Myolie Wu Ditches Friends For Date with Fashion Designer?

Since Myolie Wu (胡杏兒) revealed that she currently has a pursuer, the media has been busy trying to uncover the identity of the lucky man. She recently gave reporters something to write about when she was spotted on an outing with a young male companion. Although the two only met briefly, Myolie’s warm gestures and cheerful attitude raised speculation about their close relationship.
After separating from former love Bosco Wong (黃宗澤) in 2012, Myolie spoke little about her personal life and chose to keep most of her feelings private. Single and suffering from a tough heartbreak, she buried herself in her work and gradually recovered. Looking happier a year and a half later, she is finally ready to open her heart again and made herself available to dating.
At a public event on January 15, Myolie revealed that she is being pursued by someone outside of the entertainment industry. Looking smitten, she shared that the two communicate mainly via phone though kept mum about other details, worried that the public may scare off her potential new boyfriend.
Recently, the thirty-four-year-old was seen at a gathering with her manager and two female friends. Even though the group was having a great time, Myolie repeatedly checked her watch and eventually bowed out early. She later met up with a young man who greeted her warmly. The two continued their way to a business building and remained there for thirty minutes.
Seeing reporters, Myolie quickly clarified that the man is a fashion designer though did not elaborate further. Through research, the local media believes he is up-and-coming designer Kev Yiu. Kev and Myolie have collaborated for some time and the two share a close friendship. Myolie was also seen at Kev’s fashion show this week and posed for photos together, unafraid of the current gossips.
Source: Oriental Daily
This article is written by Katrine for
wouldn’t he be considered as a part of the entertainment industry……..
Her new boyfriend is not a popular celebrity like Myolie and is a fashion designer so I guess it doesn’t considered as entertainment business but more of fashion line. The original Chinese article praises Kev Yiu as a very handsome fashion designer.
I’m sorry but Kev Yiu is definitely not handsome. And he definitely doesn’t look hetrosexual to me (not that it is a problem) . His fashion designs are erm…. interesting, fitting for HK’S environment. Nothing worthy to praise about.
The reason why I don’t think they’re together is because fashion designers are an integral part of the entertainment circle. I think it’ wouldn’t make any sense to exclude them. They drink, party and hang out with “public” celebrities too. Just because they’re not formally recognized by audiences, they are considered celebrities too.
Congrats to Myolie and his new boyfriend. Myolie is very open now with her new relationships by openly saying she dated for two months, having new pursuers and all. It’s a good start.
wait wait save the greetings first myolie hasn’t elaborate further on her and kev you relations whether agree to disagree yet! but whatever it is he looks handsome in the pictures in the link above and look like a good couple candidate for her since they’ve knwon each other so long!
Yeah, kev yiu is really handsome, but i disagree with this “Myolie was also seen at Kev’s fashion show this week and posed for photos together, unafraid of the current gossips.” Sharon Chan posed with Kev Yiu too, in fact, many other girls posed with Kev Yiu. Posing together for a photo doesn’t mean anything.
Sharon has a boyfriend and reporters already know him, Myolie said she has a pursuer but didn’t reveal who he is, so since Kev is the closest guy with Myolie now, it’s a norm that the news will guess that he’s the phone pursuer guy that Myolie mentioned. It’s not wrong for two singles to start dating, besides Myolie hasn’t denied yet isn’t it. It’s nice to know that he’s indeed very handsome fashion designer. I’ll google later.
Handsome? Errr…sure. He looks gay.
“She later met up with a young man who greeted her warmly. The two continued their way to a business building and remained there for thirty minutes.”
Agreed, let’s not jump to conclusions, especially since they met for less than an hour. Maybe Kev Yiu just showed her some designs for her opinion.
Okay you’re right maybe we shall wait for her responses. If she didn’t deny, then there are rooms for imagination. After all single people need to date aren’t they? There’s nothing wrong about it. I hope she find her other half soon, don’t become like Jessica Hsuan who is still searching for her true love.
Kev Yiu started his career around 2006, which leads me to dismiss the dating rumors since Myolie has stated that she is not interested in younger men.
@MW are you sleeping? in one of myolie recent interview after the painful breakup i read she said age isn’t an issue and what she want is the privilege to not having to hide her relationship and she doesn’t mind to express her love in public!
No, I’m not sleeping, I’m wide awake. How about you?
According to the following article…
Myolie added that she is only interested in older men. Laughing, she welcomed others introducing romantic prospects to her, “But no younger men though!”
But, we all say “no” this or “no” that and when fate arrives, love conquers all. haha
Sorry but 99% fashion designer is gay that why they are friendly with girls…
That is an awful and disrespectful remark. Sure, many fashion designers are gay but 99% is exaggerated.
I don’t think that remark was false for Kev Yiu. There’s no denial that Myolie Wu is a regular patron of his work. He’s definitely NOT straight. You can see from all those photos. And he has nothing on Bosco in terms of looks. Just saying.
I m gay myseft & work in fashion field… So it s not disrespectful…
Can you name any guy fashion designer is not gay
Mono is exaggerated not 99% but maybe more than 50%.
Lol, open your eye
myolie looks so pretty in the pictures! and no this not the same one chasing myolie via phonecalls i believe that’s another person! but not surprised at all if kev yiu also chasing myolie look how beautiful they are in the pictures! and look how happy myolie is in every shots! love how the media wrote the news finally a beautiful and sweet news but no offense katrine should’ve chosen a better title! that was a bad title i don’t think the real news put the title! please change
Bosco is so much more handsome!!! She cannot downgrade!!!
you have questionable eyesight if he’s what you call handsome. don’t make me laugh. quoting @tvbfanatic, “once a flirt always a flirt. leopard do ‘t change its spots!”
You’re judging his character not his looks. Your statement just validated that.
You do not know Bosco personally so you do not have the right to really judge his character. Looks are subjective so each to their own,
?????? Bosco not handsome???!!! I think u are the one with questionable eyesight lol. You don’t make me laugh instead. Bosco is definitely more handsome than that Kev Yiu.
He looks young…
highschool kid
I believe they’ve been good friends for a while now since he once referred to her as his muse. Myolie has been wearing his designs for a while now, including the dresses she wore when she won the Astro and TVB awards.
Hmmz…hope that’s a bad picture of him, if not he is not that great looking to me.
I’m not too sure Kev is into Myolie’s type…
he doesn’t look “mature”
:/ maybe she’s kinda desperate now that she’s getting older
If she were desperate, why would she breakup with Bosco?
It could be possible they broke up because bosco wanted to further his career and not wanting to marry her that fast yet?
and yeah. hopefully there are better pictures of him out there somewhere
YouTube has some videos of him in his fashion shows, which are quite nice.
From his fashion show video, Kev Yiu seems like a shy guy so please be nice.
He looks like a little kid. I hope the rumor is not true. He looks like her rebellious younger brother.
Kev Yiu looks a little feminine in my opinion. It seems like Myolie can never go out with a guy even if it’s just a friend without having reporters constantly assuming and speculating that she’s dating.
His designs are quite pretty (: Whatever is true, wish the best to both of them.
Have anyone noticed the guy on the right kinda looks like Alfred Hui.
If I’m not mistaken Myolie revealed that she’s been dating someone for two months but that didn’t work out. Sometime ago I also saw her revealation that she’s being courted by a suitor over the phone. Which of the two does Kev Yiu fall into?
He’s handsome and the two do look alike. There’s a high possibility of them dating (or trying to get to know each other better)in my opinion. If it’s true, congratulations to them
He looks younger than Myolie but he’s cute looking like a Kpop star. It doesn’t matter it’s trend now to date much younger guys. Best wishes to Hang Yee Unni!
yeh i know who kev yiu is… she wears a lot of his designs… that black feather dress she wore was his designer, as well as the outfits she wore to Cannes….. but he’s been around for ages, are you sure they’re not just meeting up to design a new dress for her. and yes, he is NOT good looking