Raymond Wong Declines Commenting on TVB’s Alleged Plagiarism

TV Funny <玩轉三周1/2>, has been touted as one of TVB’s largest variety shows in years, featuring the guest appearances of 100 artists. However, Apple Daily, scathingly noted that TV Funny plagiarized ideas, set design, character design, and filming techniques from American show, MADtv, and Japanese show, Shimura Theater <志村劇場>. The media blasted TVB for lacking zero creativity in blatantly copying ideas from other sources.

In recent years, TVB’s drama productions have also shown close resemblance to Hollywood, Japanese, Korean, and even mainland Chinese productions. Although TVB managed to adapt the subject themes to cater to local Hong Kong flavor, it was often at the price of public ridicule. While TV Funny thrived on parodies, Apple Daily pointed out that the ideas in certain parts of this week’s broadcast duplicated Hollywood and Japanese variety shows. 

TVB Insider is Whistle Blower?

Aside from sharp-eyed netizens noticing the similiarity of TV Funny to overseas shows, it was speculated that a TVB insider also alerted the public of the company’s alleged plagiarism. Prior to an episode broadcast of TV Funny earlier this week, an anonymous netizen alerted the public that the material resembled Shimura Theater. The whistleblower may well be a TVB insider who had already seen the advanced footage and was unsettled with TVB’s “adaptation.”

Raymond Wong: “It Depends on How You Present It” 

At a promotional event yesterday, Raymond Wong (黃浩然) was asked to comment on TV Funny’s alleged plagiarism of overseas games shows. Although he had appeared as a guest on TV Funny, Raymond said he was not clear on the details of the alleged plagiarism.

“It is often the case that dramas contain the same material. It depends on how you present it,” Raymond remarked. Asked whether he felt that TVB was a “copycat,”  Raymond said, “It is difficult to comment. Please do not erase everyone’s sacrifices!”

Raymond believed that if the Hong Kong audience were never exposed to such entertainment topics, then it can be introduced and adapted for local market use.

Sources: Oriental Daily, ihktv.com, lifetv.com

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  1. TV Funny is so low-B and unfunny that it makes Shaw Brothers’ and Raymond Wong’s mou-liu CNY movies look like gems.

    1. Note that Raymond Wong in my comment is Wong Bak Ming.

  2. Even if they did plagiarise, the comedy is NOTHING compared to the the other two shows. -.-

    1. Short summary from Mandy: @胡杏兒 失戀,「胡說八道會」成員黃智雯、胡定欣、胡蓓蔚忙加安慰。@黃智雯Mandy 對Bosco有所保留,「我唔熟佢,唔評論,但我點都會企喺杏兒嗰邊,Bosco口花花,好氹得人,同佢做朋友係好開心,但搵男朋友,都係踏實型好!」http://t.cn/zWWiOwi

      1. Indirect meaning:
        -Mandy support Myolie; doesn’t know Bosco well
        -Mandy thinks Bosco is flowery(flirty), Mandy want a practical boyfriend

      2. Because Nancy and Sharon have better EQ than to comment on someone else’s bedroom story har har har. And maybe these two are friends with Bosco too while Mandy:

        -I don’t know him, no comment, but someone flirtatious like him will be fun as friend but not as my boyfriend. <—NO COMMENT? Harharhar

      3. Mandy is hot anyway in Tiger Cubs. She looks her age which is 30, but ok as a cop.

  3. Jesus Christ TVB, fire your idiotic writers.
    No, not because they can’t write, but because they chose really popular shows to rip from.

    For example, instead of madTV, rip off “The Chris Rock show”.


  4. oh gosh dd thts so true… rip off shows tht r good man… but cn thy find an actor to be tht funny

  5. I do not have a problem with this issue. Plagiarism is a strong word. If a show or series adapt a similar theme to another one it will still have their own different entertainers and settings. Do not see the problem why people are so intent to pick on this issue. If one has seen it before, then one has the option of not watching. The main issue is entertaining the audience!!

  6. I’ve watched about 7 episodes of TV Funny now and it’s totally horrendous and nothing close to being funny. The only episode that I moderately enjoy is the basketball one with Myolie, Ron, Moses, etc. The rest are really silly.

    1. Because TVB has balls, it will generate more viewers.

  7. Honestly I don’t find the show that funny but I really don’t see how it’s plagiarized. I admit I only saw a few episodes so I can’t speak about all of them but from the ones I saw, those episodes were based on stuff TVB did in the past. One episode was based on EYT and and others were based on sketches from anniversary shows like 20 years ago. Unless the episodes after week one are completely different than the one I saw, otherwise, this report is nonsense.

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