Nancy Wu Holds a Retro-Themed Birthday Party
Nancy Wu (胡定欣), who turned 36 years old on September 9, celebrated her birthday in an intimate yet festive birthday party with close friends a few days ago. The retro-themed party was attended by members of Nancy’s “Nonsense Club”, as well as Joel Chan (陳山聰), Pal Sinn (單立文), Oscar Leung (梁烈唯), Rosina Lam (林夏薇), Vivien Yeo (楊秀惠), and Benjamin Yuen (袁偉豪).
The birthday girl wore a satin purple dress and a vintage hat draped by a mesh net. The pregnant Myolie Wu (胡杏兒) wore a flowery gown, while Paisley Wu (胡蓓蔚) had on a satin top with a pair of statement earrings.
Complementing the 60s to 70s theme of the birthday party, other attendees wore overalls and hippy dresses. Myolie expressed that she’s interested in holding a themed party for her own birthday, and maybe give out an award for best-dressed.
Sharing a group photo on social media, Nancy Wu wrote, “I can deeply feel everyone’s sincerity. Many things were unexpected. Thank you all for dressing with great care. There’s only one word to describe it all: Awesome!”
This article is written by Addy for
What filters did they used! They all looks like ugly witches…