“Come On, Cousin” Synopsis

After waiting for almost a year, Inbound Trouble’s <老表,你好嘢!> sequel, Come On, Cousin <老表,你好hea!>, will finally premiere on October 20. Due to the success of the first installment, Come On, Cousin is designated as a TVB Anniversary series.
The 30-episode romantic comedy features the return of Roger Kwok (郭晉安), Wong Cho Lam (王祖藍), Joey Meng (萬綺雯), Ivana Wong (王菀之), Louis Cheung (張繼聰), Bob Lam (林盛斌), Tommy Wong (黃光亮), and Mimi Chu (朱咪咪). Popular veterans Chung King Fai (鍾景輝) and Ram Chiang (蔣志光), as well as Cho Lam’s real-life girlfriend, Leanne Li (李亞男) will also be taking part in the drama.
Straying away from his real home for years, Roger finally returns to Hong Kong to take care of his sick father, Chung King Fai. Not used to his life in Hong Kong in the beginning, Roger slowly warms up and gets to know the fellow neighbors in his building. Initially only a supermarket inventory stock-boy, Roger eventually becomes a representative of the Labor Department to fight for the rights of his fellow workers. Because of wealthy businessman Wong Cho Lam’s unfair labor treatment, Roger decides to enter the race in becoming a member of the Legislative Council.
Roger discovers that his ex-girlfriend, Joey Meng, is now dating Bob Lam. Although Roger has his own problems to deal with, he has to worry about his sister Ivana Wong, who causes trouble everywhere she goes. While Ivana is busy trying to fulfill her dreams of becoming a superstar, her boyfriend Louis Cheung,is secretively bribing and buttering up to the society’s wealthiest ladies in order to move up the social ladder.
Source: ihktv.com
This article is written by Su for JayneStars.com.
I am really looking forward to this one.
wait… so this is a completely different story line right?
Yup it’s not really a sequel more like a spinoff with the same element & cast!
Yeah. TVB does that all the time. They claimed it’s a sequel-like, but it’s just the same cast with a different plot.
Well, TVB is switching gears. Must be a good thing.
yahh can’t wait!
The cast seems to have fun filming this.
yeah can’t wait to watch this awesome film!!!!
doesn’t seem like my kinda movie..
Love most of the cast except king sir鍾景輝. Hate his voice. Don’t care if hes a veteran actor…i just hate his acting and voice.
Don’t care if you liked him or not… I just love his acting and voice
he’s like the professor of acting in TVB. Didn’t find him any special before I knew about it.
He’s definitely the most overrated tvb actor. Hate watching him.
i do enjoy his china on the tongue show hosting. he’s a good host. acting, not so much.
Who is that girl in the orange dress/thick brows?
Roger is the best actor in tvb
Is the Aussie girl who speaks Chinese going to be back? I forgot her name (both her character in the show and her real name).She was great
yeah! her name is called:Corinna Chamberlian!!!!~~~
she’s at the top centre blonde hair girl
The plot looks nice, however would prefer it if it continued from the first one.
Yeeah..yippy i can’t wait for this to come out need a good laugh
I like roger kwok hope he gets crown for tvbu king this year
Looking forward to this. I remember liking the first one too. It’s only been a year and I already can’t recall the storyline at all. :/
Where’s Hins Cheung?
I love this series as well. Most of the casts are absolutely laughter’s generators. I like Ivana and Louis the most; genuinely spot-on characters in the show. I want to watch it now!!
Saw the trailer. From the first scene I was laughing. Hopefully it is as good as its first series.