Oceane Zhu Dating Handsome Billionaire, Albert Tong?

Recently, Miss Chinese International 2008, Oceane Zhu (朱璇), was often spotted going out on concert dates with Albert Tong(湯珈鋮), the heir of Tomson Group. Yesterday, the pair attended Mayday’s concert with Sherry Chen (陳爽). After collaborating with Director Yonfan (楊凡)in the film, Prince of Tears <淚王子>, Oceane met Taiwanese actress, Hsu Feng (徐楓) through Yonfan. Afterwards, Hsu Feng introduced Oceane to her son, Albert Tong.
Taiwanese group, Mayday, held the final performance to their four concert session at the Hong Kong Coliseum last night. Aside from many excited Mayday fans in attendance, Oceane Zhu and Albert Tong were also present. Oceane brought along friend, Sherry Chen, as her companion. When the trio entered the venue, reporters flocked to take photos. Oceane posed generously for the photos. At first, Albert did not look directly at the camera. Upon the reporter’s request, Albert and Oceane agreed to take photos together.
After partaking in Yonfan’s Prince of Tears, Oceane promoted the film in Taiwan. Yonfan introduced Oceane to retired actress, Hsu Feng, who had a very good impression on Oceane. Realizing that Oceane was in Hong Kong by herself, Hsu Feng was extremely protective of her and introduced her to son, Albert Tong. Oceane and Albert’s fates crossed paths and their “love seedling” was in its early stages of development. The pair often went on concert dates. Earlier, Oceane and Albert went to Kenny G’s concert and last night, they attended Mayday’s concert together.
Through his secretary, Albert noted that he was only friends with Oceane. Through a telephone interview, Oceane said, “We are not dating. We are just regular friends. Since Albert had concert tickets, I asked Sherry Chen to come with me. I am not lying.”
Albert Tong’s Profile
When Albert Tong became Executive Director of Tomson Group at the age of eighteen, he achieved historical status as the youngest Executive Director of a publicly-traded Hong Kong company. Albert is the son of Golden Horse Best Actress, Hsu Feng, and his late father was Tong Cun Lin.
When Albert was fourteen-years-old, he traded stocks and earned $4 million (HKD). Since then, Albert has demonstrated a sharp eye for investments. He set billionaire, Li Ka Shing as his target. In recent years, Albert’s company, Tomson Group, focused on development in the Shanghai real estate market.
Twenty-eight-year-old Albert Tong’s net worth was valued at over $7 billion (HKD). Currently, Albert was voted as the youngest and most handsome billionaire. Albert had many female admirers, even leading many women in online discussion forums to discuss how they can capture the young billionaire’s heart! Allegedly, Albert was once diagnosed with depression when he was in Form 3 and had to take a hiatus from his studies.
Allegedly, Albert Tong never had a relationship in the past. He said he was very passive in relationships. In the past, he noted that he admired women who possessed large eyes and a gentle heart. He revealed that he admired Amanda Liu in the past.
Excerpt from Appledaily and Cri.cn
Jayne: Albert Tong looks like a young version of Joe Ma! Appledaily’s photo was taken from an unflattering angle; if you do an internet search, Albert is actually quite handsome!
It’s quite high profile for Albert to take Oceane on concert dates; definitely shows his interest! Or you can say he is indeed very passive in relationships, since he prefers to take women on concert dates rather than to a romantic French restaurant where they can spend hours talking instead.
My my….looks like I’m living on the wrong continent
..he’s practically a child compared to the other billionaires that have landed in the news! Hahaha
I will definitely be googling him, Jayne lol
LOL many more “unknown” billionaires in China, with the rate the economy is growing!
Here is a really interesting article about Albert Tong.
He does sound like a quiet, subdued man, whose passion in business may have dominated his youth. Perhaps his mother, Hsu Feng, knew best that his son needed some love in his life. Since Oceane is “mom-approved,” there’s a good chance they are already dating.
HAHAHA, thanks for the article, Jayne. It sounds like this young man has a fine head on his shoulders. I think Oceane would be a great catch. She was Bing Bing in Twilight Investigation, right? Although she was quite raw, I remember she was gorgeous…and bada$$ too. Hope it works out for them
His body language said otherwise as he is swaying away from Oceane.
Wishing them love always if they are fated. He is handsome and she is pretty, good match.
If they are indeed dating, then she got a good catch. She and Fala are lucky!
And yes, it’s good that she’s mom-approved already!
So much good news for some recent MCI’s in their love lives!
I think Oceane is quite pretty. She has a very nice smile. I remember she kind of reminded me of Bernice Liu when she won MCI.
Also, I think her Cantonese is the biggest setback in her acting right now, at least for TVB series. However, I think we will start seeing her a lot in movies soon. Directors seem to love her as her acting is decent for a newcomer, a lot better for than Christine Kuo. She also has an oriental charm that makes her suited for many movie roles. I’m tired of seeing Fan Bing Bing casted in almost every other big production!
Oceane looks different in all her photos. I didn’t watch her performance in MCI, but from old photos, her hair and make-up was not the best. She looks a lot better now.
I find Oceane to resemble Gigi Fu Ming Hin (old 1990s actress), especially when Oceane smiles and her eyes squint together just like Gigi’s!
Oceane can look very glamorous when stylized. I think she looks very hot in red, such as the red bikini she wore in “7 Days in Life.”
Who did she play in 7 Days in Life??
@HTS, Bosco’s love interest. They ended up marrying. She was an undercover police from the mainland and hence it explains why she spoke Mandarin throughout the series. Bosco was a HK police. Too bad they didn’t share that many scenes together. The focus was on Steven and Sonija.
Oh that’s her??! Thanks for the info. She was that undercover cop from Mainland China right?? That explains why she spoke Mandarin…I thought she and Bosco were really funny and cute together… Yea, it was too bad that they did not have a lot more scenes together.
She look hot in this series but she looks old for her age. She look close to Bosco’s age but she’s only in her early twenties
Haha I noticed Oceane in this drama too. She makes a cute couple with Bosco to me too..to bad their story is so underdeveloped, but the Oceane-drunk kissing(almost making out) scene is quite risky for TVB standard. Cue lip-bite, taking off shirt attempt, climb on top. If only the filming was following a movie style and not TVB studio style, the outcome could’ve been better.
He looks sort of like Kenneth Ma to me at some angles. If they are dating, I really hope that they will admit it instead of lie about it if they are asked.
I think that he looks like a young Kenneth Ma, but that’s just me…. It is fate so whatever happens will happen.
In the second picture, he definitely looks like the younger and smaller face Kenneth Ma! Oceane Zhu is attractive. the kind of attractiveness you would find on Kate Tsui
LOL she is just 100times hotter than Kate Tsui lar. Well why im i not surprised to hear that another actress gets involved with a rich guy haha
I don’t think he looks like Kenneth Ma at all. But, he did resemble Joe Ma a bit, like Jayne said.
Handsome is a bit too much to say but at least he is young. Nowadays a lot of young billionaires thanks to dot com/internet
Kenneth Ma? No lar!! I thought he looked like a well fed better looking bigger Terry Lin
I’m afraid that in a few years Oceane will look older than him. She has mature lool
^ look
For some reason I sense queerness from this guy.
queerness as in strangeness?
Is that because he’s good-looking? LOL
@ Funn
Queerness as in gayness.
Joan most probably got this impression from this sentence.
‘Albert Tong never had a relationship in the past’
People expect a young hot-blooded male with such good qualities to be dating or at least have dated before. To have these qualities and 27 years old and still have not had a relationship in the past is strange. People cannot fathom it. So, they conclude he must be gay.
Frankly I can’t fanthom it too. Maybe he was just very very busy or maybe he was a player.
Anyway I see, queerness as in gayness. Say lar. Queer is strange, gay is happy. Nowadays all these words mean homosexuals. So all those old books I read, “He was rather gay… she was a queer woman but is gay nonetheless” can mean so so different now!
Chinese site CRN claimed Albert Tong has never dated, which I do doubt. He sounds like a very focused business person and perhaps less time for romance, but still there will be time that he yearns for a woman.
I don’t know if he truly has never dated, but he does seem as if he is overly exper
typical rich nerd gets beauty. Us bad boy good looking guys defile them first and then lose them to nerds later in life. Circle of life.
My previous comment was submitted before I finished typing…
Anyway while I don’t believe Albert Tong never dated, he does not seem overly experienced with women. The fact that he brought Oceane to such a crowded concert speaks volumes. You can argue perhaps he is a music lover, but a quieter date place would allow more conversation.
I actually would believe it if he never dated before. I have seen some people who are attractive and all but have never dated and I don’t believe they are gay/lesbian. There are many reasons for it like they are too picky, too busy, too small of a social circle,etc.. so many other reasons as well… Or they have other things in life to focus on as well.. We would never know…
There’s no reason for a Business Newspaper to lie and no reason for him to lie either. He’s not a celebrity who has to keep his love life secret.
Well he is dating a celeb so of course he is sort of drawn into the circle…
The Standard (China’s Business Newspaper) said he never had a relationship in the past. There’s no reason for him to lie to a business newspaper. It’s not a gossip mag. Furthermore, that was an old news report dated back to Nov 2010.
As I have mentioned, I do believe that if he said that he hasn’t had a relationship in the past, then it is probably true. I have seen many attractive people that have never dated. It is true that he is not a celeb so there is no need for him to lie about his love life, but he may be dating one(if he is dating Oceane). Therefore, as I have said, even if he doesn’t lie doesn’t mean that Oceane can’t lie since she is a celeb.
You still don’t get me. My comment has nothing to do with Oceane. Jayne said she don’t believe Albert Tong never dated. So, I said there’s no reason for him to lie.
“I never dated…”
Means not literally never went out with a woman but “I was into casual relationship, never been serious enough with anyone”
If he never ever ever dated, I will seriously wonder what’s wrong? THAT shy?
@Funn, Lol, those were exactly my thoughts. I believe him when he said he has never dated, but I doubt he never had feelings or liked a woman before. Casual relationships, hook ups, flings, and friends with benefits are all common things these days. When it comes to dating, I suppose we are referring to something more serious where the man has interest in marrying the woman.
Oh ok, if you are just referring to Albert then that makes sense. I thought that you were referring to Oceane too.
I don’t find anything wrong with him never dating. Like I have said, I have seen pretty attractive people that have never dated before too. But then again, it also depends on how you do define “dating”?? It can be that he is shy, too busy, wants to focus on other things besides dating,etc… so many reasons besides the typical conclusion that he may be gay. Who really knows for sure why he never dated before. But yea, I think that he has had feelings for women before though or else I would wonder….
“But then again, it also depends on how you do define “dating”?? It can be that he is shy, too busy, wants to focus on other things besides dating,etc… so many reasons besides the typical conclusion that he may be gay. ”
Lol, how does the two sentences connect? How do you define dating? And you give reasons to why he’s not dating.
Anyway, I suppose there’s casual vs. serious dating? Casual dating as in dating for the sake of dating; aka dating around to see whose right. And serious dating as in actually liking the person, interested in having a future with them, and getting to know them on a deeper level. Albert probably didn’t lie that he has never dated because 1) he isn’t interested in casual dating, and 2) since he seems like a mature person, he hasn’t found the one whom he can connect with on a deeper level. The article mentioned that he went into depression twice if I remember correctly. Normally, those who have grieved and went through depressed states see life at a deeper level.
For those who believe that he lied about never dating, here is what I came up with:
1) He is 28-years-old and today’s people date at a very young age, even in middle school.
2) He is a good catch. Wealthy, smart, mature, and a good boy. Who couldn’t want someone like that? Girls hunt after guys like him.
I think what he means maybe is I never had a serious girlfriend before. Something like that.
For a guy like him never dated, I can’t believe. For a girl, maybe.
Sorry it was just me and my random thoughts about why maybe he didn’t really date before.Also, I did not mean to give reasons but just possibilities about why he may not have dated, who really knows?? Each person is different and their life experiences really affect how each person lives their life…
Oceane is pretty and this albert billionaire is handsome..therefore..make it a pretty couple
What a good catch. Handsome and smart.
Though he was the younger son, he stepped into his father’s shoes to buy time for his mother, Taiwanese actress Hsu Feng, and brother Charles Tong Chi-kar to grieve in peace. “I didn’t have time to think much then. I felt compelled to first hold the company steady, arrange the funeral and settle the inheritance tax before I can mourn.”
So mature at so young an age. He actually took care of everything so that his elders can mourn in peace, when usually it is the older people who takes care of younger people in this situation.
I was quite impressed with Albert Tong’s background as well. He indeed sounds very mature and career focused and perhaps too serious.
Btw, his mother is Chairman of Tomson Group and he and his brother serve as Vice Chairman and Executive Director of the Board. There. Are much more Chinese articles written about Albert Tong than in English.
His hobby seems to be making money and serving others. He first join business to help his dad. When his dad is gone, his motivation turn to bringing maximum profit for our stakeholders.
How I wish my hobby is making money!
what was his invested capital when he earned 4 mill? in percentage would give a better comparison. 4 mill. is not if your invested capital is 40 mill so it really depends.
My hobby is spending money, unfortunately.
@ exoidus
If his invested capital is 40 mil, they won’t call it ‘earn’. They will call it ‘lost’.
I believe the 4 mil he earned should have already minus his capital.
@ exoidus
Oops. Sorry, I get what you mean liao.
in US$ its around 90 million…. not bad. I hope she doesnt go to Gigi Lai route.
Well, this guy is a hotstuff for every women in any aspect. I think Oceane should be the one to worry for not getting hold of this rich + handsome billionaire. Anyways, this guy can have any girl he wants….by forging $$$$ on her…I’m not saying all girls are materialistic but many will be happy with overwhelming presents offered to them.
lol..this is the first handsome and youngest billionaire i have seen in hk so far
and oceane is so young!!i thought she would be 27 o 28
I thought Oceane is 27 or 28 too in 7DIL
He’s cute especially the pic in the magazine below. No wonder a hot stuff billionaire and talented too can make money since 14 years old.
Not a bad looking guy. His billionaire status does make him even better looking. LOL.
But no one is going to believe he was never attached.
Young,rich,good-looking & single? Not possible!
he can be bald, fat and ugly, but since he is rich girls will consider him handsome LOL
He reminds me a little of Wang Lee Hom without the big nose haha.
He’s is definitely one of the better looking billionaires out there.
I love Oceane, she’s is absolutely gorgeous!!! She seems to have quite an infectious smile. I can understand why they would be rumoured dating each other.
Not to be nit picky, but Oceane is showing a bit of cellulite on her thighs in the photo where she crosses her legs.
LOL, didn’t notice that i was looking at her face
WOW, so observant Jayne… I didn’t even notice since I usually just focus on the face.
Yes, I saw that too LOL.
u are not being picky jayne..i notice that the moment i saw the picture too lol. i thought she was very slim just wondering why there is cellulite…
oh and oceane is 1987..only 24..cant believe how mature girls looks nowadays..
Oceane seems to look different in all her pics… I think she only looks good w/ full makeup on. Either way, she is a very lucky girl to snag a such a man. His mother also seems like a pretty nice lady!
Have you seen her without make up on? If she can look good without make up on, then she is a true beauty. But if she can only good with full make up then I don’t know if you call her a true beauty. It is still too early to tell if she will really end up with Albert or not. Lets see..
Info on his mother.
I saw a few of her pics and clips on Youtube. She’s OK to me, but in some pics, she does look pretty. Not as pretty as Gigi Lai or Michelle Reis
What kind of works does this girl have? I don’t know who she is lol
He’s not bad looking. Impressive “resume” indeed
Actually, apart from Albert Tong, there is another good looking young billionaire; the 25 yrs old Karson Choi 蔡加赞. He is the only son of billionaire Francis Choi, his 3 elder sisters are also successful businesswomen.
Karson Choi is indeed very good looking. He can pass for a Taiwanese celebrity! It seems he already has girlfriend though…
There seem to be a lot of wealthy second generations in their 20s now, but perhaps don’t truly have acess to all their parents’ net worth now.
Yes, he is openly dating model Wang Yuan Yuan, the sister-in-law of Donnie Yuen. They are just like any normal couple, visiting shopping mall, cafes, taking strolls at park. His parent is quite accepting of their relationship also.
Ok lar. Kinda thin unless the picture I am seeing is not him.
why do everyone expect them to be not normal couple? I mean he whisks her off to Paris for a cup of coffee? Then to Milan for shopping?
“but perhaps don’t truly have acess to all their parents’ net worth now.”
True, they didn’t earn the money but hopefully they get to keep the money. But there are a lot of young mega rich entrepeneurs and I wonder, their worth is in stocks, but cash in hand, are they THAT rich? Not millions, not billions but MEGA billions.
Karson is good-looking although he looks better in some photos than others. He reminds me of Korean celebrities.
Btw, can anyone share some information about Karson? I couldn’t find anything on him in English on google and I can’t read Chinese fully.
Funn, by normal I mean not denying they are dating, having reps publishing official statements, dodging paps and wearing disguise left and right.
Well Karson Choi and his girlfriend are both not celebs so why would they even need to deny their relationship or hide it?? Therefore, it is normal of them to act like a typical dating couple.
I think Albert is better lol because some pictures of Karson make him look a bit sulky.
I rmb that someone in a convo said that Handsomeness and Money dun go together. Oceane Zhu, if the rumour is true, now have both on hand. Congrats her.
Who said handsomeness and money don’t go hand in hand? We have
– Raymond Lam
– Wu Chun
– Feng Shao Feng
All these are actors where being handsome is bread and butter.
But yes, money and handsomeness CAN go hand in hand, mostly 2nd generations.
You know what’s the ultimate?
Handsome + money + royal title
Anybody can be handsome and rich but very few can say they have a prefix like Prince or HRH
Ok being handsome, rich and having a royal title is even more rare….
@ HTS: Check out the Mid-East royal guys (Jordan for example). ALL of them are handsome, and are princes and princesses. Jordan have the most beautiful princes and princesses in the world. Of course their handsomeness are not the Korean type, hehe. They are tall, handsome and their eyes are wonderful.
Really?? I did not know that Jordan and other middle eastern countries had a lot of handsome princes and princesses. I remember once reading about this ranking of the most beautiful and handsome princes and princesses in the world and don’t remember anyone from the middle east or Jordan being on there. Can you believe that Kate Middleton was ranked 3rd?? I personally don’t think she is that great in terms of looks.I am not sure whose opinion that ranking was based on.
Those reports most probably are anti Middle East. The West and Middle East aren’t exactly good friends.
Middle Eastern princes and princesses are handsome because most of the people there are handsome. Their features are those considered beautiful in today’s standard.
I said, if you like Korean type guys, you won’t feel the Jordan royal ppl beautiful. They are not that sissy.
P/S: Kate Middleton is beautiful in my opinion. Her smile is very bright. Her beauty is Western type.
Kate middleton looks like a queen in waiting. True! She looks graceful, gentle. BUT too thin.
Uhm, you think Harry vs William, who is more handsome?
Oh yea, I forgot that the middle east and the west are not buddies. No wonder no one from the middle was on the most beautiful list. I personally think Kate Middleton is attractive but not really beautiful and she is way too skinny.
I don’t believe only an asian look can be handsome/beautiful, so I think the princes and princess of the middle do look nice. I think Prince William is handsome but the poor guy is already losing his hair…
Prince Charles was very handsome when he is young. I saw a picture of young Charles and he is more attractive than William. William’s face has something I dun like.
Fox WHAT?! NO!! Charles wasn’t handsome when he was young! Wills look exactly like his mom.
I think Charles is handsome. Not the handsome at the first sight but look more, he is so attractive.
Funn Lim is RIGHT. Prince Charles is really not good looking back then, still is now.
Handsomeness and money can go together, but it is kind of rare that’s all. My friend’s husband is pretty handsome and rich as well. He is also very faithful and loves only her. I think another element missing is faithfulness. A woman can marry someone rich and handsome, BUT due to his high qualities that many women seek, would he be really faithful and love only her???
It’s a part of his responsibilities and on the other hand, it’s the quality of the wife – good enough to keep the husband.
Yea, that is true.. But even if a wife is young, beautiful,great personality,etc… There will be others that have the same qualities as well… The thing is does that guy really love his wife and only her…
Lol, really love and only her… More of responsibilities to a family than love, in a good marriage. Ppl dun link with others only because of “young, beautiful,great personality, etc.”
she is so prettyyy! really love her!