Nicholas Tse Spends Night At Cecilia Cheung’s House; Nicholas Drops Video Game Addiction

Recent reconciliation rumors have been spreading like wildfire between divorced couple, Nicholas Tse (謝霆鋒) and Cecilia Cheung (張栢芝). The pair’s relationship took a great leap forward due to Valentine’s Day. Cecilia and their two sons, Lucas and Quintus, have moved into an apartment one block across from Nicholas’ house in the Admiralty district, becoming neighbors!
It was understood that a witness even saw Nicholas leaving Cecilia’s apartment in the early AM hours! No wonder Cecilia has been slow to move into the $128 million HKD luxury house she purchased last year. Perhaps she was waiting for the male head of the household before moving into her comfort nest.
Nicholas Tse and Cecilia Cheung have been divorced for about six months. Earlier, a photo circulated which featured Cecilia, Nicholas, Lucas, and feng shui master, Mike. Even Nicholas revealed that Lucas was eager for his parents to reunite. Over the last few months, the Nicholas and Cecilia’s relationship appeared to be harmonious, in which the family of four often spent time together.
Nicholas Puts Aside Video Game Addiction for Healthier Hobby
It was reported that Cecilia and Nicholas have been noncommittal regarding their reconciliation, however both sides have changed for each other. Currently on vacation for 2 months, Nicholas even abstained from his long-time habit of playing computer games for cooking instead.
Cecilia acted low-key and did not discuss the reconciliation rumors, while concentrating on caring for their two sons. Changing from her normal preferences, Cecilia was photographed in mainland China purchasing some discount goods. Cecilia even received some western cooking advice from Nicholas, who found recent joy in cooking. Realizing that Nicholas was on a long vacation, Cecilia took a temporary hiatus from her work, capitalizing on the opportunity for the entire family to have quality time together.
Nicholas Admits Spending Night at Cecilia’s House
Since Cecilia moved into the apartment building across from Nicholas’ residence, neighbors told the press that Nicholas often visited her house. A witness revealed that Nicholas had spent the night at Cecilia’s house earlier!
At 2 PM the day before, Nicholas was spotted pushing a shopping cart at the supermarket. Asked whether Cecilia and their two sons have moved across the street from his apartment, Nicholas replied, “Yes.” (Was Cecilia’s lease at her prior residence, Parkview, over?) “Not yet.” (You have to pay for the rent at Cecilia’s new apartment?) “A little bit. Actually, they will only be living there for a few days, since their other home needs to have some plumbing repair work completed.”
Asked if Nicholas had spent the night at Cecilia’s house, he responded, “Lucas got sick earlier. Sometimes, I will stay later to watch over him.” Asked whether Cecilia will move into her $128 luxury home soon, Nicholas said, “They have their plans. Why don’t you wait for them to tell you about the matter.”
Happy to Cook for Sons
While shopping at the supermarket, Nicholas purchased a lot of wine, fruits and vegetables. Asked what he will cook for his sons, Nicholas’ caring, fatherly side emerged, “I do not know yet, but I’m buying the ingredients in advance. I bought spinach, which I intend to blend into a soup for my sons to drink. Lucas does not eat cheese-flavored foods and does not drink a lot of milk. Cooking for him requires more effort! Lucas eats quite a lot. Comparatively, Quintus is not as choosy in what he eats.”
When Nicholas coincidentally encountered Annabelle Liu (劉曉彤) and her daughter at the supermarket, he excitedly played with the child before paying for his groceries. Nicholas pushed his shopping cart full of groceries back home.
Excerpt from Oriental Daily
Jayne: This is exceptionally good news! Even if Nicholas and Cecilia do not reconcile, their divorce has taught them that they must move forward in their relationship, for the happiness of their kids. I love this new domestic side of Nicholas; he’s excited talking about making spinach soup for Lucas and Nicholas! Cooking is a much healthier hobby than playing video games.
Cecilia’s gesture of moving to the apartment building across from Nicholas’ house is a strong signal that she still wants to be close to him. If she had plumbing problems at her old house, she could have stayed at a hotel for several days.
Cecilia and Nicholas’ love relationship has always been dramatic…from their early triangular love, to Nicholas’ car accident, court hearing, breakup, reconciliation, sudden marriage in the Philippines, nude photo scandal, birth of 2 cute boys, Edison Chen, jealousy, marital misunderstanding, divorce, etc. etc. Whatever happens between Cecilia and Nicholas will never be dull…looks like Cecilia is working her magic over Nicholas’ heart once again!
They’re just friendly. For a moment I thought they reconciled.
It is a big joke then …… reconciled after only a 6-month divorce. In that case, why did they have a divorce? It is not a movie or a drama ….. it is real life involving two young children. They’d better learn to be mature parents and don’t act like kids.
actually i feel that we can never or will never understand how they think or feel because their lifes are just totally different from from a commoner’s life…not too say we are poorer or richer…but sincerely they live a very colourful life and thats why maybe their thoughts are very different too…. something we can never imagine…
This is a very strange couple. I don’t think I’ve ever met ones like them, only in movies/dramas. Anyways, I’m so glad that Nic finally dropped his video game addiction, it’s not healthy for your mind to play video games all day long. Glad to hear that Ceci is learning how to save money. I hope she learns not to get angry all the time and so easily. My goodness, this couple is very dramatic, even from the beginning when they started out as only friends many years ago.
I think we’re doomed to hearing about Cheung-Tse breakup/reconciliation rumors for eternity…
quick – someone send Mr. Tse the photos of CC naked taken by edison; perhaps it will change his mind once more!
Perhaps he and CC should have a little girl. Nick always look sad maybe he is sad daddy’s little girl would certianly melt his heart.
Now that nic has matured, he is quite the catch. Hopefully the crazy ex-wife won’t get in the way of him meeting someone new.
Agreed !
Recently Nic looks young and hot (like teenage again). However Ceci loosk old and not so pretty at all. She looks like she is Nic’s older sister or Nic’s aunt LOL..
It is great to hear that Nic has matured so much and is so caring towards his 2 kids. Regardless of how he feels towards Cecilia, that should not affect how he feels towards his 2 sons. Maybe the divorce has taught both Nic and Cecilia many things. Even if they don’t reconcile, at least they are on good terms for the sake of their 2 kids.
This pair should film a drama about themselves.
They can still be friends after divorce, it’s good for the children.
Wait, Nic’s shopping at a supermarket? Is he going bankrupt?
Nic shops with his eyes closed, so the paparazzi can’t say he’s looking at the price!!
Did the newspapers edit these photos or does Nic Tse always go around with his name on the front of his hat? Is it there so he doesn’t lose it? So that people will know that he’s Nic Tse? Weird.
They need a reality series. TeeVeeBee, take$ this idea!
Am i the only one that doesnt find him staying over CC’s a big deal?
I mean their kids live with her so he may have went to visit them and the boys wanted their dad to stay the night with him ’cause they miss him?
I dont think they are reconciling, they are parents that put their kids first.
The only reason why the media made it a big deal is that he stayed over night on Valentine’s Day. The media always blow things out of proportion.
I am with you. I don’t think it is a big deal at all.
Nice development!
Hope to hear good news soon!
It’ll be great if they get back together.
Good sign for the couple. I agree with Hikaru. No big deal that Nic stayed overnight. He’s the children’s father.
I wonder if the reason they can be so amiable now is because after divorce, they expectation of each other is lesser?
Anyway, they are not actually divorce yet, just separation, right? Need to wait for 2 years to finalise a divorce.
Not living together reduces a lot of daily stress between Cecilia and Nicholas.
well…iTz up to long as they care for there sons….