The Many Talents of Leanne Li

In 2004, Leanne Li (李亞男) clinched the crown of Miss Chinese Vancouver not only with her beauty, but also with her skillful playing of the flute. Not only can Leanne play the flute, she started playing the piano at 5 years old and was self-taught in guitar. On top of her musically-inclined talents, she is also adept at oil painting. Leanne’s childhood was spent honing her skills, and she studied fine arts at the University of British Columbia.
The Piano
When Leanne was 5 years old, her mother had great aspirations of her daughter becoming a multi-talented beauty, similar to girls of ancient times. As a result, she hired a piano teacher for Leanne to take piano lessons. Though her piano teacher was strict and often hit her with a ruler at the smallest mistake, Leanne continued to suffer in silence because she knew her mother and grandmother have great hopes for her. Only when her mother asked her if she wanted to continue learning when she was 9 years old, did Leanne dare to speak the truth and end her misery.
The Flute
For her music requirements in junior high school, Leanne chose to play the flute. Although similar in build, Leanne much prefers the flute to the clarinet for its beautiful timbre and the melodic music it can make. However, Leanne’s lack of breath often resulted in her feeling faint and dizzy after playing a piece of music. Leanne explained, “To play the flute well, you first need to take a deep breath and then in that breath, you play a few lines. Otherwise, the listeners will be able hear the buffeting air sound and that’s horrible!”
Leanne especially loved the times when she could get together with her friends in an ensemble. Her lack of breath did not prevent her from taking part. She disclosed when it comes to the high notes, she would either play softer or pretend to be blowing hard on the flute, so that she would not spoil the entire piece of music when playing in an ensemble.
A year after she learnt how to play the flute, Leanne neglected it, only to relish it 7 years later, when she took part in the Miss Chinese Vancouver pageant. She recalled fondly, “I had had a vision of myself with my flowing long hair and dress flapping in the wind while I play the flute. It would have been so breathtaking and could have helped me win points.” Leanne hired a teacher to help her and within 2 months, she managed to master the piece of music which won the hearts of the judges and helped her clinch the crown. From then on, the flute has constantly stayed by Leanne’s side and became her accompaniment in performances.
The Guitar
Leanne’s love for music continued when she self-taught herself to play the guitar after her younger sister mastered it. Strumming the guitar while belting out her favorite songs has become one of Leanne’s pastimes. Leanne also used the guitar to serenade to her boyfriend, Wong Cho Lam (王祖藍) on Christmas. The guitar was a birthday present from Cho Lam. The couple made plans to play the guitar together, but due to his work commitments, Cho Lam did not have the time to learn.
Besides music, Leanne also loves sketching and oil painting. Leanne said, “Although there was a model for us to sketch, I added many details of my own such as logos and trademarks, into my sketching. I wanted to illustrate the material world.” Painting and sketching not allows her to express herself freely, it also allows Leanne to look into the finer details in life.
Leanne’s inspiration and love for the arts came from her designer father. She said with admiration, “My father used to draw the portraits of Mao Zedong (毛澤東). Even if the picture was 5 stories high, my father could easily paint the portrait just by climbing onto the frame. He’s that good!” Leanne had initially wanted to follow her father’s footsteps and become a designer, but joining the beauty pageant led her to Hong Kong and changed her career path.
Source: Oriental Daily via
This article is written by Karen for
I love how the article purposely avoids mentioning acting as one of Leanne’s talents.
Hahahahahas xD
Rather than look for her weaknesses, I was impressed with her painting skills. I haven’t listened to Leanne playing the flute, but this article is meant to shed light on her early life and fine arts enjoyment outside of acting.
She played flute in a TV show before and she did very well.
her acting look ok to me…so no need to “avoid” that.
Her acting isnt too bad, probably better than her “talents” shudders
However, they are trying to portray her as a stereotypical gentle-bred dai ga guai sau of past decades.
An acting talent with the interest in arts skews that towards stereotypical forward-thinking, modern revolutionary territory. Her acting won’t be good enough to portray that role.
Actually I’m put off she mentions her dad painted portraits of Mao, of all people. The number of people that died at his reign is horrendous.
And Leanne Li was born and raised in Taiwan. Why did her dad “adore” Chairman Mao? Strange?
She was born in Shanghai and moved to Canada when she was 10.
Leanne Li was born in China, not in Taiwan.
I rmb I’ve read about her past story which is quite moving. Her mother left her to go to Canada when she was very small and she didn’t understand. Before her mother went, she asked Leanne to dance for her to see so Leanne thought that if she kept dancing, her mother would come back. Hence, she danced everyday. Luckily, one day her mother came back.
Before her mother went, she asked Leanne to dance for her to see so Leanne thought that if she kept dancing, her mother would come back. Hence, she danced everyday. Luckily, one day her mother came back.
*amused* I’m curious why dancing isn’t listing as one of the talents. Lol
talents…? +1 on the acting comment or picking guys…
This is actually a really good read.
She may or may not give what is expected of her on screen, but hey, she has other aspects of her that makes her, her.
Did she paint that herself?
Lastly, did she really let all that happen by her piano teacher? I would sulk so low if I ever find out someone I hired did that to my child…maybe hit the person before I sulk though.
And your age my dear?
My mom, from leannes generation, would be openly gleeful as it shows that she’s right about my lack of practicing.
My last line was not something I would do, but that would be a quick thought gunning through — mostly due to guilt.
I know of parents, mind you my mother was the same and the generations before me, who see this kind of tactic useful and it works. However, I believe there are other ways to discipline children. It varies from family to family, mother to mother and person to person.
The article above only stated ‘a small mistake’ and I read it as, ‘She’s playing the piano and for whatever reason it was a small mistake’. Since ‘small mistake’ was not elaborated, I thought taking out the ruler isn’t need. I mean, its a different story if she played the entire song wrong — now that wouldn’t be a ‘small mistake’, that would be lack of practicing.
I think those of our generation would be less inclined to use physical punishment after going through it personally. It may work when a child is younger, but we just end up more rebellious and unrepentant, or resorting to violence.
Exactly, when I read the article, it said “strict” teacher, so I thought she was just disciplined, and like you said, the range of small, is ironically big.
However, there is more elaboration in the original article. The word “惡” (bad/mean) was used, and
said “she hitted me all the time. Simply for going off beat or pressing the wrong key, she would bring the length of the ruler down on my fingers.” which sounds kinda evil.
Yes, most definitely. After seeing it for a good portion of my life and experiencing a bit of it, I hope I’ll never resort to the ‘take out the whip when things aren’t going as planned.’ Haven’t done it YET, crossing fingers I won’t ever feel the need to!
I do really need to start reading the originals.
“she hit me all the time. Simply for going off beat or pressing the wrong key, she would bring the length of the ruler down on my fingers.” — that sounds pretty traumatic if I was 4, 5, 6, 9 for mistakes listed… very evil.
Somehow I find this article laughable since she has yet to display any of these “talents” for all to see. She plays them well but that’s not talent unless she does it well and does it so well everyone can see. But the painting is a talent, except it sorta looks like those hallmark card standard painting.
I am sorry to say I don’t see how these are talent or rather many talents. It just seems like such a desperate attempt to leap out of the shadow of the more talented boyfriend but and a big BUT whatever talent she has, indeed she has been overshadowed by Wong Cho Lam. I don’t find her a success at this point. In fact I find her (and thanks to J-Lo for this wonderful quote)famous by association. I hope she does zoom into what she is good at and show us all why she deserves the adulation of many. But not such an obvious PR based article that just makes people laugh “talent? learn to play a musical instrument is talent?”, that sort of cynical club. I belong to that cynical club because I really really hate an article trying so hard to highlight her good points which she has but highlighted the points that makes her look as if she is grasping for some recognition for something.
Now since she serenaded Wong Cho Lam, maybe she can serenade us with her guitar? Maybe she can dance really well?
Agree. If someone has talents in certain things, the person will excel. Leanne Li does not seem to be good in anything. Playing piano from age 5 to 9 will only get her to 3rd or 4th grade and almost any Chinese kid can play up to grade 3 level piano if he/she is given the chance. Learning flute for a year and 2 months is nothing. She is still at the beginner-intermediate level. Those are not talents at all. Talented persons are always very good at the instruments that they play.
In terms of painting, I am not in a position to judge. I don’t know if those were Leanne’s painting. It looks good if it was her work.
If Leanne has talents in music or art, she should pursue in it. It takes many years for a person to excel, not just 1+ years.
Maybe she exceptionally gifted?!? Lol
Hahaha…funn, you crack me up. I was thinking the same thing. It’s annoying when artists try to make themselves more than what they are. For example, Her mentioning playing the flute is some sort of a big deal, that’s funny because if you live in Canada you would know that music class is mendatory in Junior High (it’s called band class). You have to pick an instrument & after two years it’s not impossible for one to play a few simple tunes lol.
What I’ve noticed about her is that her image had changed a quite a bit after dating WCL (she used to dress quite revealing) she a lot more toned down now. I hope it’s genuine.
if you live in Canada you would know that music class is mendatory in Junior High (it’s called band class). You have to pick an instrument & after two years it’s not impossible for one to play a few simple tunes
The above statement is absolutely correct. Leanne Li is just one of those students. If she is talented, she should have pursued in flute.
She did show her other talents out, such as flute. She also showed her painting works. For dancing, she showed before and she can dance pretty well, for example in the MV with Linda and Grace Wong, obviously Leanne and Grace did better than Linda.
Leanne didn’t have the promotion, before or now. She is only noticed and had some explore with WCL. So ppl think she doesn’t have anything. Apparently, she is one of the most underpromoted MCI. Normally MCI will be promoted, but dun noe why Leanne isn’t the case. I did wonder that if Leanne was promoted heavily as Linda in the past, can she shine? Because until now, I dun see any chance given to her to shine.
The first time I seen her acting is in ‘Mysteries of Love’ . I thought she is pretty convincing as a pretentious scheming woman pursuing LF’s character.
Leanne kinda looks like Bobo Chan here, so pretty ;D. I haven’t been watching TVB dramas lately so i’m not too familiar with her acting. Has her cantonese improved? Last time I heard her she was talking in somewhat broken cantonese lol….
Her Cantonese has improved, but still not very good. We can hear her accented Cantonese.
Her acting is so-so. She does not seem to be an ambitious artiste.
I think this one is much prettier than BOBO chan even if this one is also not popular. It seems she does get more media attention ever she became short WCL’s g/f? haha…Whatever happen to BOBO chan anyway? It seems after the Edison Chen incident she has disappeared from HK.
But BoBo got talents that only men can appreciate.
what’s a goody goody type of girl doing in the entertainment industry? she should be working in an old folks home..
I see that Leanne Li has grown from a beautiful child to a beautiful woman. Now she has a well known and talented boy friend and I think the article just wamts to say that Leanne is not just a dumb beauty but has certain talents too. Sometimes we tend to read too much into what is written. It would, of course, be lovely to be able to hear her playing either the flute or the guitar. The former is my favourite wind instrument and is difficult to play to sound good. It’s a pity about her piano playing experience with her teacher. Sounds like child abuse!
I know she is quiet popular here but frankly don’t know her if it was not for her boyfriend .
I find her pretty.
At least her acting is still better then Christine kuo.
Gee, this is the worst article from Jayne Stars so far. Leanne is one boring talented chick!
What’s wrong with people now a day, over confidence I would say. Able to play different instrumens does not implied that she is talented. Able to play vs Talented are very different.
Found her quite boring also. Actually her acting is not that bad. I am confuse why is this even an article. blah.
And what exactly are her boyfriend’s talents?
Using someone’s chain of logics here: just because he pieces and pastes scripts, makes up words to songs, and sometimes act (mostly as object of ridicule to his dwarfism) does not mean he has real talents.
Wong Cho Nam has some talents, but I don’t think he is highly talented, at least not yet. He became famous only after acting female’s roles. To me it is disgusting for an actor to become famous by acting female roles all the time. I respect him more now after “Inbound Troubles”, but not before.
Its a faze. He was good back then…. He’s just meh.
Is it just me? or are there a lot of negative nancys on the site today
She’s is just plain and very tall gal. Would be better if she sex it up a notch.
There is nothing wrong to be a simple person with no big talent as long as the person is happy and not ambitious.