Lu Yi and Gao Yunxiang Win Over Viewers’ Hearts with “Palace 3”

Palace 3 <宮鎖連城> has continued to dominate audience ratings charts since it began airing on April 8 on Hunan Satellite TV. Much like female lead Yuan Shanshan (袁姍姍), viewers have found themselves enchanted by the charm of male leads Lu Yi (陸毅) and Gao Yunxiang (高雲翔).
In Palace 3, which is also titled Palace: The Lost Daughter, nobleman Fucha Hengtai (Lu Yi) and bandit Jiang Yichen (Gao Yunxiang) vie for the heart of Song Liancheng (Yuan Shanshan). Hengtai appears to be Liancheng’s one true love, as he goes to great pains to protect her and ensure her safety, even if doing so leads to injury for him. Even when the two are caught up in a love triangle with Hengtai’s official wife, Princess Xing Dai (Shirley Dai 戴嬌倩), he remains deeply devoted to Liancheng, causing viewers to label him a unique example of a good man.
“This character is especially pure, and he uses his own life to protect the ones he loves,” said Lu Yi. “My own disposition is like this as well. In the ten-plus years since I debuted, I haven’t changed – I’ve always maintained this purity.”
Acting as a foil to the irresistible goodness of Fucha Hengtai is Jiang Yichen, a prodigal-son archetype character who has promised his godmother that he will exact revenge on the Fucha household. Though his personality is cold and ruthless, he attaches great importance to loyalty and finds himself attracted to Liancheng, who is Hengtai’s concubine.
Yichen is quite different from characters that Gao Yunxiang has portrayed in the past, but the actor has a strong grasp on the character’s bad-boy persona, depicting his cruel acts in a way that viewers can pity him and lament his actions. Many viewers have praised Yunxiang for achieving a breakthrough role and for helping fans see the actor in a new light.
This article is written by Joanna for
lu yi is so handsome! so far I am really enjoying gong 3. I am so glad it didn’t turn out like gong 2. the story is actually really interesting but it somehow reminds me of this really old drama. I also really love the the qing costumes they have on. it’s so pretty and eye catching!
Maybe it is just me, but I do not feel Lu Yi looks that great in the qing dynasty hair style. But that is beside the point because other things are more important.
He – and all Chinese males – look much better in the traditional Han topknot hairstyle.
That is true to some extent, but some Chinese males actually look good in the Qing dynasty hair style. But of course that is in the minority and most do look better in the Han topknot style.
The PR is really working for all it is worth. I watched a few episodes, liking Lu Yi as the dashing Fucha Hengtai very much and am amazed by how much further word Yuan Shan Shan has done. But the main point is Yu Zheng has once again copied from another story, this time Qiong Yau’s Plum Flower Series, right down to the fact Hengtai is a duke’s son so to speak. If his style remains the same, Plum Flower was tragic silly stupid ending and so I have high hopes that Palace 3 will end happily.
Auntie Qiong Yao just issued a statement condemning the plagiarism & Yu Chao Chao replied with veiled arrogance.
Key in hashtag #于正抄过的电视剧# in weibo & enjoy the fun! LOL… netizens, don;t you know that Yu Chao Chao face is thicker than Great Wall? No amount of shaming will affect him.
Haha! I just read the news on it too.
I knew it!! I am sure he is saying he is giving new twist lar, different perspective lar.. blah blah blah. He thinks many years have passed people will forget. I still have my review on that series. BUT frankly the original series was stupid. Not a good material to plagarise from but again nothing original ever come out from YZ.
Sehseh, what did Qiong Yau said and what did YZ respond??
Qiong Yao open letter to SARFT
Yu Chao Chao back pedaling, hinting Qiong Yao outdated etc
Too long winded for me to translate
I don’t get how being outdated is a defence to plagarism? Or does he mean in today’s world modern means plagarise?
And since he followed the original closely for the few episodes I watched, surely Qiong Yau is considered someone ahead of her time since “a trick is never too old”?
Aiyah all in Chinese and can’t hit translate.
Ok, translated key points in Yu Chao Chao statement
1. Claims that he is her fans and grew up watching her adaptations
2. Casted artistes under her management (aka support artistes she personally praised)
3. Claiming that he submitted proposal of his Gong 3 script to QY company for review
4. Similarities are just coincidence
5. Koreans & local dramas copied her story too
6. Wishing her remake of Plum Flower a success
7. Repeating how much he respected her, and how an elderly person like her shouldn’t get upset.
Technically, bunch of bullshit.
Reposted since it’s under moderation:
Ok, translated key points in Yu Chao Chao statement
1. Claims that he is her fans and grew up watching her adaptations
2. Casted artistes under her management (aka support artistes she personally praised)
3. Claiming that he submitted proposal of his Gong 3 script to QY company for review
4. Similarities are just coincidence
5. Koreans & local dramas copied her story too
6. Wishing her remake of Plum Flower a success
7. Repeating how much he respected her, and how an elderly person like her shouldn’t get upset.
Technically, bunch of bs.
She plans to remake that god awful series?
“3. Claiming that he submitted proposal of his Gong 3 script to QY company for review”
Did he?
Gong 1 is BBJX but back to front
Gong 2 is Empresses In The Palace but again back to front
Gong 3 is Plum flower series I and I bet it will be happy ending.
He claimed he did but QY & her manager issued weibo statement they didn’t.
And please, if he have no intention of plagiarism, why would he submit for review?
p.s. It seems that other scriptwriters also openly mocked YZ, he had asked some of them to plagiarized a few series (mash them together), even commented that it’s ok to copy like 20% and stretch the storyline. And of course, he’ll claim credit for all those plagiarized works.
Sending script for approval is the correct way like getting her blessing. But since they denied so if he didn’t then clearly plagiarism. Wow he can even joke that way? He really has such a huge ego. But then he is consistent in this sense; maybe qiong yau should sue.
the drama I thought yz copied from was the switch. he even openly admitted gong 3 was a remake of the switch. but I guess in the process he combined it with qiongyao’s plum triology :O
The Switch … where it is from and when?
YZ is really dry on ideas and must copy here and there in order to even have a basic plotline. How sad is that???
Empresses in the Palace is the worse drama ever. over exaggerated, overrated scene. unworthy for international acclamation. plot was messed up
and since it was remade without consent, let’s call it a ripoff.
which company doesn’t copy from one another? its not a patent nor a registered trademark. tvb makes their forensic dramas off csi and other american forensic drams. is that also a ripoff? oh, and then boys over flower remakes.
the list also goes on with sailor moon-type dramas. are these also a ripoff?
I believe the story is derived from a book and a book is copyrighted. If no consent is obtained, it is a rip off. Just because no one sues doesn’t make what YZ did as right. He can brush it aside as nothing but since there is copyright law in existence, and QY is the author she has every right to be pissed.
Yes many dramas copy from the other. Some may be genuine remakes with consent, books purchased, rights paid, etc. Some borrowed a little bit of idea here and there so that doesn’t make it that bad.
But this time YZ has borrowed too many. In the past no one said anything. So now it is interesting to see QY vs YZ and see who wins. Ratings wise YZ will win. Moral wise, of course QY. legal wise as in plagarism, it depends on QY if she will take it further. In the end money is the way to settle the disputes.
the author should be flattered that he chose her book and is every detail in the book featured in the drama?
I am sure YZ thinks that is compensation enough. But QY is a highly successful author and I don’t think she sees that as enough.
The Switch 偷龙转凤 aka Stealing Dragon, Exchanging Phoenix. I think it was made in 2002
You mean the one starring Zhang Ting and Vincent Jiao. That was made around 2001 or so. Part 1 was ok but part 2 was sooo stupid.
If any similarities then Plum Flower is the mother of such stories then. I haven’t seen The Switch but I can say Gong 3 is a direct remake and since it was remade without consent, let’s call it a ripoff. It was not just 1 or 2 ideas but thus far in its entirety except YZ will change the ending. And some nonsensical characters.
What was the book about?
I’ve never watched Qiong Yao’s original but can’t believe Yu Cheng plagiarised again. Gong, he plagiarised BBJX.
I watched the first few episodes and like Lu Yi too, but now I’m not sure whether I should keep watching.
There’s a news that Qiong Yao has sent a public letter to China’s two agencies: The General Broadcasting and Department of Movies Investigation and News Publishing, denounced that Yu Zheng copied her work ‘A Tattooed Flower” which starred Steve Ma and Vivian Chen and has urged people to stop watching YZ’s drama. The letter was sent along with the annex indicating directly where YZ copied.
As Funn mentioned above, it’s Qiong Yao’s Plum Flower series.
And I am sure many more will now tune in! I am hoping someone will translate the entire Qiong Yau letter and his half hearted reply of course.
what’s the link?
if in hurry, there’s always a google translate nearby to have the basic gist of the letter in english.
Cfensi translated here:
Thanks! Ahhh he took on the wrong woman this time!
Wow, Qiongyau looks remarkably young for her age!