Synopsis Of “Never Dance Alone”

Eric Tsang’s (曾志偉) highly promoted series Never Dance Alone <女人俱樂部> will finally begin its broadcast on April 21. The show, which was formerly known as M Club, is loosely based on South Korean film Sunny and stars top actresses from TVB’s golden days.
The story begins by introducing Mo Siu Si (Carman Lee 李若彤), a middle-aged woman who lives with her husband (Lawrence Cheng 鄭丹瑞) and her spiteful mother-in-law. Despite her current mundane life, Siu Si actually had a more colorful past. During her high school days, she met Chu Lei (Rachel Lee 李麗珍), Law Fung Sin (Elvina Kong 江欣燕), Luk Yuen Chau (Fennie Yuen 袁潔瑩), Hui Jan Nei (Angie Cheong 張慧儀), and Leung Kam Yin (Gloria Yip 葉蘊儀). The girls quickly bonded over a shared love for aerobic dance. Together, they organized dance group M Club and Siu Si became their team captain. Although they vowed eternal friendship, life sent them in different directions after graduation and the six eventually lost contact with each other.
In the present day, Siu Si stumbles upon a sign advertising for Fung Sin Dance Studio, which triggers her memories of her friends and M Club. She learns that Fung Sin has continued to pursue her passion and has become a dance instructor. Later, when Fung Sin becomes hospitalized, she asks Siu Si and the rest of M Club to help run her studio and to protect her dancing dreams.
Although Fung Sin’s studio is saved for now, the group discovers that their former nemesis Yung Daan Daan (Flora Chan 陳慧珊) has also established a dance studio, threatening their business. Things become even messier when Siu Si runs into her first love Yiu Ji Lun (Lawrence Ng 吳啟華), who is now Daan Daan’s boyfriend.
The 32-episode series will take over the time slot currently occupied by Ruse of Engagement <叛逃>. In addition to the top-tier leading cast,veteran artistes Miu Kam Fung (苗金鳳), David Lo (盧大偉), Koo Ming Wah (古明華), and Joe Tay (鄭敬基) will also make appearances.
“Never Dance Alone” Trailer
[vsw id=”DXbyPsiaQqI” source=”youtube” width=”500″ height=”375″ autoplay=”no”]
This article is written by Katrine for
My opinion: Looks like a terrible drama. I do like flora and Carmen. But the story does not attracts me at all.
Picture is 100% photoshop! Especially Gloria Yip. She is like -15 kg on this picture. She looks like the same weight as the another ladies! TVB thinks we are all stupid like that?!?!?
Trailer makes it look like light-hearted series which can succeed as long as it hits the right balance between comedy and its theme of female friendship. It’s different as it seems to put romantic love in lower priority, while exploring middle-aged women’s needs. It may be uplifting series and hit right chord with family viewers in HK.
I think series that have other types of love such as sibling and friendship love are often liked by the audience since romantic love gets redundant. We should not judge too early until we watch any series. Everyone should give every series a chance.
I wish they’d do more relationships like Sheren/Wayne in No Regrets – but without the romance (which I felt was an unnecessary addition).
The 32-episode series will take over the time slot currently occupied by Ruse of Engagement
Wahhhh so fast got promotion when ROE is nowhere nearing its end!
There’s only a week and half left of ROE…
they only released the synposis. they havent reached any promo clips..
M Club = Menopause Club
Hahah that’s a good one!!!! LOL
Do you guys seriously find this funny?
The lack in originality is more than a bit pathetic. And the fact that anyone would find this funny is sad indeed.
Omg i yearn for angie cheung’s return!
M Club = Manopause Club
I’m definitely going to watch this. Miss all the old veterans especially Angie Cheung.
its not that highly promoted. tvb hasnt even started showing its promo clips. they released the synpposis
the costumes look hideous.
Almost though Fennie was Selena Li.
Flora Chan looks pretty in the above video clip.
i’m looking forward to it. Story doesn’t sound too interesting but gonna give it a go those ladies!
ok…………………me too i am looking forward
of looking at this tv film whatever is called
plus i’m not really interested of those LADIES
anyways but still looking forward of looking at this film
those clothing looks so horrible so ugly
I’m just glad they scrapped the name M Club. I keep imagining the ladies busting out their bondage gear when I hear that name.
the costumes are a joke. i question the dressers
This looks very interesting, I like the female actresses that I have not seen for a while, so it’s good to see them act again.
The trailer looks okay, hope the rest of the series will live up to the standard of quality. Wished they added more male characters.
this looks like the american teenage dance movie, “Step Up” but with all the see lai and ah soh this time
can’t believe there’s 32 episodes to this storyline….
This is an okay drama in my opionion(because I prefer action). Didn’t really like the first episode but as I continued on to the second one I found it kind of interesting. Looking forward to see episode three, and I hope the rest of the show will continue with this mystery and girl drama type of theme.