Shirley Yeung Returns to Filming Dramas

Once a favored up-and-coming fadan of TVB, Shirley Yeung (楊思琦) aroused intense public scrutiny when she announced her split with boyfriend of nine years, Gregory Lee (李泳豪) in 2011. Shortly after, Shirley gave birth to her daughter, Krystal Yeung (楊卓穎), who was born out of wedlock. Shirley had cut all ties with Krystal’s biological father Andy Ng (吳帥) in early 2012, opting to become a single mother.
Shirley’s negative press evidently forced TVB to suspend her appearances in drama productions. Acting gigs were no longer arranged for the 34-year-old, and the former Miss Hong Kong champion was given smaller variety programs to host instead.
However, Shirley’s image as a struggling single mother earned the public’s sympathy. Shirley found more jobs in mainland China, which became one of her main sources for “milk money.” Last month, Shirley was cast in the musical Landscape Encounter <山水又相逢> and the play Carmen <卡門>. She was also cast in the second series of popular TVB food program, Cook Away Lady May <May姐有請>.
Endorsers are also quickly coming to Shirley’s door. In just one year, Shirley shot two ads for major commercial brands, earning $800,000 HKD in total. Including her mainland Chinese stage gigs, Hong Kong endorsement events, and other filming opportunities, Shirley managed to earn over $5.1 million HKD in the first half of 2013.
As a result, drama filming offers are also returning to Shirley. She revealed that she will film TVB’s co-production with RTHK, ICAC Investigators 2014 <廉政公署 2014>, this month, and will film another 30-episode modern-day TVB drama at the end of the year.
Shirley happily said, “Thank you TVB for giving me so many opportunities. It’s true that some producers are looking to cast me. I had a costume fitting last week [for ICAC Investigators 2014]. I will do my best!”
Shirley Will Not Hire Domestic Helper
With her work piling up, Shirley has left the care of her daughter Krystal to her mother, who also lives in with them. A source said, “Shirley is getting noticed again and her income is stable. But she still doesn’t want to hire a domestic helper. She doesn’t want to spend any unnecessary money. She would rather save up the money for her daughter’s education. She is a lot happier now!”
During a recording for Super Trio Maximus <超級無敵獎門人終極篇>, Shirley said that she does not intend to hire a maid to help care for her daughter. She said, “Some of my friends do not recommend that because they did not have good experiences. I really don’t want to rely on a maid!”
Source: Sudden Weekly #934 via
This article is written by Addy for
Yay for your hard work.
Very happy for her.
Thank goodness for moms! Take good care of yourselves for Krystal, Shirley & Yeung-mama.
cutting ties with the loser and making it on her own is much better for her image than creating trouble by bad-mouthing to the media, suing for whatever she can get from him, doing what she can to gain pity from the public, etc.
Agreed, Andy Ng is “responsible” for paying child support rather than to scam/con the Yeungs for money. Shirley, stay away from that useless loser Andy Ng.
Very happy for Shirley Yeung. Best of luck in your acting career in TVB! Work hard in your acting skills to impress more people.
I have always like her. lookng forward to her show
Yay, she’s back to filming TVB series! Glad that her hard work has paid off. Wish her the best!
As much as I disapprove of her relationship choices in the past, I salute her for what she’s doing today. Shirley is a shining example to women who carry with them consequences of past mistakes. She picks up the pieces and moves on.
Wow. Gotta admit she’s lucky.
Shirley,… I like her more now than ever before.
And yes, don’t hire maids, those Indons, Pinoys cannot be trusted.
Good that you are becoming more popular. TVB managemnent sucks, always seeking to punish this artiste and promote that artiste, for all the wrong reasons.
TVB thinks they got all the ‘power’,.. yeah, only when it lasts till HKTV comes on board.
And btw, the HK government is sitting on their ass, what does it take to grant a simple TV license?????????
They becomes the laughing stock of the people and the world.
Even handling Edward Snowden also requires Beijing to lend a hand and lead them, otherwise they are lost like some little child.
I agree that loving family members are the best people to take care of an infant child. However, please avoid saying “indons” and “Pinoys” with such unkind generalization. Not everyone from those countries are house helps; and not all house helps are untrustworthy. Some definitely are, but not all.
They are Indons and Pinoys, so what’s in you to be so righteous????
Not all does not mean many of them aren’t.
Why do you refer to gwailo as gwailo, and Chinese as ‘Ah chan’, and it has become a normal lingua in cantonese lingo.
Yes, I want to say it again “And yes, don’t hire maids, those Indons, Pinoys cannot be trusted.”
Have enough, rightesous one? You still won’t go to nirvana or heaven, you know.
Sadly, in some cases people don’t have loving family members to care for their kids and cannot afford to be a stay at home mom. In Shirley’s case, she is lucky to have her parents since she has to work to make money.
In many cases, when people have to work and have no family, they have to hire nannies,babysitters,etc.. to take care of their children. It is great to be able to take of your own kids, but sadly many people cannot afford to do so.
As a child, I had a full-time housekeeper and babysitter.
Absolutely fabulous – treated me like I was their own child
I have very fond memories of them; and one happens to be Filipino.
You were super lucky. I had at least three friends with their babies taken by nannies in Hong Kong. The nannies were not careful and accidentally dropped their babies, or allowed them to fall from cribs. As a result, the babies seemed to be okay after the fall but unfortunately grew up to be “slow” children or children with some mental problems. I guess most nannies are good, and it depends on your luck if you can hire a good one.
She has come a long way. Best of luck to her.
Not a fan of shirley’s acting, but happy to see TVB give her a lot of opportunity.
way to go shirley
Very happy for her!
Good to see Shirley back in TVB. Haven’t seen her for a while.
Good for her for being so independent!
I can’t wait to see her acting again and it’s really nice to hear that she’s doing well!