Moses Chan Not Worried About Marital Problems: “I’m In Bliss”

Moses Chan (陳豪), Maggie Shiu (邵美琪), Ben Wong (黃智賢), and the cast of TVB’s new drama Perfect Traitor <完美叛侶> attended a blessing ceremony for the series. The romantic drama stars Moses and Maggie as a couple going through marital problems. Ben plays the third person in their marriage.
Moses expressed that Perfect Traitor is a drama with a very special topic. He believes that many viewers would find the drama interesting as it discusses about the problems that come with marriage and family. “It’s quite a challenge for me,” said Moses.
Asking if Moses is going through similar marital problems in real life, he said, “No! Touch wood!” Are Moses and wife Aimee Chan (陳茵薇) still very sweet with each other? “I’m learning how to maintain our relationship as husband and wife, including how to be a father and a mother… just many things to consider.”
Moses said he is not a very romantic person, but Aimee has a big heart. She and their son would occasionally draw pictures for Moses, giving him surprises. Aimee has also been decorating the house in celebration for Halloween.
Has Moses thought about the possibility of having marital problems in the distant future? He said, “I don’t want to think like that. I’m in a very blissful era. If you love someone, you cannot only love her perfections. You have to love her imperfections as well.”
This article is written by Addy for
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I just wonder why you are still allowed to post on this site? All you do is spam and go on and on about nonsense. If this were my site,you would have been banned ages ago. You constantly pollute this site with your foul mouth. Don’t you ever know how to shut your mouth up? What is up with your undying obsession with Leanne and WCL? You have a psychological problem for sure but are sadly in denial about it.
Sorry but Moses is not that great looking in my opinion. He just has money and seems like a nice guy. I must say he is lucky to have dated Bernice and now ends up with Aimee. I really wonder about your “yan guang”.
ignore ignore ignore and try to stay on topic. Even good looking couple have issue and not everyone breakup because they don’t love each other. unlike someone, I don’t wish divorce for people just because “IT” find them mismatch.
Aimee has really grown on me since she became Moses wife. Honestly wasn’t a fan of her before as her acting was always only so so to me. But I like that she seem very hands on with their kids. i’m also glad they are not having martial problem as having kids can bring a lot of arguments and stress between parents especially if they have different parenting style. Wishing them the best for sure.
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@freedalas and like I said to you umpteenth time that what you wrote does not match what you implies. The fact is you only appear to be attacking these two and bring them into all topic where they don’t even belong. Your off topic post is the issue here. I am not sure who’s more naive when you are the one who is feeding off these media crap. Garbage HK entertainment reporters who will stoop as low as taking photos of people inside their own home.
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@freedalas What connection? Did WCL and LL announce their divorce? Do you know them personally to know LL are staying with WCL because of his $$? And if people have issue with marriage will they even tell the media? All I can relate for your posting is your hatred for WCL and LL again and again and it’s disgusting.
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@freedalas it’s not being blind, it’s call having a positive outlook in life, which you obviously don’t understand as all you see and bring is negativity.
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@freedalas you used something positive and used it to bash a couple that wasn’t mention in the article. “they” have nothing positive for YOU to write about.. not anyone.. just you. No one but you drag their name through dirt and post it even on topic that have no mention of them. Balanced perspective? did I just read that coming from you? That’s actually pretty funny! You who are blind when it come to seeing anything positive for that couple but when it come to the other couple whatever they do is consider heartwarming. Sickening that you call using 1 couple to bash another balancing perspective.
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@freedalas As far as I’m concern LL did not marry WCL because of $$ and like i said before in my multiple previous post, that’s where we differ. And like many that have the same outlook as me told you before, they married for love just like M and A. But you don’t listen but just keep going on your own tune. From now on i’m going to “assume” you know WCL and LL personally since you seem to have this “knowledge” of them that no one here can understand. Even though most of those knowledge come from garbage entertainment report. You just enjoy taking every opportunity to bash them. Simple as that. And yes terrorism itself is a awful act but the fact that the country come together in time of need afterward is a positive thing. Dwelling on the act itself won’t fix anything.
@happybi my goodness freedalas is such a fan of you that it has to reply to your comment. although i have never watched HK dramas (so my knowledge on them is limited), just from what i have been reading on Moses, he and Aimee seem like a really loving couple. so why cant WCL and LL be a loving couple? My question is, does freedalas know WCL and LL personally? While I acknowledge that physical attraction does play a factor into starting a relationship with someone, I have to disagree that LL is marrying WCL out of materialism. I have a cousin WAY “uglier” and way SHORTER than WCL who’s family is WAY POORER than his wife’s family yet they got together and STILL staying strong for almost 15 years (my cousin married at around 25 and now he’s almost 40). I should also add that my cousin’s wife is as pretty as LL, if not, even prettier.
@akinu I need to learn to ignore crazy. but hey maybe I’m helping Jayne’s get more blog hit due to the exchange of words!!! that’s a good thing right since she’s not posting much today! HA!
@happybi oh you watch, knowing from the last article, more is coming. lol i guess it is sorta a good thing for Jayne. i dont get why it MUST have to reply to your comment. if freedalas doesnt believe in your opinion, then by all means, it should keep its words to itself. and i dont think it is exactly crazy but more so on the narrow-minded and “im always right” syndrome side.
@akinu Yep. Done dealing with IT. Going to go read other articles now! Happy FRIDAY!
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@freedalas omg someone is not happy i didnt acknowledge them. im not in the mood to entertain you. plus, got bashed hard by what? another unintelligent person who thinks they are real smart? not in your wildest dreams. you can keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel happier. next time, do me a favor and stop harassing @happybi. keep your unwanted comments to yourself please.
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@freedalas so we are just going to dwell on the negativity and that’s it. Typical you. Terrorism is not going to go away. Too many crazy people out there. There’s prevention but even that is hard sometime. Anyway, it’s way off topic so not even going to bother with you.
@happybi just leave this negative person be. obviously has too much personal problems so someone feels like taking it out on others. let ragers rage because they are a lost cause. No need to put down your positive outlook in life for a broken record who clearly denies that it needs to be fixed. I’m going to do myself a favor and not try to entertain a lost cause person.
@akinu Plan to ignore from now on. No point dealing with someone who doesn’t realize they have issue. He/she bashing will never go anyway since “it” obviously has issue with that couple. Acknowledging “it” comments will only feed “it” obsession and craziness. “It” just hates not having the last word so ignoring it will just shut “it” trap.
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@freedalas KEEP in context please, how did Moses Chan x Aimee Chan become WCL x LL and then into terrorism? my goodness, you are a prime example of someone who when run out of words, bring in other things that do not prove your point. Happier now that i finally acknowledge you? too bad im not in the mood to entertain you more.
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No one has lost to you! They just do not want to waste time on you!
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Just ignore the parasite since you are just wasting your time.
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@hetieshou Already am! Thanks!
2 things:
1. “still very sweet with each to her?” did you mean “each other”?
2. I hope this couple can last for a very long time. Moses and Aimee seems so in love. Hope they and other happy couples can still stay in love.
So Maggie is going to be the female lead in this drama? That’s awesome. I’m happy for her. But the two male leads are not quite compatible. Moses is not a good looking guy and Ben’s face looks like he will get beaten up to death.
Ben Wong 黃智賢…still can’t forget his role as 辣姜.
moses is not good looking, but aimee is sweet.
Moses is really great! I love his family so much. Best wish for them!