Myolie Wu Chides Bosco Wong as a Boring Boyfriend

Bosco Wong (黄宗泽) is currently in Shanghai filming romantic drama, The Woman Above the Bread Tree (面包树上的女人), which is an adaptation of Amy Cheung’s (张小娴) novel . Bosco revealed that his character in the series is reserved and easily despondent over love. Bosco said that his real life personality is somewhat similar to the character, with even Myolie Wu (胡杏儿) chided him a boring boyfriend!
In public, Bosco often appears as bubbly and zealous, and not forgetting to use his humor to charm the people around him. He loves to dress flamboyantly and usually matches his clothes with a cap, portraying a sunny image. Off screen, Bosco changes 180 degrees, turning into a quiet and distant person. He even confessed that he is a slightly depressed person in private!
At home, Bosco is a man of few words. Even his girlfriend, Myolie Wu, cannot stand him at times and chided him! Bosco said, “Myolie always reprimands me, asking me to open up more!” He also said that even his assistant could not withstand his blandness. “In private, I am like a nerd! When filming overseas, I do not step out of my hotel room at night. Even my assistant cannot stand me! One time, he pulled me to catch a movie, and asked me not to always stay inside my hotel room.”
Since Bosco and Myolie admitted their romance, the public became very curious about their wedding plans. It was even rumored that he bought a ring to propose to Myolie. Bosco laughed and shrugged off the rumors, “You mean there is such rumor? It’s not true, it’s a joke!” He said that there was no wedding plan at the moment.
Bosco Rejected Filming “Triumph in the Skies 2”?
It was rumored that Bosco had rejected filming TVB series, Triumph in the Skies 2 <衝上雲霄2> for the mainland series, The Woman Above the Bread Tree, due to the extravagant salary offered.
Bosco quickly clarified, “When I accepted The Woman Above the Bread Tree, my filming schedule is available. When I know the drama was an adaptation of Amy Cheung’s novel, I accepted it quickly. At that point, there is no news on the filming schedule of Triumph in the Skies 2.” Bosco indicated that it was only due to the clash of the filming schedule that did not allow him to star in the TVB mega production.
Many TVB artists have turned to filming local productions in mainland China. Bosco was speculated to earn $200,000 RMB per episode, even exceeding Kevin Cheng’s (鄭嘉穎) earnings. Bosco denied the speculated earnings, “Kevin’s earnings are exorbitant! I do not dare to exceed him! If my earnings are higher, he is going to press me for a treat!”
Bosco’s Ambition is to Become a Director
The Woman Above the Bread Tree series reflects the values of the young generation towards love, friendship and money. The series also explores the opinions of the young people in modern society when they need to make a choice between ‘’bread’’ (practicality) and love. In the series, Bosco plays an emotional and dejected music lyricist, which is a big challenge for him.
Bosco has also been given more challenging roles recently, such as in TVB series Lives of Omission <潜行狙击> and Witness Insecurity <護花危情>. The roles are more reserved and expressive than his past characters. He said, “Perhaps I am older and these roles need a more mature man. Like the character in Witness Insecurity, he is a composed man, and needs to lead a team to protect people. This character matches my age.” Bosco also disclosed that he preferred the role of Cripple Co in Lives of Omission, and had fun playing the street-smart gangster.
Bosco also shared his ambition to be a filming director one day, “I hope there will be investors looking for me to direct their movies. I am really interested to become a filming director!”
This article is written by Stella for
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ROFL from Myolie’s award chasing attitude she look like someone who will be a nagging wife LOL
That’s not a good analogy, and which actress doesn’t want the Best Actress award? Myolie win it good last year
Myolie showed she’s desperate for it more than other fadans :D. LOL proof is at how she look dejected after winning that Fav Character award LOL
She was surprised.
She was upset because she figured that giving her Fav Character meant she lost Best Actress
Sour grapes. She was the only one that deserved it, the others nominated was a joke.
Much like Charmaine in 2006 where she wasn’t exactly happy with the fav. character award for her roles in Maiden’s Vow. But when she got the Best Actress award after, she was extremely happy.
“Much like Charmaine in 2006 where she wasn’t exactly happy with the fav. character award for her roles in Maiden’s Vow. But when she got the Best Actress award after, she was extremely happy.”
LOL Charmaine was ambitious too
all Fadan is desperate for BA awards, just that we don’t see it.
Ambitious is not a bad trait you know.. if you don’t have ambition, what you want them to be apathetic to everything? LOL
Whatever VIVIEN. You’re always being SARCASTIC in your every damn comment.
Vivien, if you really “ROFL” and “LOL” in real life as you do online, I would think you’d have really bad cramps right now…. and maybe be part hyena. Anyway, I don’t think Myolie looks old at all, in fact in my opinion the make up makes her look refreshing and vibrant. Either way, it’s Bosco’s call on what he likes in her, which seems to be her personality (and her looks, he said so himself in the “why they love each other” interview. So put a sock in it.
TITS 2 is already packed. The less first line actors in it the better the storyline will be and the easier it is to break the storyline. Besides Chris was a minor role so it wouldn’t hurt the storyline.
Agreed. Nobody will notice this Chris or whoever is missing LOL.
Who is that China girl up there? She’s prettier and younger than Myolie. Myolie should be careful since she looks old during the TITS press conference ROFL
Myolie isn’t looking old, it’s just her current hairstyle that’s making her look more mature, and that actress above is called Tiffany Tang. Of course she looks young because she is young.
ROFL hairstyle problem? Why don’t say her makeup too? She caked up her face with thick makeup and it looked old. LOL
@vivien you sound like such a myolie hater lol well so what if she looks older (IMO she doesnt but anyways) Boscolie have been together for years and when you see some one day in day out you dont notice the aging and im sure bosco loves myolie for who she is not her “youthfulness” if he dumped her cos shes “old looking” then he would just be a horrible person (which i doubt) every one grows old, its about finding a person to grow old with and i reackon those two are perfect together
Tiffany is really younger than Myolie.
Btw recently Tiffany worked and paired up with a lot of Txb siu sangs. Wonder who is next.
a picture says a thousand words, so what you think of this photo?
I think she still looks young with light make up. I don’t know why kate and myolie likes to cake their face with a lot of make up, when they still look rather young without it, unlike some. LOL
lol.. she looks like a guy I went to high school with -.-
I rather Myolie wears light makeup too because she’s still pretty and looking young without those thick makeups.
I wonder why they wear such thick make up for? More is not always better. I don’t think they are required to wear thick make up right??
@Hetieshou – I think they need thick makeup for HD screen, but sometimes I think less is better and not all of them are wearing thick makeup too
And if they want to apply thick make up, they should do it like the japanese/ taiwanese style, instead of their current hollywood style. Will look younger and prettier instead of chinese opera style.
Mainland series makeup is quite good too. They can be thick but don’t appear opera or caked. Myolie’s makeup in Beauty Scheme was really good.
Tiffany is a cute and tall girl with white creamy skin
Yes, Mainland also have more feminine make up style with lighter or pastel palette. Compared to HK style, which goes for the more glam or trendy look. Hk make up style is more westernized, thus not too suitable for asians.
Tiffany(Tang Yan), born 1986:
I lke her too, rather bubly girl who is lder than we think she is. I think there were fans hoping for rumours of her ans Wallace Huo were real but she ended up actually dating another handsome guy.
Wasn’t there rumour Tiffany is older than her reported age?
“I think they need thick makeup for HD screen”
Actually that would be counter productive because you can see the makeup or powder. But generally HK artistes are rather good at applying natural or neutral look makeup and China artistes these days are catching up on that as well, so they look fresh and natural when truth is the powder itself is 2 inches thick, the eyelashes are false, the eye is contact lenses, etc etc. The truly less makeup is when they go exercising and blog about it.
I got more to do than waste time hating on someone I don’t even know ROFL. I just comment on what I see
ROFL but what if they also put nude thick makeup while jogging? LOL the best time for makeupless would be after they just washed their face clean
The thick makeup is due to taking pictures. As a model, when there is a shoot and I don’t know what camera is being used, my makeup artist cakes my face. Better to look caked than pale and not professional according to them.
Those who jogs for their wellbeing will know exercise and make up doesn’t mix well, it will be bad for their skin so I believe during exercise they were the least make up.
There is another thing called Photoshop. They touch up all pictures so what you see for real and in magazine are so drastically different. No amount of make up can hide wrinkles.
Tiffany dated someone? Who? I dont know that -.-. I know Yang Mi and Feng Shao Feng are dating but Tiffany? I only see her in love rumours. Didnt know that she dated.
the makeup on Txb series are quite bad. Also that they dun use the good light to cover the bad skin. This thing China can do better. The skin look smoother on China series, even with Txb ppl.
If Bosco really prefer younger girls instead than I would be really happy for Myolie if they ever break up because to be in a relationship with someone so shallow is not worth it at all but that’s not the case since they’ve been together for 7-8 years and to maintain a relationship for that long without trust and patient is almost impossible so I believe Bosco is not that kind of man who is easily attracted with other’s appearance. Besides,he is not any younger himself and with his peers(ron&ray) recent scandal it proves that getting involve with someone from mainland is a pain in the a**
myolie stll looks great.. thy hve been tgether for years.. i think thy got past the physical stuff.. its always the emotional things tht keeps us together.. looks fade in time. frm their interviews bosco n myolie u cn gather tht thy support each other alot emotionally..
Fox, she’s dating Roy Chiu.
Hi Funn. Photoshop depends on what you are modeling for. When pictures are to solely display the photographer’s talent and their theme that they are going for then Photoshop is not used. Or another type of picture in which Photoshop is not used is when the makeup techniques or styles are being showcased. As weird as it sounds, Photoshop is not really used unless your pic is going on a magazine or newspaper. But modeling is only a part time job for me. Maybe someone here is a more serious model than me and knows more.
I can’t agree more. Myolie’s hair adds ages to her face. Then whoever does her makeup adds more age to her. Whoever is her consultant for hair and makeup lately is not being kind to her.
Yuyu, I do think the min usage of PS is to brighten up the photos eventhough I thought most photoshoots will have very bright lights. Also to touch up here and there as well. All photos will have gone through that, even those where you buy $100 cosmestics and one free makeover photoshoot.
@MasaHaru did they announce it already?
I thought they are still denying, and her photo stuck in his car is just used for him to “pray” to. LOL
Myolie doesn’t look old, she’s still look so young for her age. Do u expect her to look like 18years old girl?
i’m sure if bosco wanted, tvb would write him in. they want like everyone in it to ensure tits2 success. otherwise tvb gonna lose to other tv stations
Or the pay must be high enough for TVB to let him loose from TITS 2 since TVB will gain the commission. I heard Bosco will divide his time by half for mainland and half for HK starting this year but should let his fans confirm this. Myolie herself has started dividing her time between mainland and HK.
haha nvr expected tht bosco was such a reserve person..
LOL it sounded like he has split personality ROFL scary!
Well he walks around naked at home.. he can;’t be that bland…
good one funn
he’s been in an interview once and he said that he’s really quiet at home…. like he’s so reserved that even when a phone rings, he gets annoyed haha… but at least he like “admits” it haha…… or else he would have some problems o.O but yeah.. what Funn said- he walks around naked
I most actors are of dual personality: the public, gregarious persona, and the private, quiet persona.
This sounds like most relationships where the girl likes to talk through everything where the boy likes to keep everything in. lol
Myolie Wu seems to be an outspoken person who openly “criticizes” her boyfriend more than once. She even did it at TVB’s Anniversary Awards Ceremony in 2011. I am glad that she has Bosco who can take criticisms publicly from his girlfriend.
She is just being playful. In her defense, what is so criticism of what she said? Being called a boring man shows that Bosco doesn’t do wild stuff, which works in his image as the dedicated boyfriend.
And we know he does do wild stuff. If he didn’t, there wouldn’t have been the need to by Myolie that car
I agree. Myolie was just making those ‘criticisms’ her jokes. Bosco’s EQ is good enough to know this.
I blv Bosco knows these criticism are just jokes. Dun think it’ll leave an impact on their relationship.
Yup… they seem to know each other really well. it’s not the first time they’ve done this in public with each other. They seem to have a playful relationship.
Yup agree. It’s just Myolie’s jokes.
im not surprises his real personality is diff from his perceived personality in public.
i mean comedians are funny on stage but off stage 99% are awkward and boring :/
Wong Cho Lam popped up in my mind. His off work.person is truly a serious man.
Since 3 Gods popped up it’s hard to keep away Wong Cho Lam in woman clothes from my head.
But hia off work person is really quiet and serious, not funny funky guy.
whch show was wong cho lam in womans clothes.. hve nt heard of 3 gods lol
Fuk Luk Shou show, have ever heard? With Liza, Wong Cho Lam, Louis Yuen and Johnson Lee.
“Fun with Liza and Gods” was the English title I think.
havent seen it yet.. wll try look it up.. am actually quite a fan of wong cho lam
Bosco look so bright and handsome in that pic.
He look boyish here. I like his manly and zen look version in WI more but I gave up the series because Linda’s irritating.
Linda get less irritating as the series progress, maybe watch the later episodes!
I stopped after episode 3.
Maybe try watch from the episodes she start to crush on Bosco, her acting is quite sincere in those.
What episode will she start to be less irritating and more sincere? If I have time I may give another try. I actually don’t mind other things beside her irritating acting. Bosco is handsome and manly looking here instead of his normal fashion disaster and I always liked Paul Chun and Ram since I was a kid.
maybe episode 7-8. cant rly remember what was in the episodes.
lol, try episode 4 onwards for a “cuter” and “less irritating” Miss Kiu.
Hui Sir is “hot” from my biased POV. Yummy. It’s also a bummer that the latest episode has to end and make me wait until Monday with a deep contemplating look from him.
Screw you Law Kar Ho! Bwahaha
Linda always have this annoying voice. I don’t watch WI.
among three Ron, Ray and Bosco. Bosco has the most handsome face features. Nice eyes, nose and lips, everything look so proportionate. Btw, not sure why but his face feature remind me that he would be good cast to portray “joker” in batman movie.
If he wears ‘normal’ clothes and hairstyles and not weird clothes and weird hairstyles, he can be handsome, but I don’t get his fashion statement. He look handsome in WI with those manly clothings. He should get fashion tips from Myolie, Myolie has great fashion sense
Seeing Bosco in real person, quite close because I stood next to him. He has nice features but I’ve the feeling these nice features dun really go right with.others. However disagree that he has nice eyes. Ron has the best eyes shape among 3. Big, long eyelashs. Too bad his eyes are kinda dead fish. LF has brightest eyes, but his eyes are kinda small. Bosco has quite big eyes, but not too bright (also not dead fish). I like to see the eyes of men.
Uhm, another matter is Bosco’s lips. It’s dark. Maybe he us a heavy smoker so it affected.
So sometimes Bosco is handsome, sometimes he looks weird. Ron is handsome, most handsome. LF is kinda boy next door. I dun smell the star feeling when he is with fans.
yes agree among the three. but somehow i stll prefer ma ming..
I would say Myolie wears the pants in their relationship as she seems more like the aggressive and outspoken one.
They do look very cute together and hopefully they’ll get hitched in the next 5 years so they can start a family.
Actually… Myolie has been wearing a lot of pant suits recently.. and we’ve seen BW wearing kilts / leather skirts over pants… so you aren’t far off there
haha yeah i would say that just by looking at this couple but i think it was said in an interview that bosco like “takes care” of myolie alot.. for eg, cooking for her and stuff..
and i think he like bought a car for her o.O
I never understood Bosco’s taste for fashion as I personally find it unappealing especially what he wore to last year’s anniversary awards. It simply looked like an outfit from Star Wars and recently his attire that he chose to wear to Tang Chi Wai’s concert was disastrous as well. I am not into the gothic look so I did not appreciate it much. He should definitely stick to wearing pants more which helps to showcase his manly features. He is pretty good looking otherwise when he dresses in a regular suit I must say.
he has a funny sense of style whch i find refreshing thn the normal suits
Bosco Wong and Kenneth Ma both are baby-faced, and they look younger than their actual age. Good for them.
and they both yummy lolz
Make I think of Carina Lau and Tony Leung.
Myolie chuppa chup
In a relationship usually one is loud, bubbly, fun and outgoing and the other is quite and boring. Oposite attraction.
Bosco doesn’t seem like those boring boyfriend and always read news about his partying habit.
Always support Boscolie
I’m quite confused now.. Because Myolie and Bosco, always say that she is very different from the bubbly character she portrays a lot on TV, then now bosco says he’s quiet too, so are they both quiet people? So not opposites attract. Lol
If you watch an episode of vincci cheuk’s show called 芝人口面不知心 ( I think it’s ep 14, not sure) with Bosco as one of the guests. You will understand more about his real personality and what Myolie meant when she said sometimes she can’t stand him during her TVB queen acceptance speech.
OH, i watched that, his quirks can make a girl pull their hair out. lol
Thanks for the recommendation. I just watched it and now I totally understand what they both mean. haha
can someone summarize that for the people (like me) who can’t understand canto? Thanks a bunch!