Raymond Lam and Karena Ng Frolicked on Airplane

Raymond Lam (林峯) is absolutely smitten with his new girlfriend, Karena Ng (吳千語). The couple may be fourteen long years apart, but that does not stop their young and blossoming love from spiraling at all angles!
The hot new couple has toured around Tokyo, Okinawa, and Milan in the last month. After 19 days of shopping and sleeping, it is finally time to return to Hong Kong and head back to reality. On the morning of February 28, Raymond and Karena stepped off from their Cathay Pacific flight and arrived at the Hong Kong International Airport.
Paid $1.5 million HKD in Designer Bags
According to Hong Kong’s Oriental Sunday, Raymond and Karena’s romantic Italian getaway was originally intended for Raymond, who majored in architecture during university, to educate Karena in Roman cathedrals and ancient structures. However, the big trip ended up with Raymond having to fork out over $1.5 million HKD in designer purses and clothes. Before leaving for Hong Kong, Raymond and Karena stopped by the La Rinascente, an upscale department store located strategically by the Duomo of Milan. In the Hermès store, Raymond paid a deposit for five Birkin bags that cost over $1.5 million HKD in total.
Raymond obviously does not mind spending a fortune for Karena, as he allegedly rented two mid-level luxury apartments that cost over $170,000 HKD per month for Karena and her family. Raymond also gifted Karena with a “black card” – the prestigious American Express Centurion Card.
Upon arriving at the Malpensa Airport of Milan, Karena herself went to purchase a set of sunglasses and a Hermès wallet before boarding their flight.
Raymond also kept Karena within his sights during their 13-hour flight back to Hong Kong. Oriental Sunday reported that as soon as the couple boarded in the business class, Karena fell asleep. Raymond sat quietly on his seat for the next hour and watched a film, occasionally taking glances at Karena while she slept.
When Karena woke up, she ordered some noodles and watched a film. As tastily reported by Oriental Sunday, Raymond went over to Karena’s seat and wrapped his arms around her and tried to kiss her while Karena pretended to struggle away from his grasp. A few moments later, Raymond kissed Karena passionately and went back to his seat to sleep.
Karena’s Response
Karena responded to Oriental Sunday’s report yesterday at a public function. “That day, I fell asleep once I boarded the plane. When we were up in the air, [Raymond] came to me and tried to cover me with my blanket. I was half-asleep so it startled me. I thought it was a sweet moment. I don’t know why the tabloids had to distort it so much!”
Pointing out that the tabloids also claimed that they were making out, Karena clarified, “It did not happen. He did kiss me, but it was just on the cheeks, and not in the way everyone thinks!”
Karena also praised Raymond for being a thoughtful boyfriend and not an “antsy” partner like the tabloids had described.
Source: 21CN.com, ifeng.com, On.cc
This article is written by Addy for JayneStars.com.
They’re bf/gf, there’s nothing wrong with some PDA.
I agree… And why does Karena make it sound like it’s a bad thing to make out, particular that last sentence “It’s not what everyone thinks” .. It’s really not a big deal if they did.
could all these be made up? Spending so much on luxury items really tell a person’s character, in a way.
Yup, spending so much on just materialistic things really tell a lot about a person’s character.
those can be make up story too…reporter need to create something to write this date…can they left Raymond and Karena alone…
Why? RL can afford it. But it’s probably made up. The HK tabloids are not known for accuracy.
So what if they did make out..they’re couple. Thats normal..!!
agree…kissing and hugging is normal for a dating couple!
even more then kissing and hugging ARE normal for dating couple
PDA in public is just GHETTO and tasteless. We all know they are dating and do more than just kissing but do we really want to see the graphic details? Hell no!!! I don’t know about you but that’s just distasteful.
What we call “not classy”.
what? they cant afford first class?
exactly…if they can spend so much on “bags”…they would have do first class???
but then the reporter will talk about that “oh…they did first class…spend too much $…..”
Suddenly pity to both Karena & LF.
Just hope the stupid media will stop all these rumours and let them alone.
From the news I read bout them, they seems to be happily together and LF seems to be a good bf
Wish them all the best
agree…dating is nothing wrong…they both are single…yea…they have age different…but so what…let they deal with it…
If it’s article is true then Raymond really loves Karena and spoils her. What is a lucky girl!
I think it’s sweet that Raymond is spoiling her, but if she really loves him, I doubt she would want him to spend so much on materialistic things.
I agree that if she really loves him, she would not want him to spend so much money on all of these materialistic things.Also, IF what this article said is true then speculations of her going after his money are just going to increase and the media will paint an image of her being a gold digger.
i did not see a recipt of the purchase…i will not trust all the detail…
I agree that, she is materialistic.
well, we don’t know for sure if all the hermes bags were for her.. he could have bought them for friends and relatives as well… i mean who buys 5 hermes bags at one go?
well if you have the money, why not 5 in one go?
Jen, my very rich niece does. When she went to Japan.
Wow, that is a very bad picture of Karena and she looks very scary because her face looks distorted!!
Yup, you are right! She doesn’t look like
she is 19 years old.
You’re right. She has a major Leno chin…yikes!
She hit the jackpot
Yeah ….hit a jackpot without paying taxes, lucky girl !
Translation error: the two houses costs 170K NOT 1.7M per month.
Not sure how much of this report is true in terms of all the lavish gifting but that is certainly more than she needs at her age. A complimentary credit card? Designer handbags? Luxury apartments? Smells like a gold digger to me. I really do want to give her the benefit of the doubt but so far she’s rubbing me the wrong way.
I agreed. But what girl wouldn’t like 5 hermes? Dispite how much she love RL…girls now a days are just very much into things. If RL doesn’t see it or care cause he’s got the money then who cares. I think she looks cute and different compared to many hk girls. Her popularity will only raise from now on…even if she doesn’t love Ray she should continue to please him due to his status and fortune. Good luck
I am a girl but don’t care for Hermes stuff, LV, Gucci or any of the really expensive brand name stuff and still do not understand why so many women are crazy for it. I admit that I do like some brand name stuff but only if I can get it for a good price, however if not then it is not worth it at all.
I think it has to do more with the fact girls with the opportunity to buy and spend, they would obviously do so. But if it was out of their own pockets, they would be less reluctant.
It really depends and I can’t speak for everyone but in my personal case, I don’t like or care for Hermes,LV,Gucci,etc.. at all so even IF I did have the money, I would not get that stuff because it is a big waste of money. Also, I would NOT take a advantage of any guy to buy those things for me because I would feel guilty. I prefer to buy things myself because I worked for it rather than make my boyfriend/husband to buy it for me. That is just not right.. Some things are ok, but if it is too much or too many, that is not good since everyone works hard for their money through their blood and sweat. Wouldn’t some girls feel guilty for spending so much of it on just material things that are sooo expensive and well wasteful???
I think it has to do with the situation people are in. I have met many professionals and people in this world. I am going to speak on the people who marry into a very well-off in this particular case. Those who married rich or found themselves a rich potential partner, meaning they were somewhere in the low-middle class prior to these events, are spending without limits. Why? Because it’s the situation they’re in now. They no longer need to scrap around a few pennies, think about saving that couple of dollars etc. That’s just how it is.
I understand where you’re coming from. I, myself, do not have a feel for these brands but will once in a while gift myself or have my husband buy it as a treat. But I also wouldn’t raise a brow or speculate to no end if anyone who spends or tells their significant other to spend if he/she is able to provide. There is nothing to feel bad since
1) The man isn’t in any financial instability
2) The man is willing to spend
3) He is wealthy
I get what you are saying but there are still people who refuse to live the high life and spend money on material items that cost a fortune even if they did have the money. For example, one of my mom’s friends has a son who is a millionaire and they came from a humble background. But my mom’s friends still live a normal life and don’t like to live a high life with luxuries even if their son is more than happy to provide it all for them. But it is true that some seem to forget their hard times and just spend and spend if they have the money to.
I also wonder why girls don’t buy something or do things for their husband/boyfriend but instead just want and want from him… I just think that is so unfair and gives women a bad reputation of being materialistic and greedy. I don’t believe all women are like that but it is true that many are… I agree with you that it is ok to indulge once in awhile but not all the time…
I also wanted to add that I am influenced by my parents since they always raise an eyebrow when people spend or their sense “waste” money on all of these material items when others are out there suffering. My mom says all that money can go to helping someone in need or a good cause instead. Just because a guy is able to provide or is willing to does not mean that the girl has to take advantage of it.
I agree with you. There are countless ways for rich people to contribute back to the community and society. However, the thing is, who are we to say what people should do or not do? Instead, why not focus more on what we as individuals can do to help those in need? I mean, there is always going to be people who aren’t as ‘wise’ with their money, but what can we do? Continue to judge them? Well, that’s only going to stir more chaos in this world.
Oh my, typed the wrong e-mail. Haha.
How come her picture become worst and worst. She look matured for 18 years old. Wonder how she look like by the time she is 28.
Well, with three trips to expensive holiday destination in one month, look like they are hot hot hot in love.
Good match, one still so young and want to have fun. And Ray want to have all of the fun He missed those year. I guess He feel like just being release from Jail. Freeeddooommmm. I can hold her hand and I can smooch smooch smack her all I want in anywhere I want. In away , happy for them. Enjoy your Freedom Ray!.
she has a fugly jaw… seriously… wtf hk… show some quality girls instead…
She looks like YOONA from sSNSD but not as cute. Haha oh well … he seems to be more of a father to her than anything. She’s uneducated, how do you expect her to be interested in architecture?
There’s nothing wrong with a little PDA, she should of just own up to it & say “yes, he kissed me & it felt great” :)…that will stop the reporter from asking more stupid questions. As for the expensive gifts, it’s not entirely her fault if he’s willing to pay for them.
Really bad pix of her. Look like a guy. Hahaha I thought when ur I love, ur face glows.
Please no more dum dum news about them. It’s not news anymore.
Lucky girl. That’s all I have to say.
Just wondering how the reporter managed to know what flight they would be in and got a seat close to them. Scary.
I haven’t read the original source, but maybe they got the pictures from other people on the plane.
Both of them have really prominent shrimp -dumpling chins.
HAHA. I bet they have shrimp-dumplings every night!!!!
I find offense with this article in the sense of what it is implying
1. she is materialistic
2. he is indulging her in exchange of something she obviously gave him
3. she struggled away from his kiss as if she doesn’t want to but he wants to and so he is forcing her
4. he looks tenderly at him, kissing in place, implying passion and a certain recklesness
5. he is paying for her entire family’s expenses and thus
a. he is serious about her
b. she has to give in to him
I do feel Ray’s heart is lost to her already. Not sure yeah or not yeah. But wow, HKD500k turned into HKD2m trip.. told ya it is not that cheap.
Give and take.
And yes, I do feel he is pampering her too much. How many months into relationship and already how many trips, how many bags, how much the cost. Of course it could be he is indulging her, she doesn’t want those.
I feel like it’s really no one’s business what they buy or what they do on holiday. It’s quite scary if all you want to do is vacation in Milan and there are paparazzi following you ever and reporting on your luxury purchases and what you do on the plane. scary!
She looks odd. Kinda like a female version of Raymond but hey, Raymond’s rocking with the chin.
Ew, she’s hella ugly.
She lOoks like a dude. Lmfaoooo!!!
I think she generally looks ok but in that pix above, she scares me…
I mean it seems he is more in love with her than she is with him
Seems like a publicity stunt so Raymond can recreate the false illusion that he is good man, prince charming, etc because of what happened with Mavis Pan (?). You don’t go from being all secretive with every single past relationship you have ever had to FULL-ON PDA. Some things are just part of your personality.
if a movie with karena and raymond suddenly come out within the next 2-3 months i think this public relationship is most likely a publicity stunt to promote raymond as the boyfriend who’s willing to spend fortunes on the girlfriend and to make karena a household name.
face it, their progress is exactly like moses and aimee overly pda. moses and raymond used to be very secretive with their past relationship, but suddenly in this new relationship the revealation escalate quickly from secretive to overly publicizing.
Maybe because his conduct with Mavis backfired, so he’s trying a different approach this time? But yeah, you do have a point that he’s going from one extreme to the other, so I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s some PR strategy behind this.
While a lot of older people will find his lavishing excessive and off-putting, his young female fanbase will find it oh-so-romantic. It will certainly repair the damage done to his Prince Charming image.
Do you forget a fact that they are from different companies? If for PR, maybe he should get a Txb girl like Moses-Aimee who are both from Txb in order to gain common benefit back to company. They have never appeared as couple in functions so cant gain more money from the couple image. Even in common movie they dun act couple.
Or maybe, he is just tired of hiding. Afterall, he would not want a repeat of an ex-gf springing some pr-disaster-worthy surprise on him (a la Mavis pan) when the relationship is over.
she reminds me of that annoying chick in Reality Check, you know the one got got frogs thrown at her head, always pestering her boyfriend to buy her materialistic things. and oh course she’s gonna deny it, “oh im so down to earth, i don’t need hermes, gucci, LV, chanel”.
Sorry, she looks like a dude! Bwahahaha
Let’s just sit back and watch. This honeymoon phase won’t last. I thought they got married in Okinawa? If so, what’s wrong with him splurging on her. What’s his is hers and what’s hers is his.
Wow. It’s really sweet of Raymond to shower his gf with such lavish gifts. He seems to love spoiling her and treating her well. I can imagine that it is his own free will to want to spend this kind of money. I mean, it’s not like he cannot afford it. It would be a totally different ball game if he was making much less cash. It’s really their business if he wants to spend his money on her and no one else’s. how do we know if she has insisted for him not to but he buys and spends regardless? It’s not our place to judge karena, whether she is worth the money spent or not. My gosh, how judgemental can you be when you don’t know what these two love birds go through to get to this point in their relationship? Obviously, Raymond thinks she’s worth it so all those being so cynical and skeptical of their love for one another should hold their tongues.
She looks Thai… Like a Thai transvestite. They have many there…
Hmmm never think she is pretty wonder why article say heritage look
I saw her pic first time she really looks like Bollywood actress you know what I mean
Really good look feel Linda
I am not against her just what I think abt her
Some guys thinks materialistic things can buy their way through love, how shallow is that? People shouldn’t judge how materialistic karena is, Raymond lam is the one showering her with all these materialistic things. If he truly cared about how the general public is going to perceive karena he shouldn’t be so materialistic with her. From this point on no matter what karena wears or buys people will judge her and say she got it all fom Raymond Lam. Even if she paid it with her own money people wouldn’t believe her and call her a golddigger.
You strike the key point: Even if she buys it herself, ppl will still say like he bought them for her. Can’t help or do anything, just live a life as normal, do things they often do.
It isn’t like it’s the very first time Karena has a brand stuff. Before, in the promotion for Love is… pyjamas (before they started), she already used a LV bag. She can afford a LV bag before, why not now? And even if he bought things for her, what’s wrong with it?
Why don’t blame the media to be too nosy to watch they do? Their money, they use it.
Eh, actually LV isn’t that expensive. It’s considered the low-mid level luxury brand and mostly an executive can buy one with 1-2 months of salary. Hermes, on the other hand is on top of the luxury price tag.
I’m not saying that Karena is a gold digger, but saying that there’s a huge difference owning a LV vs Hermes. No one hardly give a second impressed glance at a girl holding a LV bag.
p.s. What I mean is if Karena walks out with a Hermes (a Birkin, no less), naturally people will assume it’s gift from Raymond/sponsors since she mostly likely can’t afford with her current earning and lifestyle.
The article said that she bought LV, Gucci, Channel and Hermes bags. She hold a LV one means she already used brand bags before dating him. And why her salary cant afford the bags? She acted in 4-5 movies each year, few Chinese series where she is lead. Assuming income, she might get 2-4 mil a year. The Hermes bags are counted by reporters of 500k if I rmb rite. If she wants trendy things, even without him, she can buy them herself. And even if her bf bought for her, is it that so wrong?
But its rite that ppl will see watever she holds as his gift because he is richer. Somehow remind me of Joel Chan and Florinda Ho. Although Joel himself comes from a rich family, ppl still call him eating soft rice. But they are going to get married.
I remember the press made a big deal when Bernice Liu and Wayne Lai’s wife were seen carrying Hermes Birkin bags too. Bernice was spotted on a date with Alastair Lam and she was drilled whether he had given her the bag.
So the lesson to stars: never hold/buy a Birkin one! It is cursed.
Fox, Karena may have acted in a few movies/commercials but let’s be realistic, her star power does not command earnings to buy multitude of luxury brands especially Hermes bags, which is known as ultra expensive and exclusive. She also need to take care of her family financially. I wouldn’t think she will splurge all her earnings on luxury items, no? On the other hand, no big deal carrying an LV or Gucci, no one bother raising an eyebrow because it’s so common nowadays.
Jayne, depending on the materials, a Birkin can cost as much as a luxury vehicle, and some case a small apartment. I’m not as into branded bags as some of my peers though because I prefer spending on gadgets rather than dead crocodile skin.
I don’t know much abt luxury goods but hermes birkin? I heard it is very very expensive. Hermes as in those scarves in Devil Wears Prada?
@sehseh: She claimed that her parents dun need her to support for the lifestyle. The reporters say otherwise but we don’t know who is more correct it this. LF said that her family background is good/wealthy (which I blv him because his taste is girls with good/wealthy family background).
But I feel a little curious, if Karena bought a lot of Birkin bags like stated, why in the two recent functions, she dun hold one? Where are these bags?
Fox, I didn’t comment on the validity whether Ray did bought her so many Hermes bag (he might also purchased for his mum & sister). I
‘m just saying that for definite that people will assume it’s purchased by Raymond (if she brings out a Hermes, especially a Birkin). You can’t blame people for making such assumption because she cannot afford so many luxury goods with her current earning power. Owning an LV to justify is like comparing a Toyota with Bentley/Rolls Royce.
That cheap? I saw a LV bag in Geneva and its price is quite similar to the one in the Hermes shop next to it. I’m not into the brand bags but I took a look for curious. I dun noe which LV bags you are mentioned, but the LV ones in shops I saw weren’t cheap at all.
I also said that same thing that ppl will assume that he bought all for her, but saying that she can afford things herself as well. Most of commenters here are fans of Txb and TV series, so to them Karena isn’t famous. Yup, she is just in the start of her career, but her career is quite good. In HK, I’ve seen 3-4 products with her image (spokenperson). Like I dun really know of Tong mui but she is truly famous in HK. So I guess it isn’t that hard even if she bought all herself. However, ppl still think he bought for her. I don’t think it’s so wrong to buy gifts for girlfriend, expensive but still means nothing to him, who can earned about 20 mil per year.
I never said LV is cheap, but they are considered low-mid tiered in terms of pricing but marketing wise, one of the most popular luxury brand. Hermes is the undisputed top in terms of pricing and exclusivity. You can see many people owning LV, but in comparison not many can own a Hermes.
By the way, ‘cheap’ luxury brand will be considered Coach
I wouldn’t even consider Coach as a luxury brand anymore. It’s value dropped significantly in the market.
LV is not as expensive people think it to be. It’s indeed a popular luxury brand, but it can’t be compared to the likes of Hermes, Dior, Versace etc.
Wow, I’m having some Dior stuffs and I dun noe that it’s that expensive of a brand :D. I just use because it suits me.
Crystal, you’re right. Don’t bother spend $$ on Coach bags
I’ve seen friends buying a luggage full of them from their shopping trip in US. No value.
Fox, well it depends on the quality of the handbags. Unless you are talking about accessories and makeup, which is pretty common to own, including myself.
Wow, you guys must really be into brand names to know about it all so well. I personally am not but only got a few Coach stuff from Ebay for a good price, but that’s it… I don’t get what is so great about LV,Gucci,etc.. I personally think they are not only a waste of money but are ugly too. But that’s just my personal opinion so no offense to anyone who likes those brand names.
Not everyone can buy a Birkin bag, even if you have a truck loads of cash. Only exclusive people, with certain status, image, professional success can buy it. There is a waiting list, but whether you get through that list or not depends on who you are or who you know.
Coach, LV, Prada, Miu Miu… It’s so affordable, so pedestrian compared to a Birkin.
I am not sure where Prada stands now. Because some people say its higher than LV, others say its the same. But last I checked, value wise, its higher than LV.
Crystal, in my view, and i might be wrong, Prada is better from design perspective. Also since Francois Delage left LV, their branding and approach in Asia is probably not getting them the recognition of a top notch luxury goods brand, it’s still popular nonetheless.
I must say Prada beats LV by a mile in terms of design. Any LV nazi out there, don’t hurt me.
And yes, LV is still pretty popular and marketable!
Oh very good Crystal… LV lover/ nazi, please don’t hate me. I love Prada, for now, because if the designs deteriorate, I’ll switch!
sorry to say this, i know i’m not a good looker but this girl is not pretty at all. so much for an ugly gold digger. is raymond spelled bound or he is basically blind and pure stupid. i am a raymond lam fan but these few years he is so disappointing in his choices of girlfriend. an idol i used to look up to because of his work and his image.
Nahhhh…. youth is on her side. When a woman has youth, slim figure and a normal face without any handicap, she is the creme of the crop. That is quite a reality. She does look older than her actual age but perhaps Raymond ages her?
yeah i agree.
Agree that she’s not a looker her facial features looks idk………..Errrrmmmm like a man LOL……….
The keyword: rich.
Rich people spend and they love spending on people who they care for. As for the girl, the mentality changes. She has a rich boyfriend, who wouldnt give in the temptation. I laugh at all those who talk about ‘if she really loves him, gifts dont matter’ well you see you guys probably will never bag a guy THAT rich so you wouldnt know.
To be materialistic is part of a girl’s nature. Let alone be materialistic with a bf who is a millionaire?
well said, couldn’t have said it better myself. i dont really watch asian movies must tvb series, so i have no idea who she is. for those who thinks she is too young blab blab, she must be thinking like i care. haaha i am seriously, she is not that popular YET n she hooks up w/this 2nd generation rich dude like she will act all innocent w/i dont need any of your money.
Yup. Then we have those who start judging e.g. raymond isnt smart, karena is dumb blah blah. Like really? Sound like a bunch of bums gathering and looking at the rich in awe.
The social hierarchy of this world is exactly this. The rich spends. The poor talks. Instead of talking…why not do something about their status? Makes absolute no sense to me.
lol. k-face. you are the only one in “awe” of your idol, we dont think like him nor do we ever want to. i dont want to be rich so i can spend it on 5 birkin bags of shtt. we dont like materialistic ppl or things nor their fansheeps, what is wrong with that? you are judging yourself, nothing better but a dumb b who thinks every girl out there is materialistic as your idol’s vain b, how come we dont hear about Edison’s girl accepting expensive gifts? you stereotype and generalize as if you know anything. go flock to your idol and keep out of serious discussions.
You have valid points. But there isn’t much you can do. People will talk regardless. Gossiping and making impressions is part of humanity. Just like how you said girls are materialistic, which is true. Girls who deny they are materialistic when given the open opportunity to be materialistic, well then you know how much truth are in those words.
He is not my idol. Why is he my idol?
How serious of a discussion can this be on a forum filled with kids like you? Ive seen you around harassing people for their thoughts when youre doing the same exact thing.
Werent you the one who asked jayne to patrol this place better? Yet youre the one making false accusations to commentors like myself who did not direct anything towards you? I was generalizing and summarizing what was being said on this page and gave my two cents as to why all this talk is meaningless.
My theres a sane person on this forum.
his fans are the ones always following other ppl around like some deranged group. harassing is insulting 50 other commenters, calling them “bums” for not glamorizing your idol’s wastrel behavior. the fact is most of us are disgusted how kids like you GLORIFY this as something to mirror after. if pouring 50,000 + into buying dead skinned animals is what you call rich-living, then him and his fansheep will be judged for being idiots.
you’re no saint, demonizing all women as materialistic when i’ve met many down to earth women outside that do not need to flaunt “status.” only vain, uneducated, and insipid ppl do things like this.
the only kids i see are his fansheep living off their parents money but come here thinking everyone worships their God the same, when majority are in disdain of anyone mirroring off of him. we dont want children growing up materialistic as you lot, that is why we all it DISGUSTING.
nothing wrong with ppl realizing the 1% with money in HK like him are doing nothing for his society, instead he wastes all citizens money on dead crocs and wastrel living.
You might have a psychological problem. Maybe you ought to consult a psychiatrist.
If you think the other rich people in this world spending for the people they care about means theyre stupid. I can only say, youre the one who is living under a rock.
Once again, no one was attacking 50 other commentors. Did you experience a tragic case where you got attacked and now youre projecting it onto other people? That does call for a professional consultation.
its apparent you are the same silly person that keeps commenting after me in each thread. did you or did you not call the ppl here “bums” when we are not in “Awe” of your idol? GO READ YOUR OWN POST AGAIN. I point you out for what you are; a hardcore raymond deranged fan who cannot comment without making some snide comments against most posters have to say about him, that is why im throwing it back to you. Do you serious think that you post under a different name, that you arent the same annoying person assuming a pathetic condescending attitude about anyone not rich? I will ALWAYS be here to comment and not leaving anytime soon. What are you gonna do about it kid???
To support your idol, you enourage ppl to support a degenerate way of living while hating on ppl that are repulsed by it. There is something definitely wrong when we can no longer point out the misery caused in life by the 1% that hoard all the resources and money, doesnt do a thing to help others when he has so much, yet only to waste HK money poured to outsiders, when it was citizens money that he took out, this is how your idol lives and he WILL BE JUDGED FOR IT.
The rich does not constitute 1% of this world’s population. Lets start with that. Here is a mini economics lesson:
1. You need rich and poor people to have a sufficient market.
2. The economy needs people to buy in big chunks aka rich people and small junks. Without purchasing power, there would be no economy. You’ll have economy like places such as Indonesia where there are absolutely no middle class.
Apparently, you’re disregarding everything that is being said. Why again are you so worked up?
this article is about Raymond Lam, why would i speak about the other rich ppl? there is a type that they fit into and that he resembles.
dont stray from the topic, because you dont sound like you know anything about it. this world is made worse off by ppl who follow into others trends.
the reason why your idol and his broad likes wastrel behavior is because they want to show “status” and “exclusivity”, having access to things common ppl do not, that is why they buy into materialism.
America is in debt because of the consumerism and materialism, the rich hoarding all the money, from the labor of the lower and middle classes. they spend that same money into making other rich ppl rich, so then the money does not circulate to balance anything out.
cant expect ppl that support this behavior to understand that they ARE THE PROBLEM.
The only way for a market to expand is to keep spending. A country without the ability to spend means their economy is stagnant, that usually means trouble. Government tries to interfere by either injecting through the use of bonds however things don’t go as plan usually due to ‘under the table cash’ etc etc and inflation occurs or worse scenarios, deflation.
exactly, not like i love golddiggers i mean it’s great for women who can and does provide for themselves but for showbiz women i think it can be quite different.
most of them joins showbiz probably just so they can make more money i mean it’s only natural. as for their intellligence, i beg to differ. she can be smarter than anyone who knows how to DIG as much as she can for now. n she isnt the only one, so many many showbiz married ugly and old men, the one that sticks out is that isabella leung, 3 kids out of weblock like it’s a surprised that she loved him for him? open your eyes, dude’s rich but ugly as hell and probably old enough to be her father. this RL, whether or not he’s smart, we know and care not, he gets the woman while the woman gets his money. fair trade right? haha LOL…
Exactly. I dont know how people get worked up over a couple buying lavishing gifts? Sounds like self esteem issues and jealousy problems at its best.
the one with the jealousy problem is you. if you left the posters here to say what they like about the article instead of trying to suppress their free speech of calling out your idol and his behavior distasteful. most of the comments are mild, we dont want anyone to learn from him. beat it if you dont like it. you dont have any thoughts outside ours. that is you mimic.
if you arent his crazy fans, you wouldn’t have the vested interest to stubbornly follow us around. who do you think you are trying to fool? call everybody else materialistic when you are the only ones. live in your sick world.
Er, I hate to say this to whom ever you are. The only person I see attacking people is you. You’re taking it way too personal. Someone pricked you by accident? Like you, everyone else is either agreeing or disagreeing to opinions being made. Why are you so worked up over it?
here is an excellent article on waste and wastrel behavior and how it affects every part of lives and what it does to this world and why most of us are against it, scroll down to consumerism and materialism. http://personalexcellence.co/blog/how-to-prevent-waste/
the ones taking it personal are raymond lam’s fans, everytime it pertains to him, i am frankly tired of their nonsense and yours as well. i call him a wastrel because he is.
No one is a fan of Raymond Lam. We’re talking about rich people. I was trying to say that it is normal for rich people to spend, and when a girl is given the opportunity to do so, she will take it. I don’t see how that makes anyone a fan?
And then I had you over here going on several tangents about this and that. I don’t get it.
Lets add, there is bound to be issues between rich i.e. spending too much and those who are not as ‘lucky’ as they see it as a waste which I understand. But the mentality of the rich is, they’re rich. They’ll spend. Thats all I said. I don’t get how I’m a fan of Raymond because I’m stating what I see with rich people?
fan or nonfan of his, i could care at less at this pt, how is supporting and justifying his kind of behavior better for our society? its not so dont complain when I or anyone else dislike him.
If there is a God out there, I hope He is looking out for you. Bless you and your gifted talents.
Its like watching one of those shows where the family is given whatever time to get as many products off the shelves as possible. Its amusing and spectacle to watch. Morale of the story is Karena is smart and Raymond isn’t. Who knows how long anything will last, she’s milking it for all its worth while she still can, no wonder she grabbed so many, they(and all the other things she got from him) are just cash reserves for when it doesnt.
Always knew he didn’t think with his head. Bagged himself a materialistic vain and insipid broad, not too different from him.
you also said it well…agree.
Not a LF fan but do enjoy his tvb series cause all his movies sucked**
Age is no concern if 2 people are really in love (& I approve of that) but sometimes the obvious is out there for all to see except those involved….love is blind and in this case LF is blinded(maybe he’s desperate to come out of that dry spell after Mavis) and naturally it’s ‘grab all you can keep’ in case it doesn’t turn out for Karena. Publicity like this is good for her career too. Time will tell but meanwhile, LF is acting like a fool.
Yes, its very clear what is happening. you’d expect his fansheeps to look out for him yet they either support his broad being materialistic as part of “nature”, enouraging her to gold dig some more since he is “rich” anyway. the irony. guess no one has any common sense in that lot.
You bought up some good points ehh. I guess with any relationship, you have to take your chances to see if it will work out in the end or not. I also think Karena is trying to milk it as much as she can… Hey, love is blind and irrational and many become fools when they are in love.
Hong Kong reporters sometimes speak with malicious intent. They can make an artis appear good or bad. Only the artists know the truth.
She may or may not be materialistic. But the main catch is Raymond himself. That itself is tantalising to any young girls. Then of course he has money, which is good, he is willing to dote on her, which is great, he is famous and probably will help in her career, which is wonderful and he has eyes and hands for her only, which is fantastic. I believe she is infatuated with him as well, surely she must have been a fan before being his lover. Will this relationship go far? I do not know. I suspect not. I see them at a honeymoon stage, him buying many expensive stuff for her, she probably let him have his way with him (open affection on airplane is although normal but for me, in Asia, quite… uncommon, more so for someone as guarded as Raymond Lam of his image but I suppose the expose by Mavis certainly helped to relax him a lot). It is give and take. I don’t care about the separate room, same room, etc, because I see this pair and I am very certain the deed is done, if not in the 1st holiday or at least the subsequent ones. For such an open affection, all I can say is Raymond is serious about her. But I did mention before he gives me an impression of a guy who is in love with being in love. However with this more open approach in relationships (even if forced to admit), maybe he has matured a bit and is now considering going into a relationship because he is in love with the girl. Sure, Karena is a lucky girl, in a position envied by many people, that is until either dumps the other. Then we will have a whole lot of articles to read and gossip about.
I think most if not all girls in the circle are materialistic to some extent. Heck, even most normal citizens are materialistic… But then again, how do you define materialistic???
Of course the deed has been done… Ray needs to get something back for all that he has given out.
I think most women(not only celebs)can be materialistic. I have colleagues who loves brand names handbags, new mobile phones, diamonds jewelry or whatever is in trend at the moment they like to have. I know women friends who let’s say 8 out of 10 are materialistic and shopaholics. So i think it is safe to safe 80% women are. I for one do not care one bit whether i am carrying an LV bag or a tote bag hahah..seriously i am not kidding and my friends do know this and they won’t laugh at me for not being frugal or cheap hahaa but i guess they do think that how come u dont like brand names like every woman should. I guess it’s only normal, everyone has a different opinion on it depends on the person really. So whether or not this Karena is banking in from RL, i think it’s still normal and since she is young and she’s now w/a rich dude, why does she feel like restraining herself when she can go all the way.
It is exactly that. Indeed, it is safe to say 80%, I actually think it is more, of women who are materialistic.
Like someone mentioned above, what women would resist that temptation if her ‘man’ is willing to spend on her? Especially when it’s a man who is filthy rich and she isn’t letting a single penny fly out of her purse?
I wish I had met more of those filthy rich guys! Ha ha …….. I never had that kind of luck ………
agree 101% most women are materialistic.
in fact, i also like crystal thinks it could be higher than 80%. most friends i know are sooooo..materialistic it’s almost unreal and it’s a fact.
You are right and sadly there are many materialistic and greedy women in this world, so the guys need to be careful…
Funny thing is, my husband use to say the same thing about me.
‘Are you after my cash?’ I’ll always remember that question.
Really? That is actually kind of funny and cute but also good that your husband asked that question. I would not mind if my future husband asked that. IF he does when I get married one day, I will give him a good answer that will make him never doubt me…
Yeah, he did, but it was more out of sarcasm. I’ve been with him long enough for him to know I’m not all in for the money. Though, I will admit back in my younger days, I did like props and gadgets I bought or he bought using his money. But after, I guess due to age, people do mellow out.
I hope your future husband is willing to spend on you if he does have the monetary power to do so. And don’t feel bad, once or twice from the man you love isn’t a crime! But do know shopping is therapeutic!
According to Rain Li, he wanted to reveal the love with Rain Li but the company disagreed. It happened in 2001. From 2001 to 2013, the disclosure idea is still there. My guess: He wants to wait until a stable stage (as he dated Karena 7 months before he announced it) to reveal. Another theory: He is going to leave Txb so he dun mind the company’s restriction anymore.
I think he will get married before 35 because from his interview, he shows that he loves to get married and have kids.
Poor Linda and Michelle did not get that kind of acknowledgment despite being with him for longer.
In Linda’s and Michelle’s cases(if they did both date Ray), the timing was probably not right…
From Raymond Lam’s love experiences, I think he likes women with big busts. Both Mavis Pan and Karena Ng have big busts. Well, I guess most men are crazy about women’s figures rather than their personalities. Raymond does not seem to be interested in women’s “inner qualities”. Both Michelle Ye and Linda Chung are better qualified than Mavis Pan and Karena Ng. Perhaps it is not good to have clever girlfriend/wife.
Karena is B :P, 33B.
Rain Li also has B.
Dun mention of Linda who has C (but I think B is more correct to her).
His past gfs, only PSS has E cups.
This is not a good picture of Karena. Anyway, it’s nice to hear that Raymond is acknowledging their r’ship. Hopefully it will be fruitful..!
Yeah,there is no free lunch in the world, most expensive handbag…. and sold out
I would surely love to see those cathedrals and ancient structures.
Since Raymond Lam took architecture in university, he is, of course, interested in seeing those old architectures and churches. There are too many of them in Italy and Spain. However, it cost him quite a bit to take someone (female) to Italy (and France too) as there are too many designers’ brands there, for clothes and handbags.
Karena Ng looks like Fiona Sit!!!!
Karena is not pretty. She does not look like Fiona Sit – Fiona has a rounder face and has sweet look.
There is a resemblance at certain angles!!! Don’t get me wrong, I am sOoo not a fan of Karena but there is definitely a resemblance.
Ugly woman, bad male character, really disappointed in LF. Whoever supports their relationship is stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just hate him more and more now… wish he and her die…
I would like to dedicate KANYE WEST’s “Gold Digger”. What a smart cookie!!
She ain’t messin with no broke, broke. Cheehooo!!!