TVB’s “The Vinegar Lady” Films Sales Presentation

Filming for the trailer clips of TVB’s upcoming 2014 Sales Presentation is well underway. On October 2, the cast of the upcoming light-hearted comedy drama The Vinegar Lady <醋娘子> went to film a few action sequences at Taoist temple Wun Chuen Sin Kwoon in New Territories, Hong Kong. Starring Myolie Wu (胡杏兒), the Ming Dynasty comedy is produced by Poon Ka Tak (潘嘉德) and was meant to be a reunion drama for the Wars of In-Laws <野蠻奶奶> cast, until Liza Wang (汪明荃) turned down to star.
The action sequences that were being filmed involved Myolie throwing copper mallets at Derek Kok (郭政鴻) and Koni Lui (呂慧儀), who portray a pair of comedic villains. Myolie had to retake the sequence several times, but was fortunately not injured. “No one wants accidents, but [TVB] has precautions. It’s much better than filming in the mainland. The action scene I just filmed was a very simple one. If I did get hurt, it would have just been my fault.”
She clarified that The Vinegar Lady is not meant to be an action drama as the sequence filmed in the trailer was for comedic affect. Nonetheless, Myolie exclaimed that she always wanted to film action dramas, and expressed her wishes to portray a police officer.
The Vinegar Lady also stars Him Law (羅仲謙) and Eliza Sam (岑麗香) in their first prominent costume drama. Gigi Wong (黃淑儀) will star as Him’s mother, and Ron Ng (吳卓羲) will star as Myolie’s love interest.
This article is written by Addy for
Can’t wait for this series. Hope it’s a good one.
Me too!
So happy for another Ron and Myolie pairing- they look so cute together in that picture. I can’t wait to see the sales presentation.
I agreed with you
Him Law looks very handsome in the above photo.
But he looks very young too.
not him law but bosco have to be standing between myolie and eliza lol.
funn limm love him law she will love this series. him law looks great and look very great chemistry with myolie! but i’m worried about eliza in an ancient series with her bad cantonese and weak acting!
him law looks too young and handsome to pair with old tavia in real life!
Who says I love Him Law??
Then he should be paired with a baby in real life. Young enough. Then it’d be changed to Father-and-daughter relationship, how about that? Satisfy you ?
agree! bad drama
Love the cast honestly. Hope it remains the same when the drama starts filming.
this binegar series js written by a great scriptwriter who used to work with tvb but freelancing now! that means the script is assured quality! can’t wait!
ron and myolie is the best pairing ever! if only myolie can choose ron or kenneth as her beau
myolie and kevin or myolie and bosco are my fave on screen couple. they have some awesome chemistry.
kenneth – bad chemistry if based on that 4 seasons drama.
ron – pretty good chemistry esp in tits2 and also tits1
ray lam – i did love her with him in survivor law
ahh – can’t wait.
Great scriptwriter? Uhm gimme one successful and highly praised scripts of Koo Wai Nam? Lolz, if you say BTROC out, I will laugh out loud. Koo Wai Nam is writing unnecessary complicated scripts with huh endings. His style is much like Txb: draggy in middle, put everything to last eps and illogical endings.
oh please ko wai nam said in weibo that catherine tsang edited his original script and casting for beyond! originally linda is casted but tsang change the castting and pull tv king and queen charmaine and kevin in to help push tavia up!
pull tv king and queen charmaine and kevin in to help push tavia up!
Can you elaborate it a bit please? Didn’t get it.
Then name one successful script of Koo Wai Nam in recent time? Something is praised.
BTROC is terribly written and with the edition of Catherine Tsang. The chacs are unrealistic, the acting isnt good, too. Susan Tse is the spotlight, end of story. If Linda is casted, it will be more funny because she is too soft and lacks emotions to an evil (if we can call tat OTT chac an evil. I dont know wat is worse, the script or the portrayal)
However, talking about Koo Wai Nam, his script is too unnecessary complicated with some illogic twists. The female lead in his comedy often be OTT naive to childish. Overall, not great at all.
If you want successful Ka Wai Nam scripts, I can give you 2: Detective Investigation Files and Untraceable Evidence. Coincidentally, both of those series were also collaborations with producer Poon Ka Tak.
With that said, I will say that KWN’s scripts aren’t always great (I personally hated BTROC, but that’s just me), but he does have a proven track record with many of his series from the 80s and 90s (not commenting on the post 2000 ones).
For me, that’s reason enough to respect Ka Wai Nam as a ‘golden scriptwriter’ (and to be honest, KWN and Tak Gor are pretty much the only 2 reasons why I’m even paying attention to this Vinegar Lady drama, since I don’t like majority of the cast).
Do you miss the word recent time in my post? Ko has some good, but recently no
@Fox: Of course I saw the word ‘recent time’ (I’m not blind you know)…but I was answering your original post that questioned Ka Wai Nam being a ‘great scriptwriter’ and asking to list ‘one successful and highly praise script’ of his (and no, your original post did NOT state ‘recent time’). You asked a question, I answered it – simple as that! If you found my response ‘offensive’ (hence your ‘sarcastic’ reply back), then that’s your issue, not mine.
I dun find your response is offensive at all, fyi. I meant recently in the original post, if you ask me. If not, I wont say of BTROC but to add his old works I liked (such as Eternal happiness). Koo did some good in the past and I admit so, but great is too big word. Moreover, his comedy scripts is never something highly praised. His strength is complicated plots, now he is overusing such to have unnecessary complications and illogic twists.
Actually the person Im asking is selina who always overpraises everything she thinks she.likes, but she fails to provide an answer. No doubt, I bet she rarely knows which series Koo wrote, just praise Koo great blah blah in order to make such series seems big and interesting.
Yup, I have the intention to mock selina aka sel_fi_wu. Such series has everything under my fave from cast to producer. Koo isnt strong at comedy but his script is at least watchable, dun like TITS2 and A&E scriptwriter. In fact, I find both of TITS 2 and A&E have terrible script before recognizing they are written by same person.
DIF and EH are classics. Ko is a good screenwriter. Poon can produces a gem in comedy. Anyone remember A Chip of the Old Block? It was a good comedy with a sweet use of time travel and good storyline which emphasizes on father and son. Sunny Chan was great in this series. It was a great comedy by Poon and has a lot of inspiring and adorable elements in the scripts. Did Ko write ACOTOB?
Since Poon proven he can make a great written and executed comedy with ACOTOB, I’m holding a good candle for Vinegar Lady which has the same lighthearted sweet elements.
DIF and UE was one of the classics and I personally enjoyed them but that was over 10 years ago, we haven’t seen his recent work and DIF was the only series he collaborated with this producer and it wasn’t a comedy. I just think it would be more interesting if they would of produce and write a series in a different genre and modern.
ACOTOB was an adaptation of He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Father (新難兄難弟), starring both Tony’s.
Wow, you already know enough about the drama to know it’ll be bad? If you’ve got details, do share them with the rest of us
Another comedy? I feel this producer is better doing drama productions since the comedies he had done in the past was disappointing. Probably gonna wait this one out….cast seems alright but the genre is definitely a problem.
I think comedy suits Myolie, Ron, Him and Eliza best.
Surely it suits Myolie Wu, Ron Ng and Eliza Sam. Not sure about Him Law.t
Somewhat true, Him is fine with comedy. The thing is TVB’s comedy productions aren’t even funny they’re just cheesy and the mentality of their humor is for 9 year olds which makes it even worse. I guess I would rather watch a comedy than a over dramatic depressing love story, we’ve seen enough of those.
Personally I don’t like any of TVB’s comedies ………. too many silly gags. I wouldn’t mind watching tragedies if the scripts are good.
Myolie Wu is better paired up with Ron Ng. Him Law is too young for her. Him Law is good with Mandy Wong and Eliza Sam.
A few years is not much of a difference besides Him is not her main love interest.
since its Koo Wai Nam’s comedy, the female lead will be childish like.
That’s what I was afraid of, I’ve seen enough of that from Myolie.
troll! the scriptwriter is one of the best ex tvb scriptwriter and he come back to write this vinegar series because to help the producer! all the casts are popular and awesome and myolie will have awesome chemistry with ron and chilam who are fighting for her love! of course ron is her true love in the end! the story is said to be an epic live story
Since when Him Law changes name to Chilam?
Everyone makes mistakes. It’s an obvious typo lol
More like an Freudian slip imo.
Looks cute and fun.
Eliza looks pretty in above pic. Rarely she is tat pretty
eliza is the only weak actress in this grand production and cringe at the thought of her bad cantonese! so unnatural even in sniper standoff where she said her words one by one unnaturally! hope she doesn’t bring down the other great cast such as myolie, ron and him! and she’s being promoted too much!
She’s doing well with her cantonese imo. It takes time..She’s born and raised in a western culture, so I’d say she’s already well off. Not to compare her to other artists’ of similar background because everyone’s ability to adapt and pick up on language is different. Language is certainly not an easy thing to just master, and isn’t just dependent on the amount of time or effort one puts into learning and improving …take Christine for an example. Series after series, her Cantonese doesn’t seem to improve at all. I’m sure she has tried with a lot of effort since she’s constantly being criticised,but hey, if one isn’t talented in languages what can they do.
I don’t really think there is such thing as being ‘promoted too much’-there isn’t a limit as to how much the company should publicise an artist. But they shouldn’t neglect those that are already gems…it’s like lost opportunities to those who could have done brilliantly with the role and gone somewhere in their career with that limelight.
Her acting is definitely better than one pose wonder Him Law after dating. I mean Him was a pretty good actor before becoming a hulk and then boom, he is one pose wonder, no acting, just pose and pout.
They dubbed Christine, they can dub Eliza. Actually the Txb actresses often have lazy tone, even.the Cantonese base girls. So if picky on Cantonese, maybe should dub all lazy tone speakers
eliza looks great i like eliza in sniper standoff,her acting has improved a lot not so raw as before.
lol.. Eliza look so pretty in the above pix. Much more natural smile and elegance pose than Myolie. Him Law look super young and smart in ancient costume . However he give me evil young master vibe.
First time i’ve seen Him Law in ancient hair, makeup and costume. I’m surprised he actually pulls it off very well!! But Him pulls off/looks good in just about every image (including his short feminised moment with Francis in TITS2 LOL) Looking forward to this drama!!!
agree him law looks great and young in his first costume role and looks amazing with myolie!was surprised that he can fit in awesoemly since he never films an ancient series! agree that he looks great in anything. only afraid that eliza’s weak acting and cantonese will ruin this series since it’s kot a modern comedy. but poon ka tak is a great producer.
I love Poon Ka Tak producer- he is my fvourite out of all producers in tvb.
And I do realise he does like to cast Him Law a lot in his series haha! His produced series do so well
Yup Him is in good hands under PKT because he’s a good producer. DIF was a classic, and ACOTOB proven PKT can do heartwarming comedy for the family. I think Vinegar Lady will be heartwarming under PKT’s hands, better than Kwan Win Cheung, Mui Siu Ching, Lau Ka Ho comedy.
Comedy and none of them are comedic actors or known to be funny, except for Ron who is good at deadpan but seriously, not one seriously funny guy. What happened to those comedic series with seriously comedic actors?
I think Him Law can be good at comedy-not the comedy where it’d have you laughing till you hit the ground holding your stomach. But you can make the audience let out a laugh with his facial expressions imo. I agree-Ron is so good at deadpan xD I think out of all the Siu Sung’s, Bosco is the best at Comedy, followed by kenneth, Ron..etc. They all can do a pass for light comedy imo, but if you’re talking about real good solid comedic acting…nuh uh. There hasn’t been a real good tvb comedic series in a long time.
Was thinking that too. But TVB comedy has been OTT slapstick humour for so long and none of their current actors can pull it off.
can’t wait! must be a good one !
Will this be an actual series or are they only filming a sales presentation?? I have not seen a good ancient series from TVB for a long time so am looking forward to this one if it will be an actual series.
the only good comedy that tvb have ever produced are those with chow sing chi,the rest is all cheesy,and not funny at favorite tvb comedy all time is final combat with stephen chow and francis ng. the best duo.
Fresh pairing. I like to see mor chemistry between Ron and Myolie.
They have paired up in the past so not sure if you call this pairing “fresh”. I loved them in Lost in the Chamber of Love, therefore, I would love to see them together in an ancient comedy again.
Oh is it. I forgot. To me it is fresh because I don’t c them as a pair that often. And anyway I like Myolie and Ron as onscreen couple.
Yea, I have not seen them together in a long long time so it is great to see them together again. Anyways,lets hope that the plot and script are good.
So far they’ve been paired up 3 times, most recently seen in Triumph 2, it’s probably a bit too soon to see them again but they make a decent on screen couple.
I meant in an ancient series. I really miss seeing them together in an ancient time setting.
Is this Him’s first ancient series? He looks nice in ancient costume. TVB has not made an ancient series in a long time so glad they are finally making one.
Yes this is Him’s first time in ancient series. I gotta say, he does look good in ancient costume.
He does but lets hope that he acts well.
Eliza looks cute in ancient though I worry about her handling ancient dialogue.
Ron finally leading again? Hope he makes a breakthrough
Have you guys seen the stills for the sales presentation of this series? It’s really fake and exaggerating…
This kind of silly comedy is not for me.
LOL, even without seeing the sales presentation I could predict that the comedy would be lazy exaggerations. That’s just TVB’ style noawadays.
That’s true… The comedy that I’ve hopes in is My Prine Lady. Comedy with dayo never fails if I can recall. You’re hired, wars of genders etc.
eh, I’m loving these Myolie Ron pairings.
You people do know they are filming for the sales presentation right? None of this is even for sure. From my experience, sale presentations often differ from the actual drama and the casts always change.
I read in another article that Myolie said that this series will start filming in November so lets hope that it will be the same as the sales presentation.
I will be watching this just for Him Law and Eliza Sam. Hopefully the drama itself will not be disappointing. ^_^
If you hope for a drama to not be disappointing then you should see it for more than just the cast.
Myolie & Him looks super cute !
What’s with all the Myolie & Ron pairing? Ron seems to be finally getting some luck ya??? Ron might not be a great actor but he can do comical roles fine.
Hope this will be great!
the pairing of ron and myolie in an ancient series reminds me of 2005’s lost in the chamber of love
Yes, yes they did. They also paired up in TITS2 and maybe War of destiny?
really looking forward to this!