Wu Chun’s Family Shower Stirs Debate Over Children’s Gender Awareness

Mainland Chinese reality television series Dad is Back <爸爸回来了> aired a controversial first episode on April 24. Inspired by South Korean reality show Superman is Back, Dad is Back follows four celebrity fathers Wu Chun (吴尊), Jia Nailiang (贾乃亮), Li Xiaopeng (李小鹏), and Wang Zhonglei (王中磊) and how they spend their time with their children without a mother for two days.
Wu Chun’s Daughter’s Shower Scene Stirs Controversy
In the first episode, there was a scene of Wu Chun helping her three and a half year-old daughter, Nei Nei, take a shower. Wu Chun completely stripped Nei Nei nude in front of the camera and crew. While her private parts were censored in the broadcast, Nei Nei’s chest and parts of her behind were candidly exposed to the camera. Many viewers expressed that they felt uncomfortable watching the scene. Netizens and the show’s critics chastised Dad is Back for its carelessness and lack of regard for Nei Nei’s privacy. However, there were also those who defended the show, expressing that the complaints were “exaggerated” and that Nei Nei is “just a child, not a grown woman”.
After complaints to the show were filed, the producers of Dad is Back released a statement clarifying their reasons for airing the segment. They expressed that the show’s purpose is to display the frenzied lifestyle of young fathers and that the editors “did not have the heart” to cut the shower scene. In spite of their explanation, they also stated that they understand viewers’ concerns and will delete the sensitive scenes for future reruns of the show.
Discretion between Daughters and Fathers
The first episode of Dad is Back has brought up a lengthy debate about sexual education for young children. Some netizens believe that Nei Nei, now three and a half years old, is at an age where she is beginning to become aware of her gender and sexuality. Some respect and discretion should be expected between fathers and daughters.
To compare, viewers pointed out that in 2013’s Where Are We Going, Dad? <爸爸去哪儿>, the previous season of Dad is Back, no child nudity was involved throughout the season. There was a scene in which Zhang Liang’s (张亮) daughter Angela had to change her drenched pants, and she did so underneath a blanket. Wang Yuelun (王岳伦) changed his child’s clothes behind a door. In another segment, Tian Liang’s (田亮) daughter Sendie, who was not much older than Nei Nei at the time, was left in Jimmy Lin’s (林志颖) care for a day. She did not let Jimmy change her clothes nor sleep with him.
In an online survey of 10,000 votes, 61 percent of the voters believe that a father and daughter should be allowed to take showers together. About 11.5 percent said fathers should only shower with sons, while 20 percent said they do not agree nor disagree.
Many child development experts explained that a child’s sexual curiosity about body parts start at a young age. When it comes to pointing out the differences between a man and a woman, having a shower together is a fast and direct way to educate the child. This is also why many preschools do not have separate bathrooms for boys and girls – when the kids realize that boys and girls go to the bathroom differently, the teacher will point out that it is because their sex is different.
However, experts also emphasized that while children below the age of three do not seem to comprehend the different characteristics between sexes, once they hit three years of age, they will begin to realize these differences. They will also begin to become aware of the concept of gender. Wu Chun’s daughter is almost four years old.
Wu Chun was not the only father on the show who allowed the cameras to record their family showers. Jia Nailang had a bubble bath with his 17-month-old daughter Xiao Tianxin. However, because Xiao Tianxin is still a toddler and thus under the three-year mark, Jia Nailiang did not suffer as much criticism from viewers.
Source: QQ.com
This article is written by Addy for JayneStars.com.
omg, this is such a big stir-up for nothing.
Go naked yourself then, if it is ‘big stir up for nothing’ to you.
This is public nudity, not some private family video or photo
that’s offensive. she’s 3 after all, not an adult. go start an argument else where.
Just go naked yourself. If you’re 30, it’s still okay when you turn 70, after all, it was 40 years ago.
Just like the child will be an adult 20 years from now. This is going by your perverted logic.
whoever you are, you’ve got a very bad mouth.
“that Nei Nei is “just a child, not a grown woman”.”
The child will grow up to be a woman one day and she will be embarrassed at her child nudity, in public.
And exactly she is a child which is perfect landmine for paedophile. Come on, be sensitive to children, please.
Yes and I remember my brother covering up my nephew’s private area when he was lying down in the baby bathtub for a photo. My nephew was only 5 months old or so and it was a private family photo but my brother and sister in law refused to show his private area. Therefore,even if they are babies/little kids,you still need to careful when it comes to nudity and stuff like that.
@HTS, like your brother, I wouldn’t expose my children’s private area to others, especially in snapshots or videos.
If you’re talking about changing nappies, then it can’t be avoided.
I think the majority of us would not agree to showing our children’s privates areas to anyone,especially non family members. I now remember my aunt who is now 59 so is from a different generation took a photo of my cousin showing his private area when he was a baby. When I ran across that photo in the family album, I was a bit shocked so I asked my aunt. She said that it was not a big deal since he was just a little baby. I guess it depends on the person because this particular aunt is from the older generation but is the most modernized one in our family. Or maybe she also holds the view that since they are little babies/kids that it is ok to show their private areas in family photos?
Experts are right when a child 3 above know alot already. I was thinking the same.
Good on your brother.
Well said. I too have a daughter who is now a teenager. I bathed her when she was little, but I would have never invited my next door neighbour who she knew well to see me bath her. So I can’t see the meaning of a parent having his child, boy or girl being watch and filmed by total strangers while being bathed.
Thanks and yes,my brother is very sensitive about that and will not allow anyone to see his son’s private area,except when changing diapers or giving them a bath which is unavoidable.
I remember a family friend who also had a cute little son was only about 1 and a half already know about not showing his private area. There was once when she was changing his diaper and there were people around since she changed in my friend’s room and my friend and both were already in the room. When she was changing his diaper,the little baby was so embarrassed since we were around that he tried to cover up his private area. I was thinking, wow he is sooo young but already knows that he should not let anyone see his private area.
Wu Chun may need to apologize to his poor daughter (Nei Nei) worse than Michael Miu to his own daughter (Phoebe) for…
– if/when anyone video/photo edits those nude videos/photos in all sorts of creative ways
– if/when she is teased throughout school as soon as kids start to giggle about “private” parts, which should remain “private” (not public)
Parents are suppose to protect and think in the best interest of their children, who are not yet able to do for themselves.
Wu Chun or anyone else should never expose their children to being filmed naked by a total stranger. It footage is out there, and it can get in the hands of a pedophile. I do not have a problem with a dad bathing his little daughter, she is his kid, nothing wrong with that. My beef is stripping her down for the reality cameras and having them filmed her while her body is washed. There are certain things that should be off limits to the so called reality tv shows.
I would NOT do that to my daughter or son! I wouldn’t expose my kid on television to begin with. Why is he doing this? ?? For money and fame…totally not worth it in my opinion.
Since the broadcast were eventually censored, the larger public did not see the young child’s exposure. She is 3, yes so still young but there are a lot of pedophiles out there who will enjoy such scenes. As a father at least he should insist the camera to shield some parts of the child, if not the top then the bottom. I know this series aim to show the natural world of the fathers and children and fathers do bath their daughters and it is always innocent until impugned with suggestions of indecency. So Wu Chun is NOT a pedo as some like to claim.
However I am confused with Wu Chun. He spent years shielding his children and wife from the public, to the point of denying their existence and yet when it all went public, he did not hesitate to join this show and drag his 3 year old daughter along. From zero exposure to complete exposure. It doesn’t make sense so my only conclusion is he did this out of his own selfishness. Look at Andy Lau. Same scenario as Wu Chun but you gotta give it to Andy who is a total control freak that shields his wife and child 100% from limelight. Of course unlike Wu Chun, Andy is still very much popular and in demand.
I feel Wu Chun lacks sensibility as a father in this issue. It goes beyond exposing his daughter to the crew. By exposing her quite literally to the public, he is pushing his child into the limelight. It is not about nudity in person; it is more about pushing your child into a situation that she has yet to comprehend and did nothing to shield her from the exposure.
Is he that desperate for fame?
Maybe he is desperate for fame. Honestly, I think he only became popular because he joined Fahrenheit,but out of the 4 members,I feel he is the least talented. Now that he has left the group, his fame has died down and it sank even more after his wife and child were exposed.
With Andy, at Keats he is consistent and still protects them.however, Andy is more open now and even said that he let everyone know when his daughter when she gets old enough is she wants to join the circle in the future. But of course it is way too early to talk about itsince she is still way too young.
Meant to say at least.
Wasn’t he the most popular?
I do not think he is the most popular, BUT if he was it was because a number of people thought he looked the best out of the 4 of them. I personally do not think so, but beauty is subjective. However, in terms of talent, he was the least talented in my opinion.
I always thought he was the most popular in the group. If not him,then who?
If I had to pick who is the most popular,then I would say either Aaron or Jiro.
Perhaps popularity differs in certain regions. I like him the most, being an South East Asian.
I think to count popularity, Wu Chun will still the winner in FLH. His talent is limited not his fans.
Wu Chun should change his name to Wu Tau.
I don’t think so and believe that his popularity has dropped which may have been one of the reasons why he bought his daughter on this show and ended up like this…. sigh…
Wu Chun might be the least talented of the the 4 FRH members, but, he was indeed the most popular.
I also feel that FRH’s initially popularity was due to Wu Chun. Only later, the other members start gaining fans.
I think wu chun is popular because he’s from brunei and people are just curious
I think it was HanaKimi Taiwanese version to shoot Wu Chun to the stardom. Although he was pretty bad at acting or singing, his look and role helped him to gain the most fans in FLH. The wife-daughter scandal last time wasnt that bad. I think the current one is even worse.
To say that Wu Chun has to bring his daughter to the show is desparate for fame is unfair for him. How is Chilam? Is he also running out of fame to get his son to film the show as well? How about the other fathers? Be fair, Wu Chun had his wrong move to let the shower scene to be aired, but it doesnt mean he is desparate for fame.
Andy has family values and Wu Chun has none. Parents tell their kids not to get into stranger’s car. The media and fan are strangers so no need to tell them anything personal or anything at all. Knowing right from wrong.
Wu Chun does not have what it takes to make it in the industry. He knows it and got greedy.
Who does not tell lies. Just don’t forget to filter lies. LOL!
Okay but this needs to stop. Making a bigger deal out of a big deal is not gonna help NeiNei in the future when she grows up and finds her naked video all over the net and how people are looking at HER body while criticizing her father.
cant agree more,its more discusting to hear ppl continue talk about it while they think it is immoral,it wouldnt help her and only make it harder to bear for them.
i still prefer watching 爸爸去哪儿 as its more interesting.
Yup, who does not want a good laugh after a hard working day.
Reality Shows = waste of times
Although I am not watching this show but I feel that any type of shows like this is fake. Do u really think what is shown on TV for the 2 days without the mom is real? I bet u in real life he may not be that helpful, caring, playful, lovely etc with his daughter. I just find that if it’s on TV, they will always make it more interesting which is fake or acting it out. Not sure why people watch shows like this.
Yes, it’s all scripted to show fathers how to start helping with childcare and more. That’s why they suddenly have all these father/child themes in shows nowadays. To set an example for fathers at home.
Cant script the children, I thought you must understand better than that.
The reactions of the kids will tell you that they are acting or not. The father can act but not the kids. They are merely 3-8 years old, they are still innocent. So their actions are very real. If the fathers are not close to them, they will treat the fathers the different way. Look at the Tse kids and Nic Tse and you will know that the fathers in Dad, where are we going are quite close to their children.
I enjoyed this show and I’m dying for the next episode to come. But honestly, they should take out the 8 year-old kid. It’s no longer interesting to watch how a father take care of his pretty-grown-up child. I skipped the entire part of theirs.