Raymond Lam and Bosco Wong Will Not Act In “Triumph In The Skies 2”

Hong Kong TVB pilot drama, Triumph in the Skies <衝上雲宵>, was a big hit when it was released in 2003. For many years, TVB had intended to film a sequel without success. Cathay Pacific Airlines refused to sponsor the filming of the sequel; thus TVB sought out Hong Kong Airlines’ help. The casting for the series was also a difficult process. According to Ming Pao Weekly, Francis Ng (吳鎮宇) and Chilam Cheung (张智霖) were still discussing the filming details. It has been decided that Raymond Lam (林峰) and Bosco Wong (黃宗澤) will not act in Triumph in the Skies 2.

At last year’s sales presentation clip for Triumph in the Skies 2, both Raymond Lam and Bosco Wong appeared in the video footage. Since filming was scheduled to take place in May 2012, this will conflict with Raymond and Bosco’s schedules. Raymond had two upcoming movie projects and Bosco had a mainland Chinese drama to film at that time. As Triumph in the Skies 2 already had a star-studded cast with numerous leads, TVB decided to let Raymond and Bosco chase outside opportunities.

Asked whether Bosco was disappointed that he will be unable to film Triumph in the Skies 2 opposite girlfriend, Myolie Wu (胡杏兒), he replied, “Aiya! We are separate when it comes to filming dramas! There will be many future opportunities, since I will continue acting!” Bosco noted that he would like to appear in a cameo role, as he wished to collaborate with Francis Ng and Chilam Cheung.

Producer Tommy Leung (梁家樹)  revealed that he was still discussing the filming details with Francis Ng and Chilam Cheung. The discussions were going well, in which TVB hoped both actors will agree to take part in the drama. Producer Leung stated that the production staff were in the midst of writing the script.

The cast members that were confirmed to appear in Triumph in the Skies 2 included: Myolie Wu, Kate Tsui (徐子珊), Fala Chen (陳法拉), Kenneth Ma (馬國明), Ron Ng (吳卓羲), and Rebecca Zhu (朱晨麗). With such a star-studded cast, Kenneth Ma was asked whether he was concerned about his own screen time. Kenneth stated that in the 40-episode drama, there will be enough plot and character development to focus on various leads. “If there are more characters, then there are more plot arcs, which will add greater dimension to the story.” Kenneth noted that if a long drama focused on only the male and female leads, then the story may become stale and repetitive.

The original installment of Triumph in the Skies featured a group of pilot trainees dubbed as S4, comprised of Ron Ng, Sammul Chan ( 陳鍵鋒), Bosco Wong, and Kenneth Ma. Due to the casting changes in the sequel, the original S4 composition will not be possible. Kenneth remained positive, “In the sequel, Ron Ng and I will likely be promoted from pilot trainees, so there will be a group of newcomers to make up [the new] S4.”

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Jayne: Would have liked to see Raymond and Bosco in “Triumph in the Skies 2.” Hopefully they will appear as cameos. Difficult to imagine how the quality of the drama will be like, especially if the main cast of Francis Ng and Chilam Cheung have not been confirmed yet.

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  1. Oh no!!!! It’ll be perfect if they are in!
    Not so looking forward to Kate!

      1. Too bad Kate wont rough up Raymond Lam in the series.


    1. i hate her too! omg, why they picked her for this drama!! sigh…they’ve ruining the drama

    2. Too bad Kate is in…Why not replace Kate with Tavia instead…I’m sure Tavia acts A LOT better than Kate…
      Too bad Bosco is not in…Wasn’t he the best performed pilot trainee in the 1st episode?
      Thank God Raymond is not in…

  2. Gosh I just wish they would begin filming and let me watch some quality drama already!! But aww if only they were in it.

  3. Man I was looking forward to Bosco and Raymand being in this drama along with my other fave stars :/

  4. I kinda assumed that Raymond would only be filming the sales clip cause he was free, I doubted he would be in the series. I would have loved to see him in the series, he would look good in professional roles like a cop(filming now) or a pilot. It would have been fun to see four of the main TVB Siu sangs together but I guess that’d be in the future :). Maybe with both of them out, it’ll give more character development and screen time to the others 🙂

    1. Ia. With Raymond and Bosco out, the other characters will enjoy better character development and more screen time compared to sharing the pie among too many people.

  5. TVB is wasting a lot of time. Scrap this project ASAP.

  6. What makes a series good isn’t only the cast buy mostly the script too. What I want is for the story to be written well.

    1. A series with less leads will have better character development and plots. THC doesn’t have big stars but the writing is good and the writers are able to develop Tavia and Kenneth’s relationship and characters to the max besides giving room for the new artistes to introduce their fresh faces.

      1. For example, without many concurrent storylines THC was able to give the whole episode 19 to talk about Kenneth, Tavia and the evil third party Mandy. If the series has too many leads, there will be complaints that some other leads don’t much screentime compared to others and so on

      2. Agreed. I love the cast they have in THC… I think they’re like the newbies if I’m not correct… TVB should promote them! Especially Nathan, who portrayed the character of Kenneth’s brother, did really well.

  7. aww what a shame tht they can’t be in this drama. it’d have been interesting to see bosco with myolie and to have some of my most favorite actors and actresses all in one drama.

  8. The thing with a large cast is limited screen time for everyone. Well, except the main actor and actress. So, if Francis and Chilam are both in it, then the rest are supporting. Same if Flora joins – Flora, Myolie, and maybe Fala will be fighting for first female lead. Kate and them will probably be supporting.

    A star-studded cast reminds me of CBWH, SOH, etc. days, but it will only work if the script is well-written. It will backfire if the script is poor.

    1. i’m hoping the award last year secured myolie as the guarantee lead and maybe out of respect, blur the role a little with flora. i guess it really depends whether tvb is desperate to have flora back or not. her last series with tvb wasn’t too good. i actually want her to stick with bowie at the other company.

  9. Just assume this series will be “low quality” so we will not be disappointed when watching it.

    In 2010 and 2011 I did not see any really good series from TVB. I could say 1 or 2 were okay but good, nah.

    1. 2012 not bad. BP and THC are great series. Good pacing and storyline.

  10. Nah, I would rather not see Raymond as a cameo. I’d rather he spend time on working on his main leading roles/concerts/movies instead of wasting a day to appear onscreen for a few minutes.

    1. LF will be making 2 movies and will be busy. ROFL I doubt he will have time to be cameo.

      1. Actually he has 2 movies 2 album 1 china series and at least 3 concerts ahead. I doubt he can, too.

      2. Raymond is having a much better life out of TVB, filming movies, making albums and concerts and filming mainland series. Besides he already filmed his one series requirement for this year.

      3. forgot this so yeap 2 movies and 1 mainland series for LF not counting the 3 concerts and 2 album. This sounds like a good year.

    2. I think they and Txb dun find it is neccessary to have them as cameo.

  11. Ron might not take part, too. Rumour tat Fala also won’t. For LF and Bosco they said no for a long while. Like Chilam LF said Txb hired him to film the sale clip and he was free sp he agreed and it doesnt mean he will film actualseries. Bosco is sure to enjoy the new invitation because it seems to be a bigger change to him.

    I only wonder when this one can be filmed. It delayed at least 6 times.

    1. It’s confirmed to be filmed in May or June. Ron, Myolie, Fala and Kate are the first ones to confirm. There were never any rumours about Ron not participating. There was one Fala but it was just another gossip.

      1. According to some sources, the filming time is delayed again, to July or August because of the matter from HK Airport.

      2. What about Kenneth? I think he was confirmed too, right? Unless they changed it around again.

      3. I think he is confirmed. He is the person I cared the less in TITS 1 so his appearance in TITS 2 dun take my attention. But I think he is confirmed and lol said so, so let’s say that MM is confirmed.

  12. It doesn’t matter that Ray and Bosco are out IF they manage to sign Francis and Chilam so perhaps this is an indication that the negotiations are going well?

    I would really like a Siu Sang (or Fa Dan!) ensemble series – isn’t the latest one The Four? Not a roaring success, but I wish more TVB shows would be about friendships over endless love triangles or family feuds over money.

    So far TITS can go either way, but hoping for the best.

    1. Francis is already confirmed and since this article comes out there must be some good results from negotiations with Chilam.

      I hope the best for TITS too. It’s a classic.

      1. I don’t really want The Four 2 but I wanna see pretty Mo Ching again :P.

    2. Agreed. TVB should make a small production but with many Siu Sangs and Fa Dans…. Possibly something like THC but with more Siu Sang Fa Dans?

  13. TVB get the script the right, does matter about the cast..

  14. Where are you exoidus? ROFL Linda is demoted this year. She’s nowhere in any TVB big series LOL.

    Myolie: GJ2, TITS2
    Kate: FC, TITS2
    Fala: TITS2
    Tavia: THC, PF

    Linda: many series but nothing big LOL
    -L’Escargot she acted like lunatic and not big drama
    -DGD typical cute family comedy
    -seires with Bobby and Myolie silly comedy
    -Miss Koo series? What happen to this LKH series? Budget so little never got attention ROFL

    1. I agree Vivien! This year doesn’t seem to be a big year for Linda – not that many interesting or challenging roles to look forward to and her series which she has lined up are pretty low budget.

      IMO she’s just a one hit wonder – Miss Koo. The thing with Linda, her appearance, her voice and her personality, she’s not a versatile actress and she keeps on playing the same character over and over again. She’s a boring and un-interesting actress.

    2. So far, I don’t think Linda won’t stand for a chance. Who can say that Miss Koo can make big last year prior to the actual airing? Big series dun equal to successful now then still have chance for the all above fails and Linda wins. Up to the rating.

  15. i wish more to fung in china series rather than in TVB

      1. He is filming a China series now. More money for him.

      2. Nope, he is filming a Txb series :P. The China series is in Sep.

    1. Is the China series that he will be filming,third instalment
      of Ad Mania or it will be totally new series?

      1. No idea and no info. Only know in Sep he’ll go to China

  16. i wanted to see this series with bosco and raymond! it would of been the best cast but oh well!

  17. Better for Bosco and Raymond to pull out because there’s just already too many ppl in this series and there’s bound to be conflict, and difficulty in spreading out equal screentime. To be honest, no matter how you write the storyline, some ppl will lose out. It’s not like 40 episodes, 8 leads, therefore an average 5 episodes per person. that equals to 200min per person. There’s gonna be a main major plotline and other subplots will evolve around it.

    Francis, Chilam, Ron, Kenneth. Francis and Chilam are the big guns here. TVB practically had to negotiate very hard and pay alot to get these outsiders to participate in TITS2, so I doubt they will reduce their screentime. Besides, them 2 will be the main attraction to this series. Ron and Kenneth will be demoted to supporting acts.

    The girls. Fala, Myolie, Kate, Rebecca Zhu. Kate and Rebecca will most likely be demoted to supporting acts, Kate usually do these roles in the big series and she will never lead over Myolie and Fala. The fight for first female lead will be Fala and Myolie.

    Forgot about Flora. I just feel it will be an offence to Flora if TVB is gonna invite her to film, but her role is useless in the background. Because Flora after all, was one of the original FADANS and it just feels weird, sad and disappointing if they put Myolie above Flora. If that’s the case, I rather Flora not film it! I remember Francis had a really good relationship/friendship with Flora after they met on set of TITS, so maybe he will push Flora to be the first female lead?? Coz if Flora is the first female lead, then Fala and Myolie won’t be that angry since Flora is ‘veteran’ but if either Myolie or Fala leads, then one of them will get upset for sure. IMO.

    1. Flora is likely to come back filming for TVB in second half of this year based on his interviews, but actually beside TITS there are also a few other small series being planned.

    2. Skye Yeung joined. Now we has Fala Myolie Kate Rebecca and Skye.

      1. Who the heck is Skye Yeung? Skye Chan? If this girl join she will only be a small part LOL

      2. Skye Chan, sorry. I mistaken her name to her surname :P.

      3. lol well if Skye Chan is joining, she will only be supporting, below that of Kate Tsui.

    3. I doubt Fala would lead over Myolie, and I doubt Fala would be upset about it. In “In the Eye of the Beholder”, Fala was a supporting role to Myolie, and Myolie won Best Actress just last year. Myolie’s been leading for a while and in grand productions (No Regrets, HOG I&II) Fala is always supporting. In this, I can imagine Fala as second female lead, though since it’s full of fadans.

    4. Yeah it would be so weird if TVB put a TV Queen as a minor role however if they put an “ex” fadan lower than someone like Myolie or Kate, that would be equally weird…

      TVB should either have ALL the fadans and siu sangs in one drama with no “oldies” (no offense) or have all the oldies come back (eg. Damian Lau, Francis Ng, Flora Chan… and maybe the TITS original cast)… 🙂 That would be an interesting drama to watch 😀

  18. Haha. f*** Rebecca Zhu can’t even speak cantonese properly. How the f*** is she gonna cover her $$$?

    1. Agreed. LOL or she will be dubbed to cover her sux mando

    2. Well Fala’s cantonese isnt that great either she still has an accent and her speaking lag is hella annoying IMO

  19. Vivien ah, im not angry nor dissapointed. I actually prefer Linda playing lead in a small budget production as she can have more screentime to showcase her acting skills. Her crying skills is among the very best among the fadans only rivaled by TY.

    I love her performance in AJCL and she was bad as Elise in TGOL. I believe in her acting skills i.e. she doesn’t need a big budget series to shine unlike other fadans.

    Sure winning an award will prolly increase her market value, but let’s be realistic the TVB award is a big joke a piece of junk metal/plastic, haha. She is not desperate and won’t go into deep depression if she can’t win.

    Lastly, I predict TITS 2 to be a big failure as people have high expectations. It will hurt when they fall back to the ground 🙂 Def. a pass for me as I can’t stand sausage sister and desperate award winner…

    1. ROFL “sausage sister and desperate award winner”. That means you can stand Fala and her lookalike? LOL 😛

      1. Im indifferent towards the “clone”. The original, although lack of acting skills is still a pretty vase, LOL

    2. Are you sure she isn’t desperate for an award :P? The deepest depression if can’t win I’ve seen is Ha Yu with the comment that he did stay in house 3 days for mourning of how he didn’t win in 2007, but before he said this, nobody did know how desperate he is. So maybe Linda will say something about the award that can make you surprise next time.

      Linda, now only have the crying skill (and I think she is a bit better for this than TY now) and is overusing it. Cry and cry, time and time. Watever, she is good at this so keep going.

      1. Are you sure she is? Obviously I can only base my opinion on information known to the public and nothing indicates that she is desperate like “desperate winner”.

        Linda only has crying skills? If so I really question what other fadans got especially sausage sister besides being intimate with co-stars…

      2. Anything can happen, didn’t you say that?

        All of them only have one thing to provide. Equal result.

      3. LOL Miss Koo get popular because that crying scene only but the trick won’t work the second time. Linda will just get boring.

      4. I think Kate & Fala good in villain role. Linda good in sweet innocent role. Each of them have own weaknesses in playing another role such as Kate sweet role , Fala funny role , Linda villain role. Myolie good in comedic role but not in emotional type role as for Tavia she best in emotion role but not in villian role.

      5. Myolie is good in Survivor law. She isn’t the pretty type so she can’t do the fragile girl role.

      6. I agree with Fox. Myolie was good in Survivors Law. In fact she aced all he lawyer roles in all 3 times

  20. Sorry, didn’t get a chance to read all the comments. Just wanted to say that I am worried about the quality of this sequel. There seems to be too many uncertainties. I have a bad feeling that the script will be compromised in the long run in order to accommodate the ever shifting cast.

    1. I think its a disaster from the start. TVB is unprepared. Its been delayed, delayed, delayed… I dont see TVB plan to air in 2012.

      1. If LOO can be released rite after the filming period, this one also can.

      2. Triumph In The Skies I took almost a year to edit and put to TV. Then there’s TVB staffing issues, right now. I really doubt this “sequel” will be on tv in 2012.

      3. It is up to Txb. Nowaday they dun really care for the quality.

      4. Yeah, they are ready when they put it on tv… any moment now….. nope.

  21. don’t really care about Raymond, but i tend to prefer original cast, which Bosco was one of them. i liked S4…to bad no more Sammul too, but least there’s Ron and Kenneth. between Francis and Chilam, i’ll choose Francis, though i like them both. but Francis was really the one who made the original TITS worth watching. would like to see Francis and Ron as brothers again.

    as for the girls…i’m Myolie’s fan, so yay for her being in this, although i did found her Zoe character to be a bit annoying. if she acts as Zoe again, i hope she’ll mature up lol. i wouldn’t mind if Flora joined, but her Belle character was even more annoying haha. i am not looking forward to Rebecca Zhu however. i’m fine with Kate and Fala, but would prefer Nancy to have a role since she was in original TITS and is a better actress than Kate and Fala IMO.

  22. i was looking forward to the drama with raymond and bosco working together again. and to see bosco and myolie working 🙂 but i am happy that kenneth will be there and i want to see francis and chilam

  23. With Raymond and Bosco gone, this grand production seems to be getting weaker and weaker. I was looking forward to seeing Bosco and Kate pair up again.

    1. Francis and Chilam aren’t weak at all to replace RaymondBosco.

      1. I think ChiLam has pulled out from filming the sequel if i’m not mistaken..

        So far only Francis and Ron Ng the male lead are confirmed.

      2. Chilam hasn’t confirmed so his status is still open until confirmation comes.

      3. I have also read news about Kenneth’s confirmation before but I forgot which news, but even in this article above Kenneth is responding like a confirmed cast.

      4. The featuring of MM in TITS2 isn’t a big deal to me. He will be in this one, or not, I don’t care as I even can’t recall how he was in TITS. All I can rmb is that he was a person in S4 and that’s all.

    2. I would’ve really enjoyed watching a “new” S4… Maybe LF, Ron, Bosco and Kenneth would’ve been good.. All the TVB hotties in one drama 😉 I was looking forward into seeing Bosco in a pilot outfit haha 😀

  24. eakjhnflaeihfnlfihbd stop putting your favourtie fadans in everything goddamit.

    omg kate… what the hell

    if only michelle and sammul would come back 🙁

    1. but actually, lets just be happy that they are free from tvb’s clutches.

      it was such a smart idea for michelle to leave just as she was at fadan status.

      1. I still think that Michelle went a bit too soon. However, she is good now. It is a nice thing through.

  25. No… I was looking forward to Bosco and Kate pairing up together. Don’t you all get so anticipated about most TVB sales presentation and then some of the casts in the sales presentation don’t make an appearance? It kind of disappoints me at first but then I notice that sometimes its a good thing but I can’t explain it :p Looking forward to Kate,Myokie and the rest of the confirmed cast!

    1. Sale clip won’t 100% correct with the actual series, it is a rule in Txb world. Sometimes even the genre is changed.

  26. Well the original cast cannot always be in the sequels and plus, it is good to give others a chance anyways.

  27. Well girls kate pouting gold fish lips is good in bed i was told she admitted having good sex. Hence she got pao by man is true. She has that beechie look.

  28. If you’re going to be strict about the copyright stuff, you should also properly cite your sources.

  29. why so many negatives comments about Kate? i love Kate and i was really looking forward to bosco and her pairing up again. maybe kate will get to pair up with kenneth or francis 😀

    1. KATE AND FRANCIS?!??!?!?! Myolie pulled it off pretty well back in TITS1… but i dont think Kate can pull it off when Francis is like… 50 now.. :\

  30. Dunno why I’m glad that bOSCO didn’t participate in this series just because his opposite co-star will be Kate? I’m not a kate’s hater but i just dislike the bosco+ kate pairing only lol.. Would like to see Kate pairing Kenneth though..

    1. …on the contrary..I love both BoscoxKate pairing in Don Juan Demercado and LOO – a lot..:D..heheh..I also love Bosco+Kate first collaboration in TPOG..hehehe

    2. I dun wanna see Kate and MM. I actually dun like them together in Sound of silence. In La femme desperando they are ok but not Sos.

      1. Many people like Kenneth and Tavia pair now. Let’s hope Kate won’t get bombarded by fans of other actress when she pair with Kenneth 🙂

      2. Kate did get bombarded for times from someone’s fans, so even if they pair up, there isn’t a matter. But I did hope they won’t. Basically I don’t think they look matchy.

  31. I love Myolie but cant stand her original character, hope they change it a little- that character was most annoying!!!!

    She’s best in more comical roles.

    1. TVB shouldn’t give Myolie any crying scene or else, her gawn face will surfaces. Yeah agree with you that Myolie is suitable for comedy role.

    2. Zoe wasn’t the crying type. She is quite youngful and somehow adorable. I like her more than Belle.

      1. Ia. Zoe is a lot more likeable than Belle. Belle annoyed me throughout TITS

  32. kate is a movies actress beside a tvb actress ,why some many hates of her?
    Rarmond are a rich boy ,how many money tvb can offer him to film in this drama ,he future bilionlaire .
    why not hire ekin cheng and louis koo to film this drama if francis and julian don’t wantbto film it .
    well myolie can take a comical role in this drama and kenneth shall start in this drama

    1. PAY those actors at movie salary if they want to join them in….. which I doubt.

  33. it’s a shame that rayond is not in this, haven’t seen him on series for ages!

    1. Seriously Raymond had sort of run into REAL BAD LUCK lately!!!
      All his latest series sucks!
      Wonder why.
      So sad!

      1. Because his movie and albums last year blomssomed. Must have the balance.

  34. Oh damm it no Bosco! That’s just suck!
    Oh come one Chilam n Francis just agree to it already hehe please! Hope they have good looking new S4, hope Him Him is one of them haha

      1. i like Mc Jin as a singer but don’t really like his acting

    1. LMAO !!
      bhahahha, kiddings xD
      L – Laugh
      M – My
      A – Ass
      O – Off
      LMAO xD

  35. with raymond lam out of the cast I am really looking forward for Francis and Myolie to pair up with each other again like triumph in the skies 1

  36. They should put tavia, myolie, linda, fala, ron, chilam, lam fung and micheal miu on list.great cast

  37. That just totally sucks. no raymond lam and no bosco wong? I was so looking forward to this!! Raymond lam is like my baby, i love him ! a drama is just totally spoiled without Raymond </3.

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