Raymond Wong Replaces Bosco Wong in TVB’s “Cheung Po Tsai”

TVB has invested millions of dollars for the production of its upcoming action-packed period epic, Cheung Po Tsai <張保仔>, a time-traveling television drama about the life of the infamous Cantonese pirate.
Raymond Wong (黃浩然) is confirmed to star as Cheung Po Tsai, a role that was originally intended for Bosco Wong (黃宗澤). However, due to scheduling conflicts, Bosco had to turn down the role. Aimee Chan (陳茵媺) also turned down a part in the drama.
Starring alongside Raymond Wong will be Ruco Chan (陳展鵬), whose role is yet to be confirmed. Raymond and Ruco are frequent collaborators; their last work together was the period drama All That is Bitter is Sweet <大藥坊>, which is still in post-production. Elliot Ngok (岳華), Maggie Shiu (邵美琪), and Joel Chan (陳山聰) are also confirmed to appear in Cheung Po Tsai.
Produced by Leung Choi Yuen (梁材遠), principal photography for Cheung Po Tsai will commence filming in mid-September. The crew will be spending a month filming on location at the Cheung Po Tsai Cave, which is located in the Islands District of Hong Kong. In November, location shooting will take place in Wuxi and Hengdian World Studios.
According to reports, TVB invested millions of dollars on the project. They hired a new team of CGI artists who specialize in honing graphics for commercials and film. The production team also purchased new filming software for the conveniences of its actors.
Leung Choi Yuen stated, “In Cheung Chau, we will film police-related scenes. In mainland China, we will film naval warfare. The steel structure of the ship can take hundreds of thousands of dollars. This way, we can film more realistic naval battle scenes. The company has also brought in new filming technology. Now, we can film realistic underwater scenes without having to go underwater. The actors don’t have to struggle as much that way.”
In 1999, TVB unsuccessfully pitched a series called Cheung Po Tsai and even aired a sales presentation clip. The trailer starred Louis Koo (古天樂), Jessica Hsuan (宣萱), and Joe Ma (馬德鐘), and was announced to be a co-production with mainland China CCTV. However, due to its expensive production costs and cast unavailability, the project was eventually scrapped.
Source: On.cc
This article is written by Addy for JayneStars.com.
reminds me of that drama that was filmed in Cheung Chau where raymond wong’s nickname of ‘cheung po tsai’ and ruco chan also starred in it.
Slow Boat Home!
i hope he pairs up with niki chow again
I think TVb should just leave off time travel dramas. Hope it won’t be as amateurish and sucky as Three Kingdoms RPG.
TVB can do time travel dramas, like Step into the Past and Always Ever as examples, even Back to Three Kingdoms wasn’t too bad. If they spend the right money, right cast and more importantly a good and tight plot, surely it wouldn’t be too much of a challenge for them.
Viewers want TVB to be more imaginative and not be so ‘mainstream’, but now TVB is trying yet viewers are complaining again?
agree,tvb have to try more imaginative genres. step into the past was the best time travel drama so far with big budget and cast,hope this will be as good as it.
Do you still rmbr Bullet Brain? Sci fi, supposedly fresh idea but given a drubbing by the audience. Personally i found it ok, better than some of the yawners like Divas in distress.
Yay, some Raymond Wong news! Looking forward to another of his series.
Too bad, I’d rather see Bosco in the role. Ruco and Raymond collaboration is getting boring.
Would have give you a like button if there’s one.
Maybe Bosco won’t be a good match for Ruco since Bosco looks younger next to the more worldly looking Ruco. If Bosco is in this, then Ruco’s role will be recast.
Thank god NO Aimee!!!!
Why is it always Ruco and Raymond? -__- too much of them
Ruco and Raymond again for the hundredth time? So uncreative of TVB. No other actors around for fresher collab?
As good as “A Step in the Past” with Louis Koo and Jessica Hsuan?
A step in the past was good because Louis Koo changed the script and did a lot of ad lib to make it funny. Not sure TVB is capable of replicating that now
Ruco and Raymond both are good actors. As long as there is Ruco Chan and the script is good, then I will watch it. It is not because TVB is boring, as the result of no one will portray better than they are. I rather watch them again than spend time on series like “Beauty at War”.
Yea… actors/actress are getting boring since we know its always the same people. Finally about time they got some new equips…
Why TVB got no other combination meh. How many times want to repeat the same group of people like this Ruco C. and Raymond W. thing.
If Bosco too busy sure got other lead actors meh. Why not use some new faces instead of nearly 40 year old Ray Wong and Ruco C. Yawn.
Ruco is a good versatile actor…Cheers!
Would have preferred a Bosco-Ruco collaboration. Raymond Wong is one of the most boring actors around with that dull monotone voice of his and his weather-beaten face.
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Is there a film version of Cheung Po Tsai? I think Cheng Chung Kai and Fala Chen were members of the cast. Is TVB also filming a drama series version?
I normally support TVB but they are just running out of ideas and trying to cash in on the film before it’s even released.
Thanks! I remember reading something on Jaynestar about the movie “Cheung Po Tsai”. I can now verify it by opening your link!
It’s time for TVB to stop offering overused cooperations. Why must the role offered to Raymond when Bosco isn’t available? Is there no other siu sang of Bosco’s level or veterans like Roger or outsider maybe Dayo, Gallen? Or why not just elevate Ruco for the CPT role and elevate Joel for Ruco’s role and open Joel’s role for others opportunity. Raymond Wong is a mediocre actor with pale mediocre look. Almost like he is sick all the time.
Ruco deserves new cooperation with another actor not Raymond Wong all the time. What a pity Bosco’s schedule clashed. If this is so I’d rather see Ruco with a veteran or Ruco taking the CPT role than another cooperation with mediocre Raymond Wong.
I hope they get someone at a higher level as Ainee’s replacement. Enough of the disappointment on the lead actor’s part.
Agree with you both.
Absolutely right!
Will Priscilla join later? Because the trio Ruco-Raymond-Priscilla seems to be glued in a group.
Btw, when I first see, like everyone else, I think Ruco Raymond again and again and again.
I agree. I can see Priscilla added as the female lead and can even be in a love triangle with both men. I also see the group of Aimee, Priscilla, Raymond Wong, Ruco and Edwin belonging to a same circle group who often cooperate with each other to the point of boring.
Huh, i thought Ruco only acted once with Priscilla? Same with Raymond and Priscilla?
Sorry my bad. Just realised Raymond was with Priscilla in Karma riders. But I’m certain she collaborated only once with Ruco in Reality Check.
I don’t like this guy, dont ask me why, I just don’t like him.
This is the only drama of Ruco that I will give up. Absolutely no anticipation in producer Leung Choi Yuen. He under-used Ruco in all dramas like SBH, Po Chung Ling(horrible role). Don’t like his productions at all. Hope this is Ruco’s last collaboration with him. He better just have Ray Wong whom he loved. But he has no confidence in ratings, so Ruco is added just as a tool to hold the audience.
It’s hard to fathom why Raymond gets to lead over Ruco when Ruco’s the more popular of the 2. Hope his role isn’t insignificant or under developed like in SBH. Dont give up on it just yet.
Leung C H has never given a decent role to Ruco. Other than the so-called male lead in SBH, the rest were terrible villains. Don’t say that FitWing got most fav ch in Starhub last year. Viewers voted for Ruco, not the role, out of no choice. Anyway Fitwing has good looks, though plain as water. Yet this time, will surely be disappointed with his bald new role. Thank God already if it’s not worse than PCL. Tbb, pls return Ruco to Amy Wong.
Ruco is a very versatile actor. He can handle good and baddie roles. However from what i gather this producer favors Raymond Wong. Actually Ruco doesn’t look too bad in the Qing dynasty get up.
I think when Ruco did Po Chung Ling he was still only playing supporting roles.
Oddly, Po Sung Ling was the only series I really like Ruco in.
You are one in a million when millions fall for Keith, Sam, LKT and Carson.
I know but I cant like him after that. I quite liked him during his time in ATV but then in TVB, I only can take his acting for Po Sung Ling.
Agree, Ruco is the crowd puller
Huh again?
Hope Tavia can film this serie with. Ruco and Raymond have been waiting for a new serie with these three ever since TOT
Oddly, even as a Bosco fan, I don’t think he fits CBT. I like the director that he is about to collaborate with in mainland, so thankfully he did not turn that down.
I will watch it for Raymond though. I enjoy watching him a lot. Hope they cast Niki or Linda as female lead.
I hope it will be NIki! and this time a happy ending!!