Ron Ng is Pleased with “Black Heart White Soul”

Popularly considered as the sister production of TVB’s critically acclaimed thriller drama Last One Standing <與敵同行>, Black Heart White Soul <忠奸人> has been receiving good reviews. Both Last One Standing and Black Heart White Soul star Roger Kwok (郭晉安) as the series’ main villain. With its suspenseful storyline and morally conflicted characters, Black Heart White Soul is regarded as one of TVB’s most interesting dramas this year. Ron Ng (吳卓羲), who stars alongside Roger in Black Heart White Soul, also said the drama is one of the most satisfying dramas he has filmed in recent years.
Ron Ng portrays Funny Sir, a noble cop who indirectly caused Roger’s character, Matt, to become paralyzed from the waist down, bounding him to a wheelchair for the rest of his life. With a guilty conscience, Funny befriends Matt, but discovers that Matt had been using him all along.
Cop roles are not foreign to Ron. In his 13-year career, Ron has portrayed a cop at least six times. However, Ron finds Funny Sir to be an exception to his usual noble and brave cop image.
“This role is very different from the roles I’ve had in the past. [Funny Sir] is very human. He has many emotional scenes. My character injured Roger Kwok while on a mission, so he feels guilty. Because of that, he ends up crossing [moral] boundaries.”
Ron received praises for his improved acting in Black Heart White Soul. Asked if he is looking forward to contend for the Best Actor award with this role, Ron said, “I never thought of winning an award. I don’t want to film [dramas] to win. It’s more important to win the audience and have good word-of-mouth.”
On his thoughts in filming kissing scenes with rookie actress Lisa Lau (劉思希), who portrays his girlfriend Gillian in the series, Ron said, “When it comes to filming these scenes, communication is very important. Lisa got really nervous, so I told her to just relax.”
The finale of Black Heart White Soul will air on August 22, 2014.
Source: Oriental Daily
This article is written by Addy for
He did a bad job in this series. Ron and Lisa is not a good match. She look like Joan Rivers. I can’t wait when this is over. Louis did the best job in the series.
yup, Louis did good.
It not that Ron did a bad job it’s that you like Louis good/bad guy role in the series. I wish Ron would play one of those good/bad guy roles.
I agree! There’s no chemistry between the two. Louis nailed. .Matt Yeung was good too. Leanne Li has improved. Roger Kwok and Ron Ng were just non spectacular. Krystal is good as usual.
Yeah, I don’t see the chemistry between Ron & Lisa, too. She looks too old for him. I was okay with Lisa acting up until episode 22, where she was checking for heartbeat and giving CPR to and old lady with heart attack. It sure was funny how she gingerly put her hand on the lady’s chest to feel for heartbeat, and AS IF the lady will bite. LOL. Even more funny when Ron just stared at her with this lovey-dovey look on his face. For goodness sake, he’s a cop! Shouldn’t he be calling for help and on his knees ready to take over the CPR should the girl get tired? Save the lovey-dovey admiration for next scene , where he looks back and think about her bravery, sheesh!
Don’t forget Marco’s assistant Denise. She was real good in the emotional scenes.
I agree. The Funny/Gillian “romance” is very difficult to watch. They have zero chemistry.
Most satisfying work in years? Man, i barely even notice Ron in the drama. Even Matt Yeung was more memorable and did a better job and Matt died way early in the drama.
Agreed, even SUP JAI is more memorable than Ron.
I almost forgot that he also played a police officer in Ruse of Engagement because his acting is always the same and no improvement.
I have to say everyone in this drama did better than Ron. (except Lisa Lau, can’t stand watching her it’s like watching a mask)
Stfu you low life haters Ron is in like very ep how can you not see him you blind? Ron roles should really change though he getting the same old brave cop role. Yet there is so much to improve doing the same old role. I hope one day Ron plays the good/bad guy role like Louis in the series. And the only reason you notice Matt Yeung is because you think he good looking so he kept watching every second of the series when he was on. And fast forward through the drama on other parts right?
Tvbfan, you’re the hater! You call everyone a hater whenever someone expresses their opinions about Ron. I’ve noticed this in every Ron article. Get over it.
No wonder Ron has no intentions in signing a new contract.
From pairing up with Ella Koon to this thing. I would’ve terminated my own contract if I was in his shoes.
I think Ron should terminated his contract but when he is at his peak in TVB. Just to get back at TVB for giving him the same old cop role and keep giving his supporting cast roles for the past like 2-3years.
His acting is the same here as in everywhere else BUT he did very well. In fact I like his portrayal and Lisa is also rather good except her face is distracting me. What a pity. Anyway I find it funny though that between Funny and Gillian, they both racked up a pretty impressive number in terms of who they have hurt. Gillian is of course because of her overbearing overprotective father.
1. Matt – accident yes, but sorta his fault
2. May – didn’t investigate properly
3. Marco – didn’t investigate properly & being so crazy emotional
4. Gillian – for breaking her heart
5. Potentially everyone who will fall victim to To Yee Hang because Funny will be creating the world’s greatest conflict of interest when he marries Gillian. He should have just left her, better to be cruel to be kind.
“Ron received praises for his improved acting in Black Heart White Soul.”
Agreed, I do see the improvement compared to his previous dramas. For example, the extraneous bobblehead movements when speaking his lines are pretty much gone.
LMAO bobblehead
Still got a little except now sideways and lesser because his front hair is weighing his head down!
“except now sideways”
“because his front hair is weighing his head down”
Such a funny remark! LMAO.
MW your so stupid. I want to see you do better and it could be part of his role. Your just a low life hater sitting behind a computer.
You’re describing yourself, Tvbfan. You’re a crazy Ron lover calling everyone haters and stupid.
OMG! I thought I was the only one who saw his head movements, lol. Bobblehead is so right LOL!!!!!!
@ MW
Bobblehead. What a witty way to describe Ron’s unique body language! Hahaha….
Ron should do movies his got good action skills
Ron needs to get out of tvb
Actually, this time, the drama is popular not because of the actors but the storyline was created cleverly and is interesting
I’ve never really noticed his bad acting tics, just that his acting never stood out to me. In this serial, he just does his job decently but again, definitely not a memorable or stand-out performance (as yet! Maybe he will have a good showing at the end as his character finally hints at developing..) deserving of a Best Actor nomination. I thought he also didn’t look very in love with Gillian on her hospital bed, kinda clinical and deadpan when declaring his love and intention to marry her. (Like many here, we all guess he’s going undercover..if only he really was gonna turn amoral!!)
In the company of Roger Kwok and Louis Cheung both putting in such excellent performances, Ron is definitely overshadowed.
I’m still rooting for Marco’s comeback and triumph actually. The Marco character seemed so strong and resourceful so I hope they don’t simply write him off as to a mental patient ending.
I pretty much agree with you R
I pretty much agree with you Ron acting is decent. It just that Ron keeps getting the same kind of role. How can you improve if your doing pretty much the same kind of role you have been doing for ages. I want Ron to play the good/bad guy role like Macro or Ruco gets.
I’ve never been impressed with Ron’s acting. He’s so stiff and emotionless. When he tries to be emotional, it’s just … not working, and it makes me laugh because it’s so bad that it’s funny.
Louis Cheung deserves the most praise in my opinion (aside from Roger Kwok.. that’s a given). When I first saw Louis on TV, it was in Inbound Troubles (coincidentally with Roger lol) and he played this weird punk guy opposite of Ivana (don’t remember her last name). I thought he was so unattractive and his character was super annoying, which I guess made me dislike him indirectly. I just know I did not want to see this man on television lol. Not good to look at.
But boy, oh, boy! Has he really made a difference in this series. I guess it’s because he finally has a better and more interesting role LOL. Now he finally gets to show off his acting skills. He’s a prime example to show that you don’t have to be attractive to be a good actor and liked by people… so too bad for Lisa Lau. People don’t like her because her acting just sucks. And she’s not that pretty. There’s not much to defend because her role could’ve been carried out a lot better by Eliza Sam or Linda Chung. They would’ve been better for the rich heir daughter who studied abroad and is learning to be independent, etc. Because of Lisa Lau’s poor acting, it brings down Ron because they have no chemistry at all. I can’t bear watching their scenes together or any scenes with Lisa in general… so I just fast forward LOL. I’m so serious. I have no idea what they spoke about in the hospital when Lisa overdosed. But I don’t care hahaha.
I, along with everyone else in this world that watches TV, don’t know why Lisa was casted for this heavy role. Must’ve been connections. Even if she has “potential,” it wasn’t worth risking jeopardizing such a good drama with a bad main actress. Should’ve gave her the lead role in a bad drama then… if she were that great, she would’ve shined and made a bad drama into a better one.
Lisa probably took the “shortcut”. Her face reminds me of Chuckie (the doll).
OMG, she looks even more like Chuckie with the short haircut! LOL. To be fair, her acting is not bad, a lot better than that girl who plays sister to Bosco’s character in UA. But that heavy make-up on her is so distracting. She was feeling guilty, depressed over her friend Sup Jai’s death. Yet, as she lay listless in bed, her 5-inch thick make-up was intact. What??? So unconvincing.
Your stupid hater I want you to be a actor and see how good you become can you even get on the supporting cast level.
Ron is less irritating in here and he actually acts. But when standing next to Roger, Louis & Waise who steal the scene with their presence and acting, Ron reslly does not stand put.
Sorry to say this but Lisa acts horribe in here. She acts even more awkward than the girl played Ginnie in TUA. And she ia incompatible with Ron as a couple in terms of looks. Dont even mention the chemistry. What chemistry?
sooo true!!! lisa is worse than ginne. but both are horrible and don’t deserve to be acting in roles with so much on screen time!!
I don’t get why TVB always kills the drama by putting these newbie girls in. Ginnie was bad in TUA, was so glad she died. I was hoping Gillan wouldn’t survive her OD on pills. LOL
To be fair,Ron is a lot younger than Roger and other more experienced actors,so I do not feel it is fair to compare them. I feel Ron’s acting has gotten better through the years. Honestly,whose acting is ever good enough? Even the veteran actors and actresses always aim to get better and better each time.
How come Ron played such a small role now a days & the actress doesn’t match him at all.on screen don’t look good together.she looks like she had plastic S. I still think he is one of the good looking male in TVB drama. must be he done something to upset the top bosses Otherwise he ends up like this.TVB top bosses always have theirs favorite boys & girls!!!!
Back in 2005 Ron was one of the most popular artist in hk guess popularity dosse not last for ever
His hair is terrible in this drama. I remember when I first saw him in Revolving Doors of Vengeance. I thought he was very attractive. What did TVB do to him? Bad hair and wardrobe in this drama.
I’m so used to Ron playing the cop role that he’s grown on me so i find him ok bearable. The only thing i dislike about him is his hairstyles. He either has his hair combed all standing a few inches high with the Elvis sideburns or with a long fringe like in this drama, with the sideburns shaved but still visible. Both look very uncop-like. Someone shld tell him to lose those dated looking sideburns or maybe he shld change his hair stylist.
I cannot watch any scenes with Lisa….she looks so weird….when she looks down, the double eye lid still exists, her nose looks pinched, her cheeks look inflated…she looks puffy almost swollen….And whats with the hair. Didn’t she have the same style in Brother’s Keeper?
Who is Lisa?
Lisa Lau aka Gillian. Isn’t her name Lisa IRL, lol
that hair….i just want to chop it off whenever hes in a scene. i just keep thinking how stupid it is
LOL. Someone said he was beginning to look a lot like Charmaine Sheh with that hair cut!
Ron does not perform well, I cant read whether is happy nor sad from his facial expressions!
Roger’s acting is good as ever!
how come ron spot that kind of hair? can police have long hair in hk? so unrealistic
Every time I see that hair I just want to cut it off. What’s with the HongKongese dudes and their outlandish hair style, ala Bosco. Talk about unrealistic, how can a cop report to his mom working in the same department. BTW, don’t you lose credibility with the name Funny.
Totally agree with all comments on Gillian. Marco was good, he’s great as a goowahjai. Wished May had more plot line. The first 5 episodes were the best.
support Ron!
Who the heck is Lisa Lau anyway? I really hope she wasn’t a miss HK winner..
i think ron’s weaknesses are in his voice, which is too flat, and his eyes, which look half dead. after so many years, neither of them seem to have improved much, if at all.
Ron is a good actor… And very flexible he should really go on to movies he got good action skills… Look at all the cops movies in hk he should go into movies
Anthony said tvb hold artist talent back.. In Ron case he is good with action and Ron should move onto movies action movies
Louis to win best newcomer, or is he not really classed as a newcomer. Very good acting from him, he might not be good looking or hunky but he is very cool. Leanne has improved, but unfortunately Ron is still too wooden – even after all these years. It’s not the best drama but hasn’t been too bad.
Yes, he is kind of hard to look at but I find his acting very convincing. I find him to be quite funny and natural in that first series that was directed by the SHORTY GUY. But whatever him even more of a badazz in this series was really entertaining cuz he nailed it very well. Ron is always same old boring Ron. Roger Kwok is good but I never like him much thou. So for me if we can vote, Louis is def my pick for the series.
everyone in this drama was good & ok , i just CANT stand LISA & JASON ….
JASON is a total nonsense , he cant act at all, the way he talk i feel like slapping him. every drama he is in , he use the same way of acting .. OMG terible