Kevin Cheng Did Not Meet Up With Charmaine Sheh in China

Filming mainland drama Hero <英雄> in Hengdian, Kevin Cheng (鄭嘉穎) especially returned to Hong Kong to film a commercial for an anti-hair loss product. Since he won the Best Actor Award for the second time, did his fees double? Kevin said, “Let’s not talk about how much the fees were! Anyhow, I am very pleased with renumeration. The advertisers said that it was a great product.” 

Earlier, there were rumors that Kevin had reconciled his relationship with Charmaine Sheh (佘詩曼). It turned out that the pair were both filming in Hengdian for different dramas at this time. Due to the filming proximity, did this yield additional opportunities for them to reconcile their relationship? Kevin laughed, “Although we are only separated by a block, we did not see each other. I celebrated the Lunar New Year with the production crew.”

After filming the hair-loss commercial in Hong Kong, Kevin will return to mainland China to resume filming Hero. Aside from Hero, Kevin will be filming two mainland dramas set in the early Pre-Modern period.

Source: Oriental Daily

Jayne: Kevin looks well-rested and youthful in the above photo. Earlier, when he was filming Ghetto Justice 2 in Hong Kong, he looked very haggard.

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      1. He was spokesperson for svenson, not a product but a company! And Moses does look like he was losing his hair but Kevin???

      2. @Funn

        LOL agreed. Moses does look like he’s losing hair 😀

    1. Funn,

      I think it keeps the hair u have, not regrow lost hair. Most men Kevin’s age have receding hairline. So either Kevin is genetically blessed or that stuff really works.

  1. He has his moments but I don’t find anything special about him.

      1. How about being very handsome? Ok acting wise ignore but looks? Surely that deserves like 50 points at least?

      2. Once again, talent as well as beauty are in the eyes of the beholder….

  2. Filming in HK is more tiring than mainland due to the lack of sleep and rest. No wonder Kevin looks more well rested in the above photo. I hope his dramas will be high rating like BBJX.

    1. Then also give credit to Micheal as Micheal has a fair chance to shine?

  3. I just wanted to add that time will tell if this is all true or not. We will only know with time since artists are not known to be telling the truth most of the time…

  4. Good to see Kevin looking well rested now that all that rush is over. I somehow feel that he is keeping something up his sleeve with Charmaine. He sounds too casual re the whole matter. He certainly has a hidden agenda!And as HeTieShou has reiterated always, time will eventually tell what really happens and I hope I’m right.

  5. I disagree. If Kevin has something going on with Charmaine, he wouldn’t respond so casually. The truth is reporters have nothing else to write, so they always ask the same questions over and over. What else can they write about Kevin?

      1. Probably b/c he wouldn’t commit to her.
        That’s why I think Moses never truly loved bernice either.

  6. I hope they didn’t get back together, Kevin is just to damn sexy for CharMAN

    1. Charmaine looks too old to be her character in the new series 4 In Love.

      1. agreed!

        I’ve also never found her pretty especially after her weight loss…the first thing you see when you look at her is the incredibly big mouth.

      2. TVB better find some replacement soon for its aging fadans.

        4 in love with Moses again, LOL

      3. Oscar would be perfect for Moses role. Moses was horrible again. and cast some younger and prettier fadan for Charmaine’s role. TVB could’ve use this 4 in Love series to promote new siu sang and fadans because it’s a ‘Love’ series that’s easy to be audience favourite!

      4. Sire Ma or Mandy will be pretty enough for the superstar role! They just need a makeover!

      5. yeah, i also think Oscar would be perfect for that role. And a YOUNGER newbie actress would just be fine.

      6. Not sure how old chloe is supposed to be but they said Moses’ character is 40 when he was admitted to the ER.

        Sorry but I don’t think sire or mandy are prettier than charmaine. (Fala is the prettiest fadan but that’s for another thread.) They are definitely younger but not enough star power to lead a series.

      7. 4 in love? Oscar in Moses’ role? Nahhhh wrong casting. He can be the best bud next to him.

        Charmaine is not too old. The wig is making her look old whilst trying to give her a younger look. Not sure her age but I feel Charmaine can play her age or just play herself. After all you can’t be THAT famous (as in Chloe, the international superstar!) and yet be too young and want to retire, all at the same time.

        I am tired of moses as well. For once I do think Kenneth Ma would have been perfect for this ordinary guy role. At least he can pout all he wants. Charmaine and Moses somehow… the chemistry is not there in this series. and right now the series is ok but to drag it into a full series, meaning adding other unnecessary characters that I don’t care about will wear down the storyline, which at episode 2 is already is. Should have been better as a mini movie in a series as in each story given 5 episodes sorta format.

      8. Mandy or sire ma wouldn’t work for this role. I understand why Charmaine is cast. She is already famous, as is her role. Perhaps Sire ma and Mandy could be well cast for the other 2 ladies roles in this series.

        Why not change the storyline? Let Kevin be “international superstar” who falls for an ordinary girl. Could happen. RIght now moses’ character being the almost obsessed fan is rather… scary.

      9. Kenneth can be a right fit! At least still better than Moses. I missed his age but I can’t stand Moses in this character. He looks creepy and too old to act like this.

        How old is Chloe? Ok maybe those girls are too green and young so let’s list more famous actresses that may fit for Chloe but look prettier than Charmaine. Fala will be pretty and popular enough?

      10. I think Oscar is more able to play a MK guy. Well he can play a delinquent student that falls in love with a rich/celeb transfer student something like that.

        One can be famous while still fairly young i.e. famous parents, childhood actress or just a young model that gets recognition fast.

        This series could’ve been great with cheaper financing by using Oscar and some younger actress instead it’s the same boring cast all over again.

        Wonder if HK housewives will give this a chance or not…

      11. The best is make the MK guy younger so that Oscar is best fit for the character and it won’t look like a creepy obsessed old man. Then make the famous superstar a younger idol who’s at the top of her popularity but still young in her 20s so that we can watch a new younger and prettier star promoted for the role.

      12. Amen to that, LOL

        Saw some pics of how Moses looked like in this MK guy wear and it was not convincing whatsoever.

        Can’t understand why people want to torture themselves with this, hehe

        Viv. hope you are ok la, it’s not healthy throwing up everyday, LOL

      13. I think Charmaine looks young, and I agree with Funn that it’s her wig that makes her look old. She should have acted her age, reason being: She is that famous and popular now. Totally realistic.

      14. IMO, i think they should cast TY or LInda as the superstar many said, Charmaine is a bit too “old” for this role even her appearance doesn’t look that “mature” but ppl knew she’s in her past midst 30s.

        I think either Linda or TY can really act great in “superstar”. Maybe they should try out Elaine (frm BP), she has the sophiscated looks now.

      15. “Moses was horrible again. and cast some younger and prettier fadan for Charmaine’s role. “

        Disagree that Moses is horrible. I think he portrayed the super fan very well. He’s also convincing as an ordinary layman.

        “Sire Ma or Mandy will be pretty enough for the superstar role! They just need a makeover!”

        Mandy might still be acceptable, but, Sire Ma look too young. Chloe is not a lengmo. She’s an international superstar who has won many awards (tv reporter in the series said she’s a frequent figure in awards shows) and has been in the industry for nearly 10 years.

        ” and right now the series is ok but to drag it into a full series, meaning adding other unnecessary characters”

        I disagree that those are unnecessary characters. This not a one main plot linear storyline like BP. These characters are not added to drag out the series. This series is purposely made to feature 4 love stories involving slightly/barely related characters. It’s done in the format of Chungking Express and Hot Summers Day. I applaud the Chik team for trying yet another new way of storytelling instead of just the same old formulaic storytelling that many TVB series use. Chik Kei Yi and Chow Yuk Ming is very capable of writing a traditional straightforward plot as can be seen with WAB and DOP. They chose to do something different.

        “IMO, i think they should cast TY or LInda as the superstar role.”</i.

        I keep thinking of Fala when I watch Chloe.

      16. I never thought fala when I see chloe. I do think Charmaine is well cast. I just don’t like her wig and the attempt to make her look younger because she ends up looking older.

        The other characters is essential to make a 20 episode series but are they necessary? I don’t think so. This will diversify the series and the viewers’ attention. Already I feel by episode 3 the story is getting… sorta stale and suddenly there’s the hotshot not so handsome dude seducing women, etc, I find that scene about the whole supermarket thing so longwinded and frustrating. Smart script? Nope. That scene alone is terribly pretentious. I just wish they go back to Chloe and just kick everybody else out.

        And I don’t get why chloe likes Super fan. Why? Hear the way he speaks to the old men in the shop? I know when being rude means being very familiar but rude till saying things like when you’re dead buy coffin sort of dialogue, I find super fan super annoying at this moment. I see nothing likeable in him. Chloe so far is 2 dimensional except for that UFO bit. But other than that I wouldn’t call this series nonsense, it is entertaining but lightweight entertainment. If it is about love, it is very weird sort of love. So far I don’t find any of the pairs romantic or engaging BUT I like the idea of the superstar tired of being a superstar.

        Now 4 in love… so far I see only 3 pairs. Whose the 4th pair?

        And what is the monk doing in Mongkok?!

      17. @Kidd I definitely agree about what you said about the series.
        Both WHB and 4 in Love are quite experimental productions. Both have strong storytelling, but pacing was what went wrong with WHB and right with 4 in Love.
        Really enjoying the series at the moment. The individual snapshots of each couple’s interactions are interesting.

        And I agree that Fala will make a good Chloe. Charmaine’s not bad too, just that wig is horrible.

      18. At this moment I am not impressed with Moses. I mean he isn’t terrible but I do feel for a man that old to be that obsessed is kinda scary. Maybe a younger man? Also scary. But why can’t Chloe like a younger man?

      19. Is fala convincing as international superstar?

        “I applaud the Chik team for trying yet another new way of storytelling instead of just the same old formulaic storytelling that many TVB series use. ”

        Sorry but I disagree. This is not new format. This is formulaic storytelling, short of giving each character a nickname. It’s nothing new.

      20. @ Funn

        “The other characters is essential to make a 20 episode series but are they necessary? I don’t think so.

        I guess all the other characters except Faye Wong and Tony Leung is not necessary in Chungking Express. Nic Tse, Barbie Xu, Angelababy are not neccessary and only Jacky Cheung and Rene Liu matters?

        This will diversify the series and the viewers’ attention. Already I feel by episode 3 the story is getting… sorta stale and suddenly there’s the hotshot not so handsome dude seducing women, etc, I find that scene about the whole supermarket thing so longwinded and frustrating. Smart script? Nope. That scene alone is terribly pretentious. I just wish they go back to Chloe and just kick everybody else out.”

        You are just too used to TVB formalaic storytelling and can’t appreciate anything different or experimental.

        “Sorry but I disagree. This is not new format. This is formulaic storytelling, short of giving each character a nickname. It’s nothing new.”

        How many TVB series have u seen that used this ‘formulaic’ storytelling. I’m not saying it’s totally brand new that no one has used it before. But, in TVB, it’s quite new.

      21. @Funn:

        U didn’t like the supermarket scene? I thought it was funny that she (the consumer) eventually bought his product (the sausage). 😀

        The 4th couple is kenny the sportscastor and elvina Kong the anchorwoman.

        Anyway, I see this series as a mix of “notting hill” and “love… actually”. I hope it will be as good.

        As for Moses, I’ll give him more time to evaluate if he can be as bumbly and charming as Hugh grant in NH. I give him props for actually doing the underwear scene though. He could’ve demanded boxers for more coverage.

      22. No I didn’t because a huge dialogue is given to someone who is hard to understand as it is, the whole idea reminds me of… was it Beautiful Mind about how a pretty girl settles for the ordinary guy and ended up with no one or something like that. As in evaluating women and relationships through economics, in this one it is supermarket and consumerism. I find these 3 guys pretty sad and desperate, 2 of them actually. No I didn’t like that scene at all.

      23. @Funn True that the three of them were quite sad. True that moses is rather rude and sad for idolising someone when he’s 40. But we need to remember what the series is about. Falling in love for everyone – for the rich, the famous, the average joe, and those below, that’s why they have so many different types of couples. Even if they are trio of losers, still can find love.
        And the whole show can’t be about Charmaine, unless it’s about her loving herself. If I want a dose of sweet saccharine love, I watch korean or taiwan drama with perfect brooding heroes and spunky heroines, etc, or read a regency romance.
        I’m also looking forward to Ethan, Vicki and Shuqi’s new movie about Love. The trailers look very good.

      24. ” I give him props for actually doing the underwear scene though. He could’ve demanded boxers for more coverage.”

        The version I saw didn’t have the underwear scene. Which version did you watch?

      25. Ok. Saw this scene liao. I thought it’s in the beginning where Moses want to run out nude to mislead the reporters. But, it turns out to be at the end.

  7. Wah, I seem to have said something wrong and now find so many anti Charmaine comments! Who then, do yu think is good enough for Kevin, Liu Shi Shi? They looked so good together at the Anhui presentation ceremony where he was awarded most popular actor in Bu Bu Jing Xin.

    1. Don’t worry, u didn’t say anything wrong. Charm has a lot of haters waiting to pounce at the mention of her name. No big deal.

      As for Kevin, not sure who would be suitable for him. He seems to like tall girls w/ long hair. But I hope that he chooses a hk girl. Ya know, support home grown instead of mainland imports.

      1. “But I hope that he chooses a hk girl. Ya know, support home grown instead of mainland imports.”

        What happened to HK and China being one country, 2 system? I hope he just find someone who is talented instead of you know… glamour model and nothing else. Looks unlikely.

      2. Ok basically, I just want him to pick a girl who speaks Cantonese. Or at least can learn quickly like Lynn hung.
        Beauty and nice personality is enough, talent might be asking for too much.

    2. Liu Shi Shi? No no!! Too young. He is already sorta boring, she is also sorta boring, together they will be boring. Eh, they complete each other! No no! Charmaine is the one. Bomb me, I don’t care. They look good together. Shi shi is just like little sister. I don’t care if she rolled around the grass with Kevin. Moreover, Shi Shi is with Yuan Hong! No other!

      1. Charmaine and Kevin do look good, but I hope Charmaine will find someone else. 😛 And Liu Shi Shi with Kevin, that’s like a big NO-NO. Hahah.

      2. LSS with Kevin or Nicky Wu are just errr… a little unsettling. They have a 17yrs age gap. What does a 40something yr old has in common with a barely 24yr old??

  8. hmmm… for some reason, the case of Charmaine and Kevin reminds me of Christopher Lee and Fann Wong

  9. I would like Kevin act with FBB or Ruby. I think Ruby and Kevin would make a wonderful couple. I don’t hate Charmaine, I do like some of her series. But I just never found her that beautiful, or that great of an actress. However it doesn’t matter how I feel, if she does make Kevin happy then I will be glad for him =)

    1. Ruby? no! Although they both are good looking, both Kevin and Ruby has a very deadpan look when they act. Together they will be dull and duller.
      FBB will be better.

    2. Charmaine is so pretty! Love her acting! She matches Kevin really well. Just my opinion…

  10. You know, I think Kevin is happy to keep us guessing about his love life. He is clever enough to remain single and everybody can say anything about him, where else there is certainly nothing interesting to talk about his friends and colleagues who are already “attached” like Myolie and Bosco, Michael Tse, Raymond Wong and others. Nowadays Raymond Lam is keeping very low key since his last scandal. There’s no more fun talking about Moses too. So, there remains Kevin quite all alone and so gets almost all the attention. Like Funn, I do hope it’s eventually Kevin and Charmaine!

  11. Kevin has money so he may chase after an 18-30 lady instead of 30+. Love is something but sex is also something. At the age of 40s like Kevin, he needs a sexy, energized girl to show him the meaning of life.

      1. If 50 yr old chase after him, Kevin better run. Cougar on the loose!

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