dated, how can we break up?!”
Asked whether it was Aaron Kwok who had prohibited Lynn from speaking about him publicly, she replied, “No, that is not the case. However, I no longer wish to talk about him!” (Did Aaron’s company or manager, Xiao Mei (小美), put pressure on you?) “I do not know how to express it. I do not know Xiao Mei and will not respond on the matter.”
Asked whether Lynn had an agreement with Aaron not to discuss each other publicly, Lynn did not answer. Asked whether [there was too much pressure] due to the frequent wedding speculations, Lynn replied, “Yes, if there are any more wedding rumors, no [man] will want me anymore!”
Indicating that her unmarried status may be considered as not having anything [in her love life], Lynn even went as far as wishing Aaron Kwok quickly finding his other half and starting a family!
Jayne: The above article was based on preliminary news abstracts. Should additional details emerge, I will update later tonight.
Based on Lynn’s response, it appears that she expects marriage at this point in their relationship. She is unwilling to wait for Aaron to turn 50 or beyond, if he evers wants to get married.
So perhaps Ekin Cheng might have a higher chance to get married before Aaron after all!
Lynn is 31 years old. Is she supposed to wait forever for Aaron? Her comment about “starting a family” is telling though. Maybe she wanted to start one and was tired of the delay? The older a woman grows, the more dangerous and risky pregnancy becomes.
I think Aaron dumped her after her plastic past was revealed as he said earlier that he would NEVER accept a plastic doll
Maybe Aaron is thinking about his future children? So it seems Aaron is a man of his word if this is true.
I believe Lynn Hung’s before and after plastic surgery photos have been circulating for years, once she became popular after dating Aaron Kwok. I have seen her photos floating online for some time, but it was not until recently that I decided to do a compilation article on models who received plastic surgery.
So Aaron likely knew about Lynn’s plastic surgery, but as in most dating relationships, you cannot think too much about what the person was like before meeting you, how many lovers she had, dig out all the old skeletons etc. What matters is who she is now and whether you like her and can accept the not-so glorious side.
I thought it was new information and judging from her response I thouhgt Aaron dumped her. Perhaps she is trying to force Aaron into marriage. Not a very smart move!
Yeah I agree with your view to some extent. It’s better not knowing everything as you might not be able to accept it.
“Yeah I agree with your view to some extent. It’s better not knowing everything as you might not be able to accept it.”
Some things will be difficult to accept, but it is not a matter of whether it’s better to find out or not. I do think it’s a good idea to talk about each other’s past after meeting each other. These are chapters of life that you cannot live/share with that person since they were not part of your life then. These stories of the past will provide a better picture of who the person is. It’s always natural to include snippets of our past in everyday conversations; I tell co-workers about my childhood. Our past is a part of our current identity….
Unless, there is a part of our past that we cannot share with our significant others because it can potentially hurt them. I think sexual history is one of such issues that is better left out, unless the person has a STD and thus it is responsible to inform them because of chance of transmittal.
Imagine dating or marrying someone and being afraid to show him/her your childhood phots because you looked dramatically different before plastic surgery. I don’t think that is necessary. Sure the after plastic surgery looks matter, but that is hopefully not the only reason someone is with you. After looks, hopefully the personality matters somewhat.
I think it is normal for someone to have a past, but whether you can accept it or not is the main issue. I believe that IF you can accept it then you can move on from there. However, if you can’t then I wonder why you even dated them in the first place.But I don’t agree with hiding it or lying about it because when the truth comes out, that’s when all of the problems will occur and the bad past will come back and haunt you.
Jayne, HTS
Still it’s kinda weird telling everything about yourself after just meeting someone, LOL. You might scare them away
But I do agree with your views. Better to save each others time.
So step 1 after meeting someone: is this the real you?
Exoidus, HeTieShou,
Depending in our stage of life, we will date people for different reasons. If you are not at the point in your life to get settled down and married, then if purely for fun, then no need to reveal your entire soul. Maybe you just want to date someone completely different than you because you want to open your eyes? Maybe you want a daddy or mommy figure to heal childhood wounds and thus revealing your childhood pain and hurt is an absolute must?
Sometimes meeting someone for a short time does not matter. If you feel the person can empathize, not be judgemental, and will not laugh at you, then conversations can flow deeply and easily. It’s like meeting a friend that connects and prompts you to want to tell her everything…we just seek understanding and it’s much easier to be yourself than to bag all these skeletons in our closet that we can’t reveal.
Well, I don’t think that you should spill the beans on everything about yourself and tell your life story to them after just meeting them. However, with time and if you feel that they are the one for you and after getting to know them better, you should be honest and tell them more about yourself. But I don’t think you need to tell them every single thing if it isn’t even necessary. Like how many boyfriends/girlfriends you had, why you broke up,etc… Those things for example are not needed or necessary, but the issues that are necessary, you should be honest or else it will come back and haunt you… Just be yourself and if they can’t accept it, then they aren’t the one for you.
You are right that we date different people are various times in our lives. I used to think that when you date someone you will marry them, but of course I learned through the years that that is not true. There are people that are good for dating but not for marriage and it just depends on the timing in our lives and what stage we are in our lives.
@Jayne & HTS, I was just kidding
I agree with your views its hard not to.
Can we conclude that Aaron don’t love her enough to make those personal sacrifices. Don’t think Aaron is from a broken family either.
I also wanted to add that dating time also does not signify whether you will end up with the person or not. As we have seen, some can date for 10+ years and nothing will come out of it, while some can know each other for a year or even less and end up marrying each other…I guess it is just timing and fate…
“I also wanted to add that dating time also does not signify whether you will end up with the person or not. As we have seen, some can date for 10+ years and nothing will come out of it, while some can know each other for a year or even less and end up marrying each other…I guess it is just timing and fate…”
The number of years we have been friends or lovers/ spouses with someone would indicate understanding. However, people grow internally at different rates. The friends we were once close to, maybe we can’t stand anymore. Maybe we have drifted to acquaintances because perspectives have become different.
The same thing can happen to romantic relationships even marriages. Yes there is the past history, but nothing is stagnant and we continue to evolve and mature. Or maybe one partner hasn’t evolved at our own pace, causing us to become impatient. Most women complain that men are immature, do not step up to the responsible role as father, spouse, etc.
Anyhow, who you are both today may not necessarily indicate that you will both mature at a different rate. We can invite others to journey life together, but in the end internal changes are different for everyone.
“So step 1 after meeting someone: is this the real you?”
I think observing the person given high-stress situations is always a good idea. Such as stuck in traffic, whether the person bursts into uncontrollable road rage. Whether the person yells at strangers in public for little annoyances. Whether there is kindness to strangers under annoying circumstances. How the person talks to his/her family. What kind of close friends they keep. There are many signs out there. It’s not just about blindly believing everything they say; some people are just very good liars or may lie offhand about even little matters. Not everyone wants to to be true and honest.
Traveling together for 1 week or longer is also a good idea. Being together 24/7 will surely reveal circumstances where the person is tired and how accomodating the person is.
I agree and I find it sad that people have to grow apart, which is why many people who used to be close friends now can’t stand each other and lovers who got married and used to love each other so much now just don’t want to be together anymore. But it happens and don’t we all wish to find someone that we can spend the rest of our lives with?? Even with friendship, don’t we all wish to have life long friends that are always going to be there with us through thick and thin?? I feel that friendship and relationships do have some similarities and I must say that I am luck to find some potential life long friends. However, I am not sure about the love part yet since I have not experienced it yet.. I guess I have to wait and see when I do…
I agree that you need to be with a person for an extended period of time to see how they are, especially when they are mad or in a bad mood. Yea, we should not listen to what they say only since many people lie through their teeth and are fake. One of my former friends were like that, but the saddest part is she also acted fake as well so she fooled me for many years. Which is why it is sooo important to get a know a person well before you seriously date or marry them…Also, if a person acts the way that they do, you should also ask them why as well and not just think that they are bad if they act a way that we don’t like.
I don’t think that Aaron dumped her because of that. I am pretty sure that Aaron knew about that or else I don’t think he would have dated her in the first place. Maybe Aaron just still has that marriage phobia or just doesn’t want to get married at all. I don’t think it is just him. Look at Michelle Mai Suet, she dated her late boyfriend for many many years but never married him.There are many that have kids, live together but yet still never officially tie the knot. I really don’t understand why they don’t just get married if they wnat to spend the rest of their lives together??? Is marriage THAT scary??? I guess many don’t view marriage the way that they used to anymore.
Well for many especially those growing up from a broken up family marriage can indeed be very scary
I don’t see why getting married is that important, however if the one you love wants it and you love her enouhg then why not.
In the end perhaps Aaron just don’t love her enough!
lol i was about to put the same comments.
anyways as a women she shouldnt b waiting for him and it’s wasting her time if he not consider marrying her.
Ekin will not get married to yoyo, it can’t happen that way!!!
If what is said in this article is true, then I think she has broken up with Aaron already. Even though they never openly admitted to dating, I think it has been an open secret for many years… I have a feeling that she got tired of Aaron’s marriage phobia and did not want to waste anymore time since she is now 31. Delaying marriage can be a big issue when it comes to break ups in a relationship.
Yeah, that makes sense since she can’t wait any longer. She is the one “losing” if Aaron dumps her or still refuse to marry her after 3-5 years.
But if she loves him and vice versa then why bother getting married. Sure it’s gives some financial security in case of a breakup, but im sure Aaron will somehow compensate her.
“But if she loves him and vice versa then why bother getting married. Sure it’s gives some financial security in case of a breakup, but im sure Aaron will somehow compensate her.”
I think most women have a nesting instinct, to want to start a family of their own. Even if the family does not include plans for children, but to settle down with someone for the long-term, make public commitments with each other through marriage.
Some people wish to just live in the moment of joy that a relationship brings. If it is going well now, why make any changes to potentially disrupt how people get along? Same reason why people may not want to become parents…if happy right now, no need to have kids and enter a different stage in life. Marriage and kids mark significant changes in our lives. While some people (perhaps more women) need growth and change in a relationship, to get married, to become mothers.
I suspect for a couple dating for a few years, the people through joint shared experiences, will still mature and grow at a different rate of internal growth. Meaning, the woman may wish to move on, the man doesn’t. And this may be a catalyst for breakup. Not whether there is love or not, but in the end, how much sacrifice and tolerance you want to give up to make the person you love happy. In the end, it may become a “me versus you” situation where given different priorities and values, do you choose your own or hers?
So you think Lynn is with Aaron soley for money and Aaron with Lynn soley for her looks? With Aaron’s status, many beautiful models would flock to him.
But I still don’t get it that IF you love them THAT much and they also love you, then why not just get married?? I personally don’t believe that you truly love the other person enough if you don’t want to marry them,unless you have some really really good reasons to. I think that marriage gives you some security and status. If you don’t marry them, then you can just get up and leave and nothing can stop or bind you and you also don’t need to deal with the stress of a divorce.
“But I still don’t get it that IF you love them THAT much and they also love you, then why not just get married?? I personally don’t believe that you truly love the other person enough if you don’t want to marry them,unless you have some really really good reasons to. I think that marriage gives you some security and status. If you don’t marry them, then you can just get up and leave and nothing can stop or bind you and you also don’t need to deal with the stress of a divorce.”
I agree that marriage would be the natural yearning in a love relationship for most people. I think the people who do not wish to get married despite dating for a long time is because they do not want to compromise themselves further. Staying single gives more freedom, more personal space, where you do not have to answer to the spouse. “You live your life the way you like versus I live the way I like.” Separate money, separate decisions, separate living spaces for some. In a way, this is a lot easier…if there are yearnings for loneliness and companionship, you can always reach out to the other person. Not being married just allows people to retreat into their own space and freedom should they want to. And less binding in the sense that you are together when your hearts are…
I sense people who do not wish to get married wish to live more in the present rather than look to a joint future together. There is a belief that things are impermanent, that if two people’s hearts are together, then they will stay, but if not, then why go through the marriage process? You may say it is pessimistic, but it can also be due to a very, very practical, low maintenance, and impermanent view towards love.
I personally don’t think Aaron with Lynn for looks since there are many younger and beautiful models, actresses that would love to be with him. But whether Lynn is with Aaron for money or not, we don’t know. I have a feeling that that may be a part of it but honestly, who doesn’t go for money to an extent.However, the biggest question is whether that is the only thing that you go for?? Even if she did date him partially for money, we can all understand that but I think she loves him as well since it seems like she has been waiting for him for propose to her and settle down. However, that doesn’t seem to be happening and she got tired of waiting…
I agree with your views which is why I don’t like it when people just want to date someone for many many years and not want to get married. I think that if you don’t want to marry someone then it shows that you may not love them enough or really want to spend the rest of your lives with them. You may just want to bail out and leave whenever you want to without having to worry about divorcing or anything more….
Jayne, thanks for enlightening me on this subject, LOL
I think it all comes down if you loves that person enough to make those personal sacrifices.
And I agree with HTSs that their is real love in the picture.
Sadly, in many cases love is just not enough to make a relationship last or lead to marriage because much much more than just love is needed…
Yeah, guess you are right. The picture of “undying love” can only be found in “Return of the Condor heroes”
“Yeah, guess you are right. The picture of “undying love” can only be found in “Return of the Condor heroes”
Love is romanticized as the greatest thing of all, even causing us to give up our own lives.
Each love experience is different depending on who you date and the situational factors. Anyhow, don’t expect to have the same feelings as depicted in popular films, tv dramas or even books. Such mediums offer others’ interprations of it.
Just experience it yourself and then we can discuss more about respective experiences. Perhaps you will be love fool, lusty color wolf, or generous giver willing to sacrifice yourself beyond your own expectations….
Loved the discussion here ladies. I do agree that women generally have a bigger desire to settle down than men do. Perhaps this caused a wedge in their relationship. If you guys have seen Wongfu’s Strangers Again… they make a good point that all couples/relationships either end up with marriage or breaking up. I guess our society throws de facto in the mix.
Love is one of those feelings and experiences that can easily change a person. In many cases, the right person can change a commitment phobe – or at least, they might hope to.
What I recently learnt from my own experience, is that in love, timing is crucial. Both in the beginning of the relationship and the end of a relationship. People will hesitate before getting into a relationship until they are mentally and emotionally, even financially, ready even if their interest is someone who intrigues them. Likewise, when two people in the relationship are at different points in their life, whether actually or emotionally, it can take a huge toll on the relationship.
“What I recently learnt from my own experience, is that in love, timing is crucial. Both in the beginning of the relationship and the end of a relationship. People will hesitate before getting into a relationship until they are mentally and emotionally, even financially, ready even if their interest is someone who intrigues them. Likewise, when two people in the relationship are at different points in their life, whether actually or emotionally, it can take a huge toll on the relationship.”
Thanks for offering your perspective and thoughtful response. I agree very much with your perspective on timing.
Just wanted to add, in my opinion, I’ve always seen ladies like Lynn, who are the woman “behind” her man supporting them to be admirable and sacrificing. You have to deal with a lot when dating a huge idol like Aaron. I just see it in contrast with Viann who exploits the relationship with Ron.. Lynn seems much more grounded and loyal.
Thanks so much for sharing your experience and I really agree with you. Timing is just soooo important. My friends are now trying to introduce me to some great guys and all, but my timing is not right at the moment. You can meet a great guy but if you aren’t ready emotionally, financially,etc… then it will not work out.
Lynn is definately more grounded and loyal than Viann is. Lynn sort of reminds me of Andy’s wife, Carol. But of course Carol was kept in the dark for many years and I am shocked that she was able to be hidden for so many years. Viann is really annoying and wants to exploit everything… Somehow, I just have a feeling that she and Ron will not last in the long run…
@HeTieShou, yeah I agree. That’s why I never saw her as a gold digger and feel if they broke up, its because of a lack of commitment making her feel that the future of their relationship is bleak. Even if a strong, independent loves a man deeply and wants commitment, they can only wait so long before realising they deserve much more.
Everything only can be confirmed in the day one of the party have a new gf/bf. Seriously, men with marriage phobia are annoying.
I dont think Aaron is the type of guy that wanted to get married even his exes like Amanda S said that he doesn’t like commitment…
Aaron will not ever get married. He loves his independence too much. If he wants kids, he can have them out of wedlock. I think people fear marriage because of the chances of divorce, which can be a headache if you have huge assets. Take for example, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. Each of them has a failed marriage or marriages respectively, and they somehow don’t want to marry each other, but definitely don’t mind having kids out of wedlock. Perhaps they have this mental thinking, “Why change something that is already good?” Marriage brings significant changes to a couple’s lives, and sharing assets/income and responsibilities can tear a relationship apart if they can’t come to a compromise. Love is not enough to have a long-lasting marriage, tolerance and security are equally or more important.
Well just because they aren’t married on paper doesn’t mean that they don’t share their money and all. But I don’t think you have a sense of security if you aren’t officially married because they can just get up and leave if they wanted to since there is nothing to bind them.
Having kids out of wedlock is still not accepted in a traditional society so I don’t know if Aaron will do that…But lets see since everything is more modernized now.
I never said that you could have a sense of security without being married. What I was saying was that marriage falls apart when there’s a lack of sense of security, the same with non-married couples. A high percentage of cohabited partners keep their finances independent…I read it from a study some years ago, and that was one of the advantages. Also, when you are not married, you don’t have in-laws to deal with, or at least you don’t feel the obligation to, which is another reason why cohabited couples stay unmarried.
If it is just the asset problem after divorce, can solve by the marriage contract. The marriage certificate is actually like the ring, only can be used as a symbol. Personally, I find men who dun dare to get married because of the fear of divorce are coward.
Or maybe Aaron will realise his one true love is Xiao Mei?
Like I said Aaron is a commitment phobe!
hope is not true. i think lynn and aaron is a cute couple. hope that lynn say that because she want people to focus more on her work than her relationship.
It does seem weird b/c didn’t he just give her diamonds for Valentine’s day? Unless it was break-up gift.
Were the diamonds confirmed or is that speculation too?
A few days ago, she admitted that much to the reporters. Maybe siu mei got mad and told her to shut up.
Hello Jayne,Lynn Hung is a China escort cum call girl,why you think Aaron will marry this escort ,Aaron with her are only for fun and Aaron parent would accept a escort to be his daughter in law .
Jayne ,is this escort are actress too ,never see her acting before?
And she only looking after Aaron money ,not love unlike Ekin Cheng with Yoyo ,even if one day Ekin dump Yoyo .Yoyo are more cleaner compara to Lynn who could sleep with more than 100 man before with Aaron.
@moses wow your comments about Lynn seem pretty harsh
He sounds about 15. If he’s older than that, then that’s just embarrassing.
He sounds illiterate.
Huh stupid girls Josie and Nicole,that nothing wrong about moses comment ,are you 2 kid ?
Hey fake kidd,
Of course u don’t see anything wrong w/ moses’ comments. U guys are practically kindred spirits- both only have the mental capacity of an angry teenage boy.
Coincidentally, their ava look quite similar
Lynn’s past photos might be circulating around in the past but seriously this is the first time I’ve seen it, here in this forum. So I assume there are many like myself who’s actually seeing them for the first time & was SHOCKED!!!.
Maybe now it’s getting to the point where Aaron’s PR people have to put a stop to the whole situation, it’s not good for his image….lol…..
How is Lynn a “supermodel”? Most people in China do not know her. She is more famous for being Aaron’s gf than a model.
How do you know many people in CHina don’t know her???
Because I am based in Shanghai for awhile now. Also I know people in entertainment industry and model agencies. When we saw a clip of her and Aaron on entertainment news, I asked if they ever worked with her. They said no, and asked why? I said “she’s a famous model from china isn’t she?”. They said no, we only heard of her because of Aaron.
To me, this is an example of another PRC model that got jobs bc of her famous HK bf. Pang Shusng Shuang and Viann Zhang were also unknown “models”
The china supermodels are the ones you see recently on the Lane Crawford ads in the airplane duty free mag, posted on the IFC elevator a few months ago, etc.
I don’t think Lynn does runway modeling. She’s an actress now (Ip man and “all’s well” movies) so she does a lot of celebrity modeling functions, like above. And since she is based in hk, it’s not surprising that your shanghai friends haven’t worked w/ her.
Actually Viann Zhang is quite famous in China’s community (not talking about HK) before her story with Ron Ng revealed.
Lynn has more class than pss and viann. at least she doesn’t try to expose or show off her hk bf.
Viann is known in PRC but not “famous”. She gets more coverage in HK than in PRC. I would call her famous when she is at Libingbing, zhang ziyi, xue jingli, etc., or even YangMi’s level. I was at an event where viann was also there, and the media in PRC definitely were more interested in the famous people than her.