TVB Halts “Memories Beyond Horizon” Broadcast in Hong Kong

TVB collaborated with Zhejiang Television and Youku to produce variety show Memories Beyond Horizon <無限超越班>, where actors recreate scenes from classic Hong Kong dramas. Top Hong Kong such as Charmaine Sheh (佘詩曼), Sheren Tang (鄧萃雯), Kara Wai (惠英紅), Francis Ng (吳鎮宇), and Maggie Cheung (張可頤) provide feedback to younger artistes. As the show was highly anticipated in China, the decision was made to broadcast in Hong Kong at the same time.

However,  Memories Beyond Horizon  was suddenly pulled from air this Saturday in Hong Kong. TVB announced  A Time of Love <愛情來的時候> and The Threat of Love < LOVING YOU我愛你> will be airing starting next week instead. The broadcaster halted of Memories Beyond Horizon, as they found the Chinese version of the show quite long, and will be cutting a version that would be more suitable for the Hong Kong audience. The new target broadcast date will be in March.

Netizens were very supportive of this idea, as they felt that the pacing of the show was too slow. It had too many sections focused on memories, and there were also many commercials. The content was not well organized, asthe games, behind-the-scenes clips, and artiste gatherings were all lumped together.

Source: [1]

This article is written by Kiki for

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  1. Cultural differences… Hearing the mentors spending in strongly accent Mandarin is just uncomfortable to my ears. I prefer to hear them in Cantonese.. So much more fun…

  2. Watched this for Charmaine & Derek Yee. I find that most of the judges’ panel are too lenient on some of the participants. Francis is the only one who doesn’t mince his words, and his remarks are one of the (comedic) highlights of this show.

    The recent CNY special where they played games are funny though, they invited Tony Leung Ka Fai and he’s very sporting.

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