Edwin Siu and Priscilla Wong at “Housewife Madam” Costume Fitting

Highly promoted TVB artists, Edwin Siu (蕭正楠), Mandy Wong (黃智雯), and Priscilla Wong, team up in new police comedy, Housewife Madam <師奶MADAM>. Edwin and Priscilla portray undercover cops who have to infiltrate a housewife clique in order to crack a case. Produced by Lee Yim Fong (李艷芳), the 20-episode series also stars Raymond Cho (曹永廉), Jacqueline Wong (黃心穎), and Anderson Junior (安德尊).
At today’s costume fitting, reporters swarmed around Edwin asking him about rumors regarding a married, bisexual Chinese businessman paying for the services of four Hong Kong actors. The names of the involved men were kept anonymous, but one of the Hong Kong actors was described as a well-mannered artist who had floated in the industry for over a decade. Edwin laughed at the rumors and said he has never heard of the rumors. Without wanting to be implicated further, Edwin said he was never asked for his “service fees”. He said, “Whether it is men or women being ‘taken care of’, I cannot accept such an arrangement. I’ll rather starve!”
Edwin then diverted the press’ attention with a humorous story about one of his “wild experiences”. When he had served as a fashion catwalk model, he was asked to go on stage without any underpants. Since the pants were loose, Edwin ignored the instructions and wore a pair of thongs, which he hated. “It was very tight; after wearing it one time, I swore that I will never wear a t-back again.”
Priscilla was teased about her curly wig, which aged her looks. Her image was designed to reflect her role as an undercover cop posing as a housewife in a small village. Both Edwin and Raymond teased that Priscilla looked much older in her costume design than even Susan Tse (謝雪心), who portrays her mother in the series.
Source: Oriental Daily
This article is written by Jayne for JayneStars.com.
Priscilla Wong in lead role in another drama? She MUST know somebody who’s really really powerful in TVB.
It always works better if an artiste has good connections with the senior management executives.
true but that also makes most audience detest her. Good in one way, bad in another way. I see lots of criticisms about her
Priscilla Wong, the anchor woman who uses her connection with Sandy Wu to get leading roles in every drama she’s in instead of talent and get Sandy Yu to promote her for jobs. Why should we be surprised.
I don’t like the current crop of fadans. Only Kristal Tin is acceptable, but she’s not promoted as much as Linda Chung, Kate Tsui and Myolie Wu to some extent.
If she got promoted more than Myolie Linda Kate and etc there would probably be a lot of protest or a lot of complaints about it.
Yea I knew it she used connection to get main lead roles Priscilla hardly even have any experience on acting and she not super pretty or anything. And she didn’t win miss Hong Kong or nothing. Usually actress start as extras then supporting then more supporting then low budget main lead then higher budget series as main lead like Moylie Tavia,Raymond Ron and etc.
Happy for Edwin Siu who finally gets his first lead role. He did very well in his recent drama series, especially as Ah Shun in “Brother’s Keeper”. Congratulations, Edwin, and keep up your good work.
Edwin’s acting still has lots of room for improvement. His performance in BK ranges from good to ok to really OTT and unnatural, very inconsistent and his inadequacy really shows up when compared to Ruco.
still better than kenneth ma raymond lam and bosco wong and ron ng
haha, guess so. I like the pairing of Ruco and Edwin, hope to see them act together again.
Edwin can’t compare to Ruco’s excellence. Thanks to Catherine Tsang and Amy Wong for helping Ruco show his brilliant talents but I hate TVB for not promoting Ruco and not giving him jobs and awards.
But Edwin still a nicer person compared to the overpromoted Raymond Lam who uses his daily rumours with Karena Ng to get jobs instead of talent. Even in his movie promotion need to use their rumours.
Also better the demure and gentle Edwin than the semi retired Bosco Wong who is so fashion eccentric and seem to prefer doing some food and wine business than making TVB dramas. The better for us because that means less of his weird face in our TVB dramas.
Yeah more for Ruco, Edwin and Kenneth Ma. I love the new direction of Catherine Tsang.
Edwin still needs a lot of improvements in acting. But his singing is quite good. LMFAO TO SPACE better than Raymond, Ron Ng , Bosco Wong, Kenneth m LOOOOOOOL. Ruco and Edwin just got a really good role cause Tvb is trying promote them so much that they get on Raymond and Rons level. Cause they are afraid Raymond and Ron going leave to mainland.
I honestly think Priscilla Wong is a decent actress. She may be promoted too quickly, but she’s alright. She had quite a few emotional scenes in Karma Rider and I thought she did well. She was likeable. Her voice though… I just don’t really get the criticism towards her.
not many likes people who rises too quickly, you got to accept this fact.
agree with elle,she is good,very natural.i dont mind if she is backed up,at least she have talent.better than someone who dont,like fala and linda two beautiful vase.
I prefer Tracy Chu.
She is so bad tvb just gives her easy and really good roles cause one they know each other closely and are friends and 2 some A class fadans are leaving like Tavia and maybe Moylie so they promoting new people.
I only have respect for female faden who work her way up!! Like tavia !!
Sorry but whoever dun work her/his way up? They all have to gain fans from zero.
I not talking about fans!! @-@ Im talking about minor roles to leading roles!!
Can’t stand Priscilla with her crying face and crying voice. Don’t know what acting talent she has but she sure has talent with sucking up to the right people.
yea her voice is very irritating. Tracy is better.
Wish TVB can stop giving leading roles to Priscilla for the time being. Sure, her acting is better than Eliza Sam and Christine Kuo but she’s still a long way from leading actress quality. Interestingly, TVB with its history of promoting pretty actresses with little acting skills is actually giving lots of opportunities to Priscilla who is average in both areas.
I love Tracy Chu too! Hope TVB promote her!!
She looks horrible here.