[Episodic Thoughts] “Outbound Love” Episodes 21 and 22

Outbound Love <單戀雙城>
TVB Series 2014
Cast: Ruco Chan, Aimee Chan, Tony Hung, Lin Xia Wei, Matt Yeung, and Samantha Ko
Disclaimer: This is a watch as I write episodic thoughts and some information may not be accurate since this is memory based. Certain dialogue is reproduced with some creative license adopted. I apologize if there is any mistake. All opinion remains my own.
Note: This recap is a combination of 2 episodes.
The entire episode 21 is to show how Sik Sik goes for Ruco at the end of the day so that episode 22 can wrap things up nicely with them kissing on the beach. The only problem is Nic and guess what? I! WAS! RIGHT! How boring can this be? Very and also very bad editing I suppose.
Sik Sik could no longer trust Nic so once time when she had the chance she installed that tracking app that Su Su installed in Jun Weng’s phone. When shopping with Chun Chun, she switched it on and discover he wasn’t where he said he was but he was at Raman hotel, the same hotel Kei Ying was working at!! OH! NO! So she went there, panicking, angry, saw flowers, knew which floor, went right up, knocked on the door and there it opened with a very surprised Kei Ying and behind her, an equally surprised (as much surprise as zombie Matt can muster) Nic and guess what she did? Angry, she slapped Kei Ying hard on her cheek only to have her father, sister, brother in law, Chun Chun, Chin Chun, even Ruco all rushed forward to explain it was a surprise party for her!!! Poor Kei Ying, clutched her cheeks and no one, absolutely no one bothered to ask how she was except Ruco and Kei Ying, near tears said she is ok, Sik Sik didn’t mean any harm, they’re still BFFs. Poor girl! And guess what? Sik Sik hijacked the whole “being wronged” scenario, mutter a small sorry to no one in particular and ran away and out with her was Nic (of course!), Ruco (of course!!) and Chin Chun (huh?). If Jun Weng and dad followed, there it goes, all men after her. And Kei Ying? The most wronged one? No one cared.
Sik Sik cried hooo hooo hooo and disappeared, everyone worried and Ruco knew where she was and back at office he ran to her and she cried her heart out saying things like “I am hurting so bad! I feel so much in pain! I feel like a jerk for not trusting him and I tried but I can’t trust him and I feel awful and so ashamed for what I did, for ruining everyone’s effort and the party, I feel terrible and I am a bitch and yet I can’t help it..” and it was all about MEEEEEE MEEEEEE MEEEEEEEEE. Ruco had to persuade her gently, convincing her Nic loved her, he changed, he did everything for her and Sik Sik cried harder as she felt she could not trust him and did so many petty things so unlike her and Nic arrived and Nic hugged her as Ruco walked aside and away as Nic swear to her he will do all he can to make her trust him again, love him again, want him again and so they got ok again.
My sister was kind enough to add lib into this scene by saying “I don’t get it. You will want to be with someone who brings out the best in you, so if she feels Nic is bringing out the worst in her (which she did say so at one of those hooo hoooo moment), why stick with Nic?”
Ahhh the dilemma of Sik Sik. I will tell you why. There’s one more episode to ending, that’s why.
I was just flabbergasted at that stupid scene. Why? She made it as if Nic wronged her, well he didn’t. She wronged Kei Ying and never did apologise, AT ALL. None whatsoever. She should apologise to Kei Ying, that slap was unjust. So she ran away and we found out she ran away because she felt so ashamed for behaving the way she did so she hid away and if that is so why did she make it as if that EVERYONE wronged her? And she sorta reconciled with Nic. By the way no one cared that Chin Chun also ran after Sik Sik!
Anyway. guess what?
Next scene strangely Sik Sik is happy with Nic again, sunshine and all. I was so confused that I blame it on scene per scene acting. There is no one overall package. She was holly happy again with Kei Ying and gang. Then later Nic realised she seemed very close with Ruco, confronted Ruco and what a man when he told Ruco at his face that if he wanted Sik Sik he should fight for her instead of giving up on pursuing her just because they’re like brothers or he wanted to repay Nic for saving his life. I swear it, episode 21 shows Nic in a very very good light. So Nic challenged him to pursue Sik Sik but he was convinced Sik Sik will want Nic and not Ruco in a fair play situation. Ruco just smirked smiled something.
Nic stupidly told Sik Sik the entire truth about the camera thing because he didn’t want to start a relationship on lies anymore. Guess what? Sik Sik felt offended, she confronted Ruco and asked him why he felt he should be the one to decide who she should end up with? Why did he give this favour to Nic instead of claiming it as his own as he earned it?
Why? Because Ruco will say “I am in love with Funn so you GET LOST!”
Alas, not the case.
Ruco said he truly believed Nic loved her, he truly believed Nic will be her guardian angel and will make her happy. Sik Sik angrily said she herself didn’t even know who she wanted to be with, how then can he know what she was thinking? But since he was so convinced, she said she will show him her happiness, her joy and she walked away. Ruco fretted and guess what? In his room he tearfully became motivated and inspired for a song which he wrote and Yee Kiu heard it and declared it that it was so heartfelt, so true, so sentimental, so heart wrenching, it will be an instant hit and classic. Ruco sadly said the song was based on his personal experience, if writing songs were to be so painful, that he can only write great songs if he was so miserable or rather suffering so much loss and pain, he’d rather not write ever again. And he left.
I get his meaning I get his pain I just don’t get Sik Sik that’s all. She seemed pretty clear who she wanted. Many times Sik Sik rejected the notion of someone other than Nic since she reconciled with Nic so what right she had to be so angry with what Ruco did when she herself was not brave enough to confront her own feelings? Why must she pass the blame to someone else, Kei Ying, Nic, Ruco instead of herself doing the right thing for once? Well it gets worse.
Next day apparently Sik Sik forgot she scolded Ruco like a dog the night before or nights before because she came by to see his mom together with Nic and was surprised to know Ruco left for Japan for recording with Jason Lam. I am surprised she is surprised Ruco never called to tell her. Did she have amnesia or something? What pride in any man will allow him to give friendly call to a woman who blasted him for doing the honourable thing? Sik Sik is so sick!
Cut the long story short since Ruco disappeared. Yee Kiu came by to see Sik Sik and explained to her she was selfish in wanting Ruco to write her a song and the song he wrote, Be Your Guardian Angel (or maybe another title, I don’t know) was written for someone but not for her as Yee Kiu said. She believed he wrote from his heart and the song was his pain, that someone could love someone else, protect that person not expecting any reward or gratitude or even return. She knew who he wrote it for and gave Sik Sik the demo tape sung by Ruco himself. Sik Sik took it but refused to listen to it for reasons she only know best. FYI, she never did listen to the demo tape so we never get to hear Ruco’s voice against the backdrop of Sik Sik falling to the ground crying how she misses Ruco and love him as she beats her own chest in pain. Never happened. The song didn’t matter. And neither did he serenade it to her. In fact he never took up a guitar and serenaded this song, not at all. Not in this episode or the next or even the sequel Inbound Love.
Anyway, the song was a hit, super hit, Yee Kiu’s career is revived. Ruco was supposedly in Japan and Nic proposed but Sik Sik heard Ruco’s song and was overwhelmed with emotion and cried and left poor Nic standing there with the ring. What a woman! Why can’t she just tell Nic “I can’t marry you, I don’t love you anymore”? Because this is why…
Sik Sik dropped by to see Nic who was very evasive and Sik Sik saw a woman in a towel walked out and angrily (can’t remember if she slapped him) she cried how she was wrong to trust him ever again and again hoooo hooo hooo ran away and saw Chun Chun who angrily went up to his brother only to see him paying the woman who told Chun Chun she was paid to act out a scene to drive his girlfriend away!! Chun Chun asked why he did that, he will lose Sik Sik forever but Nic said “I just want her to be happy and this will make things easier for her” but Chun Chun was very frustrated as she said “But.. everyone will think you’re the bad guy all over again” and Nic coolly said “Well, not like it is the first time I have ever been called the bad guy”.
I can’t believe I can like Nic so much. He was being so decisive. Since Sik Sik can’t make up her bloody small mind, he did it for her so she angrily left and we will of course know who she will end up with. Nic was so stylish or chinese say “siu sah”. So I suppose everyone will curse Nic but at some point Chun Chun will blurt out the truth. Poor Kei Ying, being wronged, Poor Nic, being made to take the blame and Sik Sik free in her guilty conscience to do whatever she wants. Whatever did this woman ever do in her past 10 lifetimes to deserve great guys like Nic or Ruco or even Chin Chun? Oh ya, she married Moses Chan, so it helps. You know what I hate most? How easy it was for her to just turn her back on those she wants to turn her back on and then pretend everything’s peachy. What an unjust world.
And so she decided to take long leave and go to Malaysia. Yeah, Malaysia. She still did not hear the demo tape, yet. In Malaysia she visited the old places she visited, even ate durian which she hated before but now? She ate the durian whilst crying!! If I was the owner I will kick her out. Bad for business. Anyway she narrated that love can change someone and for someone who hated durian, now she could eat durian because of her love for one man.
She walked past the mural where Ruco once hid the purple flower clip and so she reached in and in it she found her long lost bracelet and cried a little and knew Ruco was there. So I suppose that was how she knew he was not in Japan.
Yeah and she never tried to call him but she did go to the estate to try to find him WHEN SHE HERSELF SAID HE WAS IN JAPAN!!! Well he wasn’t, we know that. How funny that she wanted to see Ruco, missed him and yet never flew to Japan to find him but instead went on a one person tour of Malaysia. She has never done anything for him, never lifted a finger for him and guess what? Here comes the happy ending we all knew since episode 1 minute 1;
Coconut gangster appeared out of nowhere and he and half a dozen guys harassed her in the middle of a small park and she screamed “HELP! HELP! LUK KUNG TZI! HELP! HELP! LUK KUNG TZI! HELP!!” and guess what? One coconut hit the gangster and there was our hero Ruco shielding our heroine and the guys were smart and left. And I was praying pls don’t scold him pls don’t scold him and she looked crossly at him and was about to when Ruco flirted with her.
Next 20 minutes or so we have many flirtation at the Redang Beach and the tree house from day till night/sunset. By then his hands were already on her shoulder and she sat close to him and she asked him why he fell for her?
GOOD QUESTION! Now is the answer we have been waiting for.
Ruco said;
“Remember the time you wanted to complain about me and I really hated you. But then I heard your ringtone and it was my song which was already 3 years old and yet you used it as a ringtone. My perception of you changed”
and Sik Sik said “That’s a lame excuse. Many people had that song as a ringtone” and Ruco smiled and said “Remember I told you the story about my sister and I and that bicycle mural? The sob story? Well you believed it, someone was stupid and naive enough to believe it and even cried about it. I was very touched by your stupidity and your kindness that from there onwards I sworn to protect you and be your guardian angel”
Ahhhh I see. Boring. In other words, no reasons needed. Love is love, and love is blind. Or maybe men generally like stupid women. I don’t know. Because by then the series has yet to end.
Something about why he was the white knight and never told her, etc etc. Can’t remember much. I was dozing off. Morning came, and he changed into all white and was her white knight. He wanted to give her a surprise, a 3 letter word surprise, moved her to the place and she opened it and it was the name plague I LOVE SEKINCHAN (in chinese). He told her to close her eyes and moved something and when she opened it and there was a mirror cleverly placed at the word “SE” in Chinese that the entire sentence became I LOVE SE SE and SE SE in Chinese is SIK SIK and so it was as Sik Sik said “I love Sik Sik” and Ruco said “Or Sik Sik loves me” and the loved up pair happily ran around and the entire episode ended with I believe sunset or sunrise or something sun something as he looked at her, she looked at him and he made the move to kiss her and I was like at least end it with a passionate kiss but alas, the moment their lips touched, camera moved far far away and all we can see is 2 people supposedly kissing.
Not romantic at all.
As for Chun Chun, she ended up with Chin Chun and they were quite a cute pair. Kei Ying finally settled down as in firmly dating a lawyer and learn a bit of self respect. She never ended up with Nic. As for Nic, he probably went on with his life as happy as he could but his final act of gallantry for his love and his best friend was very very moving. As for Yee Kiu she herself said she will probably not see Ruco ever again who will probably never write for her ever again. Quite sad.
Urghhh! The ending was so darn long! I was dozing off! I was thinking come on lar, end it with:-
a. Ruco serenading her with a guitar or at least just the song – never happened
b. close up shot of a passionate kiss – never happened
c. passionate kiss – never happened
d. the revelation of him being white knight made her go I was such a fool – never happened
e. she cried listening to his demo – never happened
f. she bursts into tears seeing him before her having rescued her from coconut gangster and men and from potential gang rape because you see she missed him very much – never happened
g. she saying sorry to him for doubting him, etc – never happened
h. she saying she misses him – never happened
i. she makes him bento lunch box – never happened
j. she pole dances for him (???) – never happened
k. she hugs him tightly – never ever happened
l. she looks at him lovingly and with longing – yeah like as if it will ever happen
So many things never happened if happened could have elevated this series into the romantic zone, at least for the last episode but never happened. All that happened were not romantic. Flirtatious yes but romantic? Nope. Like I said, I had a hard time keeping my eyes opened and concentration 100%. I don’t expect like fireworks but I expected something more satisfying when they do meet again and that would involve more scenes like Sik Sik missing him, looking for him, going to Japan, etc etc etc. Never happened. All I can remember of episodes 21 and 22 were very badly edited scenes, a very confusing Sik Sik and a hypocritical one and a burning question; what’s so great about this Sik Sik anyway?
I will admit that mirror thing and that I Love Sik Sik thing was rather cute. And episode 22 left me feeling all things wonderful about Nic who did the most gallant and gentlemanly thing as I have predicted. Very gentlemanly and by being the bad guy he gave Sik Sik her true happiness which she does not deserve. Chun Chun was right to be frustrated for Nic.
That’s it.
The end.
No more!
I will write a (not so) short review on this series where I will concentrate on performances and certain aspects of this series.
Thank you for reading my recaps. I hope you have enjoyed it and for those who feels the same way as I do about this series, fret not, at least Ruco Chan was awesome. For those who disagreed with everything I have written, well, I shall be like Sik Sik and run away and make you all feel like you have wronged me and I shall go “Hoooooo….. hooooooooo… hoooooooo”. Except I do not have the fortune of having 3 guys running after me.
Thanks for reading and commenting. See you again in the next episodic thoughts.
“Outbound Love” Finale Clip
[vsw id=”XUyGfKwdUfo” source=”youtube” width=”500″ height=”375″ autoplay=”no”]
- [Episodic Thoughts] “Outbound Love” Episode 1
- [Episodic Thoughts] “Outbound Love” Episode 2
- [Episodic Thoughts] “Outbound Love” Episode 3
- [Episodic Thoughts] “Outbound Love” Episode 4
- [Episodic Thoughts] “Outbound Love” Episode 5
- [Episodic Thoughts] “Outbound Love” Episode 6
- [Episodic Thoughts] “Outbound Love” Episode 7
- [Episodic Thoughts] “Outbound Love” Episodes 8 and 9
- [Episodic Thoughts] “Outbound Love” Episode 10
- [Episodic Thoughts] “Outbound Love” Episode 11
- [Episodic Thoughts] “Outbound Love” Episode 12
- [Episodic Thoughts] “Outbound Love” Episode 13
- [Episodic Thoughts] “Outbound Love” Episode 14
- [Episodic Thoughts] “Outbound Love” Episode 15
- [Episodic Thoughts] “Outbound Love” Episodes 16 and 17
- [Episodic Thoughts] “Outbound Love” Episodes 18
- [Episodic Thoughts] “Outbound Love” Episodes 19
- [Episodic Thoughts] “Outbound Love” Episodes 20
This Episodic Thoughts is written by Funn Lim, a Contributing Writer at JayneStars.com, and was originally posted at http://outboundlove.blogspot.com.
Sorry to say but as I read this article, it does makes me wonder is Funn been in-love before?
I mean especially when u write it “we wanna be with those who bring out the best in us, so if Nic bring out the lousy side in her then why still choose him”
yes, surely everyone wanted that but not all so lucky to meet the good guy/gal.
Plus love relationship is a very complicated stuff especially a cheating one.
I been thru one and I know exactly how it feels. It’s not so easy to just let go just like that. Even u know he is a jerk and there is another good person beside u, u will stick to that jerk till yes, one day eventually u realised it’s not worth it and walk away.
That’s how I feel on Aimee character.
She love Nic. She got betrayed but the love is still there. Of course it’s normal for her to give him a second chance, he is his FIRST LOVE. Her character, SikSik is a innocent, white blank paper in the love department.
That is also why it explained her feelings to Luk Kung Tzi.
She gave him the chance but those betrayal isn’t that easy to let go. He cheated with her BEST FRIEND! I mean yes, the mouth say we start again but the heart, the trust no longer there.
And tht slap to KeiYing, if I were SikSik, I’m gonna slap her MOREE!!!
No I’ve never been in love before and I hope when I do I will fall for one who is worthy of me. As for this series, at this point Nic has stopped being a jerk and he has become the gallant hero in white who sacrificed himself for the sake of his most loved. And that observation is true; wouldn’t you want to be in love with someone who brings out the best in you? And when you do realise that you are with a guy who brings out the worst in you and you cry and lament on that fact because you know it, what do you do? Do you still say with the “jerk” (not Nic but generally?)? If yes what does it say about you? Have you no self worth?
Keiying doesn’t deserve that slap at that point because obviously she didn’t sleep with Nic anymore. And if as a friend you still want to slap her due to that hatred in you and yet still call her your BFF, doesn’t that make you a hypocrite?
Not everyone can just walk away from someone whom hurt us.
Especially when that’s is the First love.
It’s not because someone has no self worth but hmmm like I said, u never know unless u been thru it.
That’s why I asked u that Q.
Lastime, I always view those ppls that commit suicide because of love to be fools. But when it really happened to me- almost >_< I knew why.
And also for ppls that injured (cut) themselves, which I never have that courage but I stupidly did do other lousy stuffs to hurt my body.
That kind of hurt and pain..of being betrayed..
But yup, stupidly will still give that jerk another chance till one fine day, finally wake up
And as for that slap, it's not hypocrite. At that moment SikSik thought that KeiYing having affairs with Nic AGAIN, so it's normal for her to slappp her and she is so hurt and everything at that moment thus she rushed off and ran away w/o saying sorry is totally acceptable.
That's is of cuz for SikSik character, she is BFF with KeiYing.
My BFF went out with my ex the second day we broke up, having great time at movies etc etc and since that day till now I can only be a hi-bye friend with her.
With friends like that who needs enemies? If i were you, she’ll just be a bye-bye ex-friend.
Beginning yes, it’s hard for me to even see her face as we do have the same circle of friends, thus I did excuse myself sometimes from hanging out with the group.
As time passes and all of us are hahahas no longer in our 20s >__<, if it's me, heart stop immediately xD
@Yen, so sorry to read what you’ve been through. I agree that not everyone can walk away from someone whom hurt us, especially if it’s a person we are deeply in love with. I hope you have stopped doing or even contemplating doing anything that may cause you harm.
When it comes to emotion and love, logic thinking does not prevail all the time. Once betrayed either by your lover or your friend, it’s easy to say forgive but it’s very difficult to forget and completely restore trust. I can never be friend with a good friend who cheated with my ex, but I am still polite and friendly when I bumped into them. Having said that I’m glad I don’t have to bumped into her or him since I’ve moved country (for the record, it was for a job not to avoid them).
Half of my message got cut
Should be :
Now that we are no longer in our 20s, it’s okay to bump into each other during friends birthday parties and wedding dinners.
We will just say Hi, smile and walk away. When it’s over, if we happen to bump into each other again, just say Bye, smile and head to our own directions.
Just like when SikSik asked ChinChun to tk of KeiYing, I too can relate to that part.
When I heard news that her doggie passed away, I so wanted to call her or send her a text cuz I know she loves her doggie so much and she must be very sad. But I just couldn’t bring myself to do so.
Just as how much SikSik wanted to forgive KeiYing, deep in her heart, she just can’t.
I heard tht they held hands that day (the day they hang out) I confronted her and the moment she said yes, my heart almost stop! I mean I just listen to it and not seeing it, the hurts is unbearable.
For SikSik to witness a video of her trusted man and BFF kissing passionately, if it’s me, my heart stop immediately!
Funn, I haven’t watched the episode, KeiYing doesn’t deserve the slap because she has done no wrong, you’re right. But I can emphasise with SikSik, it’s very difficult to completely regain trust after the betrayal. In that moment, those who’ve been through what SikSik have experienced can have the same reflex reaction and slap KeiYing. But after finding out the truth, I do agree that SikSik should have apologise to KeiYing.
Sorry I mean empathise not emphasise.

I remember doing all those silly stuffs that SikSik does. I got anxious everytime after he sent me home. I’ll be thinking who is he meeting up next? And yes I installed those “where is he” apps on him and I will googled the place to see where it is etc etc and of course I have such urge to check on his hp all the time. Driving me almost crazy and yes, stupidly to still stay by his side.
That’s why it’s really not that easy to just walk away from a lousy relationship, especially when that’s our first relationship.
Thankfully, it’s all past and lesson learnt.
“those who’ve been through what SikSik have experienced can have the same reflex reaction and slap KeiYing. ”
Probably but it doesn’t show Sik Sik to be a good person in that sense. It in fact showed Keiying as someone more big hearted than Sik Sik was.
Yes I agree! She probably never been in live before!! Lol Bad reviews!!
Oops I mean in love!!
So in the same reasoning I should kill someone first before I can write a review about a murder mystery? Or be harassed on a series about someone being molested?
@kate. Reviews are her own opinions. There are some who will agree, some who will disagree with her. If you don’t like what you read, then all you have to do is stop reading. Let’s not make fun or attack the reviewer. Writing a recap/ review is not as simple as most people think.
And seriously I don’t understand why u keep on stressing on the “passionate kiss” ==||
It’s just a drama! How passionate u will want them to kiss each other ?_?
Very passionately without the camera moving away so as to end the series nicely after 22 episodes of insipid non starter romance. I think the audience deserves that much instead of such a non-ending.
Either Moses won’t allow it or Aimee suddenly turned into a prude.
I doubt Moses has any say in the production not concerning him and Aimee was never that sexy in her previous performances so she doesn’t suddenly turn into a prude. It was what I believe the director’s artistic call.
Did you watch The Other Truth, Burning Flames 3? FH3?
it’s the character that demands it. Sik Sik is not a sex siren or non-prudish person, nor is she a prude. It was director’s call.
ok whatever you say. Just my thoughts that perhaps either one of them dictated the no kissing condition. It is however true that actors or actresses who have reached a certain status are often known to be able to dictate the terms their terms which may include no kissing, no stripping etc. I was referring to Aimee herself and not Sik Sik when i made my comment about being a prude. In any case, for Sik Sik to share a passionate kiss with the man she’s in love with does not make her a sex siren.
The only thing that annoyed me most was Sik Sik never found out that it was Luk Kung Tzi who saved her that first time she was in KL and got harrassed by errr… whoever they were… outside of Pavilion. I think they forgot about that bit.
She found out when she saw the bracelet and she made a brief mention of it in the end. A very brief mention.
Must have fallen asleep at those parts then.
It was very sleep inducing moment.
Ruco told Aimee in episode 5 at 20:56 time mark. That was the time when Aimee goes and meet the guy called “Don” which turns out to be Ruco.
But, Aimee didn’t believe him or his story at that moment in episode 5.
Did they leave out the scene where Chin Chun and Chun Chun kiss? I never get to see that scene….sigh, hong drama has one to zero kissing scenes, Taiwan dramas have too many make out scenes, I’ll just stick with korean drama then.
Did they kiss at all? Didn’t see such a scene.
I found they left out alot of other parts too. Was the part with ruco in the bath tub ever shown?
yes, ep 6
Yes indeed and I almost had a meltdown.
The ending was rather plain and predictable. I wish Sik Sik could cry more convincingly instead of scrunching up her face n dragging her breath in between cries which she did repeatedly. Perhaps more emotion in the eyes. Or to see the tears welling up would be nice. Also, we didn’t get to watch when she started falling for Ruco until the finale episode which is rather too rush being considered there was no hints whatsoever that she has develop feelings for him in the earlier episodes. Not to mention she scolded him harshly a couple of times before with heart-punching words. She didn’t even feel upset or miss him when he left for Japan out of sudden nor does she feel remorseful for blasting him the night before. Throughout the whole drama, we know she loves Nic through and true. I found her to be a very confusing character indeed. Falling in and out of love for a guy within heartbeats.
Sometime you won’t find out who you truely love until they are gone. When they akwa
When they are always in your face. You won’t know until they are no where to be found. There is a guys always be there for me like a brother but oncehe got a gf. I finally realised he was the one I wanted. Bad he’s got a gf now. Maybe aimee didn’t know she was falling!!
Lucy, yes to real life but in TV, it makes no sense.
It is strange that she cries hard but you can’t see the effects on her face. I was quite bothered about that. Maybe her eyes is too small for us to see the red eyes.
“. Throughout the whole drama, we know she loves Nic through and true.”
I agree. She also confessed her innermost turmoil to Nic. She never really opened her heart to Ruco. If only that scene where she opened her heart is before Ruco, that would have more sense on the episodes after that.
Something about Aimee’s crying in all her scenes just doesn’t seem right to me — that particular scene at the travel agency where she confesses to Ruco was especially painful to watch because Aimee’s crying came across so weird and fake, it was hard for me as an audience to relate to her on an emotional level…even though she poured her heart out, I got so distracted by the over-the-top crying that I honestly stopped paying attention to the words that came out of her mouth. Such a shame because that was supposed to be one of the climactic emotional scenes of the episode (and perhaps of the series?) yet it was ruined by Aimee’s subpar acting.
llwy12, i agree with you. She was too OTT with her hysterical crying, stomping feet and hand gestures thrown in for good measure; i cringed instead of feeling sorry for her. Plus i agree with Varnice her crying was not convincing, she was trying too hard to squeeze out the tears by scrunching up her face and her quivering voice was most annoying. Sometimes the most effective way of conveying sadness or grief is to just let the eyes do the talking, like Ruco for example. He spoke few words (no hysterical chest beating like Aimee) but you could feel his sadness through the reddening of his eyes and tears welling up in them, and a sniff trying to hold back the tears, very stylishly done indeed.
@buzz: Maybe Aimee should watch the scene in Reality Check when Ruco confronts Priscilla in the conference room and explains to her why he hates his biological mother (Rebecca Chan) so much — I see that scene in RC to be the equivalent of Aimee’s ‘pour out her heart’ at the travel agency scene in OL, yet the emotional intensity was so drastically different. When Ruco did that scene in RC, I felt like I could really feel his pain and I was practically crying along with him, whereas with Aimee’s scene, I felt nothing and just wanted the scene to be over so everyone could move on….
She’s schizophrenic i tell you.
” there was no hints whatsoever that she has develop feelings for him in the earlier episodes”
There were some hints:
1. She missed him when he suddenly packed up and left for HK cos his mother was in hospital
2. After LKZ helped her sis and bro-in-law patch up, they were exchanging knowing glances at each other as they walked home and they tried to get rid of the bro-in-law so that they could be alone
3.She was a little rattled when she saw that Yi Kiu was showing unusual interest in LKZ when YK arranged his fringe
4. After the dinner at her home, she was walking him part of the way home, you could feel that both liked each other, sort of couldnt bear to part with each other
5. The accidental kiss
6. She confronted him over the truth that he was actually the one, not nic, who helped her resolve the misunderstanding with her dad and asked him why he could so easily give up what he wanted (by giving the credit to Nic)
7. At the beach after they had escaped from the coconut gangster
Above just a few instances from what i can remember.
This is a pretty good series we got to see how awesome ruco is
This drama is longer than 20episodes =_=??? tbqh, I could not get pass 1 page per review and I only saw 3 so far, and tbqh, that say something about this drama, sucky :/ why are you still watching and give review to this drama, funn -.- ?
“why are you still watching and give review to this drama, funn -.- ?”
For Ruco, for my promise to finish the recaps and for those who couldn’t watch but reads my recaps to follow the series.
thanks for the review. I think that different ppl view and is a freedom of speech. not to offend the writer, I do think that passionate kiss is not a m6st. this movie surely does not have the passionate lovey dovey feeling like k drama but hong kong drama bring hong kong drama. however I do like the movie in the sense that you will feel so blessed to hv someone to always there to protect n love you no matter what. yes it was rude of sik sik slapping keiying but at that point I think any girl will not be rationale. yes keiying deserved an apology but it was the script error n not the character – they focus to potray how hurt (being the insecure n not trusting that causing her acting out of her norm) sik sik was n how confuse she was… but I do like a little longer on luk kung zhi n sik sik love n perhaps show on their onwards relationship ….
Thanks for your comments.
Thanks for taking your time to review this drama. I gave up watching after episode 3. Mainly because Aimee is such a terrible actress here. I know I’m going to offend many of her fans here. I believe she has the potential to deliver something believable. But na-ah for this time round. She just looks so constipated the entire time. And the entire plot of this drama doesn’t justify the characters and the scene.
Btw funn, I have more fun reading your reviews that watching the show. Thank you for taking the time and risk being criticized by die hard fans.
Thanks for your comments. Not afraid of die hard fans since the comments are usually in the same vein but isn’t too happy with seriously silly/disturbing one that takes both side. In fact the comments by others help a lot to fill in the missing blanks, answering plot questions and lets me know how to approach the writing the next time around. I really do appreciate constructive criticism that makes a stand, for or against, doesn’t matter. That’s what makes writing these recaps every night much easier when I feel like giving up (which I did for TITs 2 when the recaps were beginning to look the same day in day out).
This series is really boring and the ending sucks
Just curious, how would you make the ending “interesting”?? Add some death element into the drama!? I thought this drama was trying to express a relaxing, comforting tone of KL and it really did in the end. I thought the ending was great.
Ending is extremely boring. Relaxing but really boring. Give it 1 out of 5 overall on character and story
I loved the ending!! It was relaxing (who said endings need to be exciting!?)! Ruco’s acting is definitely on the top, I like him more than any actor in TVB.
Aimee also improved a lot and so as Sama. Ko. I thought Mr. Hung did a pretty good job for a newcomer. Rosina Lam was over-the-top.
I guess the ratings tell a lot about how good this drama is. Yes, Aimee’s acting needs improvement and the storyline could’ve been more interesting and the themesong should’ve been sung by another person (and not be crazily spammed as it was..), overall the drama was good. I enjoyed every moment of it, especially Ruco’s character. He was so lovable and awesome!!!
I do think though, Aimee should’ve been a little bit better to Ruco in the end. The kiss should’ve appeared on screen.. yes, I want to see some kisses.
“episode 21 shows Nic in a very very good light”
so true, too much goodness in Nic which destroys the potentially very romantic story the main couple at the end! Why must Nic do the “show” to let go of Sik Sik? Ruco doesn’t NEED that! He is charming enough all through the series and episodes 21 22 just mess up the romance. Grhhhhhh.
The last scences in Malaysia should be more, that 10 minutes is just not enough, The convasation at the ending part is cute tho
okay, good ending, good story but the pace not right! 
I agree with you about Nic. Why make him to be so great to sacrifice himself? It makes it feel like Luk Kung Zi is the spare tyre for Sik Sik to fall back on. I want Sik Sik to realise that her heart actually belongs to LKZ without Nic having to put on that show to make her give up on him. It’s not fair to LKZ.
“GOOD QUESTION! Now is the answer we have been waiting for.” I think the FIRST answer Ruco gave was: I start to like you when you were fainted in the sauna, when your towel accidently fell off and I saw you..Oh then I must take responsibility!” Sik Sik said: “You lying”. That is my favourate
Yes I forgot about that one, another flirtation scene but frankly was not paying much attention by that time.
To me this part & its dialog seem “similar” (copy) to movie Dances with Dragon starring Andy Lau & Sharla Cheung.
As a relaxing series, I think they could have done more on the travelogue side of the story. I found myself wanting to learn more about the locale and food in interesting and integrated way.
I never bought Ruco and Aimee to be romantic couple. I stand by my thought that every girl paired with him is more like little sister that he needs to constantly reassure and “tum” (Cantonese). His women never has to show concern for him except the mom roles.
I can’t stand Aimee’s acting. It’s really bad. She need to take classes for both acting and Cantonese
This series was definitely more a light-hearted romantic story than an epic romantic tale…but at least it stays true to what it was promoted as.
Even though Sik-Sik is a poor romantic heroine (completely agree with Funn’s A-L list), her character is consistent to the very end. Sik-Sik is someone who’s unable to put herself out there, be vulnerable, and admit what she wants in love. Of course, it would’ve been very romantic if the story is written to show how her feelings for Ruco and fear of losing him gives her the strength to make the first move/fight for Ruco…but maybe the writer’s thought that would’ve been too cliche.
This can be a very enjoyable series if the viewer’s romanticism of a romantic story is kept to a minimum. This is no gut-wrenching romance, or earth-shattering love story, or romance that pulls at your heartstrings and that lingers in your mind for days after the finale (at least not the way it was told). Rather, it is a light-hearted, fun, and playful romantic tale.
Even so, this could’ve have been a very memorable romantic drama with the addition of some key scenes (which won’t take away from it’s light-heartedness),
e.g., show:
(1) Sik-Sik longing for/thinking about/missing Ruco while still with Nic (a la Funn’s list). — There’s a reason we all believe in Ruco’s love for Sik-Sik but not vice versa.
(2) Sik-Sik makes the choice to leave Nic and be with Ruco (vs. Nic giving her away) — A simple scene could’ve had a huge impact and given so much strength of character to our female lead, not to mention make us believe she actually loves Ruco.
(3) Some more playful romantic scenes with Ruco and Sik-Sik after they get together — For a series about the romance between two people, there’s only 10 minutes of them actually being together, which is dissatisfying.
I agree with most of your points. I am however not agreeing with ” Rather, it is a light-hearted, fun, and playful romantic tale.”. On paper it is that way but in execution, both characters were betrayed by their most loved, each with major heartbreak. That in itself can’t be light hearted. A majority of the content is dead serious. It will be light hearted if one of the character is not heart broken, maybe a playboy who can’t settle down, a confused girl whose crush in a guy goes nowhere, etc. And 22 episodes of non starter of a relationship is not only excessive but a huge waste of time. If only Sik Sik’s confession of her unjust treatment was to Kung Tzi instead of Nic, that would have round up the whole plot nicely. Or better editing and consistency with Sik Sik missing Kung Tzi or feeling guilty for scolding him or apologising, you know some humility on her part. Or some serenading. The series has already TOO MUCH of playful romantic scenes, what it needs is 2 character actually getting together or maybe less episodes.
I like Aimee. I do think she is lovely. But I also feel she is badly cast as Sik Sik and she is inconsistent and whilst everyone kept saying she has no chemistry with Ruco, I thought they were ok until I just saw a picture of that very last episode and last moments I think and I thought they were all right! He has the chemistry, she doesn’t. I was too concentrating on him to even look at her side and when I did, I felt they were more BFFs than lovers. In the end it has a lead female character that I just can’t feel anything for due to bad writing, bad pacing, bad acting and bad editing. Like what you write for 1 and 2, it would have helped the series in terms of quality. And I am ok with Nic giving her away. I was hoping she never reconciled with Nic and realised she loved Kung Tzi without being with Nic. By not doing so, she seems fleeting, indecisive and only left Nic because he cheated on her again and not because she no longer loved him, that her heart now has Kung Tzi alone, which is why it could be romantic. Each in love with the other 100%, do things for each other 100%. TVB does not know how to make a good love story. The ratings say otherwise but the quality says it all.
You know I just realised Sik Sik never did tell Kung Tzi her innermost feelings, her turmoils, her heart ache. She told those to Nic. Kung Tzi likewise also never said those things to her, his mom did.
Suffice to say, i think a lot of people want to see more romantic scenes between the 2 main characters. In that respect, the ending was somewhat unsatisfying.
Thank you for taking the time to write your episodic thoughts. It was so much more fun reading (your recaps) than watching this supposedly “light rom-com”.
Thanks for your comments.
Thanks for writing the episodic thoughts for the entire series.
Started to miss the fun of watching Lok Kong Tze every night and reading your review the following morning.
Thank you Funn. Please consider writing episodic thoughts for Ruse of Engagement.
I kinda miss him too, that silly hair and all. I did try googling for good pictures but all attention seems to shift to the new Linda series that they’re filming where he is wearing way too much make up.
Ruse of engagement huh? I am afraid I may not be able to describe the action sequences but the advantage is it will be short. I will think about it.
Thanks for your comments.
Here’s the female version of 差半步: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jH6Kr5_wlzU
Apparently, it’s not sung by Elaine but by someone called 譚嘉儀.
@Funn, Thanks for writing the episodic thoughts for the entire series. Do you watch Korean drama?
Rarely but I do. Why?
Wondering if you watch My Love From Another Star.
I didn’t watch.
To tell you the truth I am not a fan of K-drama of late.
Funn, are you planning to do a short overall review?
Am writing but due to water crisis in my area, no mood to continue but yes am writing.
I think the beach is not in redang. It’s in sekinchan selangor
It is called Pulau Redang or is it Redang beach? But it is in Sekinchan and not the other more exotic redang.
i can’t believe i actually read every single word of the review, i mean it was a really long, full-length detailed review…but honestly,it’s just a drama lol…it’s not the actors fault when they are just going by the script the director gives them. Besides, I am really curious as to what does marrying Moses have to do with anything in this drama lol? Not like this happened to her in real life.
People amuses me alot.
Just admit you enjoyed reading this and that’s that. The implication of her marrying Moses meant she was given more opportunity than she deserves; something someone once said “Hot by association”.
samantha ko is my most favourite in this show. she is just awesome and eliza agrees too!i also like aimee chan and ruco chan too!#TVBoutboundlove to tell you search up bosco wong on your computer! bosco is very hilarious and eliza calls me boscolover! because he’s my favourite celebrity in kowloon ,hongkong!BOSCO WONG BOSCO WONG BOSCO WONG BOSCO WONG BOSCO WONG BOSCO WONG BOSCO WONG BOSCO WONG BOSCO WONG BOSCO WONG BOSCO WONG BOSCO WONG!also watch love in time, a change of heart,coffee cat mama and a man cannot be poor!A.K.A UGLY BUM
i agree to arisha montez comment