Yu Zheng’s “Palace 3” Sets Ratings Record for This Year

After its first three episodes aired on Hunan Satellite TV on March 8, Palace 3 <宮鎖連城> shot to the top of the viewership rankings for evening television dramas, setting a new ratings record for a series’ initial broadcast.
Palace 3, also known as Palace: The Lost Daughter, is the third installment in screenwriter/producer Yu Zheng’s (于正) popular Palace series, which began with Yang Mi’s (楊冪) Palace <宮鎖心玉> in 2011. On its first day of broadcast, Palace 3 topped the viewership chart, beating out another well-liked Hunan TV drama, The Wife’s Secret <妻子的秘密>, which stars Hawick Lau (劉愷威) and Zhao Liying (趙麗穎).
Thanks to its impressive viewership rating of 1.518, Palace 3 also set this year’s newest ratings record for a drama’s initial broadcast on a provincial-level television channel. In addition, the series’ first three episodes racked up more than 10 million views online.
When asked for their impressions of Palace 3, many viewers praised female lead Yuan Shanshan (袁姍姍), whose performance in the series took many of them by surprise. In the past, the actress has mostly portrayed characters who were weak and easily bullied. In Palace 3, however, Shanshan depicts Song Liancheng, a kind-hearted and lively young woman who is a bit of a prankster. Many netizens approved of her playing such a different type of character and said her acting had improved a lot.
Viewers also liked the innocent love story playing out between Song Liancheng and Lu Yi’s (陸毅) Fuchai Hengtai. In the most recent development, Liancheng and Hengtai shyly confessed their love for one another, which led to their first kiss. However, it has been hinted that the drama’s romance will take a darker turn, with many misfortunes in store for the couple.
“Palace 3” Trailer
[vsw id=”wf_hZ4yEPM4″ source=”youtube” width=”500″ height=”375″ autoplay=”no”]
Source: Sohu.com
This article is written by Joanna for JayneStars.com.
Haha! That Yu Zheng has done it again: flaunting success at the face of his detractors.
Well, since this is a successful production, I assume there are no HK actors/actresses participation in this then. LOL!!
LOL valid points terminator!
If I’m not wrong.. There is Alice chan陳煒
Minmin00, you’re right Alice Chan is Yuan Shan Shan’s mother.
1.518? is that % or people? either way, it’s quite a low number….
china ratings and hk ratings = two different things.
1.518% of china is a lot of people.
where does it say it is a percentage?
36 million viewers? not bad at all.
YSS looks different. But glad her acting improved. Means a lot because she is in everything nowadays
I watched all the episodes released and I gotta admit it’s actually pretty decent. And I also noticed YSS’s acting improved and she’s more ‘lookable’ now compare to the last ‘Gong’ series. By ‘lookable’ i mean it’s pleasant to look at.
im not sure if its only me or not. most mainland china actresses look similar LOL
i cant tell the difference nowadays T_____T
they all look the same >_<
most mainland china actresses look similar LOL
i cant tell the difference nowadays T_____T
they all look the same >_<
perhaps but they have different physical features
manchu male fashions + pigtails = ugly
great result for this tv film
can’t wait to see this drama. unlike most people here, I am a fan of yss since Gong 2. I don’t know why people don’t like her.
I’m not a fan of Gong, but saw Yuan Shan Shan on 快樂大本营 this weekend (just got back from tough work travel and needed light and brainless entertainment, please don’t judge me
). I actually quite like her after watching that show. She’s down to earth and easy going, even took a mickey out of netizens dummy spats at her expense like asking her to “roll out ie 滾出entertainment industry”.
Does anybody know where I can watch this online? ><
youtube 宮鎖連城.
paste these word and u will have all the channel
宫锁连城-姗姗陆毅命运互换 于氏宫廷再度来袭
Congratulation to Yuan Shan Shan she is a great actress…amazing already in Gong II…the cast is awesome Lu Yi from Three Kingdom @ …Yang Rong and also the others actors @ actresses…gorgeous drama
I have watched the first 14 episodes. The drama plot is the same as Qiong Yao’s “Plum Trilogy” Mei Hua Ge (梅花烙). Except this time, the third women(mistress) is not a Fox. I wonder if this is a remake of that story, but I doubt it sicne Qiong Yao has an iron fist on her stories adapting to dramas.
Just saw someone already posted the similarities between this and the Qiong Yao story in another article about this series. I was rooting/hurting/ on the Princess side in the original story 梅花烙 and I think I will still root for the Princess this time around if she doesn’t turn evil. The princess was the ultimate victim.
It is not a remake. YZ said inspired by, QY said plagarism. You decide. Yes in the original I pitied the princess because the two leads were too wimpy. Am watching here and there for YZ and whilst he sexed it up (Liu Yi is quite mesmerizing), unfortunately like you said story is same old same old so it is becoming unbearably wimpy. QY always adds modern elements to her impossible love stories, when the problem is easily solved if one just accepts there is no monogamy back then. I think YZ will let our hero and heroine marry and therefore continue on with the struggle.