Yammie Nam Admits She Was Raped by Two Men

Yammie Nam’s (藍潔瑛) mental instability has progressively worsened in the last few years. Yammie was rumored to be emotionally scarred from a horrifying rape experience in Singapore several years ago. In a recent interview with Next Magazine, Yammie admitted for the first time that she was raped by two heavyweights in the Hong Kong film industry.
Yammie’s condition first came to public awareness in 2004, when she had a nervous breakdown and wanted to commit suicide. Personal bankruptcy, depression, and mental illness followed. In 2006, Yammie had checked into a mental hospital due to suicidal tendencies. Inconsistent in taking her medications, she continued to relapse into a more severe state. Unable to maintain a steady job, she is currently living in public housing and often wanders the streets of Hong Kong aimlessly in a trance-like state.
Although she was a striking beauty in the 1980s, the 49-year-old former TVB actress’ hair has turned nearly all white from her tragic experiences. Close friend, Mary Yeung (楊曼莉), once revealed in an interview that Yammie had confided that she was raped by a Hong Kong entertainment dai lo. Mary had revealed, “Yammie Nam said that when she was filming in Singapore, this dai lo raped her. After raping her, he smiled at her coldly and till this day, Yammie still remembers his cold smile. I believe that this incident was a big blow to her; she is unable to accept her own past.”
Speaking with reporters recently, Yammie confirmed the rumors that have been circulating for years. Asked if she had been raped, Yammie nodded her head firmly and said, “Why would I lie? I was truly raped.” The name of the alleged rapist was however edited out in the excerpt of the video interview.
Next Magazine promises to reveal the details of Yammie’s tragic experience in an upcoming issue.
Source: Sina.com
This article is written by Jayne for JayneStars.com.
It is heart-wrenching to hear Yammie admit about the rape. Although her friend, Mary Yeung, had spoken about the incident to the press before, it was never confirmed by Yammie.
The term “dai lo” (大老) was used, hinting to a mafia leader involved in the entertainment industry.
Probably something similar to Carina Lau’s incident.
Then I wonder if Carina may have been raped as well .. and still suffering from it occasionally.
Well, Carina Lau at least was very brave to face reality. It is not easy to do it. She was lucky to get Tony Leung’s support, and it really helped her a lot.
If Carina Lau were violated, she is a very strong woman to continue to live happily. The mafia leader had tried to humiliate her with those topless photos as well.
But Carina had thanked her kidnappers for not violating her, so I would prefer to believe that she was not raped.
It is very hard for a popular actress to admit that she has been raped, especially she is now a Movie King’s (Tony Leung) wife. I don’t blame her for not revealing the truth. Anyway it was passed and she did not want to remember it.
I don’t think a pretty actress was just forced for nude photos without any rapes involved.
Agree –
I honestly don’t care if anything more happened to Carina and just happy she is functioning well in front of the media and behind close doors, she has Tony!
It’s just sad that the entertainment business is so filthy. I tried imagining my work place like this, I might go into deep depression myself.
Really hope things get better for her!!!
@Pandamao and Jayne
Actually the truth is, sadly Carina got raped as well and I beloved it is more than 3 persons.
I watched the video. Although it is only a few minutes which I can’t bring myself to finish watching it, it is clearly she got raped.
It is a horrifying sight. I almost had sleepless night for a week and even recalling that sight got my heart beating fast now.
my parents watched the alleged video (a friend of theirs showed them as my dad was a carina fan back in the day). my mum says she couldn’t see the victim’s face clearly but her voice sounded like carina’s. they are still very disturbed by the memories. i’m glad i’ve never seen it.
Carina was not raped. She said she was thankful to the people who kidnapped her. They didn’t touch her. But we’re merely following instructions to kidnap her and took nude pics. She said this in her interview in Telling Maria.
That so called video of Carina Lau’s rape was a Japanese AV video. The guys spoke in Japanese. Although I too believe she was raped but with such a strong character of hers. If she did get raped she would admit it by this day and age.
This is just so sad and I feel even worse for her. I had a feeling that it was true that doge was raped but of course it is grad for anyone, especially a public figure to admit it. In Carina’s case, I have a feeling that she was just kidnapped and striped but not raped or else I think she would less likely be able to live so well now. However, if she was raped then I really applaud her for strength and courage. Also Carina was lucky to have her family and Tony to support and comfort her while Yammie does not really have anyone. Her parents both passed away and I do not think she has any siblings and friends can only do so much. She also has no husband and I heard that 2 of her boyfriends committed suicide in the past. With just so many tragic events happening in her life, it us no wonder that she ended up the way that she is now. Those evil men that raped her should be punished so if karma still works, what gies around comes around.
Meant to say “goes”.
Meant yo say it was true that she was raped but of course it is hard for anyone to admit it. Gosh it sucks typing on this stupid iPad!
nope, truth is she got raped.
when the news broke out, there were also a video circulating and at that time, I watched the video. but I only managed to watch a little because ishhh I can see or ishhh don’t know how to describe Carina condition at that moment. Clearly she got raped and it’s not by one person. From the video, there are 3 and haven’t include the one holding the video recorder
And since that day, yes, I admire her alot. Her strength.
What is the matter with you people this article is on Yammie and why bring up Carina Lau’s case. Is it done to bring amusement to all of you if so you are very callous.
Carina was also lucky to have MONEY:
Rich people get all the same sadness, but they don’t hurt as much because they are still rich.
“Rich people are prone to all the same maladies and emotions as anyone else, and at the same frequency. And certainly, in some cases, money itself can cause stress and unhappiness. But, with one difference — if you’re unhappy and rich, you have money. And money buys creature comforts.” — Steven Ka
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/does-being-rich-make-you-happy-2013-12#ixzz2oJoeexwd
Can anyone tell me how did Yammie Nam become so poor and destitute? Why did she end up living in public housing?
Poor Yammie. The one who raped her should be executed. He ruined such a beautiful girl’s whole life.
Yeah … this is such a tragedy. I’m so bothered by this. She had the God given talent but there was nothing anyone could do to help.
There aren’t many hong kong entertainment dai lo
It’s so hard hearing about such a tragic incident. The entertainment business is so sketchy. Who knows what else these people have done? When the article said several years ago, however, do they only mean several years, or before her mental breakdown (which would be more than several years)?
Yammie was apparently raped before 2004, when the public became aware of her mental instability.
I heard that she was admitted to the mental hospital and had other problems around 1999.
omg!! she was such a beauty during my schooldays… it’s so so heartbreaking to learn of her tragic past & the fact that is still haunts her to-date…
It’s disgusting to know that a man can violate a woman in that way, that man is a sore loser. I can only hope and pray that Yammie will eventually recover from this incident…one of my closest friends was just violated recently…no one deserves this. One day karma is gonna get to the man who did this to Yammie.
We all hope that karma works, but sadly it does not always work.
::sigh:: I just have…I don’t even know what to say…
I do pity her. It seems like bad things happen one after another. They say the entertainment industry is dark and dirty…
It is very true, depending on an artiste’s luck and ability to survive and adapt.
Yea,behind all of that glamour, money and fame, there is a very dark world behind the scenes of the e circle. It is no wonder my cousin once said that if he had a daughter he would not allow her to join the circle.
Why edit out the name in the video? Air it to the whole world.
The reporter did not want to get into big trouble with that so-called “Dai Lo”. Don’t blame him/her.
I heard that even the police are afraid of these Dai Lo/ mafia leaders because they are creepy and scary…
Especially not in her home town (Hong Kong).
Close down HK police if they are scared.
Bring in China Police.
Hopefully she is getting some financial help and emotional support from the HK actors guild.
The entertainment business is certainly a dangerous environment for young women. S Korea actresses are also having their share of such horror stories.
i remember reading somewhere that she is getting financial help from someone(think an actor)…guess people in the circle know about this…
A tragic life for beauty and talented Yammie Nam
Hopefully she can overcome it one day…
sad sad sad
Recently there is another tvb artist raped by music producer .who is she?
cant remember
I do not think the victim was ever revealed to protect her privacy.
poor yammie. She was truly talented…
what a tragic tragic event for her
i hope she gets better!
I am not sure how much to believe since she is mentally unstable. Is it a cry for attention? But if she was raped, she should report back then, in singapore.
At her state, why would she want or need attention? Attention will not do her any good. Also, her friend already revealed it to the media back then so I doubt she is making it up. Even if she did report it, I wonder if they will be able to do anything about it? I think even though she has mental issues, there are times that she is alert and aware too so it us not like she is always in a dazed and trance like state.
Also, who would use such a sad and tragic event as getting raped for some attention? I highly anyone would want to draw attention to such a tragic episode in their lives?
Meant to say highly doubt.
agree with HTS!
“Also, who would use such a sad and tragic event as getting raped for some attention? I highly anyone would want to draw attention to such a tragic episode in their lives?”
Plenty did and it was cry for attention with false accusations of rape. I am just questioning her mental state. If it was caused by the rape, she needs help and justice. If it is the one causing false accusations, she also needs help.
Just because someone cries rape doesn’t mean it is real or it is fake. Right now I don’t know what to believe. All I know is she is really down on her luck, she is fading away and she needs help. A person in desperate situation can and will do anything to grab onto that glimmer of hope of some recognition. However if she did named names, someone should best advise her to do something; file charges or seek therapy.
If it really happened in Singapore, I doubt the authorities over there would let the dai lo scout-free, can’t say the same about HK especially in the 90’s.
@funn,you could be right that she is mentaly unstable,but i think the mental ilness was caused by the rape many years ago. maybe she didnt tell this because she was afraid that it will affect her career in those times,maybe she is too afraid or threatened by the rapers to do something against them,or not enough evidence to do a charge.imagine if you are raped and cant do nothing for yourself,i think it will cause a huge impact to your mentally state.
Agree with HeTieShou. Nowadays, people like to use the s/he-wants-attention argument when somebody is on the news. If you don’t like the person is on the news or suspect the person’s agenda, then don’t read the news–or don’t read news at all. When you surf the Net or read newspaper, you are the one that chooses to read news in order to know what is happening around you, in your society/community, in the world, etc. Otherwise, don’t read news at all. Nobody thinks you are stupid if you don’t read news. In fact, nobody cares if you don’t know what the word ‘news’ means. Don’t simply blame the media for anything and everything.
Funn, maybe your comment is trying to seek attention? Hmmm…
Yeah! I can’t believe I read such comment from a “Woman” .. WT…
agree with Yen.
or Funn maybe wants to be called as an objective commentator which i think toooo objective?
very agree with KOLO, she was dealing with Dai Lo, who dares??? even those polices don’t
With attention comes monetary benefits. Look at all the sympathetic readers on this site. Would anyone on this site not be willing to help yammie out if they can financially afford it? There’s always two sides to a story and just because yammie’s friend openly makes this statement does not mean its the truth. Everyone can lie, those that are mentally unstable can also lie.
Yen you should calm down. Beijing a woman does not necessarily mean they have to be more sympathetic towards other women. Just like you wouldn’t stop forcing others to believe that carina was raped because of a so-called video you saw. If you are so sympathetic you wouldn’t air out the dirty laundry whenever you see others questioning whether carina was raped or not.
Not necessarily and many have already known that bad things have happened to her, so for her to admit that she was raped will not make that much more difference. I am not only basing it on what her friend said, but I am a long time fan of her and have followed her news and stuff for a long time. For such a beautiful and once successful actress to end up the way she is now, you really wonder if something really tragic has happened to her. Also, she has been this way for a long time now so it is not like it happened over night. Therefore, if people wanted to help her, they would have already done so. Why would they suddenly want to help her more just be she admits to being raped?it just does not make sense to me.
Why would she lie about that Lilian? So she is mentally unstable and yet stable enough to hopefully get monetary reward and people’s sympathy? You are contradicting yourself here. Being a woman yourself you SHOULD be more sympathetic towards another woman.
But easier said than done, no? Speaking up about being raped is not an easy thing to do.
Wow, Funn you just nominate yourself for “Troll of the Year” award.
Troll of the year for doubting? Seriously you are also a candidate!
Well then I am a troll who gives her the benefit of the doubt. Can’t say much about you though.
Wish tos men to be jail!!.
it would be difficult to sentence this guy i think.same case as carina nobody dare to witness against this maffia boss,otherwise she has already done it.
what a tragic life story :/
How did Yammie Nam become so poor and destitute?
THis is soo sad and heart-wrenching! Yammie was such a beautiful and talented actress! She had such a bright future ahead of her! And it was all ruined because of those 2 disgusting men, who have power and money! Sad she mixed with the wrong people and yes it was a huge blow to her. If only she seeked help earlier and got support from family and friends then maybe she could have not ended up the way she is now!
Where are her family? Its soo sad to see her like this! If only her family and friends can stand up to help Yammie get proper treatment, perhaps she can enjoy her life properly. I’d hate to see her lonely and eventually die and no one knows!! That would be awful !!
at least in Hong Kong, you can’t make such a claim of being raped without the HK police questioning you and they are going to want a name and it sounds like she gave it out to the press (and haha, the press protects themselves and protects the identity of the alleged perpetrator – what a surprise – were they trained by Ying Chan?)
I don’t know if she was really raped or if this is a performance to represent all the rape victims of the Japanese who were destroyed by what happened to them if they managed to survive it. Wandering the streets isolated from society – that LOOKS like a victim who got no justice – but is it true in her case or a performance by China’s Ministry of Propaganda like those kitten squishings to represent Chinese babies being stomped on by Japanese boots so that their intestines came out.
Either way, it educates the postwar generation what post traumatic stress looks like.
And if you think she should just GET OVER IT – you should let it happen to you – you should get violated, you should have your father murdered, you should have your brother run over by a car, you TRY IT yourself and then sit on your hands and do nothing about it and agree that society should embrace the criminals for REFORMING to evade prosecution.
Carina Lau has been wrapped in money more and more as time goes on – the opposite is true for Yammie Lam.
I don’t really trust women around her so I just wonder if some of it is enjoying her ongoing deterioration. If you were really her friend, you’d groom her, wouldn’t you?
anyone with the power to grab her rapist into a car and punish him who does not do anything basically is on the side of the rapist – that’s all there is to it – there is no such thing as a bystander in such a case – you either move on the culprit or you side with him
that means if I were HK pd, I’d be really ruthless like Simon Yam in PTU with that tattooed loser in the videogame parlor. Because they are all part of the same problem, they are all in on it.
What happened with that incident with Simon? I am really curious.
there is this really awesome scene in PTU when the beat cop played by Simon Yam makes the hoodlum rub off his own tattoo – I really really hate scumbags so that scene was right up my alley.
Oh so it was a scene from a movie? That is good that it was not in real life since I heard Simon is really nice so I did not want to believe that do such a thing in real life.
yes, it is funny because he usually plays gangster while his older brother throws press conferences as a higher up in HKPD.
Oh yea, I almost forgot that his brother is a cop in real life.
wow, I really hope this is a performance for the government – but unfortunately, this is a fact that this happens to other people all the time – there’s no alarm system that alerts police when your brain starts screaming in outrage and terror at being attacked – there’s no pause button you can activate to make the perpetrator stop assaulting you
OK, one down, I mean, has fess up.
All we need now is the other one, Carina, calling out for you, to come clean.
so two people raped her? at the same time? how come the magazine didn’t put out their name? i wanna know who those bastard are….need justice for YM.
they are Mafia’s leaders
and let me tell you, there’s no justice in this world, maybe later in the other world.
i myself too like justice, i got a law degree, but believe me, its the darkest world ever, cause its covered with the justice light itself yet its suck inside
money and power talk
Yea, you are so right HotNcold! Justice is not always served,especially in rape cases because in a lot of cases the victim is afraid to speak up due to the violators money and power status. Yup, money and power truly talk and justice is no match for those 2 things. We have seen in many cases on TV and all. Even in the Liao Zhai stories, Pu Song Ling truly shows us that those with money seem to get and do what they want while the poor and powerless have to suffer at the hands of those evil people with money and power.
One of the possible reasons why Yammie’s incident is back in the news is not that she is “intentionally” striving for attention, but rather she is having a relapse of that incident or the residual effects from that incident. She has PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) which rears its ugly head at different times. In her case, it seems so severe that she is truly unable to handle it by herself and needs a 24/7 caretaker which of course cost money. Without a loving partner, she is having a tough time coping. Unfortunately, in the entertainment industry, as you get notoriety, more people want a piece of you both literally and figuratively.
The dailo who raped her and caused the psychological trauma that triggered her depression, has reaped terrible karma because he has ruined a person’s life. Looking forward to Next magazine exposing him, or else, leak it to the media.
Tammy will need the love and support of her friends as she would need to live through the horrible memories again.
NO – public scrutiny will just terrify the victim imagining the fury of the evil perpetrator – think Iris Chang calling out Hirohito’s entire extended family in her book
NO – either have the police question him and then have a third party pull HIM into a car and beat him dead or do nothing because you can FORGET about trusting the press to handle this properly – you have to own your own voice and no one else wants to see justice done more than yourself
too bad Yammie Lam doesn’t know English well enough to pursue avenues – the problem is that so many people in HK are remorselessly advantageously connected to people similar to the ones who raped her – that makes them arrogant instead of ashamed of their social connections – it’s that haha I will never be raped, my kids will never be bullied attitude – doesn’t callie kwon constantly brag about being friends with Stanley Ho and the Heung Brothers?
she was raped and no photos or video to remind her of the rape. Carina was raped and mentally tortured with photos and video releasing to the public. Carina is a very strong woman to live and tell about it. Thumbs up for Carina. As for Yammie what is there to say.
Kind of harsh. Everyone is different and deals with things in a different way. You can’t blame the victim in either case, and both deserve sympathy IMHO.
Well said TVBfanatic and I do nit think it is fair to blame the victims. They have been through so much as is.
All what Yammie has done here is just to confirm something that almost everybody’s uncle in HK already knew. Therefore, I find it a bit shocking by some of the negative comments here, playing the Funn Card notwithstanding.
That Yammie would wait until now (when she is no longer deemed credible) to fess up while Carina even denying her own rape incident just underscore how influential and terrifying the triads continue to be in HK.
Err heartache for Yammie. She was very pretty and her acting was great.
We can’t blame Yammie because her life is just not so good. Carina is not strong she just has better luck. She got alot of support from her husband and coworkers.
Sometime in life – if everything fall apart all together, it is very hard if you don’t have family or friends with you. On top of that she’s facing health problem and it is impossible to handle problems when your nerotransmitters aren’t working.
Good points and yes Carina is a lot luckier than Yammie since she still has her family and husband’s support. Yammie does not have anyone aside from friends but friends can only do so much.
I bet Carina also does not have major physical or mental health problems like Yammie does. She also has financial resources and so many things that Yammie does not have.
A pity she is playing in the hands of the perpetrators.There are 2 options in life.Fight or flight.It looks like she chose the later option.Of course i feel sorry for her however Carina didn’t give up.
Yammie current condition is nog transpired only by rape. Her parents died in a motor accident and her boyfriends committed suicide. Yammie suffered more tragedies than Carina.
Very true that Yammie’s life is much more tragic and sad versus Carina’s. They are 2 different people so I wonder if it is right or fair to compare them? Her parents died in a motor accident? I did not know that. I know that they passed away one after the other consecutively but did not know why.
Carina totally folded up and was clever and careful in mitigating her damage whereas Yammie Lam continued to object alone to what happened to her – this is the history and behavior of someone who refused to accept the injustice
Friends have limits when it comes to help. When that person doesn’t want to be help a friend can’t give up its life, a full time job and finance to support a friend who is mentally unstable and baiscally another person who can’t talk sense in a normal conversation and when you give everything to help a friend who is in deep deep trouble not only your life is affected but your close friends and family will be affected by it too. At some point a good friend could only cry, pray and feel bad for her, help or vist her occasionally. I feel very bad for her and somehow I have no doubt if she was raped. It seems to make sense on how she’ve gone down this dark path. I think it could be the extra kick that pushes her mental state to be out of control and she also stopped taking her meds. Raping is the worst thing to do to a woman. Especially when she’s already fragile inside with rape oh I can’t imagine the pain. I hope she seeks God for help and that someday her soul will be free and she won’t be suffering anymore. I know someone whose been raped by her own father and her life has changed ever since. Living life with all those pains that sucks the life out of you is a contant suffer and battle. She was okay now because she come to God otherwise she would be dead many yrs ago but she still suffers from it from time to time. Very sad.
Exactly that friends can only do so much. Honestly even your own siblings can only do so much,especially if they are married and
have their own family. My late father told me that only your parents would take care of you and sacrifice for you( if they are good parents anyway), so it is important to be independent.
Sorry religion cannot solve all problems and can even major things worse in dome cases, but it varies. She needs medical and psychological treatment, however, that is something that she cannot afford. I heard that she had physical health problems that required surgery but she refused to get it done. I feel bad for her but it does it seem like she will ever get out of that dark tunnel that she has been stuck in for many years now…
Meant yo say make things worse
I don’t think this is compassion fatigue but lack of adequate affection for the person that results in them maybe taking her out to dinner, showing up at her place, blah blah but not actually providing substantive help – I’m sure they suggest things that don’t remove her from danger like oh you should get out more, why don’t you do this or that – it’s not the financial handout that she needs – she needs high quality people to be by her side and that weird yuppie who appeared to be doting on her looked more like he was crushing on her – I’m guessing that when you are in that harmed position – you won’t accept anything but real quality – you’ll spit out saccharine or half measures.
there is a big difference when clean decent people take the trouble to look in on you and I guarantee they don’t even have to do a lot for you – but when swiss cheesed integrity people – kind of like social animals make overtures – it doesn’t work.
I THINK it’s because it doesn’t validate your position.
high quality people are the best so suggesting Eric Tsang is a crazy thing for Carina Lau to say.
to me Siao Fong Fong is high quality.
to me, cantonese socializing is like persephone constantly biting into Hades’ pomegranate otherwise you are considered standoffish or unclever and inflexible
I would just not eat.
think of ALL the times, good buddies especially Cantonese females stab each other in the back ….
Maybe she thought that there wasnt enough proof even at the time to go to the police about the rape. I dont know but some may think women in this industry use their sexuality all the time to move up, even if it’s mostly not true.
To hope to get whoever it was convicted of rape at this moment in time is probably nigh impossible, as was with Carina’s. The evidence just isnt in their favour. Either way, I think if Yammie had reported it back then she may not have had so many regrets in life now. Like some others said before, Carina was able to move on because she was confronted with it whilst Yammie hid it away and suffered quietly so it’s damaged her much more.
First let me ask those coming here to post negative comments for the sake of dialogue please just stop , there are people that truly care about Yammie in the world and she needs to know that. Go impress yourself somewhere else.
Second I would like to thank whoever hosts this website for continuing to give updates about her well being.
Yammie is the most amazing actress I have ever seen in my entire life , even today even if she has white hair she is still a natural beauty . For someone like her that was born into a high place in the world to fall down to the depths of life be taken captive and made to suffer is completely unacceptable. This cannot continue. And if things go as they should at this point it won’t I promise you that .
When you look at Yammie Lam Kit Ying I want you to remember who she really is and treat her with respect . Don’t just look at what she is going through and think that she deserves to be robbed of her dignity .
It is very good news to see that after years of crawling she has decided to stand up and begin walking , this is the first step and I am quite pleased that she made this decision , as always I will be following closely from the United States.
Well said. I was thinking the same. Thumbs up.
After hearing about her situation (I don’t believe for a second that rape wasn’t involved), I wondered if Yammie would ever speak out on what happened to her. I’m glad that it’s out in the open rather than just remain as a semi open-secret.
I hope this is the start of something better.
Well said Richard and Jack! I agree with you guys and find it sad that after she has suffered so much, people are still doubting her and thinking she just craves attention and/ or publicity. I do not think any of that is worth admitting to the public that you were raped.
maybe no one actualy doubts her and some people are either sadistic posing as the devil’s advocate because as third parties they relish the opportunity to inflict pain on someone already vulnerable and injured (I have tenants who sided with my father’s murderers to cause my mom pain – it worked – they are destroying her and they are going to get away with it – they are in law enforcement and politics so how is that NOT disgusting?)