Vivien Yeo’s Family Car Theft Prompts Safety Concerns in Malaysia

Vivien Yeo (楊秀惠), who is currently filming TVB’s Outbound Love <單戀雙城> in Malaysia, shared on Weibo that her family’s car was forcefully stolen yesterday afternoon. Vivien’s younger sister Fiona (楊琇靈) was injured during the theft. Vivien is furious aover the theft and has crowdsourced on social media to help locate the missing car.
Vivien, who is originally from Malaysia, was looking forward to spending time with her family during this work trip. Vivien’s mother, younger sister, and nephew were on an outing at a shopping mall located in Johor Bahru. An unidentified man appeared and yelled for Vivien’s younger sister Fiona to get out of the car. Fiona was injured and the car has been missing ever since.
Vivien is seeking help on the Internet to quickly locate the missing car. In her Weibo post, Vivien shared her sister’s Facebook messages and asked everyone to spread the information. “The car was stolen at Bukit Indah Jusco. Just now a Facebook friend said the car was seen near Pelangi. Malaysian friends please spread this information! I hope we can find [my sister’s] car.” Vivien also provided the car’s license plate number and described it as a red BMW coupe.
Vivien’s family has contacted the police regarding this matter. The actress is furious about the incident and ranted on Weibo, “Luckily [my sister’s] baby was not in the car, otherwise I really wouldn’t know what to do. My sister was in the car however, and that person yelled for her to get out of the car! I am really, really angry. Is there justice in this world?”
Malaysia is Less Safe?
Some friends suggested that Malaysia is becoming less safe due to the upcoming general elections, referencing an earlier incident where a mother was stabbed to death while out jogging with her daughter. Vivien expressed pain over these news. “I saw [the news]. I feel very hurt. Why has it become this way? Why?”
Although the case remains unsolved, Vivien is thankful for public help and support, and hopes that her fans and friends will take precautions to avoid becoming victims to senseless crimes. “Even though there has been no progress, my family and I are very grateful for everyone’s help. Here I would like to remind everyone to be vigilant at all times. Be careful, especially for women. Try to avoid going out alone. I wish everyone will remain safe and peaceful everyday.”
Vivien’s Outbound Love costar Aimee Chan (陳茵媺), who was rumored to be sexually harassed on set, was asked to comment on the car theft. Aimee said that the most important thing is that the people involved are all right, and assured that she feels safe in Malaysia. “[The cast and crew] have always stayed together. We feel very safe. We’re only alone when we return to our individual hotel rooms.”
Source: Oriental Daily
This article is written by Katrine for
hello from Malaysia. Yes, Malaysia has never been safe over the years. There is no justice in this country. All priorities will only go for the Malays before us, other etnics (Chinese here). My Chinese male friend caught red-handed a Malay who try to pick-pocket him. My friend reacted quickly his hand, turned and gave him a massive slap. This Malay sat down and cried, wtf. Policemen came and asked my friend to compensate him for hurting him. Why don’t they send him to the lock-up at the first place? I feel very angry after hearing this too. If I have an oppurtunity, will definitely leave this place.
WOW, is it that bad?? I have heard about Malaysia not being safe and all, but goodness…. I did not know that native Malays seemed to be favored over other ethnic groups. But then again, it is their native country so it is understandable to some extent if they don’t have laws for equal rights. Are there human rights laws in Malaysia??
malaysia is too backward and promitive compared to its neighbour singapore! singapore is a great country and very well developed and peaceful without much crimes! malaysia has lots of crimes everyday and everyone hates the government!
however indonesia is the worst! heard there are lots of homeless people everywhere and tje government is total corrupted
Indonesia use to be a lot worse, but they’re slowly getting better. I find the southeastern countries’ economy is very lopsided. There is no middle class. It is either you’re really rich or you’re homeless. But like I said, they’re def improving…slowly.
heard indonesia still haven’t getting better. people have no jobs and have to slave out in other countries as blue collar worker and the traffic is among the worst in the world. during these traffic jams lots of homeless kids will wander among cars to sell stuff and force people to buy
but the indonesian rich are very very rich. the gap is really big between rich and poor.
Have you been to Malaysia or have spent a period of time there?? If not, I urge you not to say too much or else people who actually live there may not be very happy with what you are saying.
That is why I said theyre improving slowly. Obviously one cannot expect all the poor and negative things happening in a country to disappear overnight.
No it is not THAT bad. It is few cases, mostly from outsiders. Don’t make Malaysia into another India or the likes. You can still go out at midnight and have a cup of tea. Point is like in all countries, do avoid the bad areas. Other than that, it is safe.
P/s I don’t have the government.
I personally find it all countries are unsafe. Is not just Malaysia, China or USA is just the same. There are always people like that all over the world no matter what ethnic groups. Plus it really depend on who the police officer you meet. The way they act depends on the person.
I agree with you. I personally think Malaysia is not that bad. Yes, there were crimes, but, which country has no crime? Some people said Malaysia is unsafe. But, innocent people can even get shot while watching Batman in cinema in the US. So, everywhere have unsafe places.
The police case is also very right. It depends on the particular police officer you meet. I personally have met some nice police officers.
What you said is true, but I guess IF you speak in general. Then the US should be a lot safer than China or Malaysia. Of course, it will vary depending on the area and from case to case. At least in the US, we have equal human rights law which I don’t think China has, but not sure about Malaysia. However, we should be careful wherever we are at at all times since you do not know what can happen one moment and then the next.
USA can talk about human rights but in any country if you don’t run afoul of any internal security sort of crime/act, you have no cause to worry. malaysia is safer than in US.
I don’t think Malaysia is safer than the US, but hey each to their own. It is true that if you don’t do anything bad then you don’t need to worry much. However, I still feel that some basic rights like freedom of religion,speech,etc…are still lacking in some countries, while the US of course has those based on our constitution.
Terms like “freedom of speech” or “liberty” are nothing more than propaganda slogans. There is not one country on earth which has absolute freedom of speech. There are always limitations.
The propaganda in the West is the most developed and the most “perfect” in the world. Otherwise European empires could not have controlled and plundered entire continents for all those long centuries and presently still colonized the minds of many people.
Of course freedom of anything has its limitations. Just like freedom to bear arms does not mean that you can intentionally use guns or any other weapons to kill or injure others.
In Malaysia the priorty is always given to the Malays
Agree with Moon!!
Still remember the news of a 13 years old Malay boy tried to rape a Chinese lady in a toilet at the petrol station!!
Luckily the gal escaped but Lolll guess what?!!
When the victim posted the awful incident online..she was BLASTED and QUESTIONED with all DUMB QUESTIONS!!
The guy is only 13 years old..really want to rape her?
Worse is when the polices arrived, polices even said, he is just a minor n she was unhurt..really want to press charge?
And even at the police station while giving statements, the officer seems to hesitate to her statement!
What if the victim is a MALAY and the culprit is a CHINESE/INDIANS?!
Will the polices or even the public reacted the same?!
wow malaysians police are really bad!
and the most laughable was she nearly got charged because she posted the picture of that culprit online with the awful experience! -just a reminder for all ladies to be extra cautious not to go to toilet at petrol station alone!-
She nearly get raped but she got blasted, questioned and nearly got charged @@!!
why not move to singapore ir australia? they’re more modern and developed than malaysia and have more democratic laws and freedom
HAHAHAS! Loll >…<||
Especially when our families are all here!
We are not Jet Li that can easily apply a citizenship from any countries! XD
Eh? Only a small portion of the comment uploaded >…<
Yes, Singapore is much developed than Malaysia, so do the cost of living!
My friend worked at Singapore for almost 3 years yet she only afford to rent a ROOM overthere.
It’s not easy for ppl like me who only earn a “so-so” salary to think of going to other places, especially all my families are here
yes singapore is a much better place than malaysia and is very developed! heard there are no ethnic discrimination at all in singapore too and opportunities are given fairly to everyone! there are also not much gap between rich and poor of singapore unlike china and indonesia.
your friend story is rare. my ethnic chinese friend from taiwan easily get a good job at mnc, bought and own a nice apartment in sg. now she already married to singaporean and is applying citizenship.
Wow!! That’s a very good news
Envy your friend! XD
Singapore was once a state of Malaysia!
And most of the high-end houses, especially at Johor Bahru area are bought by Singaporeans!
Even Andy Lau bought his *mansion* here >.<
Yen’s friend’s story is actually very common, especially among blue collar workers and lower paid white collar workers. They can’t afford to own a property. Many prefer to save so they can buy a huge property elsewhere when they retire.
“heard there are no ethnic discrimination at all in singapore too and opportunities are given fairly to everyone! “
You will hear differently if you ask an ethnic minority in Singapore.
I agree with Kidd and have studied and did reports on Singapore. The minorities are constantly discriminated against so do not always trust what you hear unless you have lived in that country for a period of time or know someone close to you who has.
I used to think that Singapore was a great place to live and how it is clean and all. However, I just talked to someone recently who works there and she does not like Singapore. She says that you cannot live well unless you are really really rich.She said the country is small and the standard of living is so high that you would struggle a lot if you were not rich.
I don’t think you know much about Singapore so you should not praise it and blast Malaysia like that. Singapore is not heaven like you think. I am not sure about the gap between the rich and the poor, but there is plenty of discrimination and if you want to live well, you had better be really really rich…
I go to Singapore 5 times a year the cost of living is very high now is voted one of the most expensive country to visit after Hong Kong.
I cant think of any reason other than work for someone to visit Singapore 5 times a year.
He..he.want to know holiday plus shopping…
my family friend didn’t encounter any difficulties in sg although she’s a taiwan expatriate but yes she has a high paying job and her husband too and most singaporean can speak chinese or english she has no language problem. crime exists everywhere and heard that even if there is crime, most crime in singapore is done by migrant workers from indonesia or china not locals.
From malaysia as well. Let me share a case and let you judge the extent of racial discrimination here.
A friend shared on Facebook regarding his Malay medical lecturer kept on teaching in Malay language and just occasionally use English especially when describing medical terms. When my friend asked a question in Malay language, the lecturer replied by asking him to speak in English because he’s a Chinese.
You did not make your point. So, what’s your point? confusing us all!
I’ve mentioned in my post. It’s racial discrimination.
Maybe I’m not clear in expressing what the lecturer replied when my friend asked a question in Malay language. The lecturer replied, “Speaking (in English, please). You’re a Chinese.”
So Chinese have to speak in English. What about Malays? They can speak in Malay simply because they’re Malays?
We’re all Malaysians, all of us know Malay language (regardless of races) because we’re taught the language during our primary and secondary years. However, it seems like we’re far apart just because of our races.
Sorry for making all of you confused, if this is the case.
Discrimination or no, it the LOST of the Malays – whom are not able to converse in English, especially in the medical field. Who’s the biggest loser? Chinese Malaysians are the biggest winners with China’s open market and having the best of the East n West.
I don’t actually know if you’re Malaysian but crime in this country is no different than from another country.
Malaysia has never been safe over the years? Care to elaborate? Has something happened to you over and over again or you basing this on hearsay?
Obviously you’re entitled to your opinion, and please by all means, leave the country if you feel so against it. We don’t need people like you here. Please try to make it in another country that has “fairer” opportunities for you. The rest of us are content where we are
I am Malaysian too. Why do we need to compare to other countries? Just compare current situations to 10 years ago. Aren’t our country back sliding? What are the polices doing most of the time except summoning motorist? Personally I feel Malaysia is getting less safe. Or perhaps more bad news are spreading because we have internets and FB and other new media apart from mainstream media which are controlled by the government and may report less.
@ray maybe malaysians should petition to get freedom of speech and better rights. try based on developed nation such as the usa where there is great freesom of speech and wonderful law authority making citizens feel safe. heard most of crimes in usa were done by foreigners or poor ghetto people but the fbi and polices are quick. they got the boston teen bomber fast and already got him to admit his crime, and the process to capture him was shown to everyone in national tv. awesome.
We do have freedom of speech, we are a democratic country but not as free as the US seems to be. Look, Malaysia is not some backward country like some like to think we are.we have our problems, much like Us have theirs.
As a Malaysian, I am happy with my fellow Malaysians irrespective of religion. Like in every country, crime, corruption and discrimination persist, but it does seem to be more rampant of late (maybe now with Facebook, more people get the news more. Newspapers are too busy with the General Elections).
But as a fellow Malaysian, there is no need to call for “unhappy” Msians to leave the country. Complaining doesn’t make them love our country less.
I 100% agreed! Malaysia is no longer safe! 10 years ago, i had no problem walking in my neighbourhood ALONE without being feared of being kidnapped/snatched/robbed. Yes, they DO NOT spare you even if you are a guy cos now, they act in a group! All we need is a government who can ensure the safety of the citizen. Is that so difficult to ask for? Corruption is everywhere in the world. BUt when you tend to corrupt, make sure you do the work too. For those blasting Michelle Yeoh’s remark, i cant help but pity her but at the same time feeling she is ignorance of what’s average earners DO NOT live in guarded+gated community. They don’t have drivers to drive them to work. They don’t have bodyguards like some politicians. Therefore, they dont feel the insecurity and tedious lifestyle that we do.
Oh ya, we shouldn’t compare ourselves to other countries. If we want, we should compare to those richer/safer countries and learn from them. If we think Indonesia is worser than malaysia and we feel it’s is ok, then we are not improving. Instead, we are moving backwards. This is not what is should be. Right?
Losing any of your possessions is disheartening and upsetting but losing a life over it is just not worth it. Crime is all over regardless of where you are at. Cowardly acts such as the Boston Marathon bombing is something that we all should be upset at over the loss of innocent lives for no sensible or justifiable reason.
Malaysia, especially JB is notorious for its car thefts. As a result, We have heard of numerous horror stories, so much so that we dared not drive up to JB anymore.
johor bahru is a cowboy town
I was so worried last few months when I need to go to work at Batu Pahat!
I mean once I heard – Johor, I was like..OMGOSHH @@!!
Luckily Batu Pahat is still good! I actually enjoyed the 3 months staying there!
Thankfully though it’s the same state, Batu Pahat is nothing like Johor Bahru
JB is that bad? I went there a few times with just a few female friends. But we spent most of our time in the shopping centres so we didn’t experience anything terrible.
I am not sure either! Never been there
Listening to others about Johor Bahru already gives me goosebumps @@!!
I think it’s pretty alright if you don’t drive there? I heard they target the expensive luxury cars mostly.
Malaysian here too. I heard about JB being not safe at nights for girls.. I have a cousin who goes there for her studies and she told me that.
unsafe Malaysia! so much crimes! Singapore is much better!
There is serious breakdown of values in Malaysian society from top level down. Rampant corruption, abuse of public funds, non-performance of public servants. The people are trying very hard, through the social media, to inform and educate each other so that a change of government can take place. Just last week Michelle yeoh attended a huge dinner party organised by the present ruling party. She gave a speech asking the people to continue to embrace and vote the present party, a party that stole billions from public funds, the party that suppresses the people. ( search ytube for her speach). Michelle yeoh, the right thinking people of Malaysia curses you for helping a tyrannical party. You are a disgrace to the Chinese Malaysian.
you should immigrate to better countries such as singapore and australia since malaysia is unsafe and not a good place to live and raise families. but avoid indonesia and thailand, or china, corruption and laws are worse over there and there are big gaps between rich and poor where the poor are treated like dirt and the rich embezzled charity money. was talking about china red cross funds case
i find your perception and understanding of the political and social conditions pertaining to places like malaysia and singapore limited. i’ve lived, studied and worked in both malaysia and singapore. there are undoubtedly inherent problematics between different etchnicites as mentioned but which country do not have racism issues, i personally witnessed such incidents in australia.
it is perhaps easy to say a person wants to/can uproot and migrate to another country. what about family, especially elderly parents. such considerations are important in view of welfare, and the well being of loved ones who may possibly be left behind. how would they feel?
if people in malaysia for example, decide to leave due to dissention then what becomes of the place?yes, it is unsafe. yes, there are many problems socially and politically. yet there are still many people irregardless of race trying to make things better. if malaysians don’t attempt to make things right and just leave, who would?
Hi Kelvin – I concur with what you wrote. You gave a sensible and more realistic view of most of us who could not afford to migrate to another so-call better country perhaps due to financial, family, education and etc
Can you blame her-Michelle Yeoh?
Most of her time is not at Malaysia!
Even if she does, she is loaded $$$!!! Places she goes are all guarded!
Just like Vivian case, she is now residing at HK, if she is staying at Malaysia, especially JB, she surely wont get too upset of this incident but will definately feel very thankful that her sister is safe and only had minor injuries! Malaysia oh Malaysia!
Michelle Yeoh is Malaysia’s Jackie Chan.
Lin, you are absolutely right. That was a stupid thing to do by Michelle. I agree that, it is indeed her democratic right to choose which party she prefers to run the country BUT she SHOULDN’T CROSSED THE LINE! Her open endorsement & attempts to influencing the Malaysians to vote this heavily corrupt regime was too much to bear! It was sheer disbelief. I feel sorry for her. Just go around ask any rational thinking Malaysians, the name Michelle Yeoh, you will know the answer…..I puked at the mention of that name! Believe it or not, I have just donated away milk products (endorsed by her) which I bought not long ago.
Wow Ross, such strong sentiment. CHANGE is imminent!!! UBAH UBAH UBAH (CHANGE CHANGE CHANGE) Goverment
I always felt that celebrities should never partake in politics because many governments and bureaucracies are already quite flawed.
The Philippines is a good example where it’s pretty much a glorified popularity contest with politicians singing karaoke on TV and donations and certain families controlling newspapers. Adding celebrities into the mix is pretty much adding poop into an already large mountain of poop.
Correct no celebrities in politics, Michelle Y fr. Malaysia is just making herself a fool..
Yes, and you are a disgrace to Malaysians fighting for democracy. If your brand of “democracy”, and by that I mean, she can only choose what YOU believe in and nothing else or she’s a traitor, etc.., you are as uneducated and immature as the politics you are cursing.
Why can’t Michelle Yeoh choose who she supports?
If you don’t like her, don’t support her movies. Don’t buy the products she endorses. It’s a free country, no one’s forcing you to watch her movies or buy products she endorses.
What is uncalled for is the celebrity-bashing behind the perceived anonymity of the internet.
Remember Myolie Wu who was bashed too when she JUST appeared at the polling place of her bro-in law (or bro? i cant recall). Well, at least she did not use her influence to vocally tell everyone to vote her bro-in-law.
Her sister considered LUCKY!!
Still remember the case where a girl was abducted at shopping mall (1 Utama- considered quite a high end shopping mall at KL, Malaysia)!
She was at the parking lot, getting ready to get in the car and two men forcefully pushed her in the car!
Even she begged them, giving them her purse n car but the culprit main reason was wanted to rape her!
Luckily she escaped!
And the most recent, an auntie was stabbed to death in a robbery @@!!
Nowadays, if u just lost your belongings, it’s considered lucky! as long as the victim is safe!
Hey, that’s not 1-Utama. That is the Curve. Get your facts right. 1-U will sue you for slander.
Actually, 1-U carpark security is good, the best one of all that I’ve seen. And I am just a shopping patron.
Okay, my wrong on that gal news >.<
But huhhh?!!! 1U Carpark is GOOD?!
Read the news below before commenting!
This is old news. 1-U has since beef up security. If you are alone, you can walk to the counter to ask for a guard escort.
if the security see you walking alone to your car at a far end, they will walk behind you to see that you are ‘safe’
They also apprehend a ‘wandering’ car suspected of trying make rob shoopers in the carpark.
you think australia is safe just look at all the drive by shootings by bikies and ethnic gangs.Also Asians get harassed and beaten up on the trains and buses by thugs.
at least much better than scary malaysia! look at all the negative comments by malaysians here! australia is a famous tourism country and those incidents must be isolated. which country don’t have criminals? i know many chinese ethnic families from southeast asia corrupted and dangerous countries who made a living and raise kids well in aussie. all their kids got well educated and they made decent living which i’m sure they won’t achieve if still suffering in these uncivilized and lawless countries such as indonesia, malaysia, thailand, philippines, vietnam. if course immigrate to canada or usa is better.
For me, I don’t think USA is a good place like you said! Every day I read news about USA… is shooting and killing@@@
Kids are missing, etc
Thanks lord that my mom come here at the dutch Caribbean island. It is lot safer..
not sure where you get your info from but those events in australia are pretty rare. not like there is a driveby everyday or asians being bashed everytime they are on trains
maybe u have not been keeping up on current affairs lately but there is violent crime on a weekly basis in south western sydney.
here is info on attacks in sydney melbourne etc in australian/foreign media.
and most recently
as someone that is asian and lives in australia i think i can judge more than by reading articles on the web. you notice that the articles dates posted? are they so close together that anyone should be concerned? no, of course there is racial violence but it is rare and most australians dont tolerate it. also read this
it is mostly an overreaction. a few events does not mean you will encounter it on a daily basis. there is an emphasis on reporting because australians actually are outraged at these events, that shows you the country’s attitudes to other races. i personally have never been threatened or attacked on public transport. australia is a very safe country, there is violence like every other country but they occur in isolated areas.
Maybe you are living in a fantasy world or dream world but racism in australia does exist.In addition maybe u have a short term memory but have you not heard of pauline hanson and one nation and the Cronulla riots. Furthermore the attacks on Indian students and the treatment of Indigenous communities is a disgrace. I have been called gook or chink by Caucasian australians so many times it is not funny.I am not saying all australians are racist but the majority are.
you’re telling me I’m living in a fantasy world when I actually live in Australia and can be a good judge of whether racism is rife here? yes thank you for listing those but as I said those events are rare and far between. are you telling me there is no racism anywhere else in the world? most of the violence is random as was said, it is a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. the cronulla riots was racial violence yes, but that doesn’t happen every day. if Australians are majority racist then why do they report racist attacks in Australian and there is outrage?
while I disagree on your pov that Australia is not racist I respect your opinion.Lets just saw we agree that we disagree.However Racism in Australia is real especially in Melb and Syd.There is also a blog that reports asian discrimination in the usa.
like i said, there is racism everywhere in the world. but to imply that it is extremely bad in australia is inaccurate and wrong. me and my asians mates feel super safe in this country and to be honest after visiting other places there is no where in the world i would rather live.
majority of australians are like that. i wouldnt be defending australia if racism was in the majority here.
I am a victim of handbag snatching myself and my colleague is a victim of laptop theft. 2 men on motorcycle broke her car rear window whilst she was at the traffic light. How scary! At the very least, I feel safer carrying my laptop and handbag walking in the streets in Singapore. Doesn’t matter if I’m crossing a road, going to a car park, walking from one MRT station to another, walking through a park etc. Whereas in KL, either my handbag or laptop or both with be snatched within minutes on the street.
God dang I wouldn’t want to be a woman in Malaysia.
hope ruco will be safe filming in malaysia. tvb should’ve picked a safer place for location filming.
don’t get why some scumbag actors still invest in malaysia. not a good place looks like it.
Many actors come to film/do promotion/hold concert and they all are unharmed.
have u been to malaysia? or how well do you know malaysia? do you know johor is just 1 of the 14 states of malaysia?
do you know singaporeans love to cross over to johor during weekends for shopping and eating too? singaporeans are not so stupid if johor is such an unsafe place to go.
do you know Jimmy Choo is from Malaysia who is also promoting tourism for Malaysia?
I’m just being neutral, do more read up from internet before giving negative comments.
But Michelle Yeoh is supporting the outgoing Malaysian Government.
She even said that Prime Minister is the best.
She must be paid millions to say that.
If PSY was paid USD2 Millions= RM4Millions++ to perform ONE song, guess how much she gets for her “I LOVE PM” speech!! $______$
and I won’t be surprised when other famous malaysian celebrities residing oversea as Guan liang, Ping guan or Fish Leong or Penny Tai doing the same! MONEYYY$$$$$!!
@ Newton and Yen Accusation & putting words into other mouth is not a pleasant thing to do.
By the way I’m Malaysian..I enjoy peaceful cultural diversity living in this Muslim country
@cloud 9
It is not an accusation but its fact that PSY was paid USD2Millions to sing ONE song during the CNY by MCA-BN!
As for MY, it’s also acceptable and agreeable that she sided the BN since she is well taken care by the now-govt – both her n her father received Datukship
And as a Malaysian, u should know it well how someone gets a DATUKSHIP!
Pleasee don’t tell me it’s because of goodwill!
Shah Rukh Khan – an Indian citizen got a DATUKSHIP ==!!! Oh ya, he is a very famous actor from INDIA!
2 million is what goes around in cyberspace. did PSY call you up on the phone to tell you he got paid 2 million?
Learn to separate truth and hearsay. You have brain, use it.
You said :-
“And as a Malaysian, u should know it well how someone gets a DATUKSHIP!”
Please get your facts right !
DAP Perak Chairman Dato’ Ngeh Koo Ham, if you don’t know him , google it
Datuk Lee Chong it !
Dato Jimmy it
To be fair many like myself think the way she does for a simple reason; continuity is good BUT I like to see more opposition in the parliament. To have a change immediately will mean riots. Yes, riots. And I sure hell don’t want PAS anywhere near the term government. I’d rather BN continue to win but yes I like to see more opposition. But I like to see Selangor and Penang remain in opposition’s hands but Selangor, I think it is 50/50.
it’s PKR my dear… unity to fight corruption.
I do mean PAS.
DAP and PAS don’t even have the same goal. How to unite?
For power they did and they will. One thinks they can control the other. I see PAS and I just don’t like them. And that affects my perception of DAP. However my area has been a DAP stronghold for.. I think 20 years? The MP will win easily no doubt. I hope Selangor remains in opposition hands. Suddenly everything so efficient in Selangor. But look at Penang. Within Malaysia we are told so little but to outsiders Penang is a success story!
I seriously do not know why anybody would worry about PAS. If it is the fear that Malaysia will turn into an Islamic country, that has happened eons ago when the Supreme Court then declared that Malaysia was a secular country but Dr M thereafter declared otherwise. So, to the whole freaking world, we are an Islamic country. But the fact of the matter is we know why Dr M said what he said. He said it to gain the support of the Malay Muslims and not that he meant it. We are a secular country and we will forever be a secular country, unless PAS (and I means PAS alone) wins 2/3 of the Parliament. They need that majority to change the constitution. I don’t see that happening in my lifetime. And what’s this nonsense about riot? Why should there be any riot? Funn, stop being part of the scaremonger group. There will not be a riot if everyone remain calm after the results like what happened in Penang in 2008. The streets were quiet so as not to give any opportunity to anyone to start a riot. After over 50 years of BN rule (the last 30 being the most tyrannical), I really have no reason to proffer why they should remain in power only to rob and pillage what rightfully belong to the people and not a select few.
“Funn, stop being part of the scaremonger group.”
Well, let’s hope for the best shall we? Of course PAS can’t change the constitution but interesting you should place so much emphasis on constitution since if the quota is met it can happen. Of course it won’t but I don’t like PAS in power. Simple as that. Oh depending on who wins, riot or not. It is not impossible nor a nonsense. Emotions are high. It can happen. Penang is an exception because there are a lot of supporters there of a certain race. And it is one state. I am talking about the one forming the government.
More seats for opposition to keep them on their toes is what I hope to see.
Just to share regarding PAS. When Penang falls to DAP in 2008, we have a lot of Mamaks making noise and street demos. Well it was PAS who made a stand and dared the Mamaks to cross the line, no one did and eventually the demos fizzled out. Now even if there are demos, the numbers are around 20 to 30 people.
Knowing Michelle yeoh and her family in Ipoh, they obviously chooses money over the goodness of humanity. She is the total opposite of Aung Sang Su Che and it boggles my mind how and why she was chosen to portray her in the movie
wow really? sad to hear that michelle yeoh and her family prioritize wealth over humanity. thanks for sharing.
Loll!! She is just an ACTRESS!
Do you really think all the actors and actresses are as RIGHTEOUS as the characters they POTRAYED? XD
@Yen of course I blame her (MY). For evil to strive, it is for good people who does nothing. In MY’s case she is supporting a regime that stole the people’s money and discriminate its people. Thousands of Malaysian Indians die in prison in the hands of the authorities. You (Michelle yeoh) sleeps with the evil, is therefore one of them
Is it just a rumour since you do not know for sure if she slept with those people or not.
I’m not saying she literally slept with anyone. Metaphorically speaking she “mixes” with a tyranical regime, therefore she is no better
Oh sorry that I misunderstood you… I guess I just don’t understand what is going in Malaysia. I can kind of understand it but still don’t get why so many are saying that Michelle is a traitor and all… She is a proud Malaysian too I think.
@sel_fi_wu 2-3 weeks ago thousands of Malaysians (through facebook) some urging and some condemning Michelle yeoh for intending to attend a political campaign in klang malaysia ti endorse the ruling party. Her respond was “she has the right to support any party she likes”. Well said but I want to say this to Michelle yeoh, people also have their rights to expose your evil intention
Are you Malaysian?? If so, maybe you can shed some light on how it is so that people don’t stereotype and get the wrong impressions about it. I heard it is not the safest country but I don’t think it is as bad as some make it out ot be.
Everything i have written is well documented in the public domain, no rumor no spin
Are you sure??
@ Lin What evil intention?
Supporting a corrupted regime and one that eliminate thousands of its own citizens of Indian ethnicity is to me evil
Most of all these crimes you read here like snatch thieves, robbing at knife point, car jacking like in Vivian’s case, are perpetuated by small time Indian gangs…
And Malay drug addicts..
@Lin, I think you better watch your words.
Your quote “one that eliminate thousands of its own citizens of Indian ethnicity ”
You are accusing them of genocide, and that’s not true. Stop spreading lies. And I am Malaysian, supporting PR like you.
@ winner, I was a bit lost as well with Lin’s remark too. Did Lin mixed up & refer to another country, perhaps Sri Lanka where genocide of Indian Tamils did take place.
BN/UMNO may be corrupted to the core but it ain’t mass murderer like Pol Pot’s regime. That’s a fact.
I was lost with Lin’s remark too. When did they practice genocide??? I don’t know much about this situation but it is not that bad right?? I don’t think Michelle is “evil” is she??? From what I know about her, she doesn’t seem that bad or “evil” as Lin said…
I strongly suggest you read more. If you wish you can even hear 1st hand from the lawyers who is now pursuing this cases with the authorities. Yes, hindraf uses that word that you mentioned “genocide”. Hindraf has even filed a legal document in the UK pertaining this matter so what word you want me to watch and not say?
The Hindraf movement now supporting the present government BN who is who supporting evil intention ? (You said: Supporting a corrupted regime and one that eliminate thousands of its own citizens of Indian ethnicity is to me evil )
Michelle Yeoh never said people don’t have a right to judge her words. She just said “she has the right to support any party she likes”, which is rightly so.
I bet if Michelle Yeoh’s public speech is to urge people to vote for the opposition, you will hail her as a brave heroine.
Same action, different party. But, the judgement will be different.
@kidd. If MY urge people to vote opposition, you in your own words, have the right to hail her as a brave heroine, if you wish to but as to whether other people will do it we won’t know. So far, I have n
I still do not get what MY did was evil though. She has the right to vote for who she wants. She is a Malaysian too so she has the right vote for or support who she likes.
Imho, Michelle Yeoh did nothing evil. She’s just evil in the eyes of those who don’t like the current ruling party and want a change. Her endorsing the ruling party is going against their wishes. Some people think the current ruling party is the worst scums and thieves on earth. So, Michelle Yeoh endorsing these supposed scums must be evil.
Wonder what happens to freedom of speech and freedom to vote. MY gets flaks for supporting a party of her choice. The out-going government has been treating her and her family very well. Father and daughter were bestowed datukship. It goes to show how proud Malaysia (read: the out-going government) is of her achievement as someone pointed out she’s M’sia’s Jackie Chan. So give me one good reason why she shouldn’t have the right to support the party she likes!
So the out-going government has been stealing billions from public funds and rampant corruption is part and parcel of doings of the politicians here.
Don’t be naive to think that a change of government will end corruption. Politicians are self-serving people who go for power, money and glory.
Crimes happen everywhere in the world. When people are well-fed they don’t rob and burglarize. When young children weren’t traumatized in their childhood and later become screwed-up and twisted in their mental state of minds to become perverts, sadists, monsters then the world will be a more peaceful place to live.
People aren’t perfect if we were then we would have been saints who speak no evil, do no evil and see no evil.
Hi Jade,
Freedom of speech & freedom to vote, yes….not arguing on that, but don’t go beyond that……by promoting a despotic regime bent on retaining power, by hooks or by crooks….BTW, the country start with the letter, M….not Myanmar….
“Give me one good reason why she shouldn’t have the right to support the party she likes.” Your next statement – “so the out-going government has been stealing billions from public funds” – is one good reason why she should not support a corrupted regime. No one is naive to think that all politicians are not self serving but Malaysia is at a crossroad and if the present ruling party is not humbled/change the people will suffer the eventuality of economic and social collapse
It is her choice. It is her right. It is her democratic freedom to endorse anyone, any party as long as she knows why and not stupidly follow the crowd. It is her privilege.
If an opposition wins, I predict chaos. If an opposition with a well known radical (sort of) religious party gets to form government you will be seeing a lot of other races forced to cover up.
No, I can deal with a corrupt government, and more opposition will do the check and balance. I can’t deal with a party based on religious teachings. That you can never win in any argument.
I say put more opposition in the parliament but the opposition is not ready to rule yet.
@cloud. Hindraf can choose to go with any party they so wishes (its their right) in this case the present ruling party, the very party that hindraf brought a class act suit against in the uk court. Does this collaboration means all previous things done to Indians does not exists?
Wat Lin said is all correct.
Therefore as a malaysian i urge all msian living overseas to come back n vote on 5th may!
@funn lim. Each and every individual has their rights to support any entity they so wishes. MY puts herself in a pedestal where she gives a public speech to urge people to vote for a certain party, she then has to accept that people also has the right to judge her words and actions. My analysis tells me PAS is indeed bad news for everyone. “I can deal with a corrupt government” – I hope with the continuity of the present government with another 5 years we can still afford to buy food
@Ross and Lin
Btw, I’m not pro the out-going government but just pointed out that we shouldn’t bank too much hope on the change of regime that will give us a better government.
For all you know the new government might be despotic as well and even worst than the last one.
As we can see this GE 13 is getting out of control because the political parties can’t control their members. We’ll see multi-corner fights. Disgruntled members are either sacked or resigned because they went against their respective parties’ instructions and chose to be independent candidates. Alliance between opposition parties have overlapping candidacies.
Are these candidates doing this for the love of their country or because their personal agenda is go after power, money and glory. Show me a politician who isn’t self-serving you’ll make me less skeptical.
Yes of course we need to get rid of despotic regime but make no mistake to go out of the frying pan into the fire. Don’t let emotion pull wool over your eyes. Have to be clear-sighted when you exercise your vote.
One man’s poison is another man’s meat. MY has her right to obviously support and promote her choice. Maybe it’s her loyalty to her father who’s a somebody in MCA. Is it the money? She already has the glory of being an international actress and being engaged to a wealthy and famous French man.
Don’t you realize it has never been rich people’s war when they benefit and that fighting for a change has always been poor people’s fight.
Corruption begins when the unscrupulous businessmen wanna grease the palms of greedy politicians.
You can’t fault the out- going government for fighting tooth and nail to retain power as plenty is at stake that’s losing the golden egg and probably having no back-up and cover-up when scandals and vengeance are likely to break out….
No one is banking on any politicians to give us a better future. It is a society’s responsibility to “pressure” the politicians to develop good policies by using our vote wisely
You are right LIN!!!
Damn, since it is so bad in Malaysia, then move…like the old saying “if it is too hot in the kitchen, then leave”. I am sure that not all parts of Malaysia is all bad. If tourism is a major part of their national income, I am sure that they will need to have some semblance of law and order to justify that industry.
You think like TVB drama meh?! Can move so easily meh?!
It is not easy to just move from one country to another. YOu make it seem like it is as easy as just moving to another house. I have a friend who lives in Japan but wants to move to another country, but it is not easy at all even IF you are rich and have lots of money. Therefore, if you are poor or only middle class at most, it makes it even harder to leave one country and move to another. Of course, it takes and requires much more than money in many cases.
I beg to differ but it is easy to move to another country but if you want to live in a country of your choice such as in the more developed countries where there is a stronger legal system, then it is more difficult.
Maybe you are either rich or have lots of connections or something because in many cases it is seriously not easy to go from one country to another. I know that for a fact because IF that were the case, then all of the people from HK would have came to the US and other countries before the 97 handover. But of course, only the rich were able to do so. However, they could not immigrate to the US since many did not have family or anyone they knew who can sponsor them, so many that had money went to Canada instead. But those that had no money, education,etc.. were stuck where they already were.
Vivien, it is only a car. Chill.
I wonder is Vivien will vote on 5th May. If she is a worrying Malaysian, she have to practise her rights!
I’VE BEEN TO JUSCO, BUKIT INDAH IN JB… (*^﹏^*)(*^﹏^*)(*^﹏^*)
I m from Malaysia, gosh….dont even bother to stay here if i have a chance. I would rather migrate to bangkok and indonesia if i have the chance. Sad Government we have here. they like to compare with Zimbabwe or Kenya instead of our neighbor country Singapore. So our Ranking look nicer and feel better.
Very funny!!
If Indonesia and Thailand are so good, why so many of their people come over to Malaysia to take up low paying jobs?
Thailand is a also another country that you must be really wealthy in order to live well in…
no don’t go to indonesia! at least not jakarta the city is horrible and packed and homeless and traffic jams everywhere! bali is fine. went there beautiful place and friendly people! heard bangkok is ok, don’t hear people complaining unlike the many complains from malaysians.
Maybe you spoke to good natured Indonesians and Thais or you spoke to grumpy Malaysians.
Talking about jams, I was in an epic 5 HOUR jam!!!!
You know Singaporeans also have many complaints about Singapore right?
Jakarta is actually one of the cities you would rather visit or stay if you go to Indonesia.
And wth ‘horrible…packed… and homeless and traffic jams everywhere…” TRAFFIC JAMS? CHICK, NEVER I MEAN NEVER GO TO NYC THEN. YOU’LL BE JAMMED ALRIGHT.
Just went to Bangkok on Songkran Festival. I think I feel relatively safer in Bangkok then in KL. And it really surprised me that their MRT / BTS is so clean although you hardly see a litterbin. Look at some Malaysians… throwing rubbish everywhere although a few more steps there is a litterbin. And some throw plastic and food (rambutans to be exact for the one i encountered) out of the car on a HIGHWAY!!!!
I’m from Singapore and I complain all the time. Too hot all year round, too boring, too expensive, too strict. But I guess after traveling to other countries, I feel Singapore is safer and more organized. It is definitely not heaven though. As for racism, it is pretty common, but a lot less serious than some countries. We do live in harmony, but it is usual to see a different skin color and have certain thoughts. I’m trying to be less discriminating as well. My friends drive to Malaysia all the time, whereas my family and I have never dared to because of what we’ve heard about safety.
I would say you are the most honest and fair when it comes to speaking about your country. One of my colleague who is from Singpore praises it like there is no tommorrow. LOL no joke… She says it’s clean, safe, rich, nice people and etc etc.. My sis was just there last year and she concurs that Singapore is definitely clean and a great awesome vacation spot but she also says Malaysia is NOT that bad either but she she stayed in the tourist section so she felt pretty good and safe about it so I guess it probably depends on when, where and if you are travelling solo or in groups in order to know whether or not it will be a plesant experience. She says some spots definitely look pretty rough if are a local. However, she does praise Singapore as a really nice country and even cleaner than Japan. and she says NO GUM in Singapore? I guess we need that kind strictness in the US? haha
It goes for all areas… When you are just going on vacation or are a tourist, you will of course see just the best parts of the country and the nicest looking areas. However, if you actually live there then you would have a better picture how life truly is. I don’t feel you have a good idea about how life is in any country when you just go there for a vacation.
If you want strict in the US, come visit NYC, King Bloomwitch welcomes you.
I find Singapore is like a beautiful woman – just a facade. Yes it’s beautiful and clean. But it’s only the surface. Everything is so expensive. The blue collar worker can barely survive here. Housings are expensive, childcare is too.
To be fair to all other countries, Singapore is so small compared to most. So no rural and dirty areas but that’s because land is used for housings. And if you want to talk about safety don’t forget a terrorist escaped while in Singapore’s care.
But the pay in Singapore is relatively higher than neighboring countries. The higher cost of living offsets this. What is the percent of pay spent towards housing (rental)?
The housing costs in NYC area are very expensive as well. Many people are now living with their parents even after marriage to save some money.
At the opposite end of the spectrum, government housing is available for those who are living at the poverty level. And there’s free healthcare and funds to pay for groceries.
Nothing is free in Singapore! Not even healthcare for the elderly. They do get subsidies.
Some young couples will have to work all their lives to pay for their housings. That’s how much it costs them. Some are more fortunate. They have well-to-do parents who are able to pay off a substantial amount for them. Small government apartments costs S$400k. Mercedes cars costs $100k and above. That’s how high the costs of livings are here.
No doubt pay is higher but whatever goes into their pockets, more will be asked of them. Chilcare centres can go up to thousands for a month! Now, imagine having a 3-generation family relying on a single income. Even double income is passable. Unless of course, both parents have high educations which garner more pay.
So yes, the rich gets richer and the poor …
I have to say, the healthcare system in Malaysia is pretty good . The government subsidises a lot in healthcare.
The medical fees in government clinics and hospitals are very low. You pay RM5 for specialist consultation and you get your medicine free. I’ve only gone to government clinic once many years ago. At that time, consultation fee was only RM1. I don’t know if the fee has risen or not in recent years.
I think in this area, the Malaysian government has done very well.
Fee still low BUT queue still long
“Fee still low BUT queue still long”
Well, can’t be helped. Anything free or low price/fee will have a lot of people queuing up for it unless it’s iPhone. But, I think if it’s an emergency, they will let you go in first.
oh…she is from Malaysia…no wonder her Cantonese accent is so terrible.
Anyway, it is a red BMW. Normally red cars attracts more attention. By the way, not only her sister experience it, there are others who suffered as well. Why is she blowing up the matter so big? Just because she is an actress? I never like her…her acting sucks.
Poor Vivian. She is never in the news., but now she got front page in Jaynestars, for all the wrong reasons.
Not because she is news worthy, but because of crimes in Malaysia, which so coincidentally befall her family members… and only when at a time when she is back in Malaysia filming. ..
I never knew that Vivien was Malaysian until now. It is great that TVB allows other nationalities to work for them.
Crime exists in any country… and Malaysia is no exception. I’ve been to Malaysia many time because of biz there and the last time was only last week. Generally, it’s still a safe place to go anywhere…
You can’t make the same mistake twice because the second time you make it, it isn’t a mistake it’s a choice. Yet the voters were responsible for voting BN-UMNO 56 times.
At the end of 56 times there are people who wanna vote for a change because during these times the unsatisfied citizens haven’t been able to PRESSURE the out-going government to develop good policies.
In order to have change people must have the thirst and passion for it. Opposition has finally found a chink in UMNO’s armour. The 2008 election saw the crippling of MIC, MCA and GERAKAN.
The opportunity is here as UMNO is self-destructing because embattled Najib carries too much baggage, his alleged involvement with Altantuya’s murder and bribery dealing with Scorpene. But don’t rejoice too soon because the country”s biggest problem is complaceny. We are change-resistant people even though there has been some unhappiness over New Economic Policy that favors the ethnic Malays.
But can we trust the rival coalition to do a good job of providing good policies to sustain the country and its people? The way they are fighting for seats doesn’t seem they are truly united.
Don’t be fooled to think there isn’t any corruption in Selangor and Penang. It’s only that the administrators were careful not to take too big a bite as they were under probation. Give them another 5 years in power we might see the blatant greed.
“Change!” chanted the opposition and its supporters. Obama chanted change and won the election. He’s re-elected and the world is waiting to see how effective his changes are.
Both Najib and opposition are promising less corruption and higher-living standards. Now we have daylight robberies and see bag-snatchers, pickpockets etc, etc who come out from the woodwork to commit crimes. Who are responsible for these crimes, jobless people, low-paid blue-collar workers or immigrant and illegal workers? If the cost of living goes higher the crime rates will go higher.
The tendency/fallacy of people is when they hate they’ll look for everything that’s bad and when they love they’ll look for everything that’s good. So it’s up to you who you choose to listen to.
Are you Malaysian too?? What do you think of what Michelle did?? I wonder why many are criticizing her for it?
HTS, here’s a piece of article, not really all of it but I guess it can help you understand the criticisms that she has been getting,particularly after she dined with the PM.
How credible is it I am not really sure because I don’t really know politics myself.
Malaysians do not vote every year…..we have been ruled by the same, old (rusting) party for 56 long years……TIME FOR A..CHANGE!
Respect the choice of others, actress Lee Sin Jie tells cyber bullies
I suppose the grass is always greener elsewhere.
Singapore used to be good in the 90s. Everything goes downhill from then. The country is being run like a private corporation. The govt treats foreigners
better than their own citizens.
Not sure if you heard what PAP stands for? Pay and Pay.
Singapore is good for those with young family and certainly not good for old people. One of minister even told the people to put their aged parents in JB.
I dont think Singapore is good for young families. Too expensive and stressful. If I cant migrate out I probably wont have a kid.
By the way crime rates are going up in Singpapore due to influx of foreigners coming in so it is not so safe now.
For Malaysia, my hubby had an incident. Somebody on motorbike tried to open his car door while waiting for traffic. Kind
of scary though.
New Zealand is the best..
At Auckland City itself…sometime yes ..sometime no.
@ Hetieshou
If your question is meant for me, yes I am a Malaysian and proud to be one.
IMO, if you are not a happy person anywhere you go you’ll still feel trapped in the same frame of mind that means bringing unhappiness with you whereever you go.
The point is it isn’t easy to change someone’s mindset. It’s just like the fixed mental attitude of some supporters who get mad with people who don’t support the party they support. They allow their hearts to rule not their heads.
If MY were just an ordinary person who has the audacity to speak her mind about her choice of party. The least people could do is to try and talk her out of it.
MY was invited to attend a function organized by the BN. She is a celebrity and a speech was expected from her. It angered the supporters of the opposition that she openly asked the attendees to give full mandate to Najib.
Now the opposition supporters are afraid that her endorsement will help to garner some votes.
She has been appreciated and treated well by BN and its component party MCA. I’d consider she did wrong if she’d backstabbed the coalition in her speech instead of showing her appreciation.
Of course her defectors respect the choice of other people only when it’s in their choice’s favor. Local singers who attended functions organized by opposition party didn’t receive criticism and attacks. Clearly it shows prejudice.
Frankly, as a celebrity she should not be pulling votes. She can say I will vote for Najib but don’t ask everyone else to follow her footsteps. She is kind of having influence to people or else why Najib wanted her to give a speech at dinner. My opinion only.
I stand corrected… ( wink,
) I do agree with you that we do need a change to end the current culture of corruption, cronyism and politicians who think they can get away with murder and bribing the citizens with taxpayers’ money.
My one question is, do our country’s myriad problems go away with an opposition victory?
At least we know with the current one we are getting worse. Based on Penang and Selangor influx of FI and also lower debt due to better governance, why not give a chance to government? And why do you think the care-taker wants Selangor that badly? It is rich and they can take more out of it?
Well, if the opposition party fails to win this term, no eye see, pack your gears and move to NZ, one of the least corrupt beautiful country with nice weather, completely laidback and relaxed fishing during the weekends. Kia ora
I’m not the moderator but do you think we are running away from the topic of this page? We are talking politics in what seems to be a webpage talking about entertainment news!
You are right….everyone got carried away especially Malaysians like myself…..this is not a political forum…let’s move on to entertainment news…
Couldn’t agree more. I had to scroll back up to the top of the page to check what news was I reading about after going through countless comments on politics and migrating.
As politics is a hot topic now since Malaysia’s election is next week, prolly Jayne can have a separate article with MY as the main entertainment topic and others could indirectly comment on her political choice as well, ha, ha,ha…
Migration is not a salvation for crime problems. So I move to Singapore because Malaysia has too many crimes. Then when Singapore has too many university sex scandals, I move to US because I fear it will affect my children. So and then when I live in US, I start to get extremely alarmed when people are dying getting shot, I then move to Japan. And then tsunami and earthquake strike, so I had to move to….? Get my point? There is danger everywhere. The grass always look greener on the other side of the fence. You may be enjoying but that doesn’t mean it applies to everyone who had migrated. Oh and to add on. That Michelle Yeoh thing is getting more and more ridiculous. If you want to change , just cast a ballot. Calling her a traitor doesn’t change a thing.If you’re an adult, you should have at least some cognition and common sense to know what is the right thing to do. It’s really much easier for you to just cast a ballot then spend all your time criticising her from one forum to another .