Niki Chow Signs 2 Year Contract with TVB

TVB Producer Lee Tim Shing custom tailored lead role for Niki Chow Lai Kei in My Cruel Lover <我的如意狼君>. Since Niki’s former company, BMA, joined the Recording Industry Alliance and became part of the four major music labels in Hong Kong . Due to unresolved broadcasting rights between TVB and the four major music companies, there was contemplation as to whether Niki would be able to film for TVB.
With her BMA contract expiring at the end of January, Niki decided to end her contract early to film for My Cruel Lover. Tim Gor confirmed that Niki has signed with TVB, “I think it is a two-year artist contract.” (Were Niki’s terms astronomical?) “Of course not! The contract will be effective in February. Niki will be performing in the United States for a concert on February 2nd. On February 8th, Niki will have the costume fitting for My Cruel Lover.”
Source: the Sun
Jayne: Niki has always had favorable relations with TVB, so it is not a surprise that she signed a two year contract. I guess that means at least two Niki series per year. Who would you like to see her pair with? Raymond Lam would be nice as they match well physically.
I still think Niki acts best in romantic comedies.
I hope she won’t pair up with Kevin. They’ve paired up before and I would like to see her paired with someone else. Maybe Ron, Ray, Kenneth, and Bosco would pair up well with her. It’s hard to pair her up with the more mature men since she’s so young looking. The male lead would need to look young. I think maybe Steven Ma would be ok, but using guys like Bowie, Roger, or Joe would be a little odd.
haha. Agreed. She doesn’t look at all like 31. More like in the 20 ish. XD
Actually i am really thinking of how it would be if Bowie and Niki pair up.
Maybe that would really bring a new felt to all audiences.
wld love for her to be paired up with ray.
Besides Raymond Wong, Raymond Lam will make a good pairing with her too
The other Raymond would be nice and possibly someone like Joel Chan.
The male lead will be Raymond Wong. There has been several news on Lee Tim Shing’s new series already. One of the news said Raymond Wong will be the male lead (since Mr.Lee once again cannot get Raymond Lam).
Haha, Raymond Wong join the Lee Tim Shing’s regular club. I think he president of that club should be Wayne Lai. He’s in almost all of Lee Tim Sheng recent series.
I like Niki and look forward to seeing more of her series! Though her acting is not super, I’d rather see her than fala chen!
I rather see Niki than Myolie Wu anytime. I’m looking forward for Niki’s comeback to TVB series
Myolie Wu at her best can beat everyone. She is just at a crossroad. She can act, just finding her rhythm again. But right now I’d rather not see both of them. Can a male actor just play the female role for now?
I don’t care about either. I haven’t seen much talent in Niki and I long stopped caring about Myolie because her acting has been at a standstill for years.
It’s quite sad that Myolie has last her touch. The excessive filming has drained her … hopefully she’ll snap out of this downhill.
I am still hopeful for Survivor Law and Golden Faith performances.
I like Myolie Wu. I think she needs to pick up more comedy series and less drama.. she has a natural charisma for comedies. At the very least, I don’t find her annoying. No offense to any Fala fans, but her voice just drives me nuts. I only liked her in heart of greed 2 because she was mute.
I haven’t seen Niki Chow starring in TVB series for ages! I am looking forward to watching this new series and her pairing up with Raymond Wong.
I think Bosco would be a good fit, romantic comedy. Excited that she signed w/ TVB, really hope Lee Tim Shing’s series can give her a lift
I could not agree more than this. Bosco really bringd out a cute romantic guy character. (thumb up).
I think it will really bring another feel if they pair up cos if Raymond Wong pairs with Niki, it would be more fantasy kind of romance chemistry rather than comedy romance.
I havn’t seen her in series for so long.. i hope she will be in a good series! and not something like “King of snookers” that show was so bad, and doesn’t show niki’s much of acting talent at all.
not really a fan of niki’s acting, but its always good to have more fresh faces leading tvb series. i liked her chemistry with moses in the gentle crackdown, so would love them to pair up again xD raymond lam sounds good too
bosco? or mayb kenneth ma 
I’ve never been a fan of Niki…. I find her acting very stiff and she has the same expressions sitcom after sitcom.
True..but maybe it’s because of her character..? To act that way :p
I love Niki Chow lol without her i think i’d just die ahahaha XD
I agreed Niki’s acting would be more suitable for romantic comedy as she is a cheerful person and straight forward lady. When she acts serious looking is rather not convincing. I am looking forward she can reveal her the other side and act as cunning role to outshine herself in another area. Just Maggie Chang, when she is young, it’s rather not convincing for her to act like a matured lady.
Honestly, Niki’s acting is not fantastic but she looks pleasant and has favour with the audience. And she will be a refreshing addition to TVB’s brood of actresses her age. I’m getting tired of seeing the same people and pairings over and over again.
In many ways, Niki reminds me of Linda Chung. Pleasant enough acting and pretty looking. But she’s in far fewer series than Linda. Linda is in soooo many series.
Anyway, looking forward to her comeback.
Woo! I like Niki, awaiting for her comeback in TVB x]
She even doesn’t have the look.
I thought it was already decided that Nikki would be playing opposite Raymond Wong in “My Cruel Lover”. It would be a change, of course, in the pairing off but I still think of Nikki and Kevin acting together. They seem to ‘hit off ‘ so well together in Under the Canopy of Love and The Most Beautiful 7th Day.